विक्षनरी:हिन्दी-अंग्रेजी शब्दकोश : कवर्ग
हिन्दी-अंग्रेजी शब्दकोश के मुखपृष्ठ पर चलें
- क ka -- the first consonant and the first member of the first pentad (i.e. कवर्ग) of the Devanagari alphabet.
- क ख ग -- alphabet; ABC, rudiments of any subject.
- क जानना -- to know the ABC (of any subject).
- कंकड़ kāṅkaṛ -- (nm) a gravel, pebble; small piece of stone.
- कंकड़-पत्थर -- lit. pebble and stone —i.e. trash, rubbish.
- कंकड़ी -- a small piece of gravel.
- कंकण kāṅkāṉ -- (nm) a bracelet.
- कंकरीट kāṅkri:ṭ -- (nm) concrete—a mixture of gravel, lime, cement and sand.
- कंकरीट का -- strong; unbreakable.
- कँकरीला kākri:la: -- (a) strewn with gravel, gravelly.
- कंकाल kāṅka:l -- (nm) a skeleton, bare physical frame.
- कंकालशेष -- reduced to/turned into a skeleton.
- कंकालिनी kāṅka:lini: -- (a and nf) (a) quarrelsome (woman).
- कँखवारी kākhva:ri: -- (nf) an armpit-boil.
- कंखौरी kākhauri: -- (nf) see कँखवारी.
- कंगन kāṅgān -- (nm) see कंकण; also कँगना.
- कँगनी kāgnī: -- (nf) cornice, horizontal moulded projection crowning a building, etc.
- कंगारू kāṅga:ru: -- (nm) a kangaroo.
- कंगाल kāṅga:l -- (nm) a pauper, poor man; (a) penniless, impecunious.
- कंगाल बाँका -- a penniless dandy.
- कंगाल , घोर -- poor as a church-mouse.
- कंगाली kāṅga:li: -- (nf) penury, poverty; pauperism, pauperdom.
- कंगाली मेंआटा गीला -- yet another misery for an already miserable man, yet another stroke for the stricken.
- कँगू/रा kāgu:ra: -- (nm) niched battlement (of a castle); an ornamental cornice; turret.
- कँगूरेदार -- having niched battlement, turreted.
- कं/घा kaṅgha: -- (nm) a comb; comb-shaped appliance for weaving.
- कंघी -- a small comb.
- कंघी चोटी -- make-up, dressing up.
- कंचन kāṇchān -- (nm) gold.
- कंचन काया -- golden (physical) frame, beautiful figure.
- कंचुक kāṇchuk -- (nm) brassieres; armour.
- कंचुकी kāṇchuki -- (nf) brassieres; a sentinel of the royal household, a door-keeper.
- कंज़ kaṇj -- (nm) lotus.
- कंजर kāṇjar -- (nm) a nomadic tribe (or a member thereof); (a) low-born; shabby; hence कंजरपन/पना (nm).
- कं/जा kāṇja: -- (a) having greyish blue eyes.
- कंजी -- greyish blue.
- कंजूस kāṇju:s -- (a) miserly, miser, niggardly, parsimonious.
- कंजूस-मक्खीचूस होना -- to skin a flint.
- कंजूसी kāṇju:si: -- (nf) miserliness, parsimony, niggardliness.
- कंटक kāṉṭak -- (nm) see काँटा.
- कंटक होना -- to be an obstacle; to be troublesome.
- कँटिया kāṭīya: -- (nf) a fishing hook; a small nail.
- कँटीला kāṭi:la: -- (a) thorny, prickly.
- कंठ kāṉṭḥ -- (nm) the throat; neck; larynx, voice-box.
- कंठ-संगीत -- vocal music.
- कंठस्थ -- memorised, committed to memory.
- कंठहार -- a necklace.
- कंठ करना -- to memorize.
- कंठ खुलना -- to become vocal.
- कंठ फूटना -- to make an utterance, to start speaking.
- कंठ बैठना -- to develop a sore throat; the voice to turn hoarse.
- कंठ मिलाकर -- in one voice, in tune, (with).
- कंठ सींचना -- to take in a few drops of water.
- कंठ होना -- to be memorised, to be committed to memory.
- कंठाग्र kaṉṭḥa:gr -- (a) committed to memory, on the tip of tongue.
- कंठी kaṉṭḥi: -- (nf) a string of small beads (of तुलसी etc.) donned esp.by Vaishṉavas as a matter offaith.
- कंठीधारी -- one who dons a कंठी.
- कंठी छूना -- to swear by the कंठी.
- कंठी तोड़ना -- to renounce the वैष्णवfaith (and take to wine and meatetc.).
- कंठी बाँधना/लेना -- to be initiatedin the वैष्णव faith, to become a वैष्णव.
- कंठ्य kāṉṭḥy -- (a) guttural.
- कंठ्य ध्वनि/कंठ्य वर्ण -- a guttural sound.
- कंडक्ट/र kāṉḍakṭar -- (nm) a conductor.
- कंडक्टरी -- the post or job of a conductor.
- कंडरा kāṉḍara: -- (nm) a tendon.
- कंडा kāṉḍa: -- (nm) a cowdung cake.
- कंडा होना -- to become very lean and thin; the body to be stiffened—todie; to become hard and stiff.
- कंडिका kāṉḍika: -- (nf) a para/paragraph.
- कंडी kāṉḍi: -- (nf) a basket.
- कंडील kāṉḍi:l -- (nf) a lamp (made of paper clay or mica).
- कंथा kāntha: -- (nm) a patch-work garment.
- कंथाधारी -- an ascetic.
- कंद kānd -- (nm) an esculent tuber-root; sugar candy; an edible root (radish, etc.).
- कंदरा kāndara: -- (nf) a cave, cavern.
- कंदील kandi:l -- (nf) see कंडील.
- कंधा kāndha: -- (nm) a shoulder.
- कंधा डाल देना -- to lose heart, to be demoralised; to shun responsibilities.
- कंधा देना -- to be a coffin-bearer(of), to lend a shoulder in carrying a dead body.
- कंधे से कंधा छिलना -- to be over-crowded (so as tohave shoulders rubbing with oneanother).
- कंधे से कंधा मिलाना -- tostand shoulder to shoulder withsomebody, to lend full cooperation.
- कंधों पर आना -- (responsibilityetc.) to devolve on, to be shouldered by.
- कंधों पर उठाना -- to shoulder(responsibility etc.); to give arousing welcome.
- कंप kāmp -- (nm) see कंपन.
- कंपन kāmpān -- (nm) tremor; quivering, trembling; shivering; vibration.
- कंपनी kāmpanī: -- (nf) a company.
- कंपाउंड/र kāmpa:ūṉḍar -- (nm) a compounder; hence कंपाउंडरी (nf).
- कंपायमान kāmpa:ymā:n -- (a) tremulous/trembling; quivering; shivering; wavering.
- कंपित kampit -- (a) trembled; quivered, shivered; wavered.
- कंबल kāmbal -- (nm) a blanket, rug.
- ककहरा kakehra: -- (nm) alphabet, ABC (of something).
- कका/र kaka:r -- (nm) the consonant क् (k) and its sound.
- ककारांत -- (a word) ending in क् (k).
- ककड़ी kakṛi: -- (nf) a kind of cucumber.
- ककैया kakaiya: -- (nf) a kind of small and strong brick.
- कक्का kakka: -- (nm) uncle.
- कक्ष kaksh -- (nm) a room, chamber; armpit; side, flank.
- कक्षा kaksha: -- (nf) class, class-room.
- कखौरी kakhauri: -- (nf) an armpit-boil; also कँखवारी, कँखौरी.
- कगार kaga:r -- (nm) a precipice, scarp.
- कचक/च kachkach -- (nf) an altercation; a chattering/clattering noise.
- कचकचाना -- to altercate; to chatter; to make clattering noise.
- कचनार kachna:r -- (nm) the tree Bauhinia variegata (its buds areused as vegetable and its flowersin medical prescriptions).
- कचनार की कली -- a bud of कचनार.
- कचरा kachra: -- (nm) refuse, rubbish; sweepings; debris; breezing.
- कचरी kachri: -- (nf) Cucumis madraspatanus (a small fruit of the melon family).
- कचहरी kachehri: -- (nf) a court of justice, court of law.
- कचहरी में जाना -- to take recourse to legal processes.
- कचाई kacha:i: -- (nf) rawness; imperfection; inexperience.
- कचायँध kachā:yādh -- (nf) (the smell or touch of) rawness.
- कचालू kacha:lu: -- (nm) the esculent root Arum colocasia.
- कचालू करना/बनाना -- to give a sound thrashing.
- कचूमर kachu:mar -- (nm) anything well-crushed.
- कचूमर करना/निकालना -- tomake mincemeat of a person, tocrush, to pound thoroughly; torender (something) unserviceable by careless handling.
- कचोट kachoṭ -- (nf) a lingering agony; smarting pain.
- कचोटना -- to experience a lingering agony; to besmarted.
- कचौरी kachauri: -- (nf) a cake made of flour stuffed with bruised pulseor boiled potato etc. fried in gheeor oil.
- कच्चा kachcha: -- (a) uncooked; unboiled; raw, unripe; green; crude; incomplete, unfinished; rough; imperfect, immature; inauthentic; doubtful; vague; weak; built ofmud-bricks; provisional; not fast(as sleep, colour).
- कच्चा अ (आ)सामी, -- atemporary cultivator; one who isnot sincere in one's dealings; anunsteady man.
- कच्चा करना -- to put toshame, to abash; to baste.
- कच्चा काग़ज़ -- a provisional document.
- कच्चा खा जाना -- lit. to swallow up unroasted—itdenotes an angry outburst.
- कच्चा खिलाड़ी -- an inexperienced strategist.
- कच्चा घड़ा -- unbaked earthen pot; an impressionable mind.
- कच्चा चबा जाना -- see कच्चा खा जाना.
- कच्चा चिट्ठा -- bonafide detailed account, inside story, real tale.
- कच्चा-पक्का -- half-cooked; half-baked.
- कच्चा पड़ना -- to prove unavailing/ineffective.
- कच्चा माल -- raw material.
- कच्चा रंग -- not fastcolour, colour that will wash out.
- कच्चा हाथ -- an untrained hand.
- कच्ची उम्र -- immature age, impressionableage.
- कच्ची कली -- a budding beauty.
- कच्ची गोली खेलना -- lit. to 'play withmud marbles'—to act in an inexperienced manner; not to hold allstrings under control.
- कच्ची गोली नहींखेलना -- to be nobody's fool, to havelearnt the tricks of the trade.
- कच्ची ज़बान -- loose talk.
- '' -- slander, revilingutterance, abuse.
- कच्ची नींद में जगाना -- to awaken when one has not hadfull sleep.
- कच्ची-पक्की -- unconfirmed.
- कच्ची-पक्की कहना -- to scold roundly, to take to task.
- कच्ची बही -- a roughaccount book.
- कच्ची बात -- loose talk; unconfirmed report.
- कच्ची रसोई -- articles of food not prepared orfried in ghee (as rice, pulses, etc.).
- कच्छप kachchhap -- (nm) tortoise, turtle.
- कच्छप अवतार -- the second incarnation of Lord Vishṉū.
- कछा/र kachha:r -- (nm) alluvial land, moist low-lying land by a river.
- कछारी भूमि -- alluvion.
- कछुया kachhua: -- (nm) a turtle, tortoise.
- कछुया-धर्म -- tortoise-like conduct कछुया to keep to oneself, to be averse toexternal contact.
- कज kaj -- (nf) a defect, flaw.
- कजली kajli: -- (nf) a typical folk-song (sung during the rainy season); a black-eyed cow; also कजरी.
- क़ज़ा qaza: -- (nf) death; destiny.
- क़ज़ा आना -- to fall under the shadow of death.
- क़ज़िया qazia: -- (nm) quarrel; wrangle.
- कटक kaṭak -- (nm) a cantonment; an army.
- कटकटाना kaṭkaṭa:nā: -- (v) to gnash; to produce a snapping or crackingsound.
- कटखना kaṭkhanā: -- (a) snappish, prone to bite; of aggressive disposition.
- कटन kaṭān -- (nf) incision; marks of cutting; off-cut; erosion.
- कटना kaṭna: -- (v) to be cut, to be wounded (by a blade etc.); to diein battle; to be destroyed; to passaway time; to complete (a journey, etc.); to be ashamed; to bedisconnected; to be deprivedof; to be made to part with.
- कट मरना -- to battle to death.
- कटनी -- harvesting.
- कटा-कटा रहना -- to keepaway (from), to avoid contact orcoming face to face (with); tokeep a distance.
- कटे पर नमक छिड़कना -- to add insult to injury.
- कटा-कटी/कटा-मरी -- quarrelling; violent hostilities, bloodshed.
- कटपीस kaṭpi:s -- (nm) cutpiece (cloth).
- कटरा kaṭra: -- (nm) an enclosed yard (for residential purposes or turned into a market place); a buffalo calf.
- कटवाँ kaṭwā: -- (a) cut or ripped up, split up; deducted.
- कटवाँ ब्याज -- simple interest (on actual capital).
- कटहरा kaṭehra: -- (nm) see कठघरा.
- कटहल kaṭhal -- (nm) the jack tree or its fruit.
- कटाई kaṭa:i: -- (nf) harvesting; cutting; cutting charges.
- कटाकटी kaṭa:kaṭi: -- (nf) bloodshed, bloody encounter; hostilities.
- कटाक्ष kaṭa:ksh -- (nf) a side-glance, ogling; leer, taunt, taunting remark.
- कटाक्ष करना -- to make a taunting/oblique remark.
- कटा-फटा kaṭa:phaṭa: -- (a) cut and torn; mutilated.
- कटा/र kaṭa:r -- (nf) a dagger, poniard.
- कटारी -- a stiletto, small dagger.
- कटाव kaṭa:w -- (nm) erosion; recess; trim, trimming.
- कटि kaṭi -- (nf) loin, waist; lumbar.
- कटिबंध -- a girdle, belt; zone.
- कटिबंधीय -- zonal.
- कटिबद्ध -- girt up; ready, resolved.
- कटु kaṭu -- (a) bitter, vitriolic; unpleasant.
- कटुता -- bitterness; unpleasantness.
- कटूक्ति kaṭu:kti -- (nf) a bitter utterance, caustic/unpleasant remark.
- कटोरदान kaṭordā:n -- (nm) a tiffin-carrier.
- कटो/रा kaṭora: -- (nm) a big bowl.
- कटोरी -- a small bowl.
- कटौती kaṭauti: -- (nf) rebate, discount; deduction; reduction; cut.
- कटौती प्रस्ताव -- a cut-motion.
- कट्टर kaṭṭar -- (a) strict; obdurate; dogmatic; fanatic; rabid.
- कट्टरता -- obduracy; dogmatism, bigotry; fanaticism.
- कट्टरपंथी -- a diehard, religioner; dogmatic; fanatic, bigot.
- कट्टरपन -- (nm) see कट्टरता.
- कठघ/रा kaṭḥghara: -- (nm) a bar, dock; wooden enclosure/palisade.
- कठघरे में खड़ा करना -- to bring into the dock, to bring befoṛe the bar.
- कठपुतली kaṭḥputli: -- (nf) a puppet; an underling.
- कठपुतली होना, किसी के हाथ में -- .
- कठबैद kaṭḥbaid -- (nm) a quack.
- कठमुल्ला kaṭḥmulla: -- (nm) a bigot, fanatic; quack religious leader; hence कठमुल्लापन (nm).
