विक्षनरी:हिन्दी-अंग्रेजी शब्दकोश : स
हिन्दी-अंग्रेजी शब्दकोश के मुखपृष्ठ पर चलें
- स sa -- the last of the sibilant-trio (श, ष, स) of the Devanagari alphabet. In Hindi sound-pattern, this one happens to bethe most dominant of the three; used as a prefix to mean accompanied by, along with, with (as सपत्नीक, accompanied by one's wife); belonging to the same, alike; having affinity (as सगोत्र); good (as सपूत).
- संकट sāṉkaṭ -- (nm) a crisis, emergency; danger, hazard.
- संकट की घड़ी -- hour of crisis, critical moment.
- संकट की स्तिति -- emergency, crisis.
- संकट-केबादल मँडराना -- a crisis to hover around.
- संकट के साथी -- a friend in need.
- संकटपूर्ण/मय -- dangerous, hazardous.
- संकटस्थ -- in distress, in the grip of a crisis.
- संकटापन्न sāṅkaṭa:pann -- (a) in distress, in difficulty, afflicted.
- संकर sāṅkar -- (a) hybrid, cross; intergrade.
- संकरज -- cross-breed.
- संकरता -- hybridism.
- संकर शब्द -- a hybrid word.
- संकरण sāṅkaran -- (nm) heterodyne; cross-breeding; hybridization.
- सँक/रा sākra: -- (a) narrow; strait.
- सँकरे में पड़ना -- to be in difficulty, to be in distress.
- संकरी/करण sāṅkari:karaṉ -- (nm) hybridization, cross-breeding; hence संकरीकृत (a).
- संकल/न sāṅkalan -- (nm) compilation; collection; assemblage; summation.
- संकलक/नकर्त्ता -- a compiler, assembler.
- संकलप sāṅkalap -- (nm) see संकल्प.
- संकलपना sāṅkalpanā: -- (v) see संकल्पना.
- संकलित saṅkalit -- (a) compiled, collected; amassed, assembled.
- संकल्प sāṅkalp -- (nm) determination, resolve; resolution, will; animus.
- संकल्प शक्ति -- will power.
- संकल्प करना -- to resolve; to gift away.
- संकल्प पारित करना -- to pass a resolution.
- संकल्पना sāṅkalpna: -- (nf) concept; (v) to make a resolve; to conceive (of).
- संकल्पनावाची -- conceptual.
- संकल्पनावाची शब्द -- a conceptual word.
- संकल्प/वाद sāṅkalpva:d -- (nm) voluntarism.
- संकल्पवादी -- a voluntarist; voluntaristic.
- संल्पनात्मक sāṅkalpana:tmāk -- (a) conceptual; pertaining to resolution/determination.
- संकल्पित sāṅkalpit -- (a) imaginary, fancied; conceptual.
- संका/य saṅka:y -- (nm) a faculty (in a University).
- संकायाध्यक्ष -- Dean (of a faculty).
- संकीर्ण sāṅki:rṉ -- (a) parochial, narrow.
- संकीर्णता -- parochialism, narrowness.
- संकीर्तन saṅki:rtan -- (nm) (collective) singing of hymns/devotionalsongs.
- संकुचित sāṅkuchit -- (a) parochial, narrow; mean; contracted.
- संकुचित-दृष्टि -- narrow/parochial outlook.
- संकुल sāṅkul -- (a) crowded; congested; confused, chaotic.
- संकुलता -- crowdedness, congestion.
- संकेत sāṅket -- (nm) a sign; signal; indication, hint; tip; token; rendezvous.
- संकेत चिन्ह -- abbreviations.
- संकेत शब्द -- a keyword.
- संकेत स्थल -- rendezvous.
- संकेत वाक्य -- logogram.
- संकेतक sāṅketak -- (nm and a) a pointer; indicative (of).
- संकें/द्रण sāṅkendrāṉ -- (nm) concentration.
- संकेंद्रित -- concentrated.
- संकेतित sanketit -- (a) indicated, hinted, pointed.
- संकोच sāṅkoch -- (nm) hitch, hesitation; shyness; contraction संकोचशील shy, bashful; reserved; hesitant; hence संकोचशीलता (nf).
- संकोची sāṅkochi: -- (a) hesitant; reserved; shy, bashful.
- संक्रमण sāṅkramaṉ -- (nm) infection; contagion; transition; transgression.
- संक्रमण काल -- transitional period.
- संक्रमणनाशक -- disinfectant.
- संक्रमणशील -- infectious, infective; hence संक्रमणशीलता( nf), संक्रमित (a).
- संक्रमक sāṅkra:mak -- (a) infectious; contagious.
- संक्रमक रोग -- an infectious/contagious disease.
- संक्रमण sāṅkra:man -- (nm) causing to be infected; causing contagion; transference/transfer.
- संक्रिया sāṅkriya: -- (nf) operation.
- संक्रियात्मक -- operational.
- संक्षिप्त sāṅkshipt -- (a) brief, short, summary; abridged.
- संक्षिप्त टिप्पणी -- abrief note.
- संक्षिप्तता -- brevity; abridgement.
- संक्षिप्त संस्करण -- abridged edition.
- संक्षिप्तावृत्ति sāṅkshipta:vritti -- (nf) recapitulation.
- संक्षिप्ति sāṅkshipti -- (nf) abridgement; brevity.
- संक्षिप्तीकरण sāṅkshipti:karāṉ -- (nm) summarization; abridgement.
- संक्षब्ध sāṅkshubdh -- (a) turbulent; agitated.
- संक्षेप sāṅkshep -- (nm) a compendium; summary, brief; abbreviation; abridgement.
- संक्षेपतः -- in brief/short.
- संक्षेप में -- in short, in brief; summarily.
- संक्षेपण sāṅkshepāṅ -- (nm) abridgement; summarization; precis.
- संक्षेपाक्षर sāṅkshepa:kshar -- (nm) initials; abbreviation.
- संखिया sāṅkhiya: -- (nf) arsenic, white arsenic.
- संखिया देना -- to poison; to administer arsenic.
- संख्यक sāṅkhyak -- used as an adjectival suffix denoting number, numbering (as अल्पसंख्यक forminga minority in numbers).
- संख्यांकन sāṅkhya:ṅkan -- (nm) numbering.
- संख्या sāṅkhya: -- (nf) a number; numeral; figure; strength; degree.
- संख्यातीत -- innumerable.
- संख्यात्मक -- numerical.
- संख्यात्मक दृष्टि से -- numerically (speaking).
- संग sāṅg -- (nm) company, association.
- संगठन sāṅgaṭḥan -- (nm) (the act or process of) organization (or anorganised body or system orsociety); union, unity; consolidation.
- संगठन में शक्ति है -- union is strength.
- संगठित sāṅgaṭḥit -- (a) organised.
- संगण/न, संगणना sāṅgaṉān -- (nm) ~nā: (nf) computation; reckoning.
- संगण करना -- to compute/reckon.
- संगत sāṅgat -- (nf) company; accompaniment; (a) relevant; logical, rational; compatible.
- संगत करना -- toaccompany.
- संगतकार -- an accompanist.
- संगतता -- rationality; logicality; relevance; compatibility.
- संगतरा/श sāṅgtara:sh -- (nm) a stone-cutter/carver/dresser.
- संगतराशी -- stonecutting/carving/dressing.
- संगति sāṅgati -- (nm) company, association; consistency/consistence; compatibility; rationality; coherence, harmony; relevance.
- संगति देना -- to rationalise.
- संगति बैठना -- to beharmonised; to become coherent/cogent; to tally.
- संगतिया sāṅgatiya: -- (nm) an accompanyist.
- संगम sāṅgam -- (nm) a confluence; union; junction, juncture; federation.
- संगमन -- meeting, coming together.
- संगर sāṅgar -- (nm) a battle, fighting, hedge.
- संग/लन sāṅgalan -- (nm) fusion.
- संगलक; -- fuse.
- संगलित -- fused.
- संगाती sāga:ti: -- (nm) a companion; an associate.
- संगीनी sāṅginī: -- (nf) a female companion.
- संगी sāṅgi: -- (nm) a companion; an associate.
- संगी साथी -- friends and companions.
- संगीत sāṅgi:t -- (nm) music.
- संगीत , कंठ -- vocal music.
- संगीतकार -- a composer.
- संगीत नाटक -- an opera.
- संगीत निदेशक -- musicdirector.
- संगीत वाद्य -- instrumentalmusic.
- संगीत विभाग -- department ofmusic.
- संगीत , शास्त्रीय -- classical music.
- संगीत-संकाय -- faculty of music.
- संगीतज्ञ sāṅgi:taggy -- (nm) a musician, one well-versed in music; hence संगीतज्ञता (nf).
- संगीताचाय sāṅgi:ta:cha:ry -- (nm) master of musical art; a great musical composer.
- संगीतात्मक sāṅgi:ta:tmak -- (a) musical; melodious.
- संगीतात्मकता -- musicality; element of music, musical quality, melodiousness.
- संगीन sāṅgi:n -- (nf) bayonet; (a) serious; critical.
- संगीन जुर्म -- seriouscrime.
- संगीन हालत -- critical condition.
- संगीन की नोक पर -- at the pointof the bayonet.
- संगृहित sāṅgrihi:t -- (a) collected; gathered, amassed; compiled.
- संग्रह sāṅgreh -- (nm) collection; compilation; compendium; repository, deposit, storage; reserve.
- संग्रहकर्त्ता -- compiler, one who collects/stores/compiles.
- संग्रहण sāṅgrahāṉ -- (nm) collection; reception.
- संग्रहणशील -- receptive.
- संग्रहणशीलता -- receptivity.
- संग्रहणी sāṅgrahṉī: -- (nf) an acute form of chronic diarrhoea.
- संग्रहणीय sāṅgraha:ṉī:y -- (a) fit to be collected/preserved, fit to beacquired; hence संग्रहणीयता (nf).
- संग्रहालय sāṅgraha:lay -- (nm) a museum.
- संग्रही sāṅgrahi: -- (a) given to collection/accumulation, of accumulative disposition.
- संग्राम sāṅgra:m -- (nm) war, battle; fight, combat.
- संग्राहक saṅgra:hak -- (a) receptive.
- संग्राहकता -- receptivity.
- संघ saṅgh -- (nm) a federation; union; league, organisation, association.
- संघचारी -- gregarian, moving ingroups.
- संघ न्यायालय -- Union court.
- संघ-भीव/भावना/वृत्ति -- esprit de corps, team spirit.
- संघवाद -- federalism.
- संघवादी -- a federalist; federalistic.
- संघटक saṅghaṭak -- (a) component, constituent; (nm) component/constituent part, ingredient.
- संघटक तत्त्व -- constituent factor; component, ingredient.
- संघटन saṅghaṭan -- (nm) organisation; formation; constitution, composition.
- संघट्ट saṅghaṭṭ -- (nm) impact, collision; multitude; hence संघट्टन (nm).
- संघर्ष saṅgharsh -- (nm) struggle; conflict, strife, friction.
- संघर्षशील -- prone to struggle; hence संघर्षशीलता (nf).
- संघर्षण saṅgharshaṉ -- (nm) struggle/struggling; conflict/conflicting, friction, strife.
- संघर्षी saṅgharshi: -- (a) fricative; struggling, conflicting.
- संघात saṅgha:t -- (nm) stroke, blow; heap, multitude.
- संघाधिपत्य/वाद saṅgha:dhipattyva:d -- (nm) syndicalism.
- संघाधिपत्यवादी -- a syndicalist; syndicalistic.
- संघाराम saṅgha:ra:m -- (nm) a Buddhist monastery.
- संघी saṅghi: -- (nm) member of a sangh; (a) belonging or pertaining to a sangh; federal.
- संघीय saṅghi:y -- (a) federal; pertaining to union, union.
- संचय sāṅchay -- (nm) accumulation, collection: reserve, deposit; hoard; hence संचयन (nm), संचयशील (a), संचयशीलता (nf).
- संचयी sāṇchai: -- (a) who accumulates/collects/saves.
- संचरण sāṇcharāṉ -- (nm) transmission; movement (of a body etc); hence संचरणशील (a), संचरणशीलता (nf).
- संचलन sāṇchalān -- (nm) movement; locomotion.
- संचायक saṇcha:yak -- (nm) one who accumulates, accumulator.
- संचार sāṇcha:r -- (nm) communication; transmission; movement.
- संचार-मंत्रालय -- Ministry of Communications.
- संचार मंत्री -- Minister for Communications.
- संचार साधन -- means ofcommunication.
- व्यवस्था -- communication system.
- संचारण sāṇcha:rāṇ -- (nm) (the act or process of) communication, transmission: movement.
- संचारी sāṇcha:ri: -- (a) communicable; mobile, moving; an auxiliarysentiment in Poetics which strengthens the main sentiment (alsocalled संचारी-भाव).
- संचारी रोग -- a communicable disease.
- संचारेक्षण sāṇcha:rekshāṉ -- (nm) monitoring.
- संचारेक्षण-व्यवस्था -- monitoringsystem.
- संचालक sāṇcha:lak -- (nm) a director; conductor: hence संचालकता (nf).
- संचालन sāṅcha:lan -- (nm) direction; conduction (as of a meeting etc.).
- संचालित sāṇcha:lit -- (a) directed, conducted.
- संचित sāṇchit -- (a) accumulated; collected, gathered; reserved; hoarded.
- संचित कर्म -- accumulated pastdeeds (held in reserve for retribution); hence संचिति (nf).
- संजाफ़ sāṇja:f -- (nf) a border cloth: border (in a quilt-cover etc.).
- संजीदगी sāṇji:dgi: -- (nf) solemnity: seriousness/gravity, sobriety.
- संजीदगी केसाथ/संजीदगी-से -- solemnly, seriously/gravely; in a sober manner.
- संजीदा sāṇji:da: -- (a) solemn, serious, grave; sober; hence संजीदापन (nm).
- संजीवनी sāṇji:vanī: -- (nf) an elixir; a kind of plant with powers toreanimate/revive or restore thedead to life; also संजीवनी बूटी.
- संजोग saṇjog -- (nm) see संयोग.
- सँजोना sājonā: -- (v) to put things systematically/in order; to arrange, to arrange in a presentablemanner; to keep in good shape.
- संज्ञक saṅgyak —an -- adjectival suffix meaning संज्ञक-'named'.
- संज्ञा sāṅgya: -- (nf) (in Gram.) a noun; denomination, name; appellation; consciousness.
- संज्ञा-उपवाक्य -- nominal clause.
- संज्ञा , जातिवाचक -- acommon noun.
- संज्ञा-पदबंध -- noun/nominal phrase.
- संज्ञाप्रधान -- nominal.
- संज्ञा-, भाववाचक -- an abstract noun.
- संज्ञावान -- in senses, conscious; havinga name.
- संज्ञा-, व्यक्तिवाचक -- a propernoun.
- संज्ञाहीन -- unconscious; hence संज्ञाहीनता (nf).
- संज्ञापन sāṅgya:pān -- (nm) an advice; notification.
- सँझला sājhla: -- (a) younger than the middle (brother).
- सँझवाती/सँझावाती sājhva:ti:/sāṇjha:va:ti: -- (nf) an evening song sung at the time of lighting the lamps.
- सँझोखा sājhokha: -- (nm) dusk, twilight.
- संड sānḍ -- (nm) a bull.
- संड मुसंड -- stout/robust fellow (said contemptuously).
- सँड़सी sāṛsi: -- (nf) pincers, household iron forceps.
- संडा sāṉḍā: -- (a) stout/robust (fellow —said of a man in a contemptuous vein).
- संडास sāṉḍa:s -- (nm) a lavatory, latrine.
- सँड़ासी sāṛa:si: -- (nf) see सँड़सी.
- संत sānt -- (a and nm) saintly; a saint.
- संतपन (पना) -- saintly stance; hypocritic behav:our.
- संत-समागम -- association with saints; a congregation of saintly people.
- संतत sāntat -- (a) continuous.
- संतति sāntati -- (nf) offspring, progeny.
- संतति निग्रह/निरोध -- family planning.
- संतप्त sāntapt -- (a) grieved, distressed, tormented, troubled.
- संतरण sāntarāṉ -- (nm) crossing over.
- संतरा sāntara: -- (nm) an orange.
- संतरी sāntari: -- (nm) a sentry.
- संतान santa:n -- (nf) issue, progeny.
- संतान निग्रह/निरोध -- see संतति-निग्रह/विरोध.
- संताप sānta:p -- (nm) grief, distress, woe, sorrow, contrition, compunction.
- संतुलन sāntulan -- (nm) balance, equilibrium, equipoise.
- संतुलित sāntulit -- (a) balanced, equipoised, in equilibrium.
- संतु/ष्ट sāntusht -- (a) satisfied, gratified; content; hence संतुष्टि (nf).
- संतृ/प्त sāntript -- (a) saturated; satiated, gratified.
- संतृप्ति -- saturation; satiety, gratification.
- संतोल sāntol -- (nm) balance, equilibrium, equipoise; hence संतोलन (nm).
- संतोष sāntosh -- (nm) satisfaction, gratification; contentment.
- संतोषजनक/प्रद -- satisfactory.
- संतोष कडुआ है पर फल मीठा -- patience is bitter but its fruit sweet.
- संतोष परम धन -- a contented mind is a contented feast, contentment is more than a kingdom.
- संतोषी sāntoshi: -- (a and nm) (a).
- संत्रस्त sāntrast -- (a) terrorised, horrified, frightened, alarmed.
- संत्रास sāntra:s -- (nm) terror, horror, fright, alarm.
- संदंश sāndānsh -- (nm) forceps; sting.
- संदर्भ sāndarbh -- (nm) reference, context; allusion.
- संदर्भ ग्रंथ -- a reference book/work; bibliography.
- संदर्भ ग्रंथसूची -- bibliography.
- संदर्भगत -- contextual.
- संदर्भगर्भित -- allusive.
- संदर्भछिन्न -- tornfrom the context.
- संदर्भ-सहित -- withreference to the context.