- कठि/न kaṭḥin -- (a) difficult, arduous; tough; stiff, hard; severe.
- कठिनता/नाई -- difficulty.
- कठोर kaṭḥor -- (a) hard; severe, stern, stringent; rough; cruel; rigid, rigorous.
- कठोरता -- hardness; stringency; cruelty; severity, rigidity, rigour/rigorousness.
- कठोरता वाद -- rigourism.
- कठोरहृदय -- heartless, hard-hearted, cruel; hence कठोरहृदयता (nf).
- कड़क kaṛak -- (nf) crack, thunder, sudden sharp noise; vigorousness; (a) strong; vigorous.
- कड़कड़ाना kaṛkaṛa:nā: -- (v) to crack/crackle (as oil etc. when boiling); to break with a cracking sound; to decrepitate.
- कड़कड़ाहट kaṛkaṛa:haṭ -- (nf) crackling sound, thundering sound; decrepitation.
- कड़कना kaṛaknā: -- (v) to crackle; to thunder; to break up with a crack.
- कड़की kaṛaki: -- (nm) indigence, extreme scarcity, poverty.
- कड़की का ज़माना -- hard days.
- कड़की में होना -- to be hard up, to be tight.
- कड़वा kaṛwa: -- (a) bitter; unpleasant.
- कड़वाना -- to get bitter; to becomeaverse, to feel sore; to have aburning sensation (as in the eyes).
- कड़वा तेल -- mustard oil; hence कड़वापन( nm).
- कड़वाहट -- bitterness; unpleasantness.
- कड़वी ज़बान -- bitter vitriolic speech/tongue.
- कड़ा kaṛa: -- (a) hard; strict; stiff; harsh, cruel; arduous; sharp; rigid; strong; (nm) a bangle, metalring.
- कड़ाई/कड़ापन -- stiffness; hardness; harshness; strictness; sharpness; rigidity.
- कड़ा मिज़ाज -- stiff/harsh/sternnature.
- कड़ा पड़ना -- to adopt a stiffattitude, to become stern; hence कड़ी (fem.).
- कड़ा/का kaṛa:ka: -- (nm) a loud crack; going without food, a rigid fast.
- कड़ाके का -- severe (as जाड़ा); sharp.
- कड़ा/ह kaṛa:h -- (nm) a big boiling pan, frying pan; cauldron.
- कड़ाही -- (diminutive, nf).
- कड़ी kaṛi: -- (nf) a small beam; rafter, joist; link; line of a song; (a) see कड़ा.
- कड़ी कार्यवाही करना, (किसी केख़िलाफ़) -- to crack down upon, totake strong action (against).
- कडुआ kaṛua: -- (a) see कड़वा.
- कडुआ तेल -- mustard oil.
- कढ़ाई kaṛḥa:i: -- (nf) embroidery; the process or act of embroidering; ahuge frying pan.
- कढ़ी kaṛḥi: -- (nf) curry, a preparation consisting of gram flour dressedwith spices and sour milk(i.e. dahi:).
- कढ़ी का उबाल -- momentary excitement.
- कढ़ी में कंकड़ी/कोयला -- a pebble in the pudding.
- कण kāṉ -- (nm) a particle; an iota, very small quantity; granule, grain.
- कण कण में -- in each and everyparticle, everywhere.
- कणिका kāṉīka: -- (nf) an atom, a particle (as of sand); grain, granule.
- क़तई qatai: -- (adv and a) wholly, entirely; finally; certainly; final, conclusive.
- कतरन katran -- (nf) cutting, off-cut, scrim; parings.
- कतरना katarnā: -- (v) to clip, to chip; to cut; to pare; to scrim.
- कतरनी katarnī: -- (nf) scissors; nippers.
- कतरनी चलाना -- to wag one's tongue, to be too gabby.
- कतर-ब्योंत katar-byōt -- (nf) contrivance, manipulation, adjustment.
- क़तरा qatra: -- (nm) a drop; fragment; cutting.
- कतराना katra:nā: -- (v) to slink away (from); to go out of the way (of), to avoid an encounter or comingface to face.
- कतवार katwa:r -- (nm) sweepings, dregs; rubbish, refuse; a spinner.
- कतवारख़ाना -- a refuse-bin.
- क़ता qata: -- (nm) breaking, cutting; a portion.
- क़ताताल्लुक़ -- breaking offrelation (with).
- कताई kata:i: -- (nf) (the act of or wages paid for) spinning.
- क़तार qata:r -- (nf) a line, row; series.
- क़तार बाँधना -- to make / stand in a row.
- कतिपय katipay -- (a) some, a few; several.
- कत्तल kattal -- (nf) a chip, piece, chipping/cutting.
- कत्थई katthai: -- (a) catechu-coloured.
- कत्थक katthak -- (nm) a Hindu tribe specialising in dancing and singing; a kind of classical system ofdancing.
- कत्थक नृत्य -- a typical classicaldance.
- कत्था kattha: -- (nm) catechu Terra japonica.
- क़त्ल qatl -- (nm) murder; slaughter.
- क़त्ल ए-आम -- general massacre.
- कथथाकली kaththa:kali: -- (nf) a typical classical Indian dancestyle.
- कथक्कड़ kathakkaṛ -- (nm) a professional story-teller, one who recites old traditional tales.
- कथन kathān -- (nm) saying, statement, utterance; speech.
- कथनी kathni: -- (nf) anything said or uttered; speech.
- कथनी और करनी -- profession and practice.
- कथनी से करनी भली -- brag is a good dog but holdfastis better.
- कथनीय kathnī:y -- (a) worth saying or narrating; describable; hence कथनीयता( nf).
- कथरी kathri: -- (nf) a patch-work bedding.
- कथांतर kathā:ntar -- (nm) a side-story, subsidiary plot.
- कथा katha: -- (nf) a story, tale, fable; narrative; religious discourse.
- कथा चित्र -- a feature film.
- कथानायक -- the hero, main character.
- कथामुख -- lead, introductory part of the story.
- कथावस्तु -- the plot.
- कथा वार्ता -- religious discourse and discussion; conversation on a variety of topics.
- कथासार -- a synopsis.
- कथानक katha:nāk -- (nm) the plot.
- कथित kathit -- (a) said; told, mentioned; narrated.
- कथोपकथन kathopkathān -- (nm) dialogue (in a literary work).
- कथ्य katthy -- (nm) content, subject-matter; (a) worthsaying.
- कदंब kadāmb -- (nm) the tree Nauclea cadamba.
- क़द qad -- (nm) size; height.
- क़द काठी -- stature; figure and frame.
- क़दोक़ामत -- stature, figure and frame.
- कदन्न kadānn -- (nm) coarse grain.
- कदम kadām -- (nm) see कदंब; see क़दम.
- क़दम qadām -- (nm) step, pace; foot-step.
- क़दमचा -- foot-rest in a latrine.
- क़दम ब-क़दम -- step by step; in the foot-steps of; slowly.
- क़दमबोसी -- kissing thefeet (as a mark of deep respect orfor flattering).
- क़दम उखड़ना -- to beswept off one's feet.
- क़दम उठाना -- tomarch apace, to make progress.
- क़दम चूमना -- see क़दमबोसी (करना).
- क़दम बढ़ाना -- to march forward; to step up one's pace.
- क़दर qadar -- (nf) extreme, absolute; see क़द्र.
- कदर्थना kadarthanā: -- (nf) harassment.
- कदाकार kada:ka:r -- (a) ludicrous, absurd, ugly (in form).
- कदाचा/र kada:cha:r -- (nm) misbehaviour, misconduct; corruption.
- कदाचारी -- delinquent; wicked, corrupt.
- कदाचित् kada:chit -- (adv) perhaps, possibly, may be.
- कदापि kada:pi -- (adv) ever.
- कदापि नहीं -- never.
- कदाशय kada:shay -- (nm) malafide intent; (a) malafide, ill-meaning.
- क़दी/म, क़दीमी qadi:/m, ~mī: -- (a) old, ancient.
- क़द्दावर qadda:var -- (a) tall and towering, possessing an imposing stature.
- कद्दू kaddu: -- (nm) pumpkin; gourd.
- कद्दूकश -- an implement for turning a gourd, pumpkin, etc. into parings.
- क़द्र qaddr -- (nf) worth, merit; estimation, appreciation.
- क़द्रदाँ, क़द्रदान -- a connoisseur, just appreciator; patron.
- क़द्रदानी -- just appreciationof somebody's merits; patronage.
- कन kān -- (nm) see कण; an allomorph of कान used as the first member ofcompound words.
- कनकटा -- ear-cropt, earless.
- कनकौवा -- a big kite.
- कनखजूरा -- a centipede.
- कनटोप -- a cap whichcovers the ears; hood.
- कनपटी -- temple.
- कनपेड़ा -- glandular swelling atthe root of the ear.
- कनबतियाँ -- whispering into the ears, whisperingtalk.
- कनमैलिया -- one whose profession is to remove wax from theears.
- कनक kanāk -- (nm) see गेहूँ; see सोना; see धतूरा.
- कनखी kankhi: -- (nf) an ogle, a leer, side-glance; a sign with an eye.
- कनखी मारना -- to eye amorously; to casta side glance; to sign with an eye.
- कनखियों से देखना -- to cast a sideglance, to look in an obliquemanner, to ogle.
- कनगुरिया kānguria: -- (nf) the little finger.
- कनर/स kānras -- (nm) a taste for musical or melodious voice; anardent love for sweet talks; hence कनरसिया (nm).
- कनस्तर kanāstar -- (nm) a canister.
- क़नात qana:t -- (nf) awning, curtain; can screen.
- कनिष्ठ kanishṭḥ -- (a) the youngest, junior most; hence कनिष्ठता (nf).
- कनिष्ठिका kanishṭḥika: -- (nf) the little finger.
- कनी kanī: -- (nf) a particle; broken piece of rice; diamond dust; drop.
- कनी चाटना -- to commit suicide by anintake of diamond dust.
- कनीज़ kanī:z -- (nf) a slave girl, hand-maid.
- कनेर kaner -- (nf) oleander—the plant or the flower.
- कनौड़ा kanauṛa: -- (a) obliged, grateful; ashamed, disgraced; (nm) a slave, person under extreme obligation.
- कनौती kanauti: -- (nf) the pointed end of a beast's ear.
- कनौती बदलना -- to prickup the ears (said of a horse); toassume a cautious posture.
- कन्ना kannā: -- (nm) edge, border; that part of the kite to which thestring is tied.
- कन्ना-ढीला होना -- to getdemoralised; to fall into disarray.
- कन्ने से उड़ना/कटना -- to come clean outfrom, to be cut off at the partswhere it is tied (said of a kite); tobe clean-swept, to be thoroughlybeaten.
- कन्नी kanni: -- (nf) border; the ends of a kite, edge; trowel.
- कन्नी काटना -- to slink away, to evade, to fightshy of.
- कन्या kannyā: -- (nf) a virgin; daughter.
- कन्हैया kanhaiya: -- (nm) a corrupt form of कृष्ण (see); a charming child orboy.
- कपट kapaṭ -- (nm) fraud, ruse, guile; artifice; trickery; hypocrisy; dissimulation.
- कपट करना -- to defraud, tobeguile.
- कपट चाल -- fraudulent act; hypocritic idea, trickery.
- कपटपूर्ण -- fraudulent, hypocritical.
- कपट साक्ष्य -- spurious testimony.
- कपटाचार -- dissimulation, artificial/hypocriticalbehaviour or conduct.
- कपटी -- dissimulator, crafty, fraudulent.
- कपड़ kapaṛ -- —an allomorph of कपड़ा used as the first member incompound words.
- कपड़छन -- thoroughly strained or sifted (through apiece of cloth).
- कपड़ा kapṛa: -- (nm) cloth; clothing; fabric; textile.
- कपड़ा लत्ता -- clothings; articles of apparel; clothes.
- कपड़ेउतार लेना -- to deprive of all belongings; to fleece.
- कपड़े रँगना -- or रँगाना( figuratively) to take to an ascetic's attire; to renounce the world.
- कपाट kapa:ṭ -- (nm) (the leaves of) a door; shutter; sluice; valve.
- कपाटिका kapa:ṭika: -- (nf) a valve.
- कपाल kapa:l -- (nm) the skull, head, cranium; destiny; a begging bowl.
- कपाल क्रिया -- the ceremony of breakingthe skull of a corpse before setting fire to the funeral pyre (a sonor one of the nearest relativesperforms the ceremony).
- कपाल संधि -- atreaty on equal terms.
- कपाल संश्रय -- abuffer state.
- कपास kapa:s -- (nf) cotton; cotton-plant.
- कपि kapi -- (nm) a monkey.
- कपिला kapila: -- (nf) a white or grey-coloured cow, harmless cow; gentle woman; a harmless person.
- कपूत kapu:t -- (nm) an unworthy or wicked son, an undutiful son; (a) degenerate; disobedient.
- कपूर kapu:r -- (nm) camphor.
- कपोल kapol -- (nm) cheek.
- कपोल कल्पना -- a cock and bull story, tale of atube; fancy, fantastic imagination.
- कपोलकल्पित -- false, fantastic, fabricated.
- कप्तान kaptā:n -- (nm) a captain.
- कफ kaph -- (nm) phlegm, mucus.
- कफकर -- phlegmatic.
- कफनाशक -- anti-phlegmatic.
- कफ़ kaf -- (nm) a cuff.
- कफ़न kafān -- (nm) shroud, pall.
- कफ़नखसोट/चोर -- penny-pincher; pennypinching, stingy, cheese-paring.
- कफ़न को कौड़ी न रखना -- to spend everypenny (of one's earnings).
- कफ़न कोकौड़ी न होना -- to be penniless.
- कफ़न फाड़कर उठना -- to rise from the grave.
- कफ़न फाड़कर चिल्लाना -- to shriek out unexpectedly.
- कफ़न सिर से बाँधना -- to beready to risk life or court death; to engage in a perilous venture.
- कबंध kabāndh -- (nm) a torso.
- कब kab -- (adv) when, at what time.
- कब कब -- how often; rarely.
- कब का -- since long, long back.
- कबड्डी kabaḍḍi: -- (nf) a typical outdoor Indian game.
- कबरा kabra: -- (a) spotted, mottled.
- कबरी kabri: -- (nf) entwined hair formed into a braid; (a) femininevariant of कबरा (see).
- कबाड़ kaba:ṛ -- (nm) junk, scrap; any disorderly stuff.
- कबाड़खाना -- a junk-store, junk-house.
- कबाड़ा kaba:ṛa: -- (nm).
- कबाड़ा करना -- to spoil; to rain, to undo.
- कबाड़ा होना -- to bespoiled; to be ruined, to beundone.
- कबाड़िया, कबाड़ी kaba:ṛia: -- kaba:ṛi:.
- कबाब kaba:b -- (nm) roasted meat, roast; collops or small pieces ofmeat, roasted on a skewer or spit.
- कबाब में हड्डी होना -- to be a skeleton atthe feast, to be like a fly in theointment, to be an unpalatableingredient in a delicious dish; to be an unwelcome intruder.
- कबाब होना, (जल-भुनकर) -- to burn withrage, to be enraged.
- क़बाला qaba:la: -- (nm) a transfer/sale deed.
- कबीला kabi:la -- (nm) a tribe.
- कबीर kabi:r -- (nm) a great mediaeval Hindi poet; a type of peculiarfolk songs (sp. prevalent in U.P.and Bihar) abounding in obscenelanguage.
- कबूतर kabu:tar -- (nm) a pigeon.
- कबूतरखाना -- a pigeon house, pigeonhole; dovecot.