- संदर्भ साहित्य -- reference literature.
- संदर्शिका sāndārshika: -- (nf) a guide (book).
- संदल sāndal -- (nm) sandal (wood).
- संदि/ग्ध sāndigdh -- (a) doubtful, uncertain; ambiguous, equivocal, amphibological; suspicious.
- संदिग्धता -- ambiguity, equivocation, amphibology.
- संदिग्धार्थ -- ambiguous, equivocal, amphibological.
- संदिगधार्थक -- see संदिग्धार्थ.
- संदिग्धार्थकता -- ambiguity, equivocation, amphi-bology.
- संदूक sāndu:k -- (nm) a box; hence संदूकड़ी (nf).
- संदूक/चा sāndu:kcha: -- (nm) a box; hence संदूकची fem, (dim) form.
- संदेश sāndesh -- (nm) a message.
- संदेश काव्य -- a poetic form wherein a lover sends his message of loveand yearning to the belovedthrough clouds, aves, etc.
- संदेशवाहक/संदेशहर -- a messenger.
- संदेशा sādesha: -- (nm) see संदेश.
- संदेह sāndeh -- (nm) a doubt, suspicion.
- संदेहजनक -- doubtful, arousing suspicion; hence संदेहजनकता (nf).
- संदेहशील -- suspicious, of suspiciousdisposition; hence शीलता (nf).
- संधान sāndhā:n -- (nm) searching; aiming at; joining together, uniting, union; fixing (as an arrow onthe bow).
- संधारण sāndha:rāṉ -- (nm) maintenance.
- संधारण-व्यय -- maintenance cost.
- संधि sāndhi -- (nf) a treaty; conjunction, union; (in Grammar) morphophonemic change—euphonic junction of final and initialsounds (as राम+आज्ञा=रामाज्ञा, देव+इन्द्र=देवेन्द्र); liaison; ajuncture or division of a drama(reckoned to be five, viz. मुख, प्रतिमुख, गर्भ, विमर्श and निर्वहण); joint; articulation.
- संधिकर्त्ता -- a treaty-maker, peacemaker.
- संधि काल -- aperiod of conjunction of twostages or states.
- संधि पत्र -- a treaty.
- संधि-, मैत्री -- an alliance.
- संधि भंग -- to breakor violate a treaty.
- संधि विच्छेद -- separation of the constituents in aconjunct word.
- संधि विराम -- armistice.
- संधि-, शांति -- peace treaty.
- संध्या sāndhya: -- (nf) evening, twilight; select Vedic hymnsrecited in the morning or eveningprayers.
- संध्या काल -- evening (time).
- संध्याकालीन -- pertaining to the evening.
- संध्यालोक -- twilight.
- संध्या वंदन -- (evening) prayers.
- संध्योपासना sāndhyopa:snā: -- (nf) evening prayers/meditation/adoration.
- संना/द sānna:d -- (nm) consonance.
- संनादी -- harmonic.
- संन्यास sānnya:s -- (nm) renunciation, asceticism; abandonment ofworldly ties or mundaneinterests; the fourth stage of lifeaccording to Hindu tradition(when one is supposed to renounceall worldly considerations)—see आश्रम.
- संन्यास लेना -- to renounce the world.
- संन्यासी sannya:si: -- (nm) an anchorite.
- संपत्ति sāmpatti -- (nf) property; estate, wealth; affluence, prosperity.
- संपत्ति-कर -- property-tax.
- संपत्तिवान/शाली -- opulent, wealthy.
- संपदा sāmpada: -- (nf) wealth; opulence, prosperity.
- संपन्न sāmpann -- (a) prosperous, rich; well-off; completed, accomplished.
- संपन्नता -- prosperity, wealthiness.
- संपर्क sāmpark -- (nm) contact; liaison.
- संपर्क अधिकार -- liaison officer.
- संपर्क स्थापित करना -- to establish contact.
- संपा/त sāmpa:t -- (nm) coincidence.
- संपाती -- coincident.
- संपादक sāmpa:dak -- (nm) an editor.
- संपादकत्व -- editorship.
- संपादक-मंडल -- board ofeditors; hence संपादिका feminineform (of संपादक).
- संपादकीय sampa:dki:y -- (nm and a) (an) editorial.
- संपादकीय, उप -- sub-editor.
- संपादकीय दायित्व -- editorial responsibility.
- संपादकीय विभाग -- editorial department.
- संपादकीय-, सह -- co-editor.
- संपादकीय , सहायक -- assistanteditor.
- संपादन sāmpa:dān -- (nm) editing; accomplishment.
- संपादित sampa:dit -- (a) edited; accomplished.
- संपीड़न sampi:ṛān -- (nm) compression, pressing, squeezing; affliction; harassing.
- संपीड़ित sāmpi:ṛit -- (a) compressed, squeezed; afflicted, harassed.
- संपुट sāmpuṭ -- (nm) a hemispherical bowl or any thing so shaped (aswhen the two palms are joinedtogether leaving hollow space inbetween); a posture of coitus.
- संपुटक sāmpuṭak -- (nm) a matrix.
- संपूरक sāmpu:rak -- (nm and a) a supplement; supplementary; hence संपूरकता (nf).
- संपूर्ण sāmpu:rṉ -- (a) whole; entire; complete; perfect; finished; total.
- संपूर्णतः/तया -- wholly, entirely; completely; totally; perfectly.
- संपूर्णता -- entirety, completeness; perfection.
- संपूर्ण होना -- to be completed/finished; to be perfect.
- संपूर्ति sāmpu:rti -- (nf) compensation; fulfilment; completion.
- सँपेरा sāpera: -- (nm) a snake-charmer.
- सँपोला sāpola: -- (nm) young one of a snake; a water-snake.
- संप्रति sāmprati -- (ind) at present, now.
- संप्रतिपत्ति sāmpratipatti -- (nf) consensus.
- संपद्रान sāmpradā:n -- (nm) the act of giving or bestowing, handingover, the dative case (inGrammar).
- संपद्रान कारक -- the dativecase.
- संप्रदाय sāmprada:y -- (nm) a community; sect.
- संप्रदायगत/परक -- communal; sectarian.
- संप्रदायवाद -- communalism; sectarianism.
- संप्रदायवादी -- (a) communalist; sectarian.
- संप्रदायवादी दृष्टिकोण -- communal/sectarain outlook.
- संप्रवाह sāmprava:h -- (nm) a flux, flow.
- संप्रश्न sāmprashn -- (nm) an interpellation.
- संप्राप्ति sampra:pti -- (nf) acquisition; attainment.
- संप्रेषण sampreshaṉ -- (nm) communication; despatch.
- संप्रेषणणीय -- communicable; to be communicated.
- संप्रेषणणीयता -- communicability.
- संप्रेषक sampreshak -- (nm) sender, one who despatches/communicates.
- संप्रेष्य sāmpreshshy -- (nm) content (to be communicated); communicable.
- संबंध sāmbāndh -- (nm) relation/relationship; connection; association; affinity.
- संबंधवाचक -- genitive, possessive (case).
- संबंध जोड़ना -- toestablish relations with.
- संबंध टूटना -- relations to be cut off/broken.
- संबंधन sāmbāndhān -- (nm) affiliation; connection.
- संबंधित sāmbāndhit -- (a) related, connected, affiliated.
- संबंधी sāmbāndhi: -- (nm) a relative/relation: used as a suffix to mean related with or pertaining to.
- संबद्ध sāmbaddh -- (a) joined, connected, attached to; bound; affiliated; related; relevant.
- संबद्धता -- relevance.
- संबद्ध होना -- to be affiliated/connected.
- संबल sāmbal -- (nm) support, backing.
- संबलित sāmbalit -- (a) reinforced.
- सबोध/न sāmbodhān -- (nm) address; calling aloud; the vocative case(in Grammar).
- गीति -- an ode.
- सबोधनकारक -- the vocative case.
- संबोधित sambodhit -- (a) addressed.
- संबोधित करना -- to address.
- संभरक sāmbharak -- (nm) a supplier.
- संभरण sāmbharāṉ -- (nm) supply.
- संभरणकर्त्ता -- a supplier.
- संभरण-विभाग -- department; of supply.
- संभलना sābhalnā: -- (v) to pull (oneself) together; to be alert; to be supported; to save from a fall; toupstay, to be cautious.
- संभव sāmbhav -- (a) possible; hence संभवता (nf).
- संभवत sāmbhavtah -- (adv) possibly, probably; perhaps.
- संभार sāmbha:r -- (nm) equipment; accumulation/collection.
- संभार Sābha:r -- (nf) maintenance upkeep.
- सँभाल sābha:l -- (nf) care-taking, upkeeping, maintenance; being in senses.
- सँभालना sābha:lnā: -- (v) to take care of; to support; to hold; to keep incareful custody; to manage; tosupervise.
- संभावना sāmbha:vnā: -- (nf) possibility, probability, likelihood.
- संभावित sāmbha:vit -- (a) probable, likely (to happen).
- संभाविता sāmbha:vita: -- (nf) probability; likelihood; chance.
- संभाव्य sambha:vy -- (a) probable.
- संभाव्यता -- probability.
- संभाषण sāmbha:shāṉ -- (nm) dialogue, talks.
- संभोग sāmbhog -- (nm) coition, carnal intercourse, sexual enjoyment; delight, pleasure.
- संभोग श्रृंगार -- see संयोगश्रृंगार (under संयोग).
- संभोग्य sāmbhoggy -- (a) enjoyable, fit to be consumed/used/enjoyed; fit for coition.
- संभ्रम sāmbhram -- (nm) confusion; awe.
- कारी -- confusing; awe-inspiring.
- संभ्रांत sāmbhrā:nt -- (a) respectable, well-to-do; confused; hence ता( nf).
- संभ्रांत परिवार -- a well-to-dofamily.
- संभ्रांतमना -- confused; awe-struck.
- संभ्रांति sāmbhrā:nti -- (nf) respectability; confusion/perplexity.
- संयंत्र sānyāntr -- (nm) a plant (fixtures, machinery, etc. used in industrial process).
- संयंत्र स्थापित करना -- to erect a plant.
- संय/त sānyat -- (a) controlled, restrained, guarded; sober.
- संयतता -- state of being under control, restraint; sobriety.
- ति -- control, restraint; sobriety.
- संय/म sānyām -- (nm) (self) restraint, control, check; moderation, temperance; sobriety.
- मी -- who exercises.
- संयुक्त sānyukt -- (a) united; joint; mixed, blended; (two or moreconsonants) combined.
- संयुक्त कुटूंब/परिवार -- joint family.
- संयुक्त खाता -- jointaccount; hence ता (nf).
- संयुक्त मंत्रिमंडल -- coalition cabinet.
- संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ -- United Nations Organisation.
- संयुक्त वाक्य -- compound sentence.
- संयुक्त सम्पत्ति -- joint property.
- संयुक्ताक्षर sanyukta:kshar -- (nm) consonant cluster.
- संयोग sānyog -- (nm) coincidence, chance; accident; mixture; coalition, combination; conjunct consonant; communion, union; carnalcontact.
- संयोग श्रृंगार -- in poetics, one of the two kinds of श्रृंगार रस wherein the lover and thebeloved are united.
- संयोग से -- by chance.
- संयोग से पा जाना -- to blunder upon, tofind by fluke.
- संयोजक sānyojak -- (nm) a convenor; conjunction (in Grammar).
- संयोजक-चिन्ह -- a hyphen.
- संयोजकता -- convenorship; valence/valency.
- संयोजन sānyojan -- (nm) the act of joining or uniting, conjugation; composition; assemblage/assembly; attachment.
- संयोजी sānyoji: -- (nm) a matrix; that which binds together.
- संरक्षक sānrakshak -- (nm) a guardian; patron; protector; conservator; custodian.
- संरक्षकता -- guardianship custodianship.
- संर/क्षण sānrakshāṉ -- (nm) guardianship; patronage, protection; conservation; tutelage.
- क्षण-काल -- protectorate.
- संरक्षण-शुल्क -- protective duty.
- क्षा -- protection; guardianship, custody.
- क्षित -- guarded, protected; preserved; conserved; a ward; hence क्षी( a).
- संरक्षित राज/प्रदेश -- a protectorate.
- संरचना sānrachnā: -- (nf) structure; composition; anatomy.
- संरचनागतसंरचनात्मक/परक -- structural.
- त्मकभाषाविज्ञान -- structural linguistics.
- संरेखण sānrekhāṉ -- (nm) the act or process of aligning; alignment.
- संलग्न sānlagn -- (a) attached, enclosed, appended; adjacent; engaged; associated.
- संलग्न पत्र -- enclosure, enclosed letter: hence संलग्नता (nf).
- संलाग sānla:g -- (nm) an attachment.
- संलेख sānlekh -- (nm) a protocol.
- संवक्ता sāmvakta: -- (nm) a rapporteur.
- संवत् sāmvat -- (nm) a contraction of संवत्सर (see), a year; era (asshak or Vikrami:) year.
- संवत्सर sāmvatsar -- (nm) a year.
- रीय -- annual, yearly.
- संवरण sāmvarāṉ -- (nm) selection, liking; subjugation of passions; complication (in a dramatic plot).
- संवरणी sāmvarāṉi: -- (nf) a sphincter.
- सँवरना sānarnā: -- (v) to be mended/amended/rectified; to be arranged, to be put in order; to be made up; to be decorated, to bepranked; to be tip-top.
- सँवरिया sāvariya: -- (nm) an epithet of Lord Krishṉā; a lover, hero.
- संवर्ग sāmvarg -- (nm) a cadre.
- संवर्धक sāmvardhak -- (nm and a) a magnifier; culturist; magnifying, providing nourishment, helpingin growth or causing to grow.
- संवर्धन sāmvardhān -- (nm) magnification; enrichment; culture; promotion; increase, growth.
- संवर्धित sāmvardhit -- (a) magnified; grown, increased; promoted; enriched.
- संवहन sāmvahān -- (nm) (the act or process of) conduction.
- संवातन sāmva:tān -- (nm) ventilation.
- संवातन-व्यवस्था -- ventilation.
- संवाद sāmva:d -- (nm) a dialogue; conversation, discussion; news; information, message.
- संवाददाता -- acorrespondent, pressman.
- हर -- amessenger.
- संवा/दी sāmva:di: -- (a) concordant (as a note संवा-संवादि स्वर in music); agreeing or harmonising with.
- संवादिता -- likeness, concordance; harmoniousness.
- सँवार sānwa:r -- (nf) maintenance/maintaining, upkeep.
- सँवार-सुधार -- repairs, maintenance, upkeep.
- सँवारना sāva:rnā: -- (v) to make up; to dress up neatly; to prank; to decorate; to arrange; to mend/amend/rectify; to channelizealong successful lines.
- संवा/हन samva:hān -- (nm) conduction.
- संवाही -- a conductor, that which conducts.
- संविदा sāmvida: -- (nm) a contract; compact.
- संविदा करना -- to enter into acontract.
- संविदाकारी -- contracting.
- संविदाकारी पक्ष -- contracting party.
- संविधा/न sāmvidhā:n -- (nm) constitution.
- न, अनम्य -- rigid constitution.
- संविधान, नम्य -- flexible constitution.
- संविधानवाद -- constitutionalism.
- संविधान-विशेषज्ञ -- constitutional expert.
- संविधान-सभा -- constituent assembly.
- संविधानिक -- constitutional.
- संविधानिक सभा -- a constituent assembly.
- संविधानी -- constitutional(ist).
- संविहित sāmvihit -- (a) constitutional; valid, tenable; prescribed, enjoined.
- संविरचना sāmvirachna: -- (nf) composition.
- संवृत samvrit -- (a) closed; wound up; subjugated (as passions).
- संवृत स्वर -- closed vowel.
- संवृद्धि sāmvriddhi -- (nf) enrichment; growth; increase.
- सवेग sāmveg -- (nm) momentum; impetus; emotion, passion.
- वाद -- emotive theory.
- सवेग-सिद्धांत -- emotivetheory.
- संवेगात्मक sāmvega:tmak -- (a) emotional, passionate; hence ता (nf).
- संवेदन sāmvedan -- (nm) sensation, feeling; sensitizing; the act orprocess of experiencing.
- कारी -- sensitizer; causing sensitiveness.
- संवेदनवाद -- sensationalism; sensitivism.
- संवेदन-शाक्ति -- sensitivity.
- संवेदनहारी -- anaesthetic.
- संवेदनशील sāmvedanshi:l -- (a) sensitive, sensible; feeling.
- संवेदनशीलता -- sensitivity, sensitiveness; feeling.
- संवेदना sāmvednā: -- (nf) sensitivity, sensation; sensibility, feeling.
- संवेदनात्मक -- sensitive; sensory.
- संवेदनाकारी -- anaesthetaising.
- संवेदनीय sāmvedani:y -- (a) sensible, perceptible (through senses); worth experiencing.
- संवेदिक sāmvedik -- (a) sensory.
- संवेदिता sāmvedita: -- (nf) sensitivity, sensitiveness.
- संवेदी sāmvedi: -- (a) sensitive; sensory.
- संवेद्य sāmveddy -- (a) sensible; perceptible (through senses); worth experiencing.
- संवेद्यता -- sensibility, perceptibility (through) the senses; worthiness of experience.
- संवैधानिक samvaidha:nīk -- (a) constitutional.
- संवैधानिकता -- constitutionality; constitutionalism.
- संशय sānshay -- (nm) suspicion, doubt; uncertainty.
- संशयवाद -- scepticism.
- संशयवादी -- sceptic, scepticist.
- संशयात्मक sānshaya:tmāk -- (a) doubtful; uncertain; hence संशयात्मकता (nf).
- संशयात्मा sanshaya:tma: -- (a) sceptic, unbelieving, of suspicious nature.
- संशायलु sanshaya:lu -- (a) sceptic; suspicious.
- संशायलुता -- scepticism suspiciousness.
- संशयी sanshai: -- (a and nm) a sceptic, suspicious (person).
- सशोधक sanshodhak -- (nm and a) a mendor/rectifier/ purifier; whoamends or corrects.