- कबूतरबाज़ -- one whorears sporting pigeons.
- कबूतरबाज़ी -- rearing of sporting pigeons.
- क़बूल qabu:l -- (nm) agreement, consent; admission; confession.
- क़बूल करना -- toadmit; to confess.
- क़बूल कर लेना, साफ़-साफ़ -- to make a clean breast of.
- क़बूलना qabu:lnā: -- (v) to agree; to admit; to concede; to confess.
- क़ब्ज़ qabz -- (nm) constipation.
- क़ब्ज़ा qabza: -- (nm) possession, occupation; a handle, grip; hinge.
- क़ब्ज़ादार -- hinged; one who holdspossession, one who is in occupation (of), occupying.
- क़ब्ज़े पर हाथरखना -- to get ready to strike/hit.
- क़ब्ज़ियत, क़ब्ज़ी qabziyat, qabzi: -- (nf) constipation.
- क़ब्र qabbr -- (nf) a grave.
- क़ब्र खोदना -- to devise ways and meansfor ruination/destruction.
- क़ब्र मेंपाँव लटकाए होना -- to be on the brinkof the grave, to have one foot inthe grave, to be on the verge ofdeath.
- क़ब्र से उठ आना -- to escapedeath, to get a fresh lease of life.
- क़ब्रिस्तान qabrista:n -- (nm) a grave-yard, cemetery.
- क़ब्ल qabbl -- (ind) prior to, before.
- कभी kabhi: -- (ind) sometime; ever.
- कभी कभी -- sometimes, now and then, occasionally.
- कमंडल kamānḍal -- (nm) the pot used by mendicants.
- कमंद kamānd -- (nf) a rope-ladder used for scaling a building; anoose for entangling wild animalsetc.
- कम kām -- (a) little, few, scanty; less; short, small; deficient; (adv) rarely; seldom.
- कमअक़ल -- stupid, foolish, unwise.
- कमअसल -- cross-breed, hybrid; base.
- कम उम्र -- young, young in age.
- कम क़ीमत -- cheap, low-priced.
- कमख़र्च -- thrifty, frugal, economical.
- कमख़र्ची -- thrift, frugality, econony.
- कमख़्वाब -- brocade, silk wrought with gold and silverflowers.
- कमतर -- smaller; lesser.
- कमतरीन -- smallest; least.
- कमनसीब -- unfortunate; hence कमनसीबी.
- कम ख़र्चबाला नशीन -- economical and yet ofa superior quality; low cost, great show.
- कमची kamchi: -- (nf) a strip of wood or bamboo, slender stick.
- कमज़ोर kāmzor -- (a) weak, feeble; ineffectual.
- कमज़ोरी kāmzori: -- (nf) weakness, feebleness; deficiency; debility.
- कमती kāmti: -- (a) less, scanty; (nf) lack, deficiency, scarcity.
- कमनीय kāmnī:y -- (a) lovely, beautiful; pretty; hence कमनीयता (nf).
- कमबख़्त kāmbaḳḥt -- (a) unfortunate, ill-fated, unlucky.
- कमबख़्ती kāmbaḳḥti: -- (nf) misfortune, ill-luck, adversity.
- कमबख़्ती का मारा -- fallen.
- कमर kamar -- (nf) waist, loins, girdle; the middle part of something.
- कमरकोट -- a parapet, protection wall.
- कमरतोड़ -- lit. that which breaks theback—arduous, stringent; unbearable.
- कमरपट्टी -- a belt.
- कमरबंद -- a girdle.
- कमर कसना -- to gird up one's loins; tobrace oneself up, to be all setfor action.
- कमर झुकना -- to becomeold/feeble.
- कमर टूटना -- to be renderedhopeless; to be demoralised, tolose all self-confidence.
- कमर तोड़ना -- tobreak one's back.
- कमर बाँधना -- toget ready for, to resolve.
- कमर सीधी करना -- to relax for a while.
- कमरख kāmrakh -- (nm) a sour and pungently tasty fruit; fruit ofAverrhoa carambola.
- कमरा kamra: -- (nm) a room, chamber.
- कमल kamal -- (nm) a lotus flower and its plant.
- कमल ककड़ी -- the root of lotus.
- कमलगट्टा -- the seed of lotus.
- कमलनाल -- thelotus-stalk.
- कमलिनी kamalinī: -- (nf) a small lotus.
- कमली kamli: -- (nf) a small blanket.
- कमसि/न kamsin -- (a) tenderly young, of tender age; hence कमसि नी (nf).
- कमाई kama:i: -- (nf) earnings.
- कमाई हुई (देह) -- built up (body-throughexercise etc.), strong and muscular.
- कमाऊ kama:u: -- (a) earning (a livelihood).
- कमान kamā:n -- (nf) a bow; an arch, a curve; command.
- कमाना kamā:nā: -- (v) to earn; to merit; to process (leather etc.); to clean (w.c. etc.).
- कमानी kamā:nī: -- (nf) a spring; the truss worn by people sufferingfrom hernia.
- कमानीदार -- fitted witha spring.
- कमाल kama:l -- (nm) a miracle, wonder; excellence; miraculous perfection.
- कमाल करना -- to work wonders, to perform a miracle.
- कमासुत kama:sut -- (a) earning; worthy.
- कमिश्न/र kamīshnar -- (nm) a commissioner.
- कमिश्नरी -- a territory administered by a commissioner; office of a commissioner.
- कमी kamī: -- (nf) deficiency; shortage, paucity, lack, want, scarcity, scantiness; abatement; defect; failing; reduction.
- कमीज़ kamī:z -- (nf) a shirt.
- कमीन kamī:n -- (a) mean; low-born; hence कमीनपन, कमीनपना (nm).
- कमीनदार kamīnda:r -- (nm) a sniper.
- कमीना kamī:nā: -- (a) mean, wicked, vile.
- कमीनापन -- meanness, wickedness.
- कमीशन kamī:shān -- (nm) commission (body of persons having authority or warrant conferring authority in the army etc.); discount.
- कमेटी kameṭi: -- (nf) a committee.
- कमेरा kamera: -- (nm) a workman, worker.
- क़याम qayā:m -- (nm) stay, halt, halting.
- क़यामत qayā:māt -- (nf) the day of judgment, the day of resurrection; annihilation, destruction.
- क़यामत की घड़ी -- a moment of extreme crisis.
- क़यामत बरपा करना -- to bring about adevastating crisis; to raise acommotion, to create a stir.
- क़यास qaya:s -- (nm) guess, conjecture.
- करं/ड karāṉḍ -- (nm) hive; a bamboo basket.
- करंडी -- a kind of pseudo-silken cloth.
- कर kar -- (nm) a hand; ray; the trunk of an elephant; tax, duty, custom; tribute; as a suffix it imparts thesense of an agency (e.g. सुखकर—that which gives pleasure).
- करतल -- .
- करकट karkaṭ -- (nm) used as the second member in the compound कूड़ाकरकट- meaning—dregs; rubbish, sweepings.
- करकना karaknā: -- (v) to produce a painful sensation, to produce anitch (as when some alien matterfalls into the eye).
- करघा kargha: -- (nm) a weaver's loom.
- करछी, करछुल, करछुली karchhi:, karchhul, karchhuli: -- (nf) a ladle.
- करण karāṉ -- (nm) articulation; articulator; instrumental case; anorgan; instrument; function; doing.
- करणीय karṉī:y -- (a) worth doing.
- करत/ब kartab -- (nm) a feat; performance; exploits; skill; acrobatics, jugglery.
- करतबी -- manoeuverer, skilful, dexterous.
- करता karta: -- (nm) see कर्त्ता.
- करतार karta:r -- (nm) the Creator, the Master.
- करतूत kartu:t -- (nf) misdeed, evil deed, doing.
- करधनी kardhanī: -- (nf) a girdle (of gold, silver or yarn etc.).
- करनफूल karānphu:l -- (nm) see कर्णफूल.
- करना karnā: -- (v) to do; to perform; to complete; to act; to execute; tocommit; to hire; to have as manor wife; to run or set up (as दुकानकरना ); to practise (as वकालतकरना ); to solve (as सवालकरना ); to cohabit.
- करै कोई भरै कोई -- to bark up awrong tree.
- करनी karnī: -- (nf) doing, deed; a mason's trowel.
- कर/ब, करबी karab, karbi: -- (nf) the stalk of jua:r and ba:jra: used asfodder.
- करम karām -- (nm) deed, doings; act, work, action; destiny, fate; mercy.
- करमजली -- an abusive term for a woman or girl meaning luckless/ofill-luck/unfortunate.
- करम ठोकना -- tolament over one's lot.
- करम फूटना -- tohave a stroke of ill luck, to fallinto adversity; to be widowed.
- करमकल्ला karāmkalla: -- (nm) cabbage.
- करमुहाँ karmūhā: -- (a) a word of abuse meaning one having a blackened face; ill-famed, infamous.
- करवट karwaṭ -- (nf) lying on one side, the position of lying or sleepingon the side; a bank.
- करवट बदलना/लेना -- to turn from one side to the otheror to change sides while lying; toadopt a new course.
- करवट बदलते रातबीतना -- to spend a restless night.
- कराधान kara:dhā:n -- (nm) taxation.
- करामात kara:mā:t -- (nf) a miracle, thaumaturgy; feat.
- करामाती kara:mā:ti: -- (a) working wonders, miraculous; (nm) thaumaturgist.
- करार kara:r -- (nm) a river-bank, precipice; see क़रार.
- क़रार qara:r -- (nm) an agreement, a contract; commitment, under-taking.
- क़रारनामा -- a written agreement; article (as of an association).
- करारा kara:ra: -- (a) crisp; hard; strong, stout, sturdy; forceful; hence करारापन (nm).
- कराल kara:l -- (a) terrifying, formidable; hence करालता (nf).
- कराह kara:h -- (nf) a groan, moan.
- कराहना kara:hnā: -- (v) to groan, to moan, to cry in pain.
- करिश्मा karishmā: -- (nm) a miracle, miraculous feat, magic.
- क़री/ना qari:nā: -- (nm) orderliness.
- क़रीब qari:b -- (adv) near, close by; about, approximately, almost.
- क़रीब-क़रीब -- almost.
- क़रीबन -- approximately, almost.
- क़रीबी -- close, near.
- करील kari:l -- (nm) a thorny leafless shrub—Capparis aphylla; shoot ofa bamboo.
- करुण karūṉ -- (a) touching; pathetic, tragic.
- करुणहृदय -- merciful, compassionate.
- करुणा karūṉā: -- (nf) pity, compassion, pathos; benignity; tenderness offeelings.
- करुणाकर/ करुणानिधान/ करुणानिधि -- attributes of God—The Merciful.
- करुणामय -- tender-hearted, aboundingin compassion.
- करेला karela: -- (nm) bitter gourd करेला Momordica charantia.
- करेला और नीमचढ़ा -- a bad man in a bad company; hence करेली (diminutive, nf).
- करैत karait -- (nm) a venomous black snake.
- करैला karaila: -- (nm) see करेला; hence करैलाली (diminutive, nf).
- करोड़ karoṛ -- (a and nm) ten million.
- करोड़पति -- a multi-millionaire.
- करौंदा karāūda: -- (nm) the corinda करौंदा Carissa carandas, a small acid fruit.
- करौली karauli: -- (nf) a poniard, small dagger.
- कर्क kark -- (nm).
- कर्क राशि -- cancer—the sign of zodiac.
- कर्क रेखा -- tropic ofcancer.
- कर्कश karkash -- (a) hard, harsh, screechy; hoarse; hence कर्कशता (nf).
- कर्कशा karkasha: -- (a) termagant, shrew; quarrelsome; (nf) quarrelsome/shrewish woman.
- कर्ज़ karz -- (nm) loan; debt.
- कर्ज़दार -- a debtor.
- कर्ज़दारी -- indebtedness.
- कर्ज़ खाना -- to live on loans; to be indebted.
- कर्ज़ा karza: -- (nm) see कर्ज़.
- कर्ण karṉ -- (nm) an ear; helm; rudder (of a boat); hypotenuse.
- कर्णकटु -- discordant, disagreeable, harsh (sound).
- कर्णगोचर -- audible.
- कर्णधार -- helmsman, one who steers(a boat).
- कर्णपाली -- the lobe of theear.
- कर्णमूल -- the root of the ear; a disease resulting in swelling atthe root of the ear, parotitis.
- कर्णशूल -- ear-ache.
- कर्णस्राव -- running ofthe ear, discharge of ichorousmatter from the ear.
- कर्णंफूल karṉphu:l -- (nm) an ornament worn in the ear.
- कर्णातीत karṉā:ti:t -- (a) ultrasonic.
- कर्त्तन kartan -- (nm), cutting, chopping; trimming.
- कर्त्तव्य kartavvy -- (nm) duty; (a) proper/fit to be done, what ought to be done.
- कर्त्तव्यच्युत -- fallen/deviatedfrom duty.
- कर्त्तव्यनिष्ठ/परायण -- dutiful; hence कर्त्तव्यनिष्ठता/परायणता (nf).
- कर्त्तव्यमूढ़/विमूढ़ -- perplexed as to theproper course of action, placed ina dilemmatic state.
- कर्त्तां karta: -- (nm) doer; the Creator; subject (in Grammar); head of ajoint Hindu family; author.
- कर्त्तां धर्ता -- all in all, the active or the managing member of a social, politicalor any other unit.
- कर्तृ kartri -- an allomorph of the word कर्त्ता used as the first memberin compound words.
- कर्तृप्रधान वाक्य -- (a sentence) wherein the subjectdominates.
- कर्तृवाचक -- a term thatdenotes the subject.
- कर्तृवाच्य -- theactive voice.
- कर्तृत्व kartrittv -- (nm) the act or property of being an agent, agency; doing; achievement.
- कर्दम kardām -- (nm) mud, slime; sin.
- कर्नल karnāl -- (nm) a colonel.
- कर्बुर karbur -- (a) variegated, spotted.
- कर्मं karm -- (nm) deed; action; any religious action or rites; fate; object.
- कर्मठ karmāṭḥ -- (a) diligent, assiduous, active and energetic (person).
- कर्मठता -- diligence, hard work, assiduousness.
- कर्मणा karmāṉā: -- (adv) by deed, by action.
- कर्मण्य karmāṉṉy -- (a) industrious, hard working; active.
- कर्मण्यता -- activity, industriousness.
- कर्मण्यतावाद karmāṉṉyata:va:d -- (nm) activism.
- कर्मी karmrī: -- (nm) a member of a crew; worker.
- कर्मेंद्रिय karmēndriy -- (nf) an organ of action (the hand, the foot, etc.).
- कर्षण karshān -- (nm) traction; extraction.
- कलंक kalāṅk -- (nm) blemish; stigma; slur, disgrace.
- कलंक-का टीका -- a blot, mark of disgrace.
- कलंक-धोना -- to wash off a stigma.
- कलंक-लगाना -- to stigmatize, to cause a stigma to be attached with.
- कलंकित kalāṅkit -- (a) disgraced; blemished.
- कलंकी kalāṅki: -- (nm) (one who is) disgraced, stigmatic.
- कलंगी kalāgi: -- (nf) see कलगी.
- क़लंदर qalāndar -- (nm) a monkey or bear dancer; a kind of Mohammedan recluse; a carefree type of man.
- कल kal -- (a) sweet; soft and tender; gentle; low and weak (tone); (nm and adv) tomorrow; yesterday; (nf) peace, tranquillity, comfort; a machine or its parts.
- कलकंठ -- one blessed with sweet and soft voice; having a pleasing tone or note.
- कलकल -- sweet and soft sound (of a flowing stream or spring).
- कलकल ध्वनी -- sweet and gentle sound.
- कल-का -- too small (as लड़का); of recent past, of recent origin; pertaining to the future (as कल की कल पर है).
- कलदार -- a rupee coin.
- कल-उमेंठना/एंठना/घुमाना -- to incite a person to perform or to desist from an act; to give a sudden turn to one's line of thinking.
- कल-के छोकरे -- babes and sucklings.
- कल-दबाना -- to make somebody act, to cause to act.
- कल-बेकल होना -- to be ill at ease, to lose.
- कल -- (nf) whitewash; tin; tin plating; stone lime, coating; show; external grandeur.
- कलगर -- a tinman, tinner of pots and pans.
- कलदार -- tin-plated.
- कल उघड़ना/खुलना -- to beexposed, to be unmasked.
- कलक kalak -- (nm) keen regret, remorse, penitence.
- कलक्टर kalakṭar -- (nm) a collector.
- कलगी kalagi: -- (nf) a plume, crest; aigrette; a gem-studded ornamentfixed in the turban; the comb (of acock).
- कलछी kalchhi: -- (nf) a long-handed ladle.
- कलन kalān -- (nm) calculus; calculation.
- कलपना kalapnā: -- (v) to lament, to bemoan or bewail.
- कलफ़ kalaf -- (nm) starch.
- कलफ़दार -- starched.
- कलम, क़लम kalām, qalām -- (nf) a pen; a painter's brush; a school or styleof painting; graft; cutting, chopping; the growth of hair on man'stemples.
- कलमक़साई -- a hack-writer; one who practises butcherythrough one's pen, one who misdirects or propagates ignorancethrough one's writings.
- कलमकारी -- engraving, painting with a brush.
- कलमदान -- a pen and ink case; pentray, penstand.
- कलमबंद -- penned, put intoblack and white, reduced to writing, written.
- कलमबंद करना -- to writedown, to record in writing; hence कलमबंदी (nf).
- कलम करना -- to chop off, tocut; to prune.
- कलम का धनी -- a master ofthe art of writing.
- कलम घसीटना -- toscrible.
- कलम घिसना -- to write insignificant things/ineffectively.
- कलम चलाना -- towrite.
- चूमना -- lit. to kiss one's pen —to immensely like an expression, to be all praise for (one's writing).
- कलम तोड़ना -- to work wonders in(one's) writing; to write amazinglywell.
- कलम फेरना -- to strike out or deletewhat is written.
- कलम में जादू होना -- towork wonders with the pen.
- कलम में ज़ोर होना -- to wield the pen effectively.
- कलमा kalmā: -- (nm) the basic statement or confession of Mohammedan faith.
- कलमा पढ़ना -- to repeat the Muslim confession of faith; to embrace Islam.
- कलमा पढ़ाना -- toinitiate (somebody) into Islam.
- क़लमी qalamī: -- (a) grafted; crystallised.
- क़लमी आम -- grafted mango.
- क़लमी शोरा -- saltpetre.
- कलवार kalwa:r -- (nm) a caste amongst the Hindus who formerly used todeal in liquor; a wine merchant.
- कलश kalash -- (nm) a pitcher, an urn; a dome, pinnacle.
- कलसा kalsa: -- (nm) a metal pitcher; hence कलसी (diminutive, nf).
- कलह kaleh -- (nm) quarrel, scramble, strife, broil; dispute.
- कलहप्रिय -- quarrelsome.
- कलहप्रिय ता -- quarrelsomeness.
- कलही -- quarrelsome.
- कलाँ kalā: -- (a) large, larger; big, bigger; elder.
- कला kala: -- (nf) art, craft, skill; a portion, division; a digit or onesixteenth of the moon's diameter; sport, play; degree; very minutedivision of time.
- कलाकार -- anartist.
- कलाकृति -- a work of art, anartistic creation.
- कला कौशल -- artisticskill; artifice.
- कलाजंग -- a somersault, atrick in the art of wrestling.
- कलाधर, कलानिधि -- the moon.
- कलापरक -- artistic.
- कलाई kala:i: -- (nm) wrist.
- कलाई घड़ी -- a wrist watch.
- कलाकंद kala:kānd -- (nm) a kind of sweetmeat.
- कलाबत्तू kala:battu: -- (nm) silk thread covered with gold or silver; silkand silver or gold thread twistedtogether; gold or silver thread:.
- कलार kala:r -- (nm) see कलवार.
- कलावा kala:va: -- (nm) a red thread (tied on the wrist by the Hinduson auspicious occasions).
- कलि kali -- कलियुग, कलि{yug} (nm) the kali age, the fourth and the last age ofthe universe according to theHindu mythology; (fig.) the age ofvice; hence कलियुगी of or belongingto कलियुग.
- कलिका kalika: -- (nf) a bud.
- कलिया qalia: -- (nm) meat-curry.
- कली kali: -- (nf) a bud; gusset, a piece put in a garment; a maidenwho has yet to attain youth, anunblossomed maiden.
- कलीसा kali:sa: -- (nm) a Christian church.
- कलुष kalush -- (nm) turbidity, impurity; sin; (a) turbid, impure; sinful, wicked.
- कलुषित kalushit -- (a) sinful, profane; filthy.
- कलूटा kalu:ṭa: -- (a) blacky, dark-complexioned.
- कलेंडर kalēṉḍar -- (nm) a calendar.
- कलेजा kaleja: -- (nm) liver; heart; courage.
- कलेजा उछलना -- to have theheart throb out of excitement.
- कलेजा कड़ा करना -- to pull oneself together; to steel one's heart; to prepareoneself for a shock/hardship, etc.
- कलेजा काँपना -- to be terrified; to bestruck with extreme terror.
- कलेजा छलनी होना -- to be afflicted by taunts andsarcastic remarks.
- कलेजा जलना -- to sufferextreme agony, to be heart-sore.
- कलेजा जलाना -- to put to agony, to torment.
- कलेजा टूटना -- to lose all hope, tobe completely demoralised.
- कलेजा ठंडा/तर होना -- to be fulfilled or gratified, to be assuaged (on account of anadversary's distress).
- कलेजा थाम कर रोना -- to weep bitterly.
- कलेजा थाम के रह जाना -- to repress grief, not to letone's grief be manifested.
- कलेजा धक-धक करना -- to have a violent heart-throb (on account of fear, apprehension, etc.).
- कलेजा धक से हो जाना -- to bedumbfounded; to receive a violentshock.
- कलेजा धड़कना -- the heart to palpitate (through anxiety, fear, apprehension).
- कलेजा निकाल कर रख देना -- to express one's inner hurt feelings; to express/expose oneselfwithout reservation; to surrenderone's all; to give away what isbest or dearest.
- कलेजा पकना -- to bedeeply wounded; to be fed upof enduring affliction.
- कलेजा पत्थर का करना -- to become stone-hearted; toget ready to face the worst eventuality.
- कलेजा फटना -- to have the heartrent by deep sorrow.
- कलेजा बल्लियों/बाँसों उछलना -- to be full of excitement through joy.
- कलेजा मुँह को आना -- to have one's heart in one'smouth, to be restless on accountof grief.
- कलेजे का टुकड़ा -- core ofone's heart; something or somebody dearest to one's heart.
- कलेजे पर चोट लगना -- suffer a heavyemotional shock or blow.
- कलेजेपर छुरी चलाना -- to experience adeep emotional shock.
- कलेजे पर साँप लोटना -- to be struck with jealousy.
- कलेवर kalevar -- (nm) physical structure, external build-up; size.
- कलेवा kalewa: -- (nm) breakfast.
- कलोल kalol -- (nm) fun and frolic, sport.
- कलौंजी kalāūji: -- (nf) nigclla; stuffed vegetable.
- कल्प kalp -- (nm) era; having the manner or form of, similar to, resembling, almost like( ऋषिकल्प like a sage.
- पितृकल्प -- likefather).
- कल्पतरु kalptaru -- (nm) a mythological tree or plant that is supposed togrant all desires.
- कल्पना kalpanā: -- (nf) imagination; fiction; supposition, assumption.
- कल्पना चित्र -- imaginary picture.
- कल्पनाप्रवण -- imaginative; hence कल्पनाप्रवणता (nf).
- कल्पनाप्रसूत -- imaginary, fictional; invented.
- कल्पना लोक -- in an imaginary/phantastic world.
- कल्पना लोक में होना -- to be inthe clouds, to be in a world ofphaṉtasy.
- कल्पना शक्ति -- imagination, imaginative faculty.
- कल्पना सृष्टि -- a mentalcreation, imaginative creation.
- कल्पनातीत kalpanā:ti:t -- (a) unimaginable, beyond imagination; incomprehensible.
- कल्पनीय kalpnī:y -- (a) imaginable; worth imagining; hence कल्पनीयता (nf).
- कल्पलता kalplata: -- (nf) a mythological creeper supposed to possess thepower to grant all wishes.
- कल्पवृक्ष kalpvriksh -- (nm) see कल्प-तरु.
- कल्पित kalpit -- (a) imaginary; virtual; fictitious.
- कल्पित नाम -- nom de plume.
- कल्पित स्वर्ग -- cockaigne, cl Doredo.
- कल्मष kalmāsh -- (nm) sin; impurity, filth.
- कल्याण kallyā:ṉ -- (nm) welfare, benediction.
- कल्याणकारी -- propitious, auspicious; good, beneficial.
- कल्याण राज्य -- welfare state.
- कल्ला kalla: -- (nm) a sprout; interior part of the cheek.
- कल्ला फूटना -- tosprout.
- कल्लोल kallol -- (nf) play, sport, frolic.
- कवक kavak -- (nm) fungus.
- कवच -- (nf) a poetess.
- कवरी kavari: -- (nf) a fillet or braid of hair.
- कव/र्ग kavarg -- (nm) the ka-pentad of five soft-palatal consonants in theDevna:gri: script, viz. क, ख, ग, घ, ङ.
- कवर्गीय -- belonging to the ka-pentad.
- कव/ल -- (nf) exercise, drill.
- कवि kavi -- (nm) a poet.
- कवि कर्म -- poetic function, composition/creation.
- कवि-प्रसिद्धि -- poetic convention.
- कविराज -- a physician; a king of poets.
- कविवर -- a leading poet, an excellent poet.
- कवि समय -- age-old traditional description.
- कविता kavita: -- (nf) poetry; a poem.
- कवित्त kavitt -- (nm) a class of a particular meter in Hindi poetry, esp. Braj; poetry, in general (arch.).
- कवित्व kavittv -- (nm) poetic content or quality.
- कवित्व शक्ति -- poetic faculty/power.
- क़व्वाली qavva:li: -- (nf) a form of group vocal music and song.
- कश kash -- (nm) a whip, lash; drawing, pulling; whiff, puff, inhalation; a suffix used to denote one who pulls or lifts, e.g., मेहनतकश.
- कशमकश -- struggle; divergent pulling, wrangling.
- कश-खींचना/लगाना/लेना -- to have a puff.
- कशिश kashish -- (nf) attraction.
- कशीदा kashi:da: -- (nm) ornamental needlework, embroidery.
- कशीदाकारी -- embroidery.
- कशेरूक kasheruk -- (nm) vertebral column, spine; (a) vertebrate.
- कशाय -- (nm) suffering, pain; hardship; distress.
- कशायकर/कारक -- troublesome, painful, distressing.
- कशाय-कल्पना -- far-fetched imagination.
- कशायदायक/कशायप्रद -- see कष्टकर.
- कशायसाध्य -- difficult; troublesome; onerous.
- कस kas -- (nm) assay, test; strength, power.
- कसदार -- strong, sturdy.
- कस बल -- strength, power.
- कस kas -- an allomorph of काँसा used as the first member in compound words.
- कसकुट -- an alloy of copper and zinc.
- कसहँड़ी (कसेंड़ी) -- a huge bronze pitcher.
- कसक kasak -- (nf) smarting pain, aching sensation; internal pain; lingering agony.
- कसक निकालना/मिटाना -- to assuage pain; to derive relief by retaliation.
- कसकना kasaknā: -- (v) to have an aching sensation/lingering agony.
- कसना kasnā: -- (v) to tighten, to frap; to fasten; to bind; to gird up, to brace; to test (on a touch-stone), to assay; to reduce to thin shreds (with the help of an implement, e.g. pumpkin, cucumber, etc.).
- क़सबा qasba: -- (nm) a township, small town.
- कसबी kasbi: -- (nf) a prostitute, harlot adulterous woman.
- क़सम qasām -- (nf) an oath, swearing.
- क़सम उतारना -- to set free of the bonds of oath; to perform an act nominally.
- क़सम खाना -- to swear, to take an oath.
- क़सम खाने को -- nominally.
- क़सम तोड़ना -- to violate an oath.
- क़सम दिलाना -- to administer an oath (to); to make one swear; to put under an oath.
- क़सम देना -- to put on oath.
- क़सम लेना -- to swear, to take an oath.
- कसमसाना kasmasā:nā: -- (v) to fidget, to be restless; to wriggle; to bestir oneself.
- कसमसाहट kasmasa:haṭ -- (nf) fidgeting, restlessness, uneasiness; wriggling; bestirring.
- क़समिया qasamīyā: -- (adv) on oath, bound by oath.
- कसर kasar -- (nf) deficiency; loss; drawback; lacuna, shortcoming; (in Mathematics) a fraction.
- कसर करना/रखना -- to be wanting (in), to fail(to).
- कसर खाना/उठाना -- to suffer lossor damage.
- कसर देना -- to inflict loss(on).
- कसर न उठा रखना -- to leave noavenue unexplored, to leave nostone unturned.
- कसर निकलना -- tobe compensated; to be avenged.
- कसर निकालना -- to make up the loss; toavenge, to be quits (with).
- कसर/त kasrat -- (nf physical exercise; abundance, plenty.
- कसरती -- athletic, built-up by physical exercise (as body).
- क़साई qasa:i: -- (nm) a butcher; (a) cruel, pitiless.
- क़साईखाना/घर -- butchery, slaughter house.
- क़साई के खूँटे(से) बँधना -- to get wedded to a merciless man; to be entrusted to a cruel fellow.
- क़साई-के खूँटे(से) बाँधना -- to hand over to a merciless person/butcher.
- कसा-कसाया kasa:kasa:ya: -- (a).
- कसाकसी kasa:kasi: -- (nf) tension; antagonism.
- कसार kasa:r -- (nm) wheat flour fried in ghee and mixed with sugar.
- कसा/ला kasa:la: -- (nm) toil, labour.
- कसाले का -- requiring great toil and pains; oppressive and laborious (business).
- कसाव kasa:v -- (nm) tightness; stiffness; the quality of being well-knit; terse (language style); muscularity; hence कसावदार (a).
- कसावट kasa:vaṭ -- (nf) tightness; terseness; muscularity.
- क़सीदा qasi:da: -- (nm) a special variety of eulogical poetic composition in Urdu/Persian.
- क़सूर qasu:r -- (nm) fault; guilt.
- क़सूरवार -- a guilty person.
- कसेरा kasera: -- (nm) a particular Hindu community manufacturing and dealing in bronzeware.
- कसैला kasaila: -- (a) astringent; hence कसैलापन (nm).
- कसौटी kasauṭi: -- (nf) a touchstone; test, criterion.
- कसौटी पर कसना, किसी को -- toput a person through his facings.
- कस्तूरी kastu:ri: -- (nf) musk.
- कस्तूरी मृग -- a musk-deer.