- संशोधन sanshodhan -- (nm) amendment; correction, rectification; revision; purification.
- संशोधनवाद -- revisionism.
- संशोधनवादी -- a revisionist; revisionistic.
- संशोधित sanshodhit -- (a) corrected; amended, revised; improved; purified.
- संश्रय sānshray -- (a) alliance; coverture.
- संश्लिष्ट sanshlisht -- (a) synthetic; synthesised; mixed up.
- संश्ले/ष, संश्लेषण sānshlesh, ~shaṉ -- (nm) synthesis; synthesism.
- षणीय -- worthsynthesising; fit to be synthesized.
- संश्लेषात्मक (संश्लेषणात्मक) -- synthetic(al); hence संश्लेषात्मकता, संश्लेषणात्मकता (nf).
- षित -- synthesised, mixed up.
- संस/द sansad -- (nf) parliament.
- संसदसंस- सदस्य { -- member} of parliament.
- संसदीय -- parliamentary.
- संसदीय व्यवस्था -- parliamentary system.
- संसदीय सरकार -- parliamentary government.
- संसर्ग sansarg -- (nm) intercourse; association, commingling; contact; contagion; connection; conjunction.
- संसर्गज, संसर्गजात -- contagious, born through contact/contagion.
- संसर्ग-दोष -- evil consequence of association (with evil); misophobia.
- संसर्ग-रोध -- quarantine.
- संसाधन sānsa:dhān -- (nm) resource.
- संसाधन-सम्पन्न -- resourceful.
- संसार sansa:r -- (nm) the world.
- संसार-चक्र -- circuit of worldly existence.
- संसार-बंधन -- the worldly fetters.
- संसार सागर -- the ocean of the world.
- संसार छोड़ना/त्यागना -- to renounce the world; todepart for the other world.
- संसार से उठजाना/चले जाना/विदा होना -- to expire.
- संसारी sānsa:ri: -- (nm and a) a mortal being; belonging to the world, mundane.
- संसिक्त sānsikt -- (a) drenched; fertilized.
- संसृति sānsriti -- (nf) the world, course of mundane existence.
- संस्कारण sānskarāṉ -- (nm) an edition, issue (of a journal etc); correction; curing.
- संस्कारण-, लघु -- pocket edition.
- संस्कारण , राज -- de-luxe edition.
- संस्कारण , संक्षिप्त -- abridged edition.
- संस्कार sānska:r -- (nm) mental impression(s) (forming the mind); sacrament; rite/ritual, ceremony; purification; improvement, refinement.
- संस्कारवान, संस्कारशील -- cultured, well-reared, of refined taste; hence संस्कारशीलता (nf).
- संस्कारहीन -- uncultured, ill-bred/ill-reared, unrefined.
- संस्कारी sanska:ri: -- (a) cultured, well-reared, having refined taste.
- संस्कृत Sanskrit -- (a) cultured, refined; Sanskrit (language).
- संस्कृतमूलक -- derived from or born of theSanskrit language.
- संस्कृत , लौकिक -- classical Sanskrit.
- संस्कृत , वैदिक -- vedicSanskrit.
- संस्कृतिकरण -- sanskritisation.
- संस्कृति sanskriti -- (nf) culture.
- संस्कृतिहीन -- uncultured, having no culture.
- संस्तु/ति sanstuti -- (nf) recommendation.
- संस्तुत -- recommended.
- संस्था sānstha: -- (nf) an institution; organisation, concern.
- संस्थागत -- institutional.
- बद्ध -- formed into aninstitution; institutionalised.
- संस्थान sānsthā:n -- (nm) an institute.
- संस्थापक sānstha:pak -- (nm) a founder.
- संस्थापक-सदस्य -- a founder-member.
- संस्था/पन sānstha:pan -- (nm) establish. ment/establishing, founding.
- संस्थापना -- establishment, founding.
- संस्थापित -- founded, established.
- संस्थि/ति sansthiti -- (nf) collection.
- संस्थित -- collected.
- संस्पंदन sānspāndān -- (nm) resonance, resonation.
- संस्पर्श sānsparsh -- (nm) contact; touch.
- संस्मरण sānsmarāṉ -- (nm) memories, reminiscences.
- संस्मरणशील -- reminiscent.
- संस्मारक sānsma:rak -- (a) memorial.
- संस्मृति sansmriti -- (nf) reminiscence; mneme.
- संस्मृति-विज्ञान -- mnemonics, mnemotechny.
- संस्मृति-विषयक -- mnemonic, mnemotechnic.
- संहत sānhat -- (a) compact; assembled, collected, gathered.
- संहत भाषा -- compact language.
- संहत शैली -- compact style.
- संहति sānhati -- (nf) a mass; system; compactness.
- संहतिवाद -- syncrotism.
- संहार sānha:r -- (nm) annihilation; massacre.
- संहार करना -- to annihilate; to massacre.
- संहारकारी -- see संहारक.
- संहारक sānha:rak -- (a) an annihilator; destroyer, slaughterer.
- संहारी sānha:ri: -- (nm and a) annihilator/annihilating; destroyer/destructive.
- संहति sānhit -- (a) gathered, accumulated; heaped up; mixed; uninterrupted.
- संहतिति -- accumulation; mixing; uninterruptedness.
- संहिता sānhita: -- (nf) a code.
- संहिता आचार -- code of conduct.
- संहिताकरण -- codification.
- संहिताकार -- a codifier.
- संहिताबद्ध -- codified.
- सआदत saa:dat -- (nf) the good, virtue.
- सआदतमंद -- good, virtuous; obedient.
- सआदतमंदी -- goodness, virtuousness; obedience.
- सइन sain -- (nf) an ulcer.
- सइयँ sāīyā: -- (nm) lover; husband.
- सई sai: -- (nm) prosperity; increase; effort; just सई (सही).
- सई-सँझ -- justevening, as soon as it is evening.
- सई-सिफ़ारिश -- manipulation, wire-pulling.
- सई/स sai:s -- (nm) a groom.
- सी -- the work or function of a groom.
- सकंटक sakāṉṭak -- (a) thorny, hazardous, full of obstructions.
- सकंप, सकंपन sakāmp, ~an -- (a) shivering, tremulous, vibrating.
- सकट sakat -- (nm) a cart.
- सकत sakat -- (nf) strength, power.
- सकत भर -- as far as possible.
- सक/ता sakta: -- (nm) state of being confounded/flabbergasted, awe.
- सकते की हालत में -- in a stunned state.
- सकत में आना -- to be flabbergasted/stunned.
- सकना saknā: -- (v) can; may; to be capable/competent; to be ableto handle/deal with (तुम उससेसकोगे नहीं).
- सकपका/ना sakpaka:nā: -- (v) to be startled/amazed, to be confounded out of wits; to be overawed; hence सकपकाहट (nf).
- सकर sakar -- (nf) sugar.
- सकरकंद/कंदी -- sweet potato.
- सकरपारा/पाला -- a kindof lozenge-shaped sweet (orsaltish) fried preparation.
- सकरा sakara: -- (a) see सखरा.
- सकरूण sakaruṉ -- (a) pitiful, compassionate.
- सकर्मक sakarmak -- (a) transitive.
- सकर्मक क्रिया -- a transitive verb.
- सकर्मकता -- transitiveness.
- सकल sakal -- (a) whole, all, entire; total.
- सकाम saka:m -- (a) desirous, inspired by a desire; lustful.
- ता -- state ofbeing desirous or inspired bydesire; lustfulness.
- सकाम भक्ति -- devotion with an ulterior motive.
- सका/र saka:r -- (nm) the letter स and its sound; acceptance.
- सकारना -- toaccept.
- सकारांत -- (a word) ending in स.
- रात्मक -- positive, affirmative.
- रात्मक और नकारात्मक -- affirmativepositive and negative; hence ता( nf).
- सकारे saka:re -- (adv) early in the morning, at day-break.
- सक़ील saqi:l -- (a) difficult, abstruse (e.g.सक़ील ज़बान).
- सकु/चना, सकुचाना sakuchnā, ~cha:nā: -- (v) to hesitate: to be abashed/ashamed; to wither (as a flower); to shrink.
- सकुचाहट -- hesitation/hitch; shyness; bashfulness; shame.
- सकुचीला सकुचौहाँ -- hesitant; shy, bashful.
- सकुन sakun -- (nm) see शकुन.
- सकुल sakul -- (a) with family, with kith and kin.
- सकूनत saku:nāt -- (nf) (place of) residence.
- सकृत sakkrit -- (ind) once.
- सकेलना sakelnā: -- (v) to push; to gather up, to collect.
- सकोच sakoch -- (nm) see संकोच.
- सकोड़ना sakoṛnā: -- (v) see सिकोड़ना.
- सकोरा sakora: -- (nm) an earthen cup.
- सक़्क़ा saqqa: -- (nm) a water-bearer, one who carries water in a largeleathern bag.
- सक़्के की बादशाही -- short-lived spell of authority/reign.
- सक्तु, सक्तुक saktu, ~k -- (nm) a meal of parched and powdered grain.
- सक्रिय sakkriy -- (a) active.
- सक्रियता -- activity.
- सक्षम sakshām -- (a) competent; capable.
- सक्षम अधिकारी -- competentauthority.
- सक्षमता -- competence; capability.
- सखर/च, सखरज sakharach, ~j -- (a) lavish, unsparing, open handed.
- सख/रा, सखरी sakhra: -- (nm).
- सख{ -- ri}: (nf) food cooked in water (as opposedto निखरा i.e. cooked in or withghee).
- सखा sakha: -- (nm) a friend, companion.
- सखा-भाव -- friendship; friendly feeling.
- सखा-समाज -- circle/company offriends.
- सखावत saḳḥa:wat -- (nf) bounteousness, generosity, openhandedness.
- सखी sakhi: -- (nf) a (female) friend, (female) companion.
- सखी संप्रदाय -- asect of Vaishṉāvas wherein thedevotee considers himself to behis deity's spouse; hence सखी भाव thistype of devotion.
- सखी saḳḥi: -- (a) bounteous, generous, open-handed.
- सखी से सूम भला को तुरंतदे जबाब -- he gives twice who givesin a trice.
- सखुन saḳḥun -- (nm) poetry, verse; conversation.
- तकिया -- a pop-word, an expletive, a habitual orfavourite word or phrase used bya speaker every now and thenwithout meaning anything.
- सख्त sakht -- (a) hard; harsh (as सख्त अल्फ़ाज़ strong, stiff; strict; rigorous; serious (as सख्त- बीमार); dire(as सख्त ज़रूरत).
- सख्त आदमी -- a hard nutto crack.
- सख्त क़ैद -- rigorousimprisonment.
- सख्त ज़बान -- harshspeech; harsh-spoken.
- सख्तज़बानी -- harsh-wordedness; harshness ofspeech.
- सख्तजान -- thick-skinned; strict; hard-bitten, tough.
- सख्तजानहोना -- to die hard.
- सख्तदिल -- hard-hearted, cruel; hence सख्तदिली (nf).
- सख्त मिज़ाज़ -- hot-headed, short tempered.
- सख्तलगाम -- see मुँहज़ोर (esp. said.
- सख्ती sakhti: -- (nf) hardness; strictness; harshness; stiffness; rigorousness.
- सख्तियाँ उठाना -- to face rigours, to stand excesses; to put up with harshness/strictness.
- सख्ती करना -- to deal with strictly, to be strict.
- सख्ती से -- strictly, harshly; with a heavyhand.
- सख्ती पेश आना -- to deal withstrictly; to be harsh.
- सख्य shakkhy -- (nm) friendship; friendliness.
- सख्य भाव -- friendly feeling/emotion.
- सख्य-भक्ति -- devotion inspired by friendly feeling and emotion.
- सगंध sagandh -- (a) fragrant, aromatic; having a smell.
- सगनौती sagnauti: -- (nf) see सगुनौती.
- सगर्भा sagarbha: -- (a) pregnant.
- सगा saga: -- (a) real, born of the same parents; kin.
- सगापन -- kinship, near-relationship.
- सगा भाई -- real brother; hence सगी—femine formof सगा.
- सगाई saga:i: -- (nf) betrothal; engagement.
- सगाई होना -- to be engaged/betrothed.
- सगु/ण sagūṉ -- (a) possessed of attributes (as सगु ब्रह्म); endowed with qualities.
- सगुणी -- endowed withqualities.
- सगुणोपासना -- worship ofGod possessed of attributes.
- सगुन sagun -- (nm) an omen, good omen; augury; see सगुण.
- सगुनिया saguniya: -- (nm) an augury, a soothsayer.
- सगुनौती sagunāūti: -- (nf) augury.
- सगुरा sagura: -- (a) who has been initiated; having a preceptor (गुरु).
- सगोती sagoti: -- (a) see सगोत्र.
- सगोत्र sagottr -- (a) belonging to or of the same गोत्र (clan); allied byblood; hence सगोत्रता (nf).
- सग्गड़ saggar -- (nm) a hand-cart.
- सघन saghan -- (a) dense, thick; intensive; overcast with clouds, cloudy.
- सघन खेती -- intensive cultivation.
- सघनता -- denseness/intensity; cloudiness.
- सघनतामापी -- densimeter.
- सच such -- (a) true; right; (nm) the truth; (int) really!.
- सचकित sachakit -- (a) amazed, astonished, wonder-struck.
- सचमुच sachmuch -- (adv) actually, truly, really, surely, in fact.
- सचमुच का -- real; genuine.
- सचराचर sachara:char -- (a) with animates and inanimates; all; (nm) the whole world.
- सचराचर जगत -- the entire world.
- सचाई sacha:i: -- (nf) truth; truthfulness; reality; fact; integrity.
- सचान sacha:n -- (nm) a falcon, hawk.
- सचित्र sachittr -- (a) pictorial; illustrated (with pictures).
- सचित्र पत्रिका -- a pictorial/an illustrated magazine.
- सचिव sachiv -- (nm) secretary.
- सचिव , निजी -- private secretary.
- सचिवाल/य sachiva:lay -- (nm) secretariat.
- सचिवालयी -- secretarial.
- सचेत sachet -- (a) conscious; careful, alert; attentive.
- सचेत होना -- to be conscious/careful/attentive.
- सचेतक sachetak -- (nm) a whip.
- सचेतक , मुख्य -- chief whip.
- सचेतन sachetan -- (a) conscious.
- सचेतन कलाकार -- a conscious artist.
- सचेतनता -- consciousness; diligence.
- सचेष्ट sachesht -- (a) alert, active; attemptive; hence सचेष्टता (nf).
- सच्चरि/त, सच्चरित्र sachcharit, ~ttr -- (a) virtuous, of good moral characteror integrity; hence सच्चरित्रता (nf).
- सच्चा sachcha: -- (a) true; truthful; genuine; sincere; loyal; faithful; real.
- सच्चापन -- truth, truthfulness; reality.
- सच्चाई sachcha:i: -- (nf) truth, truthfulness.
- सच्चिदानंद sachchida:nānd -- (nm) an epithet of the Supreme Soul (asthe Ultimate resort of Truth, Consciousness and Happiness).
- सज saj -- (nf) adoration/adorning, ornamentation.
- सज धज/बज -- prank; ornamentation.
- सजग sajag -- (a) alert, cautious, vigilant, careful.
- ता -- alertness, cautiousness, vigilance, carefulness.
- सजन sajan -- (nm) husband; lover.
- सजना sajnā: -- (v) to be adorned/decorated/embellished/beautified; to prank; to be made-up; to beneatly arranged; (nm) see सजन.
- सजना-धजना/सजना-सँवरना -- to dress up to thenines, to groom, to make-up, toprank.
- सजनी sajnī: -- (nf) beloved, sweetheart; wife.
- सजल sajal -- (a) full of water; tearful; hydrous, aquous.
- सजलनयन/नेत्र -- having tearful eyes; (on the vergeof) weeping, shedding tears.
- सज़ा saza: -- (nf) punishment; penalty.
- सज़ा-ए-मौत -- capital punishment.
- सज़ायाफ़्ता -- convicted, punished.
- सज़ा का मज़ामिलना -- to reap the harvest of one'sevil deeds.
- सजा/ति saja:ti -- (a) of one and the same caste/class; homogeneous.
- तीय -- see सजाति.
- सजातियता -- homogeneity, affinity, homology.
- सजातीयविवाह -- endogamy.
- सजाना saja:nā: -- (v) to decorate, to adorn, to embellish, to beautify; to furnish; to arrange; to dressneatly.
- सजा-धजा -- made-up; well-adorne, decorated.
- सजाव saja:v -- (nm) see सजाव सजावट.
- सजाव-दही -- curd of good quality preparedfrom well-boiled and thickenedmilk.
- सजाव/ट saja:vaṭ -- (nf) decoration, ornamentation; make-up; display, array.
- टी -- decorative; pranked.
- सज़ाव/ल saza:val -- (nm) a tax or rent collector.
- सज़ावली -- the office orfunction of a ल.
- सजिल्द sajild -- (a) bound (book etc.).
- सजीला saji:la: -- (a) decorated; foppish, grand, graceful.
- पन -- decoratedness; foppishness, grandeur, gracefulness.
- सजीव saji:v -- (a) living, alive, lively; vivacious; hence ता (nf).
- सज्जन sajjan -- (nm and a) a gentleman; noble, gentle.
- सज्जनता -- gentility, nobility.
- सज्जा sajja: -- (nf) embellishment, decoration, adorning; dressing-up; equipment; lay out.
- सज्जित sajjit -- (a) decorated, adorned, embellished, beautified; dressed-up; equipped.
- सज्जी sajji: -- (nf) saltpetre; also सज्जी खार.
- सज्ञान saggya:n -- (a) learned, wise, knowing.
- सज्ञानता -- learnedness, wisdom, the state of being in know.
- सझिया sajhiya: -- (nm) see साझेदार.
- सझियाई -- see साझेदारी.
- सटकना saṭaknā: -- (v) to slip away; to turn tails, to make good one'sescape.
- सटना saṭnā: -- (v) to be in close proximity, to be in physical contact; to stick; to adhere to; to beadjacent.