- क़स्द qasd -- (nm) resolution, will.
- क़स्दन -- deliberately, wilfully.
- क़स्साब qassa:b -- (nm) a butcher.
- क़स्साबखाना -- butchery.
- क़हक़हा qahqaha: -- (nm) a burst/peal of laughter.
- क़हक़हा लगाना -- to laugh boisterously.
- क़हत qahat -- (nm) famine; utter scarcity.
- क़हतज़दा -- famine-struck.
- कहना kehnā: -- (v) to say, to state, to tell, to utter; (nm) saying, utterance, order; advice.
- कहते न बनना -- to be beyond description, not to beable to narrate/describe.
- कहना कुछकरना कुछ -- double dealing.
- कहना सुनना -- persuasion, inducement; wrangling.
- कहने को -- virtually, nominally.
- कहने में आना -- to be misled, to be induced; to veer round.
- कहने में होना -- to beunder (somebody's) commands, tobe under the spell (of).
- कहना कहने से कुम्हार/धोबी गधे पर नहीं चढ़ता -- youcan take a horse to the water butyou cannot make him drink.
- कह-बदकर -- with explicit resolution, challengingly.
- कहें खेत की, सुनें खलिहान की -- to talk of chalk and tohear of cheese.
- कहनावत kehnā:vat -- (nf) saying.
- कहनी-अनकहनी kehnī: ānkehnī: -- (nf) vituperation, unpleasant utterance.
- क़हर qahar -- (nm) calamity; divine wrath/affliction.
- क़हर ढाना/क़हर बरपा करना -- to cause a devastation/calamity.
- क़हवा qehwa: -- (nm) coffee.
- क़हवाखाना/घर -- coffee house.
- कहाँ kahā: -- (adv) where.
- कहाँ अमुक, कहाँ अमुक -- the one being no match to the other, a world of differencebetween the two.
- कहाँ का कहाँ -- carriedafar; stretched too remote.
- कहाँ राजा भोज कहाँ गंगू तेली -- the one not fiteven to hold a candle to the other.
- कहा kaha: -- (nm) saying; advice, order.
- कहा सुना -- verbal impropriety, harsh words.
- कहा सुनी -- altercation, verbal duel.
- कहानी kaha:nī: -- (nf) a (short) story; tale.
- कहानी कला -- the art of story-telling.
- कहानीकार -- a story-writer, story teller.
- कहानी गढ़ना -- to fabricate tales, to telltales.
- कहार kaha:r -- (nm) a Hindu community earning its livelihood by supplying/carrying water, bearing palanquin and washing utensils, etc.; a member of this community; utensil cleaner.
- कहावत kaha:vat -- (nf) a saying, proverb.
- कहीं kahī: -- (ind) somewhere; any where; lest.
- कहीं कहीं -- in some.
- काँख kā:kh -- (nf) an armpit.
- काँखना kā:khnā: -- (v) to grunt, to groan; to cough.
- काँच kā:ch -- (nm) glass; intestinum rectum; the end of the lowergarment (dhoti:) which is tuckedto the waist at the back.
- काँच निकलना -- a disorder in which the intestinumrectum is prolapsed.
- काँजी kā:ji: -- (nf) a kind of sour gruel vinegar made by steeping mustardseed, etc. in water and letting theliquor ferment.
- काँजी हाउस kā:ji:ha:us -- (nm) a cattle pond.
- काँटा kā:ṭa: -- (nm) a thorn, spicule; fork; hook; fishing hook; prong; balance; the tongue of a balance; hands of a watch; the processof testing the correctness of amultiplication sum; bone of fish; obstacle.
- काँटा निकलना -- to have anobstacle removed; to be relievedof a lingering agony.
- काँटा होना -- tobe reduced to a skeleton, towither away; to act as an obstacle.
- काँटे की तौल -- exact in weight.
- काँटे बिछाना -- to pave somebody'sway with thorns.
- काँटे बोना -- to sowseeds of distress or misfortune.
- काँटों का ताज -- lit. a crown studdedwith thorns —an authority difficultto wield.
- काँटों की सेज -- a bed ofthorns.
- काँटों पर लोटना -- to writhe inpain; to be overawed by jealousy.
- काटों में घसीटना -- to embarrass (byundue exaltation/praise/respect).
- काँटी kā:ṭi: -- (nf) a bait.
- कांटेदार kā:ṭeda:r -- (a) thorny; prickly, spiky.
- कांड kā:ṉḍ -- (nm) untoward or unseemly/incident; even sectionaldivision; chapter; shaft.
- कांड करना -- tocause an untoward or unseemly/incident.
- कांत kā:nt -- (nm) husband; (a) lovely, pleasant; pleasing.
- कांता kā:nta: -- (nf) wife; sweetheart; (a) beloved; lovely.
- कांता सम्मित उपदेश -- a curtain lecture.
- कांतार kā:nta:r -- (nm) a dense forest.
- कांति kā:nti -- (nf) brightness, lustre, splendour, gloss; loveliness.
- कांतिमय/मान -- bright, lustrous, glossy.
- काँपना kā:pnā: -- (v) to tremble; to quiver; to shiver.
- कांफ्रेंस kā:nfrens -- (nf) a conference.
- काँव-काँव kā:v-kā:v -- (nf) crowing; unpleasant sound/words.
- काँसा kā:sa: -- (nm) bronze.
- काँसागर -- bronzesmith.
- कांस्टेबल kā:nsṭebal -- (nm) a constable.
- कांस्य kā:nsy -- (nm) see काँसा.
- कांस्य पदक -- a bronze medal.
- कांस्य युग -- the bronze age.
- का ka: -- a post-position expressive of genitive case—of, belonging to, pertaining to, related with; insome dialects of Hindi 'का' isinterrogative pronoun standingfor क्या?.
- का बरखा जब कृषी सुखाने -- after meat, mustard; after death, the doctor.
- काइयाँ kā:īyā: -- (a) cunning, shrewd, crafty (man); hence काइयाँपन (nm).
- काई ka:i: -- (nf) moss; algae.
- काई छुड़ाना -- to rub out the moss, filth, etc.
- काई सी फटना -- to be scattered, to go.
- काउंटर ka:uṉṭar -- (nm) a counter.
- काक ka:k -- (nm) a crow; cunning fellow.
- काकतालीय -- chance.
- काकतालीय न्याय -- a chance happening.
- काकपद -- a caret.
- काका ka:ka: -- (nm) a paternal uncle. hence काकी (nf).
- काकु ka:ku: -- (nm) a peculiar tone; (resulting from distress or fear oranger etc.); sarcasm; an obliqueunwelcome remark.
- काग ka:g: -- (nm) a crow; cork.
- काग़ज़ ka:g̣az -- (nm) paper.
- काग़ज़ पत्र -- documents; papers.
- काग़ज़ काला करना -- to waste both paper and ink.
- काग़ज़ की नाव -- a house of cards, a transitory thing.
- काग़ज़ के घोड़े दौड़ाना -- toindulge in a vain and unproductive effort.
- काग़ज़ात ka:g̣za:t -- (nm) papers, documents.
- काग़जी kag̣zi: -- (a) made of paper; documentary, written; (e.g. काग़जी सबूत); having a thin rind (e.g.) काग़जी बादाम); academic action limited merelyto paper; delicate; (nm) a papermerchant.
- काग़जी कार्यवाही -- action inwriting.
- काग़जी सबूत -- documentary/written evidence.
- काग़जी घोड़े दौड़ाना -- toindulge in mere paper transactions, to confine to sheer paper/academic actions; to accomplishprojects on paper alone.
- काज ka:j -- (nm) a button hole; work; ceremony.
- काज सरना -- to have a workaccomplished.
- काजल ka:jal -- (nm) collyrium; soot.
- काजल की कोठरी -- an abode of evil: a place or affair which imparts a stain onone's character by association.
- क़ाज़ी qa:zi: -- (nm) a Muslim judge or magistrate; one who performsthe ceremony of nika:h in aMuslim marriage.
- क़ाज़ी कि मुल्ला ?, (आप कौन हैं ?) -- What is your locusstandi ? How dare you interfere ?What business have you to intrude?क़ाज़ी-जी दुबले (क्यों).
- शहर के अँदेशे -- to beworried about affairs that arenot one's concern.
- काजू ka:ju: -- (nm) cashewnut.
- काट ka:ṭ -- (nm) a cut, (act of) cutting; section; rebuttal; counter; erosion; incision; dissection.
- काट करना -- to rebut; to counter.
- काट छाँट -- cropping, trimming, pruning; abridgement; additions and alterations.
- काट पीट -- cutting and over-writing, mutilation (of writing etc.).
- काट/ना ka:ṭnā: -- (v) to cut; to chip; to chop; to bite; to trim; toprune; to shear; to reap; to mow; to interrupt (e.g.> बातकाटना); to fell(e.g. पेड़काटना); to pass/mark (e.g.)वक्तकाटना); to while away; to fleece; to divide a number leaving noremainder.
- काट खाना -- to bite; tosting.
- काटने दौड़ना -- to snap/biteone's nose up, to answer snappishly, to fly into a rage, to fretand fume.
- काटे खाना -- to besnappish, to look spark daggers; arouse a feeling of desolation.
- काटो तो खून नहीं -- to be in a blue funk, to be stupefied, to be paralysedby sudden fear/apprehension etc.
- काठ ka:ṭḥ -- (nm) wood; timber; a block; (fig.) wooden, feelinglessperson.
- काठ कबाड़ -- lumber, useless orcumberous material.
- काठ का कलेजाहोना -- to be hard-hearted, to beheartless.
- काठ का उल्लू -- a beetle-brain; an absolute blockhead.
- काठ की हँडियादुबारा नहीं चढ़ती -- it is a silly fishthat is caught with the same bait.
- काठ की हाँडी -- a means for dupery.
- काठ मार जाना -- to be stunned.
- काठ में पाँव देना -- to put one's legs in the stocks, to take to a troublesome course.
- काठ होना -- to be petrified.
- काठी ka:ṭḥi: -- (nf) a saddle; frame; structure.
- काढ़ना kaṛḥnā: -- (v) to embroider; to extricate; to draw; to comb (hair).
- काढ़ा ka:ṛḥa: -- (nm) a decoction.
- कातना ka:tnā: -- (v) to spin.
- कातिक ka:tik -- (nm) the eighth month of the Hindu calendar; also कार्तिक.
- कातिब ka:tib -- (nm) a scribe; calligraphist.
- क़ाति/ल qa:til -- (nm) a murderer.
- क़ातिलाना -- murderous.
- कान kā:n -- (nm) an ear.
- कान उमेठना/ऐंठना -- to twist somebody's ear/ears byway of punishment.
- कान कतरना/काटना -- to outwit, to prove more than amatch; to excel, to surpass.
- कान काकच्चा -- easily misguided; too credulous.
- कान खड़े करना -- to prick up theears; to get alert.
- कान खड़े होना -- to bealarmed.
- कान खाना -- to, pester, to diginto the ears (of).
- कान-खोलकर (सुनना) -- to listen attentively, to pay heedto.
- कान खोलना -- to put on the alert.
- कान दबाना -- not to protest.
- कान देना, कान देकर कान सुनना -- to incline one's ear to, toheed (somebody's words).
- कान धरना -- to lend ear, to listen attentively.
- कान न देना -- to turn a deaf ear.
- कान नहिलाना -- not to budge in protest.
- कान पकड़कर निकाल देना -- to force outwith disdain, to turn out disrespectfully.
- कान पकड़ना -- to cry 'enough', to vow never to do a thing again, to express contrition (for).
- कान पकना -- the ears to become sore (throughpersistent unwelcome talk etc.).
- कान-पर जूँ न रेंगना -- to turn a deafear to, to be utterly heedless, to be very negligent or careless.
- कान पर हाथ धरना -- to express ignorance; to pretend not to hear.
- कान फटना -- tobe inflicted by a deafening noise.
- कान फूँकना -- to initiate; to tutor.
- कान फूटना -- to become deaf; to bedeafened.
- कान फोड़ना -- to deafen (byexcessive noise).
- कान बंद/बहरे कर लेना -- to turn a deaf ear (to).
- कान बजना -- tofancy that one hears a sound whenthere is none.
- कान बहना -- to have pusoozing/flowing out of the ear.
- कान भरना -- to poison the ear (of), to excitedissension by talebearing.
- कान मरोड़ना/मलना -- to twist the ear (by way ofwarning or punishment).
- कान में उँगली दिए रहना -- to refuse to be attentive, to be heedless.
- कान-में (कोई बात) डाल देना -- to apprise somebody (of something).
- कान में तेल डालना -- to be inattentiveor negligent.
- कान लगाकर सुनना -- to listenattentively, to pay heed to (whatsomebody is saying).
- कानों-कानख़बर न होना -- to have a veil ofabsolute secrecy, not to allow asecret to be divulged.
- काना ka:nā: -- (a) one-eyed; (a fruit) partly eaten away by insects; having slight obliquity (as कपड़ा); hence कानी.
- कानी उँगली -- the littlefinger.
- कानी के ब्याह में सौ-सौ जोखिम/जोखों -- a one-eyed girl's way tomatrimonial bliss is strewn witha hundred hazards, there is manya slip between the cup and the lip.
- कानी कौड़ी भी पास न होना -- to be extremely indigent, to be without apenny.
- काने को काना कहना -- to calla blind as blind (to utter an unwelcome truth).
- कानाफूसी ka:na:phu:si: -- (nf) whisper, below one's breath.
- कानाफूसी करना -- to speakin whispers, to whisper.
- क़ानून qa:nū:n -- (nm) law.
- क़ानून और व्यवस्था -- law and order.
- क़ानून-छाँटना/क़ानूनदाँ -- a legalist, jurist, one who knows law.
- क़ानून बघारना -- to be too much of a legalist, to talk law and nothing butlaw; to impose one's own interpretations on everything.
- क़ानूनन qa:nū:nān -- (adv) legally.
- क़ानूनगो qa:nū:ngo -- (nm) a land-record officer.
- क़ानूनियत qa:nū:niat -- (nf) legality.
- क़ानूनी qa:nū:nī: -- (a) legal, lawful.
- क़ानूनी कार्यवाही/चाराजोई -- legal proceedings.
- कापालिक ka:pa:lik -- (nm) a follower of the va:m-ma:rgi: shaiv sect, whocarries human skull (kapa:l) in hishand, eats meat and drinks allsorts of intoxicants.
- कापी, काँपी ka:pi:, kopi: -- (nf) an exercise book; a copy.
- कापीराइट -- copyright.
- क़ाफ़िया qa:fiya: -- (nm) rhyme.
- क़ाफ़िया तंग करना -- to harass, to put into a tightcorner, to persecute.
- काफ़िर ka:fir -- (nm) a disbeliever (in the tenets of Islam); an atheist; (a) infidel; merciless.
- क़ाफ़िला qa:fila: -- (nm) a caravan, convoy.
- काफ़ी ka:fi: -- (a) enough; sufficient, adequate; (nf) coffee.
- काफ़ूर ka:fu:r -- (nm) camphor.
- काफ़ूर होना -- to vanish, to disappear.
- काबला ka:bla: -- (nm) a bolt.
- क़ाबलियत qa:bliyat -- (nf) ability, capability, competence.
- काबा ka:ba: -- (nm) a square building at Mecca where Mohammedansfrom all over the world go forpilgrimage.
- क़ाबिज़ qa:biz -- (a) possessing, occupying; constipative; (nm) apossessor.
- क़ाबिल qa:bil -- (a) able; worthy; capable, competent.
- क़ाबिल ए क़ाबिल तारीफ़ -- praiseworthy.
- काबुल ka:bul -- (nm) the capital of Afghanistan.
- काबुल में भी गधे होते हैं -- evenparadise has its share of fools.
- क़ाबू qa:bu: -- (nm) control; hold.
- क़ाबू से बाहर होना -- to take bit betweenteeth, to get out of hand.
- काम kā:m -- (nm) work, task; job, employment; performance; function; passion, lust; desire, needle-work; embroidery.
- काम कला -- the artof love.
- काम कुंठा -- sex complex.
- काम केलि/क्रीड़ा -- amorous sport, dalliance.
- कामचार -- a caprice.
- कामचारी -- capricious.
- कामदेव -- Cupid—god of love.
- कामबाण -- the fire of passion, the floweryarrows of Cupid.
- काम भावना -- amoristicsentiment.
- काम मद -- oestrus.
- काममूढ़ -- overwhelmed by passion.
- काम वासना -- libido, sexual craving.
- काम वृत्ति -- sexualinstinct.
- काम आना -- to be of avail orof servive; to come into use; tocome to one's rescue; to help; to be killed or slain (in battle).
- काम करना -- to prove effective, to do thetrick; to succeed.
- काम को काम सिखाताहै -- it is work that makes a workman, practice makes a manperfect.
- काम चलाना -- to manage, todo with, to keep the work going.
- काम तमाम करना -- to put an end to; todestroy, to undo; to kill.
- काम देखो, अपना -- mind your own business.
- काम निकालना -- to have the work accomplished.
- काम पड़ना -- to have to do with, to have business with.
- काम प्यारा होताहै, चाम नही -- handsome is that handsome does.
- काम बनना -- to have a purpose served.
- काम बिगाड़ना -- to make amess of a business; to put aspoke in one's wheel; to foil.
- काम मेंजुटे रहना -- to be busy as a bee.
- काम में लाना -- to turn to account, tobring into play.
- काम लगना -- to getbusy, to have a pressing engagement; to get employed.
- काम से कामरखना -- to mind one's (own) business.
- काम होना -- to have one's purposeserved; to have to do a job.
- कामकाज ka:m ka:j -- (nm) business, work.
- कामकाज में आलसी भोजन में हुशियार -- the cats love fish but fear to wet.
- कामकाजी kā:mka:ji: -- (a) busy; active, industrious.
- कामगार kā:mga:r -- (nm) a worker, labourer, labour.
- कामचलाऊ kā:mchala:u: -- (a) workable, serviceable; caretaker (government); (answering as a) makeshift stop-gap.
- काम/चोर kā:mchor -- (a) malingerer, shirker; hence कामचोरी (nf).
- कामदानी kā:mdā:nī: -- (nf) embroidered work.
- कामदार kā:mda:r -- (a) embroidered; (nm) an agent; employee.
- कामदी kā:madi: -- (nf) a comedy, farcical dramatic representation.
- कामदीकार -- a comedy writer.
- कामदेव ka:mdev -- (nm) Cupid-the god of love.
- काम-धंधा kā:mdhāndha: -- (nm) work; occupation; business.
- काम-धाम kā:mdhā:m -- (nm) work; business; occupation.
- कामना kā:mnā: -- (nf) desire; lust, passion.
- कामया/ब kā:mya:b -- (a) successful.
- कामयाबी -- success.
- कामांध kā:mā:ndh -- (a) passion-blind, overwhelmed by lust; hence कामांधता (nf).
- कामाग्नि ka:ma:gnī -- (nf) the fire of passion, excessive passion.
- कामातुर ka:ma:tur -- (a) passion-blind, blinded by lust; hence कामातुरता (nf).
- कामार्त ka:ma:rt -- (a) love-lorn, obssessed by love; hence कामार्तता (nf).
- कामिनी ka:mīnī: -- (nf) a (lustful) woman; beautiful lady.
- कामी ka:mī: -- (a) sexually crazy, libidinous, amorous.
- कामुक ka:mūk -- (a) amorous, salacious, libidinous; sensual.
- कामुकता ka:mūkta: -- (nf) sexuality; libidinousness, amorousness, salaciousness.
- कामोत्कंठा ka:motkāṉṭḥa: -- (nf) sexual craving, sexual urge.
- कामो/त्तेजक, कामोद्दीपक ka:mottejak -- कामो ddi:pak (a) passion-arousing, exciting, aphrodisiac.
- कामो/न्माद ka:monmā:d -- (nm) erotomania, sex-craze.
- कामोन्मादी -- sex-crazy.
- काम्य ka:mmy -- (a) desirable, covetable; worthy; hence काम्यता (nf).
- कायचिकित्सा ka:ychikitsa: -- (nf) medicine; medical science.
- क़ायदा qa:yda: -- (nm) a rule; practice; primer.
- क़ायदा क़ानून -- rules and regulations.
- क़ायम qa:yām -- (a) firm; established; located.
- क़ायममिज़ाज -- composed, calmand composed.
- क़ायममुकाम -- officiating.
- क़ायम करना -- to establish.
- कायर ka:yar -- (a) coward, timid.
- कायरता -- cowardice, timidity.
- क़ायल qa:yal -- (a) acknowledging, extending recognition (to); consenting; convinced.
- क़ायल करना -- to bringhome to; to convince (by argument); to silence.
- क़ायल होना -- to beconvinced; to yield, to be silenced.
- काया ka:ya: -- (nf) the body, person; soma.
- कायाकल्प -- rejuvenation.
- कायान्तरण -- metamorphosis, metamorphism.
- कायापलट -- metamorphosis.
- कायिक ka:yik -- (a) somatic, physical, bodily.
- कायिक व्यापार -- physical action.
- कार ka:r -- —a suffix denoting a doer, performer, e.g. ग्रथंकार, चित्रकार; or a particular sound as भकार, मकार; (nf) a motor car.
- कारआमद ka:r—a:mad -- (a) effective, useful.
- कारक ka:rak -- (nm) a case (in Grammar); factor; a suffix denoting the factor responsible for a result, e.g. हानिकारक.
- कारकुन ka:rkūn -- (nm) an agent.
- कारख़ा/ना ka:rḳḥa:nā: -- (nm) a factory, workshop; mill.
- कारख़ानेदार -- owner ofa factory/workshop/mill.
- कारगर ka:rgar -- (a) effective.
- कारगुज़ारी ka:rguza:ri: -- (nf) an achievement, attainment.
- कारचोबी ka:rchobi: -- (nf) embroidery.
- कारण ka:rāṉ -- (nm) reason, cause; agency, instrument.
- कारणता -- causation; causality.
- कारण शरीर -- causal body —theoriginal embryo or source of thebody existing with the UniversalImpersonal Spirit.
- कारणात्मक -- causal.
- कारतू/स ka:rtu:s -- (nm) a cartridge.
- कारतूसी -- carrrying firing cartridges.
- कारनामा ka:rna:ma: -- (nm) a feat, laudable deed; deed, doing.
- कारनिस ka:rnīs -- (nf) cornice.
- कारपोरेशन ka:rporeshān -- (nm) corporation.
- कारबार ka:rba:r -- (nm) see कारोबार.
- कारवाँ ka:rvā: -- (nm) a caravan.
- कारसा/ज़ ka:rsa:z -- (a) working wonders, dexterous, adroit, efficient; trickster.
- कारसाज़ी -- working of wonders; dexterousness, adroitness; trickery.
- कारा ka:ra: -- (nf) a prison.
- कारा/गार, कारागृह ka:ra:ga:r, ~grih -- (nm) a prison; jail.
- कारावास ka:ra:va:s -- (nm) imprisonment; captivity.
- कारिंदा ka:rīnda: -- (nm) a work agent, an agent.
- कारिका ka:rika: -- (nf) versified interpretation, commentary in verse.
- कारिस्तानी ka:rista:nī: -- (nf) doing; trickery, craftiness; misdeed.
- कारी ka:ri: -- —a suffix denoting performance of an act or a doer, e.g. कल्याणकारी.
- कारीग/र ka:ri:gar -- (nm) an artisan, craftsman; mechanic; tradesman, workman.
- कारीगरी -- craftsmanship; workmanship.
- कारूँ ka:rū: -- (nm) a cousin of Moses who was very rich and niggardly.
- कारूँ का ख़ज़ाना -- immense wealth, immearsurable treasure.
- कारोबा/र ka:roba:r -- (nm) business; occupation.
- कारोबारी -- busy; pertainingto business; owning or having abusiness.
- कार्टून ka:rṭū:n -- (nm) a cartoon.
- कार्टूनकार -- a cartoonist.
- कार्ड ka:rḍ -- (nm) a card.
- कार्तिक ka:rtik -- (nm) see कातिक.
- कार्बन ka:rbān -- (nm) carbon.
- कार्मिक ka:rmīk -- (nm) workman; labour; personnel.
- कार्य ka:ry -- (nm) job; task, work; action; function; religious function; ceremony; role; transaction; denouement (in a drama); effect.
- कार्य कारण भाव -- causality, the relationship of cause and effect.
- कार्य काल -- term (of office).
- कार्यभार -- workload; charge (of office).
- कार्यभारी -- in-charge.
- कार्य विवरण -- details of business/transaction.
- कार्य व्यापार -- action.
- कार्य सिद्धि -- success, fulfilment of a job.
- कार्यकर्त्ता ka:rykarta: -- (nm) a worker; an employee.
- कार्यकुशल ka:rykushal -- (a) efficient.
- कार्यकुशलता -- efficiency.
- कार्यक्रम ka:rykkram -- (nm) programme; schedule.
- कार्यक्रमण -- programming, scheduling.
- कार्यक्षम ka:rykkshām -- (a) potential; competent.
- कार्यक्षमता -- potentiality; competence.
- कार्यतः ka:rytah -- (ind) de facto.
- कार्यपालिका ka:rypa:lika: -- (nf) the executive.
- कार्य-प्रणाली ka:rypraṉa:li: -- (nf) modus operandi.
- कार्य-भंग ka:rybhāṅg -- (nm) break-down.
- कार्यवाहक ka:ryva:hak -- (a) acting; officiating.
- कार्यवाही ka:ryva:hi: -- (nf) action; proceedings.
- कार्यवृत्त ka:ryvritt -- (nm) minutes (of a meeting etc.).
- कार्यसाधक ka:rysa:dhak -- (a) effective; expedient.
- कार्यसाधकता -- expediency.
- कार्यसूची ka:rysu:chi: -- (nf) the agenda (of a meeting).
- कार्यांग ka:ryā:ṅg -- (nm) the executive (wing).
- कार्यान्वय ka:rya:nnvay -- (nm) execution, implementation.
- कार्यान्वित ka:rya:nnvit -- (a) executed, implemented.
- कार्यान्वित करना -- to execute.
- कार्यान्विति ka:rya:nviti -- (nf) execution, implementation.
- कार्याल/य ka:rya:lay -- (nm) an office, bureau.
- कार्यालयीय -- official.
- कार्यावली ka:rya:vali: -- (nf) the agenda.
- कार्योत्तर ka:ryottar -- (a) post facto, ex post facto.
- काल ka:l -- (nm) time; period; age, era; tense (in Grammar); end, death; famine; calamity; season.
- कालकूट -- a very deadly poison.
- काल कोठरी -- a death cell.
- काल देवता -- the death-God.
- काल पुरूष -- time personified.
- काल बली -- all-powerfulDeath.
- काल आना -- the end to come.
- काल कवलित होना/के गाल में समाना/के मुँहमें जाना -- to be devoured by Death, to give up the ghost.
- काल सा लगना -- to be as unwelcome as Death.
- काल सिर पर खड़ा होना/नाचना -- to beat Death's door.
- कालकोठरी ka:lkoṭḥri: -- (nf) a death cell, solitary cell, blackhole.
- कालक्रम ka:lkkrām -- (nm) chronology; passage of time.
- कालक्रमविज्ञान -- chronology.
- कालचक्र ka:lchakkr -- (nm) the wheel of time.
- कालजयी ka:ljayi: -- (a) that which transcends time; immortal.
- कालत्रय ka:lttray -- (nm) the three times —past, present and future taken together.
- काल-दोष ka:ldosh -- (nm) anachronism.
- कालधर्म ka:ldharm -- (nm) death; timely duty.
- काकॉलर ka:olar -- (nm) a collar.
- कालांतर ka:lā:ntar -- (nm) time interval.
- कालांतर में -- (adv) in course oftime, with the passage of time.
- काला ka:la: -- (a) black; dark; strain: ed.
- काला कलूटा -- jet black.
- काला क़ानून -- black law.
- काला कौआ -- as black asa crow.
- काला चोर -- unknown/untracedperson.
- काला ज़ीरा -- carum.
- काला धन -- blackmoney.
- काला नमक -- a kind of rock-salt.
- काला नाग -- a cobra; a venomous/wickedperson.
- काला पानी -- life imprisonment; the Andamans where Indianssentenced for life were deportedduring the British regime.
- काला बाज़ार -- black market.
- काला भुजंग -- pitch dark.
- काला मुँह करना -- to be gone; to acquire abad name.
- काली करतूत -- evil doings.
- काली खाँसी -- whooping cough.
- काले केआगे चिराग़ नहीं जलता -- nothing sustains in an encounter with thedevil.
- काले कारनामे -- evil deeds.
- कालेकोसों -- very far.
- कालातीत ka:la:ti:t -- (a) not bound by time; timeless; time-barred.
- कालानुक्रमण ka:la:nūkkramāṉ -- (nm) seriation.
- कालावधि kala:vadhi -- (nf) period (of time).
- कालिक ka:lik -- (a) periodical; seasonal.
- कालिका ka:lika: -- (nf) see काली.
- कालिख ka:likh -- (nf) soot, blackness; stain, stigma.
- कालिख पुतना/लगना -- to bestigmatised, to come to disgrace, to have one's reputation sullied.
- कालिमा ka:limā: -- (nf) blackness.
- काली ka:li: -- (a) black, dark complexioned; (nf) an epithet of goddess Durga:.
- काली छाया -- an ominous shadow (foreboding ill).
- काली ज़बान -- Cassandra, prophet of ill, an ill-omened tongue.
- काली मिर्च -- pepper.
- काली माँ के गोरे बच्चे -- a black henlaying white eggs.
- कालीन ka:lī:n -- —a suffix denoting relationship in time e.g. समकालीनतत्कालीन.
- क़ालीन qa:li:n -- (nm) a carpet.
- कालेज, कॉलिज ka:lej, kolij -- (nm) a college.
- कालोचित ka:lochit -- (a) expedient; in accordance with the times.
- कालोचितता -- expediency, accordance with thetimes.
- कालौंच ka:lāūch -- (nf) blackness, sootiness.
- काल्पनिक ka:lpanīk -- (a) imaginary, fictitious; utopian; hence काल्पनिकता( nf).
- काव्य ka:vvy -- (nm) poetry.
- काव्य कला -- the art of poetry.
- काव्यकार -- a poet.
- काव्य कृति -- a poetic work.
- काव्य पाठ -- recitation.
- काव्य-मर्मज्ञ/ काव्य मर्मी -- a connoisseur ofpoetry; hence काव्य मर्मज्ञता.
- काव्यात्मक -- poetic; hence काव्यात्मकता (nf).
- काश ka:sh -- (ind) Had God willed thus !.
- काशीफल ka:shi:phal -- (nm) squash gourd.
- काश्त ka:sht -- (nf) cultivation, farming; holding.
- काश्तकार -- a cultivator, farmer, tenant.
- काश्तकारी -- cultivation, farming.