- सटपटना saṭpaṭa:nā: -- (v) to be flabbergasted/stunned; to be non-plussed, to be embarassed out ofwits.
- सटर-पटर saṭar-paṭar -- (nf) noisy/chaotic/clamorous activity; (a) petty, trifle (e.g. सटर-पटर सामान petty.
- सटा saṭa: -- (nf) mane; thickened locks of hair; (a) see सटना.
- सटाक saṭa:k -- (nm) the cracking of a whip or thin stick.
- सटाक से -- with acracking noise; instantly.
- सटाकी saṭa:ki: -- (nf) a thin stick.
- सटीक saṭi:k -- (a) apt, befitting, correct and accurate; with commentary/annotation.
- सटीक बैठना, कोई बात -- to bevery apt and appropriate.
- सटोरिया saṭoriya: -- (nm) a speculator.
- स/ट्टा saṭṭa: -- (nm) speculation.
- सट्टेबाज़ -- a speculator.
- सट्टेबाज़ी -- speculation.
- सट्टी saṭṭi: -- (nf) market-place.
- सठिया/ना saṭḥiya:nā: -- (v) to suffer senile decay, to be in dotage; tobe decrepit, to come to one'sautumn; also सठिया जाना.
- सड़क saṛak -- (nf) a road, street.
- सड़क के नियम -- rules of the road.
- सड़न saṛan -- (nf) decay, decomposition; putrefaction, rot, rottenness.
- सड़ना saṛna: -- (v) to decay, to decompose; to rot, to ferment, to putrefy; to be or fall in misery.
- सड़सठ saṛsaṭḥ -- (a) sixty-seven; (nm) the number sixty-seven.
- सड़सी saṛsi: -- (nf) tongs.
- सड़ाँध saṛā:dh -- (nf) stench, putrefaction, putrescence, putridity; mustiness.
- भरा -- putrid, stenching, stinking.
- सड़ा saṛa: -- (a) rotten, decayed, putrid, putriscent.
- सड़ा-गला -- rotten and decayed; hence सड़ी (fem. form).
- सड़ा-गला गर्मी -- humidly hot weather.
- सड़ाक saṛa:k -- (nf) (sound produced by) cracking of a whip.
- सड़ाक से -- with acracking noise; instantly.
- सड़ान saṛa:n -- (nf) decay/decaying, rot/rotting, putrefaction/putridity.
- सड़ाना saṛa:nā: -- (v) to (cause to) decay, to rot, to decompose, tocause to putrefy.
- सड़ायँध saṛa:yādh -- (nf) stench, putrescence, putridity.
- सड़ायँधयुक्त -- putrid, stenching.
- सड़ासड़ saṛa:saṛ -- (adv) with repeated sounds of cracking (of a whip); in quick succession.
- सड़ियल saṛiyal -- (a) rotten; putrid, putrescent; worthless.
- सत sat -- (nm) essence, juice; strength, vitality; truth, truthfulness; anallomorph of सात used as thefirst member in certain compoundwords.
- सतगुना -- seven times.
- सतगुरु -- true/good preceptor; God.
- सतजुग -- one and the first of the four yugas(the other being द्वापर, त्रेता and कलि) of the universe according toIndian mythology. The सतयुग issaid to be the best or goldenperiod/age of creation.
- सतयुगी -- belonging to the सतयुग.
- सतनजा -- amixture of seven corns.
- सतरंग/रंगा -- seven-coloured; multicoloured.
- सतमासा -- of seven months; a ceremony performed about theseventh month of pregnancy; (achild) born in the seventh monthof pregnancy.
- सतलड़ा -- seven-stringed (necklace, etc.).
- सतवंती -- (a) chaste (woman).
- सतवाँसा -- see सतमासा.
- सतसई -- a collection of sevenhundred (and odd) couplets (generally दोहा and सोरठा); see सत्.
- सत डिगा जहान डिगा -- when characteris lost all is lost.
- सत पर (जमे) रहना -- to hold on to the righteous path; to maintain one's chastity.
- सतत satat -- (adv and a) incessantly; continuous; ever; always.
- सतथ्य satatthy -- (a) factual, with facts.
- सतर satar -- (nf) a line; row; (a).
- सतरह satrah -- (a) seventeen; (nm) the number seventeen.
- सतर्क satark -- (a and adv) cautious, vigilant, alert, careful; argumentative.
- सतर्कता -- alertness, vigilance; carefulness; withargument.
- सत/ह sateh -- (nf) surface; level.
- सत ही -- superficial.
- हीपन -- superficiality.
- सतहत्तर satahattar -- (a) seventy-seven; (nm) the number seventy-seven.
- सताना sata:nā: -- (v) to trouble; to harass, to torment, to oppress; tovictimise.
- सतावर sata:var -- (nf) asparagus.
- सती sati: -- (nf) a chaste and faithful/loyal woman devoted to her husband; a woman who burnsherself willingly on the funeralpyre (चिता) of her husband outof devotion; (a) chaste, virtuous(said of a married woman).
- सतीत्वपन -- chastity, virtuousness.
- सतीत्वपन भंग/हरण -- rape (of a woman); outraging a woman's modesty.
- सती-साध्वी/सावित्री -- a woman extremelydevoted to her husband.
- सती होना -- (for a woman) to burn oneself onthe funeral pyre of her husband.
- सतीर्थ sati:rth -- (nm) a co-student.
- सतुआ satua: -- (nm) see सत्तू.
- सतुआ-संक्रांति -- see र संक्रांति.
- सतून satu:n -- (nm) a pillar.
- सतोगु/ण satogūṉ -- (nm) virtue, the quality of purity and goodness; one of the three guṉas (see सत्त्व, रजस् and तमस्).
- सतोगुणी -- having thequalities of goodness and purity, virtuous.
- सत् sat -- (a) good; pious, virtuous; present; true.
- सत् डिगा जहान डिगा -- when character is lost all is lost.
- सत्क/र्म satkarm -- (nm) virtuous action/deed; piety.
- सत्कर्मी -- virtuousin action/deed.
- सत्कवि satkavi -- (nm) a good poet.
- सत्कार satka:r -- (nm) hospitality; welcome.
- सत्कारशील -- hospitable.
- सत्कार करना -- to extend all hospitality; to greet/welcome.
- सत्कार्य satka:ry -- (nm) see सत्कर्म.
- सत्काव्य satka:vy -- (nm) good poetry.
- सत्कीर्ति stki:rti -- (nf) good name, fame, reputation.
- सत्कृत satkrit -- (a) welcomed, who has enjoyed hospitality; donewell.
- सत्त satt -- (nm) essence, extract; truth; integrity, chastity.
- सत्त डिगना -- to lose integrity, one's integrityto be in danger; chastity to be indanger or jeopardy.
- सत्तर sattar -- (a) seventy; (nm) the number seventy.
- सत्तर चूहे खाये होना -- tohave gathered/acquired varied(immoral) experiences.
- सत्तरह sattarah -- (a) seventeen; (nm) the number seventeen.
- सत्ता satta: -- (nm) being, existence, entity; power, sway, authority; reality; playing card with sevenpips.
- सत्ताधारी -- ruling, (in) authority; a man of authority/power.
- सत्तारूढ़ -- ruling; wielding power; potentiate.
- सत्तारोह(ण) -- ascendancy.
- सत्तावाद -- authoritarianism.
- सत्तावादी -- authoritarian; an authoritarianist.
- सत्ताईईस sattai:is -- (a) twenty-seven; (nm) the number twenty-seven.
- सत्तानवे satta:nve -- (a) ninety-seven; (nm) the number ninety-seven.
- सत्तावन satta:van -- (a) fifty-seven; (nm) the number fifty-seven.
- सत्तासी satta:si: -- (a) eighty-seven; (nm) the number eighty-seven.
- सत्तू sattu: -- (nm) powder of parched.
- सत्त्व sattv -- (nm) being, existence; entity; reality; substance; spiritual essence, quintessence; strength, vitality; quality of purityand goodness.
- सत्त्व गुण -- the qualityof purity and goodness.
- सत्त्वहीन -- devoid of सत्त्व.
- सत्पथ satpath -- (nm) the path of virtue/good.
- सत्पात्र satpa:ttr -- (nm) a deserving/worthy/befitting person.
- सत्फल satphal -- (nm) good result.
- सत्य satty -- (a) true, veritable; (nm) veracity, truth, verity.
- सत्यकाम -- truth-loving.
- सत्यतः -- truly, in fact/reality, really.
- सत्यता -- truth; verity, veracity.
- सत्यदर्शी -- discerning, seeing through the truth.
- सत्यनिष्ठ -- veridical, dedicated to truth; solemn.
- सत्यपर/परायण -- thoroughlyhonest.
- सत्यभाषी -- veridicious, speaking the truth.
- सत्ययुग -- see सतयुगunder सत.
- सत्ययुगी -- see सतयुगी.
- सत्यवाचक/वाची/वादी -- see सत्यभाषी.
- सत्यव्रत -- strictly truthful, who hastaken a vow to be truthful.
- सत्यशील -- disposed to truth, temperamentally truthful.
- सत्यशीलता -- disposition towards truth, temperamental truthfulness.
- सत्यनारायण sattyna:ra:yan -- (nm) name of a particular divinityrepresenting a form of LordVishṉū.
- सत्यनारायण का व्रत -- fast in honour of सत्यनारायण.
- सत्यनारायण-की कथा -- a story recounting the acts of kindness of सत्यनारायण read out during thefast observed in honour of the deity.
- सत्यनिष्ठा sattynishṭḥa: -- (nf) truthfulness; integrity.
- सत्यभावी sattybha:vi: -- (a) veridical.
- सत्यवा/दिता, सत्यवादित्व sattyva:dita: -- (nf) सत्यवा{dittv} (nm) truthfulness, veracity.
- सत्यवादी -- truthful, veracious.
- सत्यां/कन sattya:ṅkān -- (nm) ratification.
- सत्यांकित -- ratified.
- सत्याग्र/ह sattya:ggrah -- (nm) insistence on truth—passive resistance offered to uphold truth (a weapon made popular by Gandhijiduring the Indian freedom movement).
- सत्याग्रही -- one who offerssatya:ggrah.
- सत्यानाश sattya:na:sh -- (nm) complete ruin, total destruction, devastation.
- सत्यानाश करना -- to destroy/ruin/devastate.
- सत्यानाश होना -- to go to the devil, to go to dogs.
- सत्यानाशी sattya:na:shi: -- (a) ruining, devastating; destructive; (nm); Argemone mexicana.
- सत्या/पक sattya:pak -- (nm) verifier.
- सत्यापन -- verification.
- सत्यापनीय -- verifiable.
- सत्यापन करना -- to verify.
- सत्यापित -- verified.
- स/त्र sattr -- (nm) a session.
- सत्रांत -- conclusion of a session.
- सत्रांश -- a term (in an academic institution).
- सत्रावसान -- prorogation (ofan assembly etc.); conclusion ofa session.
- सत्रह sattreh -- (a) seventeen; (nm) the number seventeen.
- सत्व sattv -- (nm) see सत्त्व.
- सत्वहीन -- see सत्त्वहीन under सत्त्व.
- सत्वर sattvar -- (adv) expeditiously, quickly.
- सत्वरता -- expeditiousness, quickness.
- सत्सं/ग satsang -- (nm) intercourse or association with good/pious men; also सत्संगत (nf).
- सत्संगी -- one wholives in good/noble company.
- सद/क़ा sadqa: -- (nm) propitiatory offering; sacrifice; graciousness; gracious favour.
- सदक़े उतारना -- tomake a propitiatory offering inhonour of (somebody).
- सदक़े जाना -- to be proud of, to be ready to besacrificed (for somebody).
- सदक़ेम?ें -- by the graciousness/graciousfavour of.
- सदन sadan -- (nm) a house; house of legislature, chamber.
- सदन , उच्च -- upperhouse.
- सदन का नेता -- leader of thehouse.
- सदन-त्याग -- walk out (from thehouse).
- सदन , निचला -- lower house.
- सदनसदनी, एक -- unicameral.
- सदनसदनी, द्वि -- bicameral.
- सदमा sadma: -- (nm) a blow, emotional stroke, shock.
- सदमा उठाना -- to stand a blow.
- सदमा पहुँचना/लगना -- tosuffer a blow; to suffer a terrible shock.
- सदय saday -- (a) kind, compassionate.
- सदयता -- kindness, compassionateness.
- सदयहृदय -- kind, compassionate.
- सदर sadar -- (a) head, main; (nm) chief, chairman; president.
- सदर आला -- a sub-judge.
- सदर बाज़ार -- main market.
- सदर मजलिस -- president/chairman of anassembly.
- सदर मुकाम -- headquarters.
- सदरी sadri: -- (nf) a kind of sleeveless jacket.
- सदस/त् sadasat -- (a) true and false, good and evil.
- सदसद्विवेक -- discretion/discretionary faculty, discriminating the good from evil.
- सदस्य sadassy -- (nm) a member.
- सदस्यता -- membership.
- सदस्यता शुल्क -- membership fee.
- सदा sada: -- (adv) always, ever; (nf) call; echo.
- सदानीरा -- perennialstream.
- सदाबहार -- perennial, ever-green; a plant having pink orwhite flowers.
- सदावर्त -- pledge todistribute free food daily; freefood so distributed.
- सदावर्त बाँटना -- todistribute free food.
- सदावर्ती -- onewho distributes free food.
- सदासुहागिन -- a woman ever enjoying theprotection of her her husband; a prostitute.
- सदा सुहागिन रहो -- abenediction addressed to women, meaning सदा 'May you always enjoythe coverture of your husband'.
- सदा देना/लगाना -- to make a cell (as a faqir).
- सदाक़त sada:qat -- (nf) truthfulness, forthrightness.
- सदाचरण sada:charāṉ -- (nm) good/moral conduct.
- सदाचा/र sada:cha:r -- (nm) morality, virtuous/moral conduct, rectitude.
- सदाचारिता -- morality, moral conduct; virtuousness, rectitude.
- सदाचारी -- righteous, moral; virtuousman, moralist; hence सदाचारिणी (feminine form).
- सदारत sada:rat -- (nf) presidentship; chairmanship.
- सदारत करना -- to presideover.
- सदाशय sada:shay -- (a) genuine, of good faith; noble, magnanimous; (nm) good faith.
- सदाशयता -- bonafides, genuineness; nobility, magnanimity.
- सदाशयी -- bonafide, well-meaning.
- सदिश sadish -- (nm) a vector.
- सदी sadi: -- (nf) a century.
- सदुक्ति sadukti -- (nf) an excellent/remarkable saying.
- सदुपदेश sadupdesh -- (nm) good advice; moral teaching.
- सदुपयोग sadupayog -- (nm) good or proper use/usage.
- सदृश saddrish -- (a) like, similar, alike, resembling.
- सदृशता -- similarity, resemblance.
- सदेह sadeh -- (a and adv) with the.
- सदैव sadaiv -- (adv) always, ever.
- सदोष sadosh -- (a) faulty; wrong.
- सदोषता -- culpability.
- सद् sad -- an allomorph of सत् as it appears in numerous compounds.
- सद्गति -- salvation, assignment to abetter abode in the post-deathexistence.
- सद्गुण -- virtue; merits, qualities.
- सद्गुणी -- virtuous; meritorious.
- सद्गुरु -- worthy preceptor/teacher; God.
- सद्ग्रँथ -- a good book; an ethically sound book.
- सद्भाव -- goodwill, kindly feeling; presence.
- सद्भावना -- goodwill, kindly feeling.
- सद्भावना-मिशन -- a goodwill mission.
- सद्भावना-संदेश -- a message of goodwill.
- सद्युक्ति -- sound logic/argument.
- वंश -- high/noble family.
- वंश जात -- born in a high/noble family.
- सद् वृत्त -- righteous, good, morallydisposed.
- सद्वृत्ति -- (the) good; righteousness, moral disposition.
- सद्म sadm -- (nm) a house, abode.
- सद्यः saddyah -- (adv) at once, immediately; just, recently.
- सद्यःकृत -- just performed/done.
- सद्यःप्रसूत -- just born; newly born.
- सद्यःस्नात -- just-bathed.
- सद्यःस्नाता -- (a lady who has) just-bathed.
- सद्योजा/त saddyoja:t -- (a) new born, just born; hence सद्योजाता feminine form.
- सद्र sadr -- (nm) see सदर.
- सधना sadhnā: -- (v) to be tamed; to be accomplished/completed; to gethabituated/accustomed; target tobe hit; to be aligned (as निशाना).
- सध/र्म, सधर्मा, सधर्मी sadharm, ~rmā:, ~rmī -- (nm and a) (a) co-religionist; who follows the same religion.
- सधवा sadhva: -- (a and nf) (a woman) whose husband is living.
- सधाना sadha:nā: -- (v) to break in, to tame, to cause to get used/habituated; to habituate.
- सधाव sadha:v -- (nm) state or fact of being trained; stability, equilibrium.
- सधूम sadhu:m -- (a) smoky, fuming.
- सन san -- (nm) a year; an era; a kind of jute, hemp; (nf) whizzingsound; (a) stupefied.
- सन की रस्सी -- ahemp-rope.
- सनसन -- whizzing sound.
- सन से निकल जाना -- to pass with awhizzing sound; to pass withextra-ordinary speed.
- सनई sanai: -- (nf) sunhemp—a kind of hemp.
- सनक sanak -- (nf) whim, caprice, eccentricity; craze, mania, frenzy.
- सनक आना, सनक-चढ़ना, सनक-सवार होना -- to havesomething on the brain, to gocrazy, to be overwhelmed by awhim/craze, to be in a caprice.
- सनकना naknā: -- (v) to go crazy, to be in a frenzy.
- सनकी sanki: -- (a and nm) eccentric, capricious, crazy, crank, whimsical (person); hence सनकीपन (nm).
- सनकी होना -- to have bats in the belfry.
- सन/द sanad -- (nf) a certificate, testimonial; deed.
- सनदयाफ़्ता -- certified; holding a certificate.
- सनदी -- see सनदयाफ़्ता authentic.
- सनना sannā: -- (v) to be kneaded/besmeared/stained/soiled, to be drowned (as पाप मेंसनना ).
- सनम sanām -- (nm) dear, beloved one; a statue.
- सनमक़दा/खाना -- a temple; abode of the beloved.
- सनमान sanmā:n -- (nm) see सम्मान.
- सनसनाना sansanā:nā: -- (v) to produce a whizzing sound; to have a thrilling sensation.
- सनसनाहट sansana:haṭ -- (nf) whizzing.
- सनसनी sansanī: -- (nf) thrilling sensation; excitement.
- सनसनीखेज/दार -- sensational.
- सनसनीखेज ख़बर -- sensational news.
- सनातन sana:tan -- (a) eternal; ancient; orthodox; time-honoured.
- सनातन धर्म -- the orthodox Hindu religion.
- सनातन पुरुष -- the Eternal Lord—Vishṉū.
- सनातनी -- a follower of the सनातन धर्मancient, traditional, orthodox, conservative; time-honoured.
- सनाथ sanā:th -- (a) having a patron/protector/guardian/husband; gratified/fulfilled.
- सनाथ करना -- to provide protection; to fulfil, to gratify.
- सनाभि sana:bhi -- (a) concentric; nuclear, with nucleus.
- सनाय sana:y -- (nf) senna, a plant the leaves of which are used as apurgative; such a pvrgative.
- सनासन sanā:san -- (adv) with/producing a whizzing sound.
- सनाह sana:h -- (nm) helmet, head-armour.
- सनियम sanīyam -- (a) regular, with rules.
- सनीचर sani:char -- (nm) Saturn; Saturday; an ominous person.
- सनीचर लगना -- to be under the influenceof ominous stars; to be poverty-stricken.
- सनोबर sanobar -- (nm) a pine-tree (tall and beautiful).
- सन् sān -- (nm) an era, a year.
- सन् , ईस्वी -- the Christian era.
- सन् , हिजरी -- Mohammedan era.
- सन्न sann -- (a) stunned, stupefied, dumb-founded, flabbergasted; (nm) swollen-headedness, hot-headedness, arrogance, hubris.
- सन्न रह/हो जाना -- to be stunned/stupefied/dumb founded/flabbergasted.
- सन्नद्ध sannaddh -- (a) ready, equipped.
- सन्नाटा sannā:ṭa: -- (nm) still; silence, quietude.
- सन्नाटा खींचना/मारना -- to keepstill/mum.
- सन्नाटा होना -- to have no activity whatever; to be still.
- सन्नाटेमें आना -- to be stunned/dumb-founded/stupefied.
- सन्निकट sannikaṭ -- (ind) close, proximal, at hand, near by; imminent, approximate; hence सन्निकटता.
- न -- approximation.
- सन्निकर्ष sannikarsh -- (nm) nearness, proximity.
- सन्निधान sannīdha:n -- (nm) juxtaposition, proximity.
- सन्निधि sannīdhi -- (nf) juxtaposition.
- सन्निविष्ट sannivishṭ -- (a) entered; included; proximated.
- सन्निवे/श sannivesh -- (nm) entry/entrance (into); inclusion; insertion.
- सन्निवेशन -- act or process of causing entry into; inclusion; insertion.
- सन्निवे शित -- included; inserted.
- सन्निहित sannihit -- (a) implied; vested; lying within.
- सन्मान sanmā:n -- (nm) see सम्मान.
- सन्मार्ग sanma:rg -- (nm) path of virtue, moral/good course.
- सन्मुख sanmukh -- (ind) see सम्मुख.
- सन्यास -- (a) winged, having wings; belonging to the same side/party; hence सन्यासता (nf).
- सपटल sapaṭal -- (a) tamellar.
- सपत्नी sapatnī: -- (nf) a co-wife.
- सपत्नीक -- along with one's wife.
- सपदि sapadi -- (adv) at once; quickly.
- सपना sapnā: -- (nm) a dream.
- सपना देखना -- to dream.
- सपना सा होना -- to be veryshort-lived, to have disappearedtoo soon.
- सपना होना -- to have a meremental existence; to be just anobject of dream, to be beyondreach in reality.
- सपने में भी नहीं -- noteven in dreams, never, under nocircumstances.
- सपरदा saparda: -- (nm) an accompanyist of a dancing girl.
- सपरना saparnā: -- (v) to be accomplished; to be completed; to be wound up.
- सपरिकर saparikar -- (a and adv) with paraphernalia, along with attendants.
- सपरिवार sapariva:r -- (a and adv) with family.
- सपरेटा sapreṭa: -- (a and nm) separated/skimmed (milk).
- सपरेटा दूध -- separated/skimmed milk.
- सपर्ण saparṉ -- (a) with/having leaves; hence सपर्णता (nf).
- सपाट sapa:ṭ -- (a) flat; plain, smooth, level, even; unfeeling.
- सपाटपन -- flatness.
- सपाटबयानी -- flat description/expression.
- सपा/टा sapa:ṭa: -- (nm) speed; expeditiousness; run.
- सपाटे से -- quickly, expeditiously, with speed.
- सपूत sapu:t -- (nm) a worthy or dutiful son.
- सपेरा sapera: -- (nm) a snake-charmer.
- सपोला sapola: -- (nm) see सँपोला.
- सप्त sapt -- (a) seven; (nm) the number seven.
- सप्तक -- octave; the sevennotes in music; an aggregate ofseven.
- सप्तदश -- seventeen; the numberseventeen.
- सप्तपदी -- the ceremony ofseven circumambulations of thesacred sacrificial fire as an integralpart of the Hindu wedding process.
- सप्तभुवन -- see सप्तलोक.
- सप्तम -- seventh.
- सप्तमी -- the seventh day of each halfof a lunar month; the locativecase (in Grammar).
- सप्तर्षि -- UrsaMajor; the seven sages (मरीचि, अत्रि, अंगिरा, पुलह, ऋतु, पुलस्त्य, वसिष्ठ).
- सप्तलोक -- the seven worlds( भूलोक, भुवर्लोक, स्वर्लोक, महर्लोक, जनलोक, तपोलोक, सत्यलोक).
- सप्तस्वर -- theseven notes of music( स रे ग म प ध नी).
- सप्ता/ह sapta:h -- (nm) a week.
- सप्ताहांत -- week-end.
- सप्रमाण sappramā:ṉ -- (a) with proof; substantiated.
- सफ़ saf -- (nf) a line, row.
- सफ़तालू safta:lu: -- (nm) a typical fruit-bearing tree.
- सफ़र safar -- (nm) travel, journey.
- सफ़र-खर्च -- travel expenses.
- सफ़रनामा -- atravelogue, travel account.
- सफ़रमैना safarmāīna: -- (nm) sappers and miners.
- सफ़री safri: -- (a) pertaining to travel; travel; convenient during ajourney.
- सफल saphal -- (a) successful; effective; fruitful.
- सफलता -- success; achievement.
- सफलता की कुंजी -- key to success.
- सफल होना -- to succeed.
- सफलीभूत saphali:bhu:t -- (a) successful, succeeded.
- सफ़ा safa: -- (nm) a page; clean, white.
- सफ़ाचट -- blank; perfectlyclean.
- सफ़ाई safa:i: -- (nf) cleanliness; purity; conservancy; defence (in a lawsuit); clarification.
- सफ़ाई पक्ष -- the defence (side).
- सफ़ाई देना -- to justify; toclarify.
- सफ़ाई से -- with exquisiteness; ina clean manner, cleanly; in aforthright manner.
- सफ़ाया safa:ya: -- (nm) clean sweep; end, ruination, destruction.
- सफ़ाया करना -- to sweep clean; to destroy.
- सफ़ीना safi:nā: -- (nf) subpoena.
- सफ़ीर safi:r -- (nm) an ambassador, envoy.
- सफ़ूफ़ safu:f -- (nm) a powder.
- सफ़ेद safed -- (a) white; clean; blank.
- सफ़ेद झूठ -- blatant lie; total lie.
- सफ़ेद दाग़ -- leucoderma.
- सफ़ेदपोश -- white-collared; dressed in white.
- सफ़ेदपोश वर्ग -- white-collar class; hence सफ़ेदपोशी (nf).
- सफ़ेदा safeda: -- (nm) white lead.
- सफ़ेदी safedi: -- (nf) whiteness; whitewash.
- सफ़ेदी आना -- to grow grey, to age.
- सफ़ेदी छाना -- to be turned anaemic/pallid; to age, to grow grey.
- सफ़्तालू safta:lu: -- (nm) see सफ़तालू.
- सब sab -- (a) all; entire, whole; (prefix) sub सब.
- सब इंस्पेक्टर -- a sub-inspector.
- सब ओर -- all round, in alldirections.
- सब कुछ -- all; all in all.
- सब जज -- a sub-judge.
- सब डिप्टी इंस्पेक्टर -- a sub-deputy inspector.
- सब डिविज़न -- a sub-division.
- सब रजिस्ट्रार -- a sub-registrar.
- सब-कुछ दाँव पर लगाना -- tobet one's bottom dollar.
- सब को अपनामतलब प्यारा -- everybody knowshis own interest best.
- सब को एक आँखसे देखना -- not to make flesh of oneand fish of the other.
- सब तरफ़ सेपड़ना/पिटना -- to run the gauntlet; tobe attacked on all sides.
- सब तरीक़ेआज़माना -- to ring the changes, towork it for all its worth.
- सब धानबाईस पसेरी -- to treat good andbad alike.
- सब मिलाकर -- all told.
- सब सेभला चुप -- silence is gold.
- सबै सहायकसबल के -- God sides with the strongest.
- सबक़ sabaq -- (nm) a lesson; moral.
- सबक़ देना/पढ़ाना/सिखाना -- to teach a lesson.
- सबक़ मिलना -- to learn a lesson.
- सबब sabab -- (nm) a reason; cause.
- सबरी sabri: -- (nf) (a house-breaker's) jemmy (used for breaking througha wall).
- सबल sabal -- (a) strong, forceful/powerful; valid.
- ता -- strength, forcefulness/powerfulness.
- सबा saba: -- (nf) easterly wind.
- सबूत sabu:t -- (nm) a proof, an evidence.
- सबूत देना -- to give proof.
- सबे/रा sabera: -- (nm) (the) morning; dawn, day-break.
- रे -- in themorning.
- सबेरे-सबेरे -- early in themorning.
- सब्ज़ sabz -- (a) green.
- सब्ज़ बाग़ दिखलाना -- to lead the person up the garden, to arouse high hopes in vain.
- सब्ज़ी sabzi: -- (nf) vegetable; herbage.
- सब्ज़ी-मंडी -- a vegetable market.
- सब्ज़ीवाला -- a vegetable-seller.
- सब्बल sabbal -- (nm) a crowbar.
- सब्र sabbr -- (nm) patience; contentment.
- सब्र का फल मीठा होता है -- patience pays, bear and forbear is good.
- सब्र बड़ा धन है -- contentment is morethan a kingdom.
- सभय sabhay -- (a) with fear, fearing.
- सभा sabha: -- (nf) an assembly, association; a meeting; society.
- सभा-कक्ष -- meeting room, committeeroom.
- सभागार/गृह -- an assembly hall, chamber.
- सभा-त्याग -- walkout.
- सभापति -- chairman.
- सभापतित्व -- chairmanship.
- सभापतित्व में -- under the chairmanship (of).
- सभा-भवन -- auditorium, assembly hall.
- सभामंडप -- a pavilion.
- सभा-मंच -- platform, dais.
- सभासद -- member of an assembly.
- सभा जोड़ना -- (derisively) to gathera crowd.
- सभार sabha:r -- (a) onerous; with gratitude.
- सभीति sabhi:ti -- (a) with fear, fearing.
- सभोचित sabhochit -- (a) appropriate in a सभा (see).
- सभ्य sabbhy -- (a) civilised/civil, courteous.
- सभ्य जाति -- civilised race.
- सभ्य राष्ट्र -- a civilised nation.
- सभ्यता sabbhyata: -- (nf) civilization; courtesy, decency.
- सभ्याचार sabbhya:cha:r -- (nm) good manners, mannerly conduct.
- समंजन samāṇjan -- (nm) adjustment, coordination.
- समंजन करना -- to adjust, tocoordinate.
- समंदर samandar -- (nm) see समुद्र.
- सम sam -- (a) even; equal; homogeneous; regular pro सम-; (nm) even number; first accented beat in a rhythmic cycle.
- समकरण -- equalisation.
- समकुलपति -- Pro-Vice-Chancellor (of a University).
- समकुलाधिपति -- Pro-Chancellor.
- समनाम -- homonym; homonymous.
- समनामता -- homonymy.
- समपक्षीय -- homolateral.
- समप्ररूपी -- homotypical.
- समप्रसार -- relay.
- समरेखण -- alignment.
- समलिंगरति -- homosexuality.
- समशब्द -- analogue.
- समसामाजिकता -- homosociability.
- समस्वन -- homophone.
- समकक्ष samkaksh -- (a) equal/equivalent; matching; of the same stature; hance समकक्षता (nf).
- समकालिक samka:lik -- (a) synchronizing/synchronous.
- समकालिकता -- synchronism.
- समकालीन samka:li:n -- (a) contemporary/contemporaneous.
- समकालीनता -- contemporaneity.
- समकोण samkoṉ -- (nm) a right angle; (a) having equal angles.
- समकोणक -- aset square.
- समकोण चतुर्भुज -- a square.
- समकोण त्रिभुज -- right-angled triangle.
- समको/णिक, समकोणीय samkōṉik, ~y -- (a) right-angle(d).
- समक्रमिक samkramik -- (a) synchronous/synchronizing.
- समक्रमिकता -- synchronism.
- समक्ष samaksh -- (adv) before, in front of, face to face with.
- समग्र samaggr -- (a) total; whole, entire.
- समग्रता -- totality.
- समग्र रूप से -- at allpoints, on the whole, in entirety.
- समचित्त samchitt -- (a) equanimous.
- समचित्तता -- equanimity.
- समचिन्ह samchinh -- (a) isotropic.
- ता -- isotropy.
- समजात samja:t -- (a) homologous.
- समजातता -- homology.
- समजातीय samja:ti:y -- (a) homologous; homogeneous; of equal or same caste/species/class.
- समजातीयता -- homology, homogeneity.
- समझ samajh -- (nf) understanding, intellect, sense; comprehension, grasp; discretion.
- समझदार -- keen; intelligent; sensible; wise.
- समझदार को इशारा काफ़ी -- a word to thewise is enough.
- समझदारी -- wisdom; intelligence; (sense of) understanding, sense.
- समझ-बूझ -- discretion; (keenness of) understanding.
- समझ के बाहर होना, (किसी की) -- to beGreek (to); to be out of one'sken.
- समझ पर पत्थर पड़ना -- to be out ofone's head, to be bereft of senses, to lose one's wits.
- समझ में आना -- tounderstand, to comprehend.
- समझना samajhnā: -- (v) to understand, to grasp, to comprehend; tocatch, to follow; to assume airs( वह अपने आपको बहुत/कुछ समझता है); to have it out (समझ लूँगा !).
- समझ-बूझकर -- deliberately; knowingly, wittingly.
- समझाना samjha:nā: -- (v) to persuade; to explain.
- समझाना-बुझाना -- to persuade; to cajole; to calm down.
- समझौता samjhauta: -- (nm) a compromise, understanding; pact, agreement, settlement.
- समझौता करना -- to patch up the difference, to come to a compromise.
- समतल samtal -- (a and nm) level.
- समता samta: -- (nf) equality, parity; equity, equanimity; similarity, likeness, resemblance; evenness.
- समतावाद -- equalitarianism.
- समतावादी -- equalitarianist(ic).
- समतापी samta:pi: -- (a) isothermal.
- समतुलित samtulit -- (a) of equal weight.
- समतुल्य samtully -- (a) equivalent; similar.
- समतुल्यता -- equivalence; similarity.
- समतोल samtol -- (nm) equilibrium.
- समत्रिभुज samtribhuj -- (nm) an equilateral triangle.
- समत्व samattv -- (nm) see समता.
- समद/र्शी samdarshi: -- (a) equanimous; impartial.
- समदर्शिता -- equanimity; impartiality.
- समदिक्ता samdikta: -- (nf) isotropy.
- समदूरस्थ samdu:rasth -- (a) equidistant; hence समदूरस्थता (nf).
- समदृष्टि samdrishṭi -- (nf) equanimity; impartiality.
- समधिक samadhik -- (a) very much, much; hence समधिकता (nf).
- समधिन samdhin -- (nf) mother-in-law (or aunt-in-law, etc.) of son ordaughter.
- समधिया/न, समधियाना samdhiyā:n, ~nā: -- (nm) place/abode of समधी.
- समधी samdhi: -- (nf) father-in-law (or uncle-in-law, etc.) of son/daughter.
- समन samān -- (nm) summons.
- समन तामील करना -- to serve summons (on).
- समनाम samnā:m -- (a) namesake.
- समन्व/य samānnvay -- (nm) coordination; harmony.
- समन्वयकारी -- coordinating.
- समन्वयी -- a coordinator/coordinating; one who harmonizes, harmonizing.
- समन्वि/त samannvit -- (a) coordinated; harmonized; hence समन्विति (nf).
- समन्वेषण samannveshāṉ -- (nm) thorough exploration/investigation.
- समपृष्ठ samprisṭḥ -- (a) level, even, of level/even surface.
- समबाहु samba:hu -- (a) equilateral.
- समबुद्धि sambuddhi -- (a and nm) equanimous; equanimity.
- समभार sambha:r -- (a) having equal weight.
- सममि/त samamit -- (a) symmetrical.
- सममिति -- symmetry.
- समय samay -- (nm) time; period; times; timings; occasion; leisure; a convention.
- समय का पक्का/समयनिष्ठ -- punctual.
- समयनिष्ठता -- punctuality.
- समयमान -- timely, on time; timings.
- समय रहते -- while there is time, in time.