- काष्ठ ka:shṭḥ -- (nm) wood.
- काष्ठ कला -- woodcraft.
- काष्ठवत् -- as dead as wood, motionless.
- काहि/ल ka:hil -- (a) slothful, lazy, indolent.
- काहिली -- laziness, lethargy, indolence.
- काही ka:hi: -- (a) blackish green, of the colour of moss; jealous.
- किंकर्त्तव्य kinkartavvy: -- किंकर्त्तव्य मीमांसक causist.
- किंकर्त्तव्य मीमांसा -- causistry.
- किंकर्त्तव्य विमूढ़ -- in a fog, caught in a dilemma; placed on the horns of a dilemma; hence किंकर्त्तव्यविमूढ़ता (nf).
- किंचित् kiṇchit -- (a) little, somewhat, slight.
- किण्वन kiṉvān -- (nm) fermentation; brewing.
- किंतु kīntu -- (ind) but.
- किंतु परंतु -- ifs and buts.
- किंतु करना -- to dilly-dally, to beevasive.
- किंवदंती kīmvadānti: -- (nf) rumour; hearsay, tradition.
- किंवा kīmva: -- (ind) or, otherwise.
- कि ki -- (ind) that; for.
- किकियाना kikia:nā: -- (v) to scream, to shriek, to screech; to shout in angry tones.
- किचकिच kichkich -- (nf) altercation, quarrel; useless prattling.
- किचकिचाना kichkicha:nā: -- (v) to gnash in anger.
- किचपिच kichpich -- (nf) crowdedness, excessive throng.
- किटकिटाना kiṭkiṭa:nā: -- (v) to gnash in anger, to produce a gritty sound.
- कितना kitnā: -- (a) how much.
- कितने पानी में हैं, (आप) -- where you stand.
- कितने kitnē -- (a) how many.
- क़िता qita: -- (nm) a plot of land; piece; number.
- किताब kita:b -- (nf) a book.
- किताबख़ाना -- a library.
- किताब चाटना -- to read through/assimilate a book thoroughly.
- किताबी -- bookish; pertaining tobooks.
- किताबी कीड़ा -- a bookworm, avoracious reader.
- किताबी ज्ञान -- bookish knowledge.
- किधर kidhar -- (adv) where, whither.
- किन kīn -- (pro) an oblique plural form of कौन (see).
- किनका kīnka: -- (nm) a small particle; granule; (pro) of whom ?.
- किनार kinā:r -- (nf) see किनारी.
- किनारदार -- having a border, bordered; having an edge.
- किनारा kina:ra: -- (nm) bank; shore; edge, border, verge.
- किनाराकशी -- the actof drawing away.
- किनारा करना/कसना -- todraw afar.
- किनारे लगना -- to arriveat the destination.
- किनारे होना -- tostep aside, to dissociate.
- किनारी kina:ri: -- (nf) border; edge.
- किन्नर kīnnar -- (nm) a mythical being with human figures and a head ofhorse or with a horse's body andthe head of a man; a race celebrated as musicians.
- किफ़ायत kifa:yat -- (nf) economy, thrift, frugality.
- किफ़ायतशार -- spendthrift, frugal, thrifty.
- किफ़ायतशारी -- thrift, frugality, economy.
- किफ़ायती -- economical, thrifty.
- कियत्ता kiyatta: -- (nf) quorum; extent.
- किया kiya: -- (v) did —past-participle form (mas. singular) of theverb करना.
- किया किया कराया/धरा -- taken to a successful conclusion, accomplished.
- किया मिट्टी में मिलाना -- to undo what has been achieved/accomplished.
- किये का फल भोगना -- to drink as one has brewed.
- कियेकराये/धरे पर पानी फेरना -- to marall one's efforts, to undo whathas been achieved.
- किरंटा kirāṉṭa: -- (nm) (used derogatorily for) a Christian.
- किरकिरा kirkira: -- (a) impaired, marred, spoilt; sandy, gritty.
- किरकिरा करना, मज़ा -- to mar the pleasure (of).
- किरकिरा होना -- to have one's pleasure (out ofsomething) marred.
- किरकिराना kirkira:nā: -- (v) to grate, to be gritty; to have an itchingsensation in the eye caused by aforeign matter.
- किरकिराहट kirkira:haṭ -- (nf) a grating noise.
- किरकिरी kirkiri: -- (nf) a particle of foreign matter fallen in the eye; humiliation, disgrace.
- किरकिरी होना -- tosuffer humiliation/disgrace.
- किरच kirach -- (nf) a bayonet.
- किरचा kircha: -- (nm) small particles; splinters.
- किरण kirāṉ -- (nf) a ray, beam.
- किरण फूटना -- a ray to shoot forth.
- किरमिच kirmīch -- (nf) canvas.
- किरमिजी kirmīji: -- (a) crimson (colour).
- किरात kira:ṭ -- (nm) an ancient Indian tribe.
- किराना kira:nā: -- (nm) grocery.
- किरानी kira:nī: -- (nm) a clerk.
- किराया kira:ya: -- (nm) rent, hire; fare.
- किराये पर चढ़ाना/देना -- to rentout.
- किराये पर चलाना -- to hire out.
- किरायेदा/र kira:yeda:r -- (nm) a tenant.
- किरायेदारी -- tenancy.
- किरिच kirich -- (nf) see किरच.
- किलक kilak -- (nf) a joyful outcry.
- किलकना kilaknā: -- (v) to produce a joyful outcry.
- किलकारना kilka:rnā: -- (v) to shriek joyfully.
- किलकारी kilka:ri: -- (nf) joyful shriek/outcry.
- किलकारी मारना -- see किलकारना.
- किलबिलाना kilbila:na: -- (v) to crawl; to wriggle.
- क़ि/ला qila: -- (nm) a fort, castle.
- क़िलेबंदी -- fortification.
- क़िलेदार -- garrison commander.
- क़िलेदारी -- thecharge of a fort; the position ofa क़िलेदार.
- क़िला फ़तह/सर करना -- toconquer an enemy, to achieve avictory; to accomplish a gigantictask.
- किलो kilo -- (nm) kilo (gram).
- किलोग्राम -- a kilogram.
- किलोमीटर -- a kilometre.
- किलोलीटर -- a kilolitre.
- क़िल्लत qillat -- (nf) difficulty, botheration; paucity, scarcity, dearth.
- क़िल्लत पालना -- to own up a botheration.
- किल्ली killi: -- (nf) a small peg; key.
- किल्ली घुमाना -- to direct an operation; to manoeuvre; to beguile; (किसी की) किल्ली हाथ में होना to have sway or control (over someone).
- किवाड़ kiva:r -- (nf) door leaf, shutter.
- किवाड़ देना -- to shut the door.
- किशमि/श kishmish -- (nf) raisin.
- किशमिशी -- raisin-coloured; of raisin.
- किशोर kishor -- (a) adolescent; youthful.
- किशोर अवस्था -- adolescent age.
- किशोरता -- adolescence; youthfulness; hence किशोरी (nf).
- किश्त kisht -- (nf) a checkmate (in the game of chess).
- किश्ती kishti: -- (nf) a boat, ferry.
- किस kis -- (pro) oblique singular form of कौन (see).
- किस खेत की मूली हो, (तुम -- etc.) What are you worth ? Whatdo I care for you ? किस गिनती में हो ?What do you count for ? Whoreckons with you ? किस चॢड़िया कानाम है ? Who the hell is that ? किस मुँह से to have the cheek to.
- किसा/न kisa:n -- (nm) a farmer, peasant.
- किसानी -- farming; of or pertaining to a peasant.
- किसान चाहे वर्षा कुम्हार चाहे सूखा -- donkey means one thing and the driver another.
- किसी kisi: -- (pro) oblique singular form of कोई (see).
- किसी तीसरे को भेद नदेना -- between you and me and thebedpost.
- किसी पर जाना -- to resemble.
- किसी बात को पक्का करना -- to make assurance double sure.
- किसी से निपटना -- tohave bone to pick with someone.
- क़िस्त qist -- (nf) an instalment.
- क़िस्तबंदी -- fixation of instalments.
- क़िस्त बाँधना -- fixation of instalments.
- क़िस्तवार -- by/ininstalments.
- क़िस्त क़िस्तों में -- in instalments.
- क़िस्म qism -- (nf) type; kind; quality; variety.
- क़िस्म क़िस्म का -- of differentkinds/types/varieties/qualities.
- क़िस्मत qismat -- (nf) fate, fortune, lot, luck.
- क़िस्मतवर -- lucky, fortunate.
- क़िस्मत आज़माना -- to take one's chance, tochance one's arm, to try one'sluck.
- क़िस्मत का खेल -- irony of fate.
- क़िस्मत चक्कर/फेर -- (a stroke of) ill luck.
- क़िस्मत का धनी -- lucky, fortunate.
- क़िस्मत का लिखा -- thedecree of fate, dictates of destiny.
- क़िस्मत का हेठा -- one who is humbled byfortune, not a favourite of DameLuck.
- क़िस्मत अपने हाथ में होती है -- everyman is the architect of his ownfate.
- क़िस्मत किसी को तख्त देती है, किसी कोतख़्ता -- fortune to one is mother, to another is stepmother.
- क़िस्मत खुलना/चमकना/जागना/फिरना -- to have a favourableturn of fortune, to have an adventof good luck.
- क़िस्मत पलटना/उलटना -- tohave a turn of fortune, to have asudden change in the course ofone's luck.
- क़िस्मत फूटना -- to fall intoadversity, to have a stroke of illluck.
- क़िस्मत लड़ना -- to have a run ofgood luck.
- क़िस्मत लड़ाना -- to test/tryone's luck.
- क़िस्मत सो जाना -- fortune toturn its back upon.
- क़िस्सा qissa: -- (nm) a story, tale; quarrel, dispute.
- क़िस्सा कहानी -- fiction, tales.
- क़िस्सागो -- a tale-teller.
- क़िस्सा कोताहकरना -- to present in short; to sayin brief.
- क़िस्सा खत्म/तमाम करना -- to puta stop to the quarrel; to put anend to; to wind up (the matter).
- क़िस्से/बाज़ qisseba:z -- (nm) a tale-teller, an idle talker.
- क़िस्सेबाज़ी -- mess, imbroglio; complication.
- की kī: -- (v) did की feminine plural form of किया.
- की /ki: -- feminine form of का and किया.
- कीकर ki:kar -- (nm) see बबूल.
- कीच ki:ch -- (nf) mud, slime; sewage.
- कीचड़ ki:chaṛ -- (nm) mud, slime, sewage, sludge; mattery discharge which collects in the corner ofthe eye.
- कीचड़ उछालना -- to fling dirt, to indulge in denunciatory remarks.
- कीजिए ki:jie -- (v) please do, honorofic imperative form of the verb 'करना'.
- कीजिएगा -- same as कीजिए butrelating to the future.
- कीट ki:ṭ -- (nm) an insect, a worm.
- कीटविज्ञान -- entomology.
- कीटवैज्ञानिक -- entomologist; entomological.
- कीटाणु ki:ṭā:ṉū -- (nm) a germ.
- कीटाणुनाशक -- insecticide.
- कीटाणु युद्ध -- germ-warfare.
- कीड़ा ki:ṛa: -- (nm) an insect, a worm.
- कीड़ा काटना -- to get restless.
- कीड़ा लगना -- to be eaten up by worms.
- कीड़े पड़ना -- worms to breed (in), to get rot, tosuffer physical disintegration; tosuffer consequences of sins.
- कीना ki:nā: -- (nm) rancour, grudge; self-dignity.
- कीनावर/कीनेवाला -- onewho is meticulous in preserving(one's) self-dignity; rancorous.
- कीप ki:p -- (nf) a funnel.
- क़ीमत qi:mat -- (nf) price; cost; value.
- क़ीमती qi:mti: -- (a) precious; costly, valuable.
- क़ीमा qi:ma: -- (nm) minced meat.
- क़ीमा करना -- to mince.
- कीमिया ki:mia: -- (nf) alchemy.
- कीमियागर/कीमियासाज़ -- an alchemist.
- कीमियागरी/ कीमियासाज़ी -- (the practice of) alchemy.
- कीर्तन ki:rtān -- (nm) devotional singing/song.
- कीर्तनकार -- the performer of कीर्तन; also कीर्तनिया.
- कीर्ति ki:rti -- (nf) reputation, fame, renown, glory.
- कीर्तिमान -- enjoyingreputation, renowned; record.
- कीर्तिमान स्थापित करना -- to establish a record.
- कीर्तिशाली -- reputed, famous, renowned.
- कीर्तिशेष -- surviving by virtue ofglory; dead, late.
- कीर्तिस्तंभ -- a columnbuilt to commemorate a triumphalevent, a pillar/tower oftriumph.
- कील ki:l -- (nf) a nail; pin; peg; toggle; wedge, spike, spline; core(of a boil); a gold or silver pinworn by women on one side ofthe nose.
- कील काँटा -- tools and accoutrements.
- कील-काँटे से लैस/दुरुस्त -- tip-top, in full attire; in completereadiness; to be fully equipped.
- कीलक ki:lak -- (nm) a pivot; rivet; cuneus.
- कीलना ki:lnā: -- (v) to drive a nail into; to spell-bind; to charm, tobreathe a spell or incantationover; to render ineffective.
- कीश ki:sh -- (nm) a monkey.
- कीली ki:li: -- (nf) an axis, a pillar.
- कुँआ/रा kūa:ra: -- (a) bachelor, unmarried.
- कुँआरी -- virgin, unmarried (girl).
- कुंकुम kūṅkum -- (nf) saffron; rouge.
- कुंचित kuṇchit -- (a) curved; curled, curly.
- कुंज kuṇj -- (nf) a grove, bower, arbour.
- कुँजड़ा kūjṛa: -- (nm) a vegetable vendor; green-grocer.
- कुंजड़ों की तरह लड़ना -- to quarrel like low-bredpeople, to quarrel over trifles.
- कुंजी kūṇji: -- (nf) a key (for a lock/for a difficult text or book etc.).
- कुंजी हाथ में होना -- to possess the key to.
- कुंठा kūṉṭḥa: -- (nf) frustration; comlex.
- कुंठाग्रस्त -- frustrated, obsessed by frustration; complexed.
- कुंठित kūṉṭḥit -- (a) blunt; frustrated; stunted.
- कुंठितबुद्धि -- not of sharp intellect, dullard.
- कुंड kūṉḍ -- (nm) a reservoir; pool; cistern.
- कुंड/ल kūṉḍal -- (nm) a large-sized ear-ring.
- कुंडलाकार -- circular, ring-like.
- कुंडलिनी kūṉḍalinī: -- (nf) the serpent.
- कुंडली kūṉḍli: -- (nf) a coil; horoscope.
- कुंडलित -- coiled; circular, spiral; serpentine.
- कुंडा kunḍa: -- (nm) a large earthen bowl/pot.
- कुंडा करना -- to devastate, to undo, to ruin.
- कुंडी kūṉḍi: -- (nf) a hasp; an iron-chain fixed in a door (for lockingpurposes); see कूंडी.
- कुंडी खटखटाना/खड़खड़ाना -- to rattle the chain(signifying a request to openthe door).
- कुंडी लगाना -- to bolt, tofasten the door-chain.
- कुंद kūnd -- (nm) a kind of flower; (a) obtuse; blunt; slow.
- कुंदज़ेहन -- dull, obtuse.
- कुंदन kundan -- (nm) purified and glittering gold.
- कुंदन की तरह दमकना -- toshine like purified gold.
- कुंदा kūnda: -- (nm) the butt (end of a gun); log; block of wood; handle(of an instrument).