- समय संकेत -- time signal.
- समय-सारणी -- a timetable.
- समय से -- in time.
- समय से पहले -- prematurely; before time.
- समय आ जाना/निकट होना -- the end to come, theend to be imminent.
- समय का पलटाखाना, समय-फिरना -- the times to takea turn.
- समय-कुसमय -- in times of need.
- समय को दुर्लभ जानो -- make hay whilethe sun shines.
- समय पर टाँका नौ काकाम देता है -- a stich in time savesnine.
- समय बदलना -- the times to change.
- समयांतर samayā:ntar -- (nm) time-interval, time-gap.
- समयु/ग्मक samyugmāk -- (a and nm) isogamete.
- समयुग्मी -- isogamous.
- समायोचित samayochit -- (a) opportune, timely; expedient.
- समायोचित उपदेश/बात -- timely advice, a word in season.
- समायोचितता -- expediency, the fact orstate of being timely/opportune.
- समयोपरि samayopari -- (nm) overtime.
- समयोपरि कार्य -- overtime work.
- समर samar -- (nm) a war; battle.
- समर-तंत्र -- strategy, tactics, war-tactics.
- समरतंत्री -- tactician, strategist.
- समरतंत्रीय -- tactical, strategic.
- समर-नीति -- strategy.
- समरबंध -- a cartel.
- समर-भूमि -- battlefield.
- समरस samras -- (a) equanimous; harmonious.
- समरसता -- equanimity; harmony.
- समरांगण samrā:ṅgāṉ -- (nm) a battle-field.
- समरू/प samru:p -- (a) pari passu, homogeneous; identical; similar; homomorph.
- समरूपता -- similarity; constancy, homogeneity; homomorphism.
- समरूपादर्श -- isotype.
- समरोचित samarochit -- (a) fit for war/battle, appropriate in times of war.
- समरोद्यत samaroddyat -- (a) ready to fight; equipped for war/battle; hence समरोद्यतता (nf).
- समर्थ samarth -- (a) capable, competent.
- समर्थता -- capability, competence.
- सम/र्थक samarthak -- (nm) a supporter; vindicator.
- समर्थन -- support; vindication; corroboration.
- समर्थन करना -- to support, to second.
- समर्थनीय -- worth supporting; vindicatable.
- समर्थित -- supported, vindicated.
- सम/र्पण samarpāṉ -- (nm) dedication; surrender.
- समर्पणकर्त्ता -- one whodedicates/surrenders.
- समपित -- dedicated; surrendered.
- समर्या/द, समर्यादा samarya:d, ~da: -- (a) with limit(s)/bounds.
- समलंकृत samalāṅkrit -- (a) well-decorated, fully adorned, embellished.
- समवयस्क samvayask -- (a) of the same age, equal in age; hence समवयस्कता (nf).
- समव/र्ती samvarti: -- (a) concurrent; adjacent, contiguous; hence समवर्तिता (nf).
- समवर्ण samvarṉ -- (a) of the same caste/colour; hence समवर्णता (nf).
- समवाय samva:y -- (nm) collection, company; concourse; concomitance.
- समवाय संबंध -- inseparable relation, intimate and constant connection.
- समवायी samava:yi: -- (a) inseparable; concomitant; substantial.
- समवायी कारण -- material or substantial cause.
- समवृत्ति samvritti -- (a) analogous; co-professional, of the same calling.
- समवृत्तिता -- analogy; co-professionalism.
- समवेत samvet -- (a and adv) collective (ly).
- समवेत गान -- chorus, collective singing.
- समवेदना samavednā: -- (nf) condolence.
- समवेदना-संदेश -- message of condolence.
- समवेदना-सभा -- a condolence meeting.
- समशीतोष्ण samshi:toshṉ -- (a) moderate, temperate.
- समशीतोष्ण कटिबंध -- tropics.
- समष्टि samashṭi -- (nf) collectiveness, totality, aggregate.
- समष्टि और व्यप्टि -- the collective/society and theindividual.
- समष्टि मन/मानस -- collectivemind.
- समष्टि मानव -- the collective man.
- समष्टिवादि -- collectivism.
- समष्टिवाद -- a collectivist; collectivistic.
- समसामयिक samsa:maik -- (a) contemporary, contemporaneous.
- समसामयिक चेतना -- contemporary consciousness.
- समसामयिकता -- contemporaneity.
- समस्त samast -- (a) all; whole, complete, entire; compound(ed); hence समस्तता (nf).
- समस्त पद -- compound word.
- समस्थिति samasthiti -- (nf) constancy; equanimity.
- समस्या samassya: -- (nf) a problem; the last portion or line of ametrical composition which ismeant for completion in thesame metre by a competitor.
- समस्या-नाटक -- a problem play.
- समस्या-पुर्ति -- completinga metrical composition posed asa 'समस्या'.
- समस्यामूलक -- problematic.
- समस्या का समाधान -- solution of a/the problem.
- समस्वरण samasvarāṉ -- (nm) tuning.
- समहित samhit -- (nm) entente.
- समाँ samā: -- (nm) occasion; weather; gaiety; finery; spectacle.
- समाँ बँधना -- to be bound by a spell, a spell-binding performance to be occasioned.
- समाँ बदल जाना -- things to undergo a change.
- समाँ बाँधना -- to spell-bind, to occasion a fascinating spectacle or performance.
- समाँ वाला -- spell-binding.
- समांग samā:ṅg -- (a) homogeneous; sound.
- समांगता -- homogeneity; soundness.
- समांतर samā:ntar -- (a) parallel.
- समांतरता/वाद -- parallelism.
- समाई sama:i: -- (nf) capacity; capability; patience.
- समाकार sama:ka:r -- (a) homomorphous, of the same form/shape; hence समाकारता (nf).
- समाकुल sama:kul -- (a) very eager; restless; hence समाकुलता (nf).
- समागत sama:gat -- (a) arrived; returned.
- समागम sama:gām -- (nm) arrival; intercourse.
- समाचार samā:cha:r -- (nm) news; information.
- समाचार-एजेंट -- a news agent.
- समाचारदाता -- a news, reporter.
- समाचारपत्र -- anewspaper.
- समाचार-प्रसार(ण) -- newsrelay, dissemination of news.
- समाचार-फ़िल्म -- a newsreel.
- समाचार-साप्ताहिक -- a newsweekly.
- समाचार देना -- to break news, toconvey a news.
- समाज sama:j -- (nm) society; community.
- समाज-निरपेक्ष -- non-social.
- समाज-निरपेक्ता -- the state or fact of being non-social, independent of the society.
- समाजवाद -- socialism.
- समाजवादी -- a socialist; socialistic.
- समाजवादी राज्य -- socialistic state.
- समाजवादी व्यवस्था -- socialistic order.
- समाज-विषयक/सम्बन्धी -- social.
- समाज-व्यवस्था -- social order.
- समाजशास्त्र -- Sociology.
- समाजशास्त्रज्ञ/शास्त्री -- a sociologist.
- समाजशास्त्रीय -- sociological.
- समाज-सुधार -- social reform/uplift.
- समाज-सुधारक -- social reformer.
- समाज सेवक -- a socialworker.
- समाज सेवा -- social service.
- समाज-सेविका -- a female social worker.
- समाज-सेवी -- rendering social service, social worker.
- समाजी sama:ji: -- (nm) an instrumental musician who accompanies a singing and dancing girl; member of a समाज (as आर्यसमाजी, र्बह्मसमाजी); (a) social.
- समाजी/करण samā:ji:karāṉ -- (nm) socialization समाजीकरण, अहंकार का; socialization of ego.
- समाजीकृत -- socialized.
- समादर sama:dar -- (nm) reverence, honour, respect, veneration.
- समादरणीय -- respectable, venerable.
- समादिष्ट samā:dishṭ -- (a) commanded; commissioned.
- समादृत sama:ddrit -- (a) respected, honoured.
- समादेश sama:desh -- (nm) command; commission.
- समा/धान sama:dhā:n -- (nm) solution (of a problem, etc.).
- समाधेय -- solvable.
- समाधेयता -- solvability.
- समाधि sama:dhi -- (nf) trance; intense meditation; a tomb.
- समाधिनिष्ठ -- devoted to intense meditation.
- समाधि-भंग -- interruption in the process ofmeditation.
- समाधिस्थ -- in a trance, in intense meditation.
- समाधि-लेख -- anepitaph.
- समाधि टूटना -- process of meditation to be broken/disturbed; tobe disturbed in one's meditation.
- समाधि लगाना -- to go into a trance; toconcentrate one's mind; to meditate.
- समाधि लेना -- to go into eternaltrance.
- समाधि (जल में) -- to go to one's watery grave.
- समान samā:n -- (a) equal, equivalent; similar, alike, identical; tantamount.
- समानता -- equality, equivalence.
- समानांतर samā:nā:ntar -- (a) parallel.
- समानांतरता -- parallelism.
- समाना samā:nā: -- (v) to be contained (in); to enter; to fit (in); to permeate.
- समानाधिकरण samā:nā:dhikaraṉ -- (nm) see समाणाधिकार; apposition, coordination.
- समानाधिका/र samā:nā:dhika:r -- (nm) equal rights.
- री -- possessing equalrights; joint heir.
- समानार्थक samā:na:rthak -- (a) synonymous.
- समानार्थकता -- synonymity.
- समापन samā:pan -- (nm) conclusion; completion.
- समापन-समारोह -- closing/concluding function.
- समापवर्तक samā:pavartak -- (nm) common factor/measure.
- समापवर्तक , महत्तम -- greatest common measure (G.C.M.).
- समापवर्त्य samā:pvarty -- (nm) common multiple.
- समापवर्त्य , लघुतम -- least commonmultiple (L.C.M).
- समापिका samā:pika: -- (a) that which ends; (nf) after-piece.
- समापिका क्रिया -- finiteverb.
- समापित samā:pit -- (a) concluded; completed.
- समाप्त samā:pt -- (a) finished, ended, concluded, terminated; completed.
- समाप्तप्राय -- almost finished/ended/concluded/completed/terminated.
- समाप्ति samā:pti -- (nf) the end, conclusion, termination; completion.
- समाप्य samā:ppy -- (a) to be or worth being concluded/finished/terminated/completed.
- समाभिनंदन samā:bhināndān -- (nm) acclamation.
- समामेलन samā:melan -- (nm) annexation; amalgamation.
- समाम्नाय samā:mnā:y -- (nm) traditional collection (of sacred texts); handing down by tradition ormemory.
- समायो/जन samā:yojan -- (nm) compering; adjustment.
- समायोजक -- one who adjusts; a compere; hence समायोजित (a).
- समारंभ samā:rambh -- (nm) inauguration, commencement, beginning.
- समाराधन samā:ra:dhan -- (nm) appeasement; propitiation, gratification.
- समारोह samā:roh -- (nm) celebration, festivity, function.
- समार्थ samā:rth -- (a) synonymous.
- समार्थक -- a synonym; synonymous.
- समालाप samā:la:p -- (nm) an inter-view; conversation.
- समालोच/क samā:lochak -- (nm) a crtic.
- समालोचन -- see समालोचना.
- समालोचना samā:lochnā: -- (nf) criticism; critical appreciation; critique.
- त्मक -- critical.
- समालोचना शास्त्र -- criticism.
- समालोचना-शिल्प -- craft of criticism.
- समावर्तन samā:vartan -- (nm) returning home (esp. after completion ofstudies).
- समावर्तन-संस्कार/समारोह -- a convocation.
- समावर्तनीय -- pertaining to orfit for समावर्तन.
- समाविष्ट samā:vishṭ -- (a) included, entered, incorporated; pervaded, permeated.
- समावृत sama:vrit -- (a) covered; enveloped.
- समावृत्त samā:vritt -- (a) returned after completion of studies.
- समावे/श samā:vesh -- (nm) inclusion, entry, incorporation; pervasion, permeation; hence समावेशित (a).
- समा/श्वस्त samā:shshvast -- (nm) a warrantee; (a) assured.
- समाश्वासक -- awarrantor.
- श्वासन -- warranty.
- श्वासन देना -- to warrant.
- समास samā:s -- (nm) a compound (word); abridgement; concision, terseness.
- बहुल -- abounding in.
- समासीन samā:si:n -- (a) seated well/comfortably.
- समासोक्ति samā:sokti -- (nf) a figure of speech in Indian Rhetoricswhich is a varity of allegory, brevity of speech.
- समा/हरण samā:harāṉ -- (nm) concentration, collection, accumulation; procuration.
- समाहर्ता -- one who collects/accumulates/causes concentration; a procurator.
- समाहार -- collection, accumulation, concentration; procuration; sum, totality, aggregate; conjunction or connection of words or sentences; compounding of words.
- समाहित samā:hit -- (a) collected, concentrated; merged (into).
- मना -- with the mind concentrated on.
- समिति samīti -- (nf) a committee.
- समिति-कक्ष -- committee room.
- समिति-कार्य -- committee work.
- समिधा samīdha: -- (nf) sacrificial firewood; an oblation to fuel or firewood.
- समीकरण samī:karāṉ -- (nm) equation.
- समीकरण , अवकल -- differential equation.
- समीकरण , एकघात -- linear equation.
- समीकरण , समाकल -- integral equation.
- समीकृत samī:krit -- (a) equated.
- समीक्ष/क samī:kshak -- (nm) a reviewer.
- समीक्षण -- reviewing/criticizing/commenting.
- समीक्षा sami:ksha: -- (nf) a review; criticism; commentary.
- समीक्षाकार -- see समीक्षक.
- समोक्षित samī:kshit -- (a) reviewed/criticised/commented upon.
- समीक्ष्य sami:kshy -- (a) under review; worth reviewing/criticising/commenting (on).
- समीचीन samī:chi:n -- (a) proper, fit, right; equitable.
- समीचीनता -- propriety, fitness, right; equitability.
- समीप samī:p -- (a) near (in place or time), beside, proximate, closeby, at hand; hence ता (nf).
- समीपवर्ती -- neighbouring, proximate.
- समीपस्थ -- situated near/close by, proximate.
- समीर samī:r -- (nf) air, breeze.
- समीरण -- air, breeze.
- समुंदर samūndar -- (nm) see समुद्र.
- समुचित samūchit -- (a) proper, right, fit, appropriate; hence ता (nf).
- समुच्चय samuchchay -- (nm) set; collection, aggregate/aggregation, totality, assemblage; conjunction of words or sentences.
- बोधक -- conjunction.
- समुच्छ्वास samuchchva:s -- (nm) deep sigh.
- समुज्ज्वल samujjval -- (a) shining brightly, bright; hence समुज्ज्वलता (nf).
- समुत्कंठा samutkāṉṭḥa: -- (nf) deep longing, craving.
- समुत्कर्ष samutkarsh -- (nm) self-elevation; eminence, prominence.
- समु/त्थान samuttha:n -- (nm) rise, elevation; uplift; hence समुत्थित (a).
- समुत्सुक samutsuk -- (a) anxiously desirous, yearning, craving, longing; hence समुत्सुकता (nf).
- समुदाय samuda:y -- (nm) community; aggregate, collection.
- गत -- collective.
- समुद्यत samuddyat -- (a) ready, in readiness.
- समुद्र samuddr -- (nm) an ocean, a sea.
- कंप -- sea-quake.
- समुद्रगामी -- sea-faring.
- समुद्र-तट/तीर -- sea shore.
- समुद्रतटवर्ती -- coastal.
- तटीय व्यापार -- coastal trade.
- मंथन -- churning of the ocean (InIndian mythology, the ocean waschurned by the gods, and thedemons taking शेषनाग as thechurn-string and the मंदराचल.
- समुद्री samuddri: -- (a) oceanic, marine; sea-borne.
- समुद्री डाकू -- a pirate.
- समुद्री तार -- a cable.
- समुद्री यात्रा -- a voyage.
- समुद्रीय samuddri:y -- (a) oceanic, pertaining to the sea.
- समुन्न/त samūanat -- (a) risen, elevated; progressed, developed.
- समुन्नता -- progress, development; elevation, rise; hence समुन्न यन (nm).
- समुपस्थि/त samupasthit -- (a) present; come, turned up; hence समुपस्थिति (nf).
- समुल्लास samulla:s -- (nm) exhiliration; chapter (of a book).
- समूचा samū:cha: -- (a) all, whole, entire.
- समूल samu:l -- (a) having root(s); well-founded; (adv) from the root; root and branch.
- समूल नाश -- completeruination/destruction, extermination.
- समूल करना -- to destroy rootand branch.
- समूल्य samu:ly -- (a) priced.
- समूह samu:h -- (nm) a group; collection; aggregate, assemblage, multitude; community.
- समूहत -- en bloc, en masse.
- समूहन -- aggregation, collection.
- समूहवाचक -- indicative of community/aggregate; collective.
- समूहवाचक संज्ञा -- collective noun.
- संमृद्ध samriddh -- (a) prosperous, flourishirg; affluent, rich.
- समृद्धि samriddhi -- (nf) prosperity, flourish; affluence, richness.
- समेक/न samekan -- (nm) (the act or process of) integration; consolidation.
- समेकता -- integration; consolidation, solidarity.
- समेकतावाद -- solidarism.
- समेटना samēṭnā: -- (v) to wrap up, to roll up; to wind up; to gather/collect; to rally; to amass.
- समेत samet -- (a and adv) with, together with, along with; accompanied by.
- समैक्य samaiky -- (nm) solidarity, integration.
- समोना samonā: -- (v) to (cause to) permeate, to pervade; to infuse (with).
- समोवार samova:r -- (nm) a samovar.
- समोसा samōsa: -- (nm) a kind of stuffed pie of a triangular shape.
- सम्मत sammāt -- (a) supported (by), approved of (by), authenticated(by).
- सम्मति sammāti -- (nf) opinion; consent; advice.
- सम्मन sammān -- (nm) summons.
- सम्मर्द sammard -- (nm) crowd; trampling.
- सम्मान sammā:n -- (nm) respect, honour; prestige.
- पूर्ण -- respectable, honourable.
- पूर्वक -- respectfully, honourably.
- संम्माननीय sammā:nnī:y -- (a) honourable, respectable; hence ता (nf).
- सम्मानित sammā:nīt -- (a) honoured, respected.
- सम्मान्य sammā:ny -- (a) see सम्माननीय.
- सम्मिलन sammilan -- (a) coming together, union; coalescence.
- सम्मिलित sammilit -- (a) united; mixed; included.
- सम्मि/श्र sammishr -- (a) intermixed, commingled; combined; compound(ed); also सम्मिश्रित (a).
- सम्मिश्रण sammishrāṉ -- (nm) the act or process of intermixing/commingling; combining.
- सम्मुख sammukh -- (a) before, in front of; opposite; facing, confronting.
- सम्मलेन sammelan -- (nm) a conference; meeting; assembly.
- सम्मो/ह sammoh -- (nm) hypnosis; fascination; stupefaction; beguilement.
- सम्मोहक -- hypnotic/hypnotising; a hypnotis.
- सम्मोहन -- hypnosis, hypnotising; fascinating; stupefying.
- सम्मोहन-अस्त्र -- a missile that stupefies.
- सम्मोहन-विद्या -- hypnotism.
- सम्मोहनी -- hypnotic spell.
- सम्मोहित -- hypnotised; fascinated; stupefied.
- सम्यक् sammyak -- (adv and a) thoroughly, completely, wholly; duly, well; due.
- सम्यग् samyag -- an allomorph of सम्यक् as it appears in some compound words.
- ज्ञान/बोध -- preciseknowledge, thorough knowledge.
- वाक् -- precise in speech.
- सम्राज्ञी samra:ggi: -- (nf) an Empress.
- सम्राज्य samra:jjy -- (nm) see सम्राज्य.
- सम्राट samra:ṭ -- (nm) an Emperor.
- सम्हलना samhalnā: -- (v) see सँभलना.
- सयानपन saya:npān -- (nm) cleverness; cunningness.
- सयाना saya:nā: -- (a) grown up; clever; cunning.
- सयानापन -- grown up state; cleverness, cunningness.
- सयाना कौवा गू खाता है, कूड़े पर -- every foxmust pay his skin to the furrier; positive men are often in error.
- सरंजाम sarāṇja:m -- (nm) preparations; arrangements; accomplishment.
- सरंजाम करना/बाँधना -- to make arrangements/preparations.
- सरंजाम होना -- preparations/arrangements to bemade.
- सर sar -- (nm) see सिर a pond, pool; an arrow; one of the four top-valued playing cards; (a) conquered, subdued.
- सरअंजाम -- see सरंजामकश mischief monger; impudent, rebellious.
- कशी -- mischief-mongering; impudence, rebelliousness.
- खत -- stamped agreement/document, etc.
- गना -- leader (ofa gang), ring-leader.
- गर्मी -- hecticactivity; passionate effort; enthusiasm.
- गुज़श्त -- description, narration; happening, event.
- ग़ोशी -- whispers, whispering campaign/complaints (against).
- ज़मीन -- country; territory.
- जोर -- impudent, insolent; hence जोरी (nf).
- सरताज -- see सिरताज.
- सरदर्द -- headachebotheration.
- सरदर्दी -- botheration; source of anxiety/concern.
- सरदार -- a chieftain; leader; boss; a sikh.
- सरदारी -- the office, function orstatus of a सरदार.
- सरनाम -- well-known, renowned, famous.
- सरनामा -- form of address and superscriptional formalities in a letter etc.
- सरपंच -- the head पंच.
- सरपरस्त -- apatron; supporter.
- सरपरस्ती -- patronage; support.
- सरपेच -- an ornament worn over the turban, adiadem.
- फ़रोज़ -- honoured; arrogant; hence फ़रोजी (nf).
- सरफ़रोश -- ready to sacrifice one's life; intrepid.
- सरफ़रोशी -- readiness to sacrifice life; intrepidness.
- सरशार -- fullto the brim; bubbling; buoyant.
- सर-व-समान -- bag and baggage.
- सरशुमारी -- census.
- सरसब्ज -- green, verdant; prosperous.
- सरे-इजलास -- inthe court, while the court is insession.
- सरे-दरबार -- openly.
- सरे-नौ -- afresh, anew.
- सरे-बाजार -- openly, publicly.
- सरे-शाम -- early in theevening, as soon as the eveningsets in.
- सर करना -- to conquer; to subdue; to vanquish.
- सर होना -- to beconquered; to be subdued; to bevanquished.
- सर मँढना -- to impose on.
- सर मुँडाते ही ओले पड़े -- ill-luck overtaking at the very out set.
- सरकंडा sarkāṉḍa: -- (nm) (a kind of) reed.
- सरकना saraknā: -- (v) to slip; to slide; to creep.
- सरकस sarkas -- (nm) a circus.
- सरकार sarka:r -- (nf) government; administration.
- सरकारी sarka:ri: -- (a) governmental; public; official; administrative.
- सरकारी आमदानी -- public revenue.
- सरकारी इमारत -- a public building.
- सरकारी काग़ज -- anofficial paper.
- सरकारी काम -- an officialwork.
- सरकारी गवाह -- prosecution witness.
- सरकारी तंत्र -- governmental machinery.
- सरकारी नौकर -- government/public servant.
- सरकारी नौकरी -- government/public service.
- सरकारी मुलाज़िम -- a government/publicservant.
- सरकारी वकील -- prosecution counsel; government pleader.
- सरकारीकरण sarka:ri:karāṉ -- (nm) governmentalisation, taking overby the government, bringingunder government control/administration.
- सरगम sargam -- (nf) the gamut; a syllabic form of musical composition.
- सरणि saraṉī -- (nf) a channel.
- बद्ध -- channelized.
- सरता-बरता sarta:barta: -- (nm) mutual division of share.
- सरता-बरता करना -- to carryon with mutual aid.
- सरथ sarath -- (nm) a charioteer; (a) riding a chariot.
- सरना sarnā: -- (v) to be accomplished; to be seen through.
- सरना , काज/काम -- awork to be accomplished.
- सरपट sarpaṭ -- (a and adv) galloping; apace.
- सरपट चाल -- galloping speed, gallop.
- सरफोंका sarphōka: -- (nm) see सरकांडा; a medicinal plant.
- सरमा/या sarma:ya: -- (nm) capital.
- सरमायेदार -- a capitalist.
- सरमायेदारी -- capitalism.
- सरल saral -- (a) easy; simple; straight; direct; straight-forward; ingenuous; light.
- सरलता -- easiness; simplicity; straightness; directness; straightforwardness; ingenuity.
- सरल ब्याज -- simple interest.
- सरल रेखा -- astraight line.
- सरल संगीत -- light music.
- सरलहृदय -- simple-hearted, straight, ingenuous.
- सरलहृदयता -- simple-heartedness, straightness, ingenuity.
- सरली/करण sarali:karāṉ -- (nm) simplification.
- कृत -- simplified.
- सरवर sarvar -- (nm) a pond, pool.
- सरस saras -- (a) juicy; sweet; delicious, tasteful; relishable; hence सरसता (nf).
- सरसठ sarsaṭḥ -- (a) sixty-seven; (nm) the number sixty-seven.
- सरसना sarasnā: -- (v) to flourish, to prosper; to acquire fullness; tobe in full bloom; to be full ofrelish/charm.
- सरसर sarsar -- (nf) rustling noise, frou-frou.
- सरसरा/ना sarsara:nā: -- (v) to produce a rustling noise, to cause a frou-frou.
- सरसराहट -- frou-frou, rustle.
- सरसरी sarsari: -- (a) cursory; hurried.
- सरसरी जाँच -- hurried check-up; brief examination.
- सरसरी तौंर पर -- cursorily, summarily; roughly.
- सरसरी नज़र/निगाह -- cursory glance.
- सरसरी डालना -- to throw acursory glance.
- सरसाना sarsa:nā: -- (v) to cause to flourish/prosper/acquire fullness; to be full of relish/charm, to bein full bloom.
- सरसिज sarsij -- (nm) a lotus-flower.
- सरसी sarsi: -- (uf) a small pond/pool.
- सरसों sarsō -- (nf) mustard seed or plant.
- सरसों का तेल -- mustard oil.
- सरसों फूलना, आँखो में -- to be elated.
- सरस्वती saraswati: -- (nf) the goddess.
- सरहज sarhaj -- (nf) brother-in-law's (साले की) wife.
- सरह/द sarhad -- (nf) boundary, frontier.
- सरहदबंदी -- demarcation.
- सरहदी -- pertaining to/related with orbelonging to सरहद.
- सरापना sara:pnā: -- (v) to curse; to condemn, to imprecate.
- सरापा sara:pa: -- (adv) from head to foot; all over.
- सरा/फ़ sara:f -- (nm) a dealer in gold and silver (jewellery).
- फ़ा -- goldand silver exchange market.
- सराफ़ी sara:fi: -- (nf) the business of a सराफ़; the script used by Indianstyle accountants which is just anexpedient variation of Devna:gri:.
- सराबोर sara:bor -- (a) completely drenched; soaked.
- सराय sara:y -- (nf) an inn, a tavern.
- सरासर sara:sar -- (adv) downright, sheer; altogether, entirely.
- सरासर ज़्यादती -- downright/sheer excess.
- सराह/ना sara:hnā: -- (v) to praise, to applaud, to commend; to eulogize, to appreciate; (nf) praise, appreciation, applause; eulogy.
- सराहनीय sara:hnī:y -- (a) praise-worthy, laudable, commendable.
- सरिता sarita: -- (nf) a river, stream.
- सरिया sariya: -- (nm) an iron-bar.
- सरि/श्ता sarishta: -- (nm) a department; court.
- सरिश्तेदार -- a court-official.
- सरिश्तेदारी -- job or office of a सरिश्तेदार.
- सरिस saris -- (a) equal; like, identical.
- सरीखा sari:kha: -- (a) like, resembling, identical.
- सरीसृप sari:srip -- (a and nm) (the) reptile(s).
- सरीहन sari:han -- (adv) openly, publicly.
- सरुप saru:p -- (a) having a form/shape; hence सरुपता (nf).
- सरुर saru:r -- (nm) see सुरुर.
- सरेदस्त saredast -- (adv) now, this very time.
- सरेबाज़ार sareba:za:r -- (adv) openly, publicly.
- सरे/श, सरेस saresh, ~s -- (nf) glue.
- सरो saro -- (nm) a cypress tree.
- सरोकार saroka:r -- (nm) concern, business.
- सरोज saroj -- (nm) a lotus-flower.
- सरोद sarod -- (nf) sarod—a stringed musical instrument.
- सरोरुह saroruh -- (nm) a lotus-flower.
- सरोवर sarovar -- (nm) a pond, pool.
- सरोष sarosh -- (a and adv) with rage, enraged, furious(ly); wrathful(ly).
- सरौता sarauta: -- (nm) a nut-cracker.
- सर्कस sarkas -- (nm) a circus.
- सर्किल sarkil -- (nm) a circle.
- सर्कुलर sarkular -- (nm) a circular (letter, etc).
- सर्ग sarg -- (nm) a canto; world.
- सर्गबध्द -- divided into cantos.
- सर्चलाइट sarchla:iṭ -- (nf) a search-light.
- सर्जन sarjan -- (nm) creation; a surgeon.
- सर्जनहार -- a creator.
- सर्जना sarjanā: -- (nf) creation.
- सर्जरी sarjari: -- (nf) surgery.
- सर्टिफ़िकेट sarṭi:fikeṭ -- (nm) a certificate.
- सर्द sard -- (a) cold; cool; frigid; lifeless.
- सर्द-गर्म -- ups and downs, whirligigs (of life).
- सर्द-गर्म देखे हुए होना -- to have faced ups and downs, tohave stood the whirligigs of life.
- बाज़ारी -- slump in the market, market-depression.
- सर्दमिज़ाज -- cold, unresponsive.
- सर्द हो जाना -- to becomestill/lifeless; to die; to losewarmth.
- सर्दा sarda: -- (nm) a sweeter and.
- सर्दी sardi: -- (nf) cold; winter.
- सर्दी-गरमी -- winter and summer; vicissitudesof life.
- सर्दी खाना -- to be struck bycold.
- सर्प sarp -- (nm) a serpent, snake.
- सर्पदंश -- snake-bite.
- सर्प-निर्माक -- theslough (of a snake).
- सर्प-फण -- thehood of a snake.
- सर्पराज -- Va:suki —the mythological serpent king; a huge snake.
- सर्प-विद्या -- the art ofsnake charming; hence सर्पिणी( nf).
- सर्पण sarpāṉ -- (nm) creeping, crawling.
- सर्पिल sarpil -- (nm and a) a spiral; zigzag.
- सर्फ़ sarf -- (a) spent, expended.
- सर्फ़ करना -- to spend.
- सर्फ़ होना -- to be spent/expended.
- सर्रा/फ़/ sarra:f -- (nm) see सराफ़.
- सर्राफ़ा -- see सराफ़ा.
- सर्व sarv -- (a) all; whole, entire, complete.
- सर्वकाम्य -- universally popular; coveted/desired by all.
- सर्वकाल -- for or at all times, always.
- सर्वकालीन -- belonging to all times, perpetual.
- सर्वक्षमा -- amnesty.
- सर्वगति -- omnipresent.
- सर्वजन -- everybody; all.
- सर्वजनीन -- universal; applyingto or concerned with all andsundry.
- सर्वजित -- all-conquering.
- सर्वज्ञ -- a know-all, omniscient.
- सर्वज्ञता -- omniscience.
- सर्वदर्शी -- all-seeing.
- सर्वदलीय -- all-party consisting of representatives of all parties.
- सर्वदान -- gift of one's all.
- सर्वदेशीय -- cosmopolitan, universal.
- देशीयता -- cosmopolitanism; universality.
- सर्वनाम -- a pronoun.
- सर्वनाश -- holocaust, complete ruin, utterdestruction/devastation.
- सर्वनाश होना -- togo to the devil.
- सर्वनाशी -- all-destroying, causing complete ruin.
- सर्वनियंता -- all-controlling, Masterof all.
- सर्वपालक -- all-preserving, all-protecting.
- सर्वप्रिय -- all-loving; loved by all, universally popular; hence सर्वप्रियता (nf).
- सर्वभक्षी -- omnivorous, all consuming.
- सर्वमंगल -- good of all, universal good.
- सर्वराष्ट्रवाद -- cosmopolitanism.
- सर्वविद -- omniscient.
- सर्वव्यापक -- omnipresent; universal.
- सर्वव्यापकता -- omnipresence; universality.
- सर्वव्यापी -- omnipresent; universal.
- सर्वशक्तिमान -- omnipotent.
- सर्वशुभवाद -- optimism.
- सर्वशुभवादी -- an optimist; optimistic.
- सर्वश्री -- Messrs.
- सर्वश्रेष्ठ -- the best, best of the lot, pick ofthe basket; hence सर्वश्रेष्ठता (nf).
- सर्वसम्मत -- unanimous.
- सर्वसम्मति -- unanimity.
- सर्वसम्मति से स्वीकृत होना, प्रस्ताव आदि -- to be adopted/passed unanimously.
- सर्वसह -- all enduring.
- सर्वसाधारण -- the common man; people at large.
- सर्वसामान्य -- common, commonplace.
- सर्वसुलभ -- easily accessible to all.
- सर्वहर -- appropriating everything, all-usurping.
- सर्वहारी -- all appropriating; all-usurping.
- सर्वहित -- generalwelfare, common good.
- सर्वतः sarvatah -- (ind) all round, everywhere, from all sides/directions.
- सर्वतो sarvato -- an allomorph of सर्वतः as it appears in a numberof compound words.
- सर्वतोगामी -- going all round, going in all directions.
- सर्वतोभद्र -- auspicious, good forall; clean-shaven all over.
- सर्वतोभाव -- omnipresence.
- सर्वतोभावेन -- in everyway, fully, thoroughly.
- सर्वतोमुख -- facing all directions.
- मुखी -- inall directions; versatile.
- मुखी प्रतिभा -- versatile genius.
- सर्वत्र sarvattr -- (in) everywhere; allways.
- सर्वथा sarvatha: -- (ind) entirely, thoroughly, in all respects, in every way.
- सर्वदा sarvada: -- (ind) always, at all times.
- सर्वशः sarvashah -- (ind) all-round, in all respects, completely.
- सर्वश्रेष्ठ sarvashreshṭḥ -- (a) see under 'सर्व'; hence सर्वश्रेष्ठता (nf).
- सर्वस्व sarvassv -- (nm) one's all, all one's belongings/possessions.
- सर्वहारा sarvaha:ra: -- (nm) the proletariat.
- सर्वहारा वर्ग -- the proletariat class.
- सर्वहारा की तानाशाही -- dictatorship of the proletariat.
- सर्वांग sarva:ṅg -- (nm) the whole person; all over.
- सर्वांगपुर्ण -- complete in all respects.
- सर्वांगसम -- congruent.
- सर्वांगसमता -- congruence.
- सर्वांगसुन्दर -- prettyin all respects, shapely all over.
- सर्वांगीण sarvā:ṅgī:ṉ -- (a) permeating all parts, all-sided, all round, inall respects; hence सर्वांगीणता (nf).
- सर्वांतर्यामी sarvā:ntarya:mī: -- (a) All-Pervasive; (nm) God.
- सर्वा/त्मा sarva:tmā: -- (nm) the Universal Soul; the All-Pervading.
- सर्वात्म(त्मक)वाद -- animism.
- सर्वात्म(त्मक)वादी -- an animist; animistic.
- सर्वाधिक sarva:dhik -- (a) most; ahead of all.
- सर्वाधिकार sarva:dhika:r -- (nm) all rights.
- सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित -- all rights reserved.
- सर्वाधिकारी sarva:dhika:ri: -- (a) plenipotentiary, wielding or vested with all rights.
- सर्वाधिपत्य sarva:dhipatty -- (nm) exercise of hegemony over all, autocracy.
- सर्वाधिपत्यवाद -- autocracy.