- कुंभ kumbh -- (nm) a pitcher, pot (of clay); Aquarius, sign of thezodiac; a sacred festival of theHindus which falls after everytwelve years.
- कुंभक -- in pra:ṉa:ya:m, the phase of stopping the breathby shutting the mouth and closingthe nostrils with the fingers of theright hand.
- कुंभकार -- a potter.
- कुँवर kūwar -- (nm) a prince; son.
- कु ku -- a Sanskrit perfix meaning deterioration, depreciation, deficiency, want, littleness, hindrance, reproach, contempt, guilt.
- कुकृत्य -- see कुकर्म.
- कुख्यात -- notorious, infamous.
- कुख्याति -- notoriety, infamy.
- कुगति -- bad plight, state ofaffliction.
- कुचैला -- dirty, filthy (usedonly as the latter member of thecompound मैला-कुचैला).
- कुजोग -- mischance, adverse circumstance, illluck.
- कुटेक -- obduracy; addiction, abad habit.
- कुडौल -- ugly, havingdisproportionate physical build, possessing unsymmetrical physicalframe.
- कुढंगा -- absurd; lacking proportion or symmetry; inappropriate.
- कुढब -- undesirable manner/ill practice; evil way.
- कुदर्शन -- ominous; ugly, grotesque.
- कुदिन -- unfavourable times, adversity.
- कुदृष्टि -- ominous glance, a glanceresulting in ill-luck.
- कुधातु -- a basemetal; iron.
- कुधान्य -- ill-earnedfoodgrains.
- कुनाम -- infamy, disrepute; notorious.
- कुपंथ/यश -- immoral/evil course.
- कुपंथ गामी -- following animmoral/evil course, morallydegenerate.
- कुपुत्र -- an undutifulson, bad son.
- कुबेला -- late hour; too late.
- कुभाव -- ill-will, rancour, jealousy.
- कुमंत्र -- evil counsel, misleading advise.
- कुयोग -- see कुजोग.
- कुराह -- evil course, the path of sin; uneven path.
- कुराही -- one whofollows the path of degeneration; a sinner.
- कुवृत्ति -- evil tendency; evilcalling; bad mentality; ill-disposition.
- कुआँ kuā: -- (nm) a well.
- कुआँ खोदना -- to dig a well; (fig.) to endeavour toharm somebody; to make aneffort for one's own needs.
- कुएँका मेंढक -- frog of a well—onehaving too limited experience or anarrow outlook; a know-little.
- कुआँ प्यासे के पास नहीं जाता, प्यासा कुएँ पर जाता है -- the mountain will not cometo Mahomet, Mahomet will go tothe mountain.
- कुएँ पर से प्यासा आना -- to reach the destination and yetreturn frustrated.
- कुएँ में धकेलना -- to ruin the life of, (esp.) used fora girl when she is married off toan undeserving person or in anundesirable family.
- कुएँ में बाँसडालना -- to make a frantic search.
- कुकरे kukre -- (nm) (used in plu.) trachoma.
- कुक/र्म kukarm -- (nm) evil deed, misdeed, sin.
- कुकर्मी -- evil doer, sinner.
- कुकुर kukur -- (nm) a dog.
- कुकुर खाँसी -- whooping cough.
- कुकुरमुत्ता -- a mushroom.
- कुकृत्य kukritty -- (nm) see कुकर्म.
- कुक्कुट kukkuṭ -- (nm) a cock.
- कुक्कुट पालन -- poultry-farming.
- कुक्षि kukshi -- (nf) the womb.
- कुख्या/त kukkhya:t -- (a) notorious, infamous, of ill repute.
- कुख्याति -- notoiety, infamy.
- कुगति kugati -- (nf) bad plight; state of affliction.
- कुच kuch -- (nm) the female breast.
- कुचमंडल -- the female breasts.
- कुच/क्र kuchakkr -- (nm) a conspiracy, plot.
- कुचक्री -- conspirator, plotter.
- कुचलना kuchalna: -- (v) to crush, to trample (over).
- कुचला kuchla: -- (nm) strychnine.
- कुचा/ल kucha:l -- (nm) misconduct; aberration, evil course.
- कुचाली -- corrupt, aberrant.
- कुचेष्टा kucheshṭa: -- (nf) misdemeanour, condemnable activity.
- कुछ kuchh -- (pro and a) some, a few; something.
- कुछ एक -- some.
- कुछ कुछ -- somewhat; to some degree.
- कुछ कर देना -- tooverwhelm by magical or demonological charm.
- कुछ कर बैठना -- to take awrong step; to do somethingwrong.
- कुछ कहना -- to say harsh/unpleasant words.
- कुछ का कुछ -- somethingaltogether different, something justthe contrary.
- कुछ गुड़ ढीला कुछ बनिया, कुछ-सोना खोटा, कुछ सुनार -- to have somedeficiency at either end.
- कुछ-न चलना -- to have no say.
- कुछ न पूछिए -- to besimply indescribable.
- कुछ न गिनना/नसमझना -- to consider as utterly insignificant, to count for nothing.
- कुछ न सूझना -- to be in a fog, to be at aloss.
- कुछ पल्ले न पड़ना -- not to be ableto make head or tail of.
- कुछ भी हो -- come what may!.
- कुछ समझना -- toassume airs.
- कुछ होकर रहना -- somethingunusual to be bound to happen.
- कुछ होना -- to be significant; somethingunusual to be imminent.
- कुछेक kuchhek -- (pro.) a few, some, several.
- कुजाति kuja:ti -- (nf) an inferior or low caste; low breed.
- कुटनी kuṭnī: -- (nf) bawd, procuress.
- कुटाई kuṭa:i: -- (nf) ramming, pounding; thrashing.
- कुटिल kuṭil -- (a) crooked; curved, tortuous; perverse.
- कुटिलता -- crookedness; curvature; perversity; tortuosity.
- कुटी kuti: -- (nf) a cottage, hut, hermitage; cut grass and weeds (for cattle to eat).
- कुटीर kuṭi:r -- (nm) cottage.
- कुटीर उद्योग -- cottage industry.
- कुटुं/ब kuṭumb -- (nm) a family, household.
- कुटुंबी -- a member of the family, kinsman: a householder.
- कुटुंब चलाना/पालना -- to maintain a family, to run a household.
- कुटेव kuṭev -- (nf) evil/bad habit, addiction.
- कुट्टी kutṭi: -- (nf) see खुट्टी; cut grass and weeds.
- कुठला kuṭḥla: -- (nm) a small earthen granary, barn.
- कुठाँव kuṭḥa:v -- (nm) wrong or forbidden place or point; undesirable or delicate place or point.
- कुठाँव मारना -- to hit below the belt; to make anunbearable stroke.
- कुठा/र kuṭḥa:r -- (nm) a kind of axe or hatchet.
- कुठाराघात -- a violent stroke.
- कुठौर kuṭḥaur -- (nm) see कुठाँव.
- कुढं/ग kuḍḥaṅg -- (nm) ill manner.
- कुढ़न kuṛḥan -- (nf) fretting, repining; grudge.
- कुढ़/ना kuṛḥnā: -- (v) to fret or grieve, to begrudge, to repine.
- कुढ़ कुढ़ कर मरना -- to fret out one's life.
- कुतरना kutarna: -- (v) to nibble; to gnaw.
- कुत/र्क kutark -- (nm) sophistry, fallacious/false reasoning, argument for argument's sake; perverseargumentation.
- कुतर्की -- sophistical; one who indulges in perverse argumentation.
- कुतिया kutia: -- (nf) a bitch; an abusive term for a woman.
- कुतुबनुमा qutubnumā: -- (nm) a compass.
- कुतूह/ल kutu:hal -- (nm) curiosity inquisitiveness; wonder.
- कुतूहली -- curious, inquisitive.
- कु/त्ता kutta: -- (nm) a dog; (in mechanics) detent; a worthless fellow, flunkey.
- कुत्ते का काटना, पागल -- torun amuck, to go berserk.
- कुत्ते की दुमकभी सीधी नहीं होती, कत्ते की पूँछ टेढ़ी की टेढ़ी -- natural characteristics persistforever, a leopard never changesits stripes; curst cows have shorthorns.
- कुत्ते की ज़िंदगी जीना -- to livea dog's life.
- कुत्ते की नींद -- dog-sleep.
- कुत्ते की मौत मरना -- to die a dog'smiserable death.
- कुत्ते के भौंकनेसे हाथी नहीं डरता -- the dog barkswhile the elephant passes by.
- कुत्तेतक को नहीं दुत्कार सकता -- not to beable to say go to a goose.
- कुत्सा kutsa: -- (nf) vileness, evil/vile feeling.
- कुत्सित kutsit -- (a) contemptible, despicable; vile.
- कुदकना kudaknā: -- (a) to hop.
- क़ुदरत qudrat -- (nf) (the) nature.
- क़ुदरत का खेल -- the feats of nature.
- क़ुदरती qudrati: -- (a) natural; original, spontaneous.
- कुदान kuda:n -- (nf) a jump.
- कुदान भरना -- to take a jump.
- कुदा/ल kuda:l -- (nm) a pick-axe.
- कुदाली -- a small pick-axe.
- कुनकुना kunkunā: -- (a) lukewarm, tepid; hence कुनकुनापन (nm).
- कुनबा kunba: -- (nm) family, kinsfolk.
- कुनबापरस्त -- nepotist; devoted to thefamily.
- कुनबापरस्ती -- nepotism; devotionto the family.
- कुनैन kunāīn -- (nf) quinine.
- कुपं/थ kupanth -- (nm) evil/immoral course.
- कुपंथी -- immoral, one whotakes to an evil course, aberrant.
- कुपच kupach -- (nm) dyspepsia, indigestion.
- कुपढ़ kupaṛḥ -- (a) illiterate, uneducated.
- कुपथ kupath -- (nm) evil/immoral course.
- कुपथगामी -- one who takes toan evil/immoral course.
- कुपथ्य kupatthy -- (nf) unwholesome/unsalubrious food; consuming unwholesome or unsalubriousfood.
- कुपात्र kupa:tr -- (a and nm) (an) undeserving (person), unworthy (fellow).
- कुपित kupit -- (a) enraged, angry, irate.
- कुपोषण kuposhaṉ -- (nm) malnutrition.
- कुप्पा kuppa: -- (nm) a big flask.
- कुप्पा सा मुँह करना/फुलाना -- to get sulky, to begrudge.
- कुप्पा होना -- to be inflated(with joy); to become plump.
- कुप्पी kuppi: -- (nf) a funnel; small flask; small metallic lamp.
- कुप्रबंध kupprabandh -- (nm) mismanagement, maladministration.
- कुप्रशासन kupprasha:san -- (nm) maladministration.
- कुफ़् kufr -- (nm) blasphemy, heresy; a belief that defies Islam.
- कुफ़् तोड़ना -- .
- कुब/ड़ा kubṛa: -- (a) hunch-backed; bent.
- कुबड़े को लात -- a blessing in disguise.
- कुबुद्धि kubuddhi -- (a) wicked, vicious, depraved; (nf) wickedness, viciousness, depravity.
- कुबोल kubol -- (nm) unpleasant/ominous words.
- कुमक kumāk -- (nf) reinforcement, relief.
- कुमक भेजना -- to send reinforcement.
- कुमति kumāti -- (nf) perversity; base intellect; disunity.
- कुमार kuma:r -- (a) bachelor.
- कुमार व्रत -- celibacy.
- कुमार व्रती -- a celibate.
- कुमारिका kuma:rika: -- (a) see कुमारी.
- कुमारी kuma:ri: -- (a) virgin, maiden; unmarried; (nf) a virgin/maiden; cape.
- कुमारी कन्या -- a virgin girl.
- कुमार्ग kuma:rg -- (nm) evil/undesirable course.
- कुमार्गगामी -- taking an evil course.
- कुमुद, कुमुदिनी kumud -- (nm), {kumudinī} (nf) a lily (flower).
- कुम्मैत kummāīt -- (a) bay-coloured, bay; (nm) a bay horse.
- कुम्मैत , आठ गाँठ -- guileful through and through.
- कुम्ह/ड़ा kumhṛa: -- (nm) field pumpkin, ash gourd.
- कुम्हड़े की बतिया -- a feeble and fragile person.
- कुम्हलाना kumhla:nā: -- (v) to fade; to wither; to shrivel; to loselustre.
- कुम्हार kumha:r -- (nm) a potter.
- कुरकुरा kurkura: -- (a) crisp.
- कुरचना kurachna: -- (nf) malformation.
- कुरता kurta: -- (nm) a lose-fitting upper garment.
- कुरती kurti: -- (nf) a blouse (for women); jacket; jerkin.
- क़ुरान qurā:n -- (nf) the sacred book of the Mohammedans (said to be inspiredby God).
- क़ुरान उठाना, क़ुरान पर हाथरखना -- to swear by the Qoran.
- कुरीति kuri:ti -- (nf) condemnable/evil practice or custom.
- कुरूप kuru:p -- (a) ugly, unsightly, hideous; hence कुरूपता (nf).
- कुरेदना kurednā: -- (v) to rake; to scoop.
- क़ुर्क़ qurq -- (a) attached; distrained.
- क़ुर्क़ करना -- to attach; to distrain.
- क़ुर्क़ अमीन -- a baillif, a court-official empowered to attach property ofthe person against whom a decreehas to be executed.
- क़ुर्की qurqi: -- (nf) attachment; distraint.
- क़ुर्बान qurbā:n -- (a) sacrificed.
- क़ुर्बान जाना -- to be sacrificed.
- क़ुर्बान होना -- to sacrifice oneself over (somebody).
- क़ुर्बानी qurbā:nī: -- (nf) sacrifice.
- क़ुर्बानी देना -- to make a sacrifice.
- कुर्सी kursi: -- (nf) a chair; plinth (of a building); a position of authority; authority.
- कुर्सी तोड़ना -- to idleaway time on a chair, to occupya chair idly.
- कुर्सी देना -- to receive withrespect, to honour (by offering achair).
- कुर्सी पर बैठना -- to occupy achair/position, to wield power/authority.
- कुर्सी मिलना -- to get a portionof authority.
- कुल kul -- (a) total; aggregate; entire; lineage, pedigree; family.
- कुल कलंक -- a slur on the fair name of afamily.
- कुलगुरू -- the family priest.
- कुलदेव/देवता -- Penates, the family-deity.
- कुलनाम -- surname.
- कुलपति -- Vice-chancellor (of a University); headof a family.
- कुल परम्परा -- a familytradition.
- कुल पुरुष -- man of a respectable family.
- कुल पुरोहित -- family priest.
- कुल मर्यादा -- dignity of a family.
- कुल वधू -- woman of a dignified family.
- कुल कादीपक -- lit. light of the family; a sonwho brings honour to the family.
- कुलक्षणी kulakshāṉī: -- (nf) an ominous woman; woman of evil disposition.
- कुलटा kulṭa: -- (nf and a) (an) unchaste (woman), (a) lewd (woman); a trollop; hence कुलटापन (nm).
- कुलफा kulpha: -- (nm) a kind of green leafy vegetable.
- कुलफ़ी kulfi: -- (nf) ice-cream frozen in a conical mould.
- कुलबुलाना kulbula:nā: -- (v) to wriggle; to creep; to be restless.
- कुलबुलाहट kulbula:haṭ -- (nf) wriggling; creeping; restlessness.
- कुल/वंत kulvānt -- (a) well-born, belonging to a noble family, genteel.
- कुलवंती -- of noble descent, chasteand faithful (woman