- सर्वाधिपत्यवादी -- autocratic; an autocrat.
- सर्वार्थ sarva:rth -- (nm) universal good, good of all.
- सर्वार्थवाद -- universalism.
- सर्वार्थवादी -- a universalist; universalistic.
- सर्वास्ति/वाद sarva:stiva:d -- (nm) the doctrine that all existence is real.
- सर्वास्तिवादी -- an adherent or follower of सर्वास्तिवाद.
- सर्वाहारी sarva:ha:ri: -- (a) omnivorous.
- सर्वीय sarvi:y -- (a) relating/pertaining to all.
- सर्वेक्ष/ण sarvekshāṉ -- (nm) survey.
- सर्वेक्षक -- a surveyor.
- सर्वेक्षणकर्ता -- a surveyor, one who surveys.
- सर्वेक्ष , भाषा -- linguistic survey.
- सर्वे/श, सर्वेश्वर sarvesh, ~shshvar -- (nm) Master of all, God.
- सर्वेसर्वा sarvesarva: -- (a) all-in-all, all-powerful.
- सर्वोच्च sarvochch -- (a) paramount, supreme, above all, best, uppermost; hence सर्वोच्चता (nf).
- सर्वोच्च न्यायालय -- Supreme Court.
- सर्वोच्च सत्ता -- supremeauthority.
- सर्वोच्च-सम्मान -- the blue ribbon.
- सर्वोच्च सेनापति -- Supreme Commander.
- सर्वोत्तम sarvottam -- (a) the best, most excellent; optimum.
- सर्वात्कृष्ट sarvotkrishṭ -- (a) best, superior-most, above all; hence सर्वात्कृष्टता (nf).
- सर्वोदय sarvoday -- (nm) uplift of all; (सर्वोदय आन्दोलन) a non-violent movement in India meant for the uplift of all men without distinctionof caste, creed, sex or status (andled by Acharya Vinoba Bhaveand Jaya Prakash Narayan).
- सर्वोपरि sarvopari -- (a) supreme; paramount; above all, ahead of all.
- सर्वोपरिता -- supremacy, paramountcy.
- सलज्ज salajj -- (a) shy, bashful; modest; hence सलज्जता (nf).
- सलमा salmā: -- (nm) a band of embroidery.
- सलमा-सितारा -- a kind of embroidery consisting of small shining stars between embroidered bands.
- सलवट salvaṭ -- (nf) see सिलवट.
- सलवार salva:r -- (nf) a kind of trousers.
- सलहज salhaj -- (nf) see सरहज.
- सलाई sala:i: -- (nf) a knitting needle, needle; thin wire; stick.
- सलाख sala:ḳḥ -- (nf) a thin iron rod, bar.
- सलाद sala:d -- (nm) salad.
- सलाम sala:m -- (nm) salutation; adieu, good bye.
- सलाम अलैकुम -- good morningto you, greetings/salutation toyou.
- सलाम करना -- to salute, to greet; todesist or refrain (from); to acknowledge the superiority of.
- सलाम देना -- to bid adieu; to presentcompliments; to request the presence of.
- सलाम लेना -- to accept and return the salutation (of).
- सलामो-पयाम -- salutations and kind messages.
- सलामत sala:mat -- (a) safe, sound, secure, well.
- सलामत रखना -- to be safe andsound, to be secure.
- सलामती sala:mati: -- (nf) safety; well-being, welfare.
- सलामती का जाम पीना -- to drink to the health (of).
- सलामती चाहना -- to wish well.
- सलामती से -- safely, well.
- सलामी sala:mī: -- (nf) salutation; salute (in honour of a guest, esp.by booming of guns); guard ofhonour.
- सलामी देना -- to present a guardof honour, to salute (esp. withthe booming of guns).
- सलामी लेना -- toinspect a guard of honour.
- सलाह sala:h -- (nf) advice, counsel; opinion; cordial relations; reconciliation.
- सलाह सदा अच्छी -- counsel isnever out of date.
- सलाहका/र sala:hka:r -- (nm) an adviser; counsellor; (a) advisory; hence सलाहकारिता (nf).
- सलाहियत sala:hiyat -- (nf) goodness; mannerliness; ability, capability.
- सलिल salil -- (nm) water.
- सलि/का sali:qā: -- (nm) manners, etiquette.
- सलिक़ेदार -- mannerly.
- सलिकेमंद -- mannerly.
- सलीपर sali:par -- (nm) slippers.
- सली/ब sali:b -- (nf) cross.
- सलीबी -- pertaining to the cross; Christian.
- सलीमशाही sali:msha:hi: -- (nf) a typical light and soft shoe.
- सलीस sali:s -- (a) simple, easy; current (as सलीस ज़बान).
- सलूक salu:k -- (nm) treatment, behaviour.
- सलूका salu:ka: -- (nm) a full-sleeve jacket.
- सलूनो salu:nō -- (nf) see रक्षा-बंधन (under रक्षा).
- सलोतरी salotari: -- (nm) a veterinary doctor.
- सलोलौना saloaunā: -- (a) charming, winsome; saltish.
- सलोलौनापन -- charm, winsomeness; saltishness.
- सल्तनत saltanat -- (nf) sultanate; kingdom.
- सल्तनत जमना/बैठना -- authorityto be established.
- सवयस्क savayask -- (a) of the same age, equal in age.
- सवर्ण savarṉ -- (a) of the same colour/caste; caste; belonging to the three upper castes (of the Hindu socialset-up); hence सवर्णता (nf).
- सवर्ण हिंदू -- acaste Hindu.
- सवा sawa: -- (a and nm) (the number) one and a quarter.
- सवा सेलह आनेठीक/सच होना -- to be true to thecore, to be absolutely true.
- सवाक् sava:k -- (a) talking, gifted with speech.
- सवाक् चित्र -- talkie.
- सवाब sava:b -- (nm) reward/recompense/return (for good deeds and obedience to God).
- सवाब कमाना -- toearn reward (for good deeds).
- सवाया sava:ya: -- (a) one and a quarter times; more (than), ahead.
- सवार sava:r -- (nm) a rider, horseman; person sitting in or on a carriage/vehicle; (a) mounted, riding.
- सवारी sava:ri: -- (nf) a conveyance, vehicle; passenger; a procession.
- सवारी गाड़ी -- a passenger train.
- सवारी आना -- agraceful personality to make anappearance; tableau to pass.
- सवारी कसना/गाँठना -- to ride (roughly) over; to sit over the head of.
- सवारी देना -- to act as a vehicle, to carry.
- सवारी लेना -- to ride.
- सवाल sava:l -- (nm) a question, query; an exercise/problem (in Mathematics); demand.
- सवाल-जवाब -- question and answer.
- सवालनामा -- questionnaire.
- सवाल करना -- to (put a) question; to put forth a demand.
- सवाल कुछ जवाब कुछ, दीगर जवाब दीगर -- the answer to be beside the question.
- सवालों की झड़ी लगाना -- to putone question after another inquick succession.
- सवालात sava:la:t -- (nm) plural form of सवाल.
- सवालिया sava:liya: -- (a) interrogatory; interrogative.
- सवालिया निशान -- mark of interrogation.
- सवालिया फ़िकरा -- aninterrogative sentence.
- सवाली sava:li: -- (nm) a questioner, petitioner; beggar.
- सवास sawa:s -- (a) aromatic, perfumed; having a dwelling (place).
- सविकल्प, सविकल्पक savikalp, ~ak -- (a) possessing variation or admittingof distinctions or alternatives/options, differentiated.
- सविकार savika:r -- (a) undergoing modification or decomposition, variable.
- सविता savita: -- (nm) the sun.
- सविनय savinay -- (a and adv) courteous(ly), modest(ly), polite(ly); civil.
- सविनय अवज्ञा -- civil disobedience.
- सविनय आंदोलन -- civil disobedience movement (launched by Gandhiji during the Indian freedom movement).
- सविलास savila:s -- (a) wanton, amorous; playful, sporting.
- सविशेष savishesh -- (a) peculiar, singular, characteristic.
- सविस्तर savistar -- (a) detailed, elaborate; also सविस्तार.
- सविस्मय savismay -- (a and adv) amazed, astonished; with amazement.
- सवेग saveg -- (a and adv) speedy/speedily; expeditious / expeditiously.
- सवे/रा savera: -- (nm) morning, day-break.
- सवेरे -- in the morning, at day-break).
- सवेरे-सवेरे -- early in the morning.
- सवैया savaīya: -- (nm) a popular metric composition in Hindi(during the mediaeval ages).
- सव्याज savya:j -- (a) guileful, cunning.
- सशंक sashāṅk -- (a) suspicious, sceptic; hence सशंकता (nf).
- सशक्त sashakt -- (a) potential, powerful, strong, forceful.
- सशक्तता -- potentiality, force(fulness), power (-fulness), strength.
- सशब्द sashabd -- (a) noisy; wordy.
- सशरीर sashari:r -- (adv and a) bodily, physically; embodied.
- सशर्त sashart -- (a) qualified, conditional.
- सशस्त्र sashastr -- (a) armed, equipped with arms.
- सशस्त्र पुलिस -- armed police.
- सशस्त्र सेना -- armed force.
- सशस्त्र सैनिक -- armed troops.
- सशस्त्र हस्तझेप -- armedintervention.
- सश्रम sashshram -- (a) tired, fatigued.
- ससंभ्रम sasāmbhram -- (a) confused, perplexed.
- ससि sasi -- (nm) the moon.
- ससुर sasur -- (nm) father-in-law; a term of abuse generally used by menfolk.
- ससुरा sasura: -- (nm) see ससुर—generally used in the latter sense i.e. as a term of abuse.
- ससुराल sasura:l -- (nf) father-in-law's house, house/place of (one's) in-laws.
- ससैन्य sasainny -- (a) with the army, backed by armed forces.
- सस्ता sasta: -- (a) cheap; trash, inferior; (सस्ती) जगह inexpensive place.
- सस्ता ज़माना -- cheap/inexpensive times.
- सस्तापन -- cheapness.
- सस्ता माल -- cheap stuff.
- सस्ता समय -- see सस्ता ज़माना सस्ता साहित्य cheap literature, trash.
- सस्ता छूटना -- to go cheap; be let off ata discount; to have to spend lessthan usual.
- सस्ता रोये बार बार महँगा रोयेएक बार -- strike a cheap bargain andbe ill at ease ever after.
- सस्ते (में) -- without much price/difficulty/botheration.
- सस्ती sasti: -- (nf) cheapness; depression; (a) see सस्ता.
- सस्त्रीक sastri:k -- (a) with one's wife.
- सस्नेह sasneh -- (adv and a) with love; loving, affectionate.
- सस्पृह sasprih -- (a) desirous, having a desire/craving/longing.
- सस्मित sasmit -- (a) smiling.
- सस्य sassy -- (nm) crop.
- सस्य-क्रांति -- green revolution.
- सस्यपाल -- a field-guard.
- सस्यशालि -- full of corn.
- सस्य श्यामला -- lushgreen and cropwise rich.
- सह sah -- (ind) with, along with, simultaneously; co सह-; (a) enduring.bearing; proof (as जलसह water-proof).
- सह-अपराधिता -- complicity.
- सह-अपराधी -- an accomplice.
- सह-अभियुक्त -- co-accused.
- सह-अस्तित्व -- co-existence.
- सहकर्त्ता -- a colleague; collaborator.
- सहकार -- cooperation, cooperativeenterprise; collaboration.
- सहकारिता -- cooperation; collaboration.
- सहकारिता आंदोलन -- cooperative movement.
- सहकारी -- cooperative; collaborative; acolleague, junior colleague; assistant.
- सहकारी समाज -- cooperative society.
- सहक्रिया -- synergy.
- सहक्रियात्मक -- synergic.
- सहगमन -- self-immolation of awidow with her deceased husband; hence सहगामिनी; (nf).
- सहचर -- anassociate; a companion, friend; aco-variant; hence सहचरी (feminineform of सहचर).
- सहचारी -- an associate, a companion, friend; associate element; gregarious, goingtogether.
- सहजन्मा -- a twin brother.
- सहजात -- congenital; twins; innate, natural.
- सहजीवन -- symbiosis; co-existence.
- सहजिविता -- symbiosis; co-existence.
- सहजीवी -- co-existent; symbiotic.
- सहधर्म -- common duty/law/religion.
- सहधर्मिणी -- one's wife.
- सहधर्मी -- co-religionist; chargedwith the same duties.
- सहनर्तन/नृत्य -- dancing together, collectivedancing; enclosure.
- सहपाठी -- aclass fellow, classmate.
- सहभागिता -- partnership; complicity.
- सहभागी -- a partner; an accomplice; existing together; coexistence.
- सहभोज -- collective feasting/eating.
- सहभोजी -- a mess-mate.
- सहमरण -- see सहगमन.
- सहयात्री -- a co-traveller, fellow passenger; companion.
- सहराज्य -- condominium; associate state.
- सहराष्ट्रिक -- co-national.
- सहलेखक -- co author; collaborator; hence सहलेखकत्व (nm).
- सहलेखन -- .
- सहज sahaj -- (a) easy, simple; spontaneous; straight-forward; ingenuous: innate, natural; congenital.
- सहज-ज्ञान -- intuitive knowledge.
- सहजता -- easiness, simplicity; spontaneity; straightforwardness; ingenuity; innateness, naturality.
- सहज बुद्धि -- common sense.
- सहजयान -- a sect of theBuuddhist faith; hence सहजयानी (aand nm).
- सहजवृत्ति -- instinct.
- सहजसिद्ध -- spontaneous; innate, natural; hence सहजसिद्धि (nf).
- सहत्व sahatv -- (nm) co-existence, being together.
- सहन sahan -- (nm) patient endurance, forbearance; tolerance; a courtyard.
- सहनदार -- having a courtyard(as सहनदार मकान).
- सहन-शक्ति -- endurance, forbearance, tolerance.
- सहनशील -- enduring, forbearing, tolerant.
- सहनशीलता -- endurance, tolerance, forbearance.
- सहन करना -- to endure, toforbear, to tolerate.
- सह/ना sahnā: -- (v) to endure, to forbear, to tolerate, to stand.
- सहनीय -- tolerable.
- सहम/त sahmāt -- (a) agreed; consented/concurred.
- सहमति -- agreement; concurrence, consent.
- सहमना sahamnā: -- (v) to be panicked, to be struck with terror, to be nervous.
- सहयो/ग sahyog -- (nm) cooperation; collaboration.
- सहयोगात्मक -- cooperative; collaborative.
- सहयोगिता -- synergism; cooperation; collaboration.
- सहयोगी -- a colleague; supporter, onewho extends cooperation.
- सहर sahar -- (nm) dawn, day-break.
- सहरदम -- very early in the morning.
- सहरा sahra: -- (nm) a desert.
- सहल sahal -- (a) easy, simple.
- सहलाना sahla:nā: -- (v) to rub gently; to tickle; to titillate.
- सहवास sahva:s -- (nm) cohabitation.
- सहवास करना, के साथ -- to cohabit (with).
- सहसा sahsa: -- (ind) suddenly, all of a sudden; unexpectedly.
- सहसा विप्लव -- coup de main.
- सहसा शासन-परिवर्तन -- coup d'etat.
- सहस्र sahasr -- (a) one thousand; (nm) the number one thousand.
- सहस्रकर -- the sun.
- सहस्रगुण/गुणा -- one thousandtimes.
- सहस्रधा -- in a thousand ways; thousand times.
- सहस्रश -- thousandtimes.
- सहस्रों -- thousands.
- सहस्रा/ब्द, सहस्राब्द sahasra:bd -- (nm), सहस्रा{bdi:} (nf) a millennium.
- सहाई saha:i: -- (nm) a helper; an assistant; (nf) help; assistance.
- सहाध्यायी saha:ddhya:i: -- (nm) a class-fellow, co-student.
- सहानुभूति saha:nūbhu:ti -- (nf) sympathy.
- सहानुभूतिप्रवण/शील -- sympathetic.
- सहानुभूतिपूर्ण -- sympathetic.
- सहानुभूतिपूर्वक -- sympathetically.
- सहापरा/धी saha:para:dhi: -- (nm) an accomplice.
- सहापराधिता -- complicity.
- सहाय saha:y -- (nm) a helper, supporter.
- सहायक saha:yak -- (nm) a helper; an assistant; (a) auxiliary; assistant.
- सहायक-नदी -- a tributary.
- सहायता saha:yta: -- (nf) help, support; assistance; aid, relief.
- सहायता करना -- tostrike a blow for, to help/assist.
- सहार saha:r -- (nm) tolerance, endurance.
- सहारना saha:rnā: -- (v) to tolerate, to endure.
- सहारा saha:ra: -- (nm) support; backing; aid, succour; a strut.
- सहारा देना -- to give a knee to, to (lend) support.
- सहालग saha:lag -- (nm) auspicious period for solemnization of marriages.
- सहित sahit -- (ind) with, together with, along with, accompanied by.
- सहिदानी sahida:nī: -- (nf) a memento.
- सहिष्णु sahishṉū -- (a) tolerant, enduring.
- सहिष्णुता -- tolerance, endurance.
- सहि sahi: -- (a) correct, right; true; accurate; authentic; hence सहिपन.
- सहि-सलामत -- safe and sound, hale andhearty, secure.
- सहि-सही -- correct, accurate; true.
- सहि करना -- to sign; to endorse.
- सहूलियत sahu:liat -- (nf) convenience; facility.
- सहृदय sahriday -- (a) humane, compassionate, tender-hearted; considerate.
- सहृदयता -- humaneness, compassion, tender-heartedness, considerateness.
- सहेजना sahejnā: -- (v) to keep securely, to keep with care; to entrust.
- सहेट saheṭ -- (nf) a rendezvous.
- सहेतु, सहेतुक sahetu, ~k -- (a) logical; having a reason/cause.
- सहेली saheli: -- panion सहोदर.
- सहोदर sahodar -- (nm) a real brother; (a) real, born of the same mother.
- सह्य sahy -- (a) tolerable, endurable; hence सह्यता (nf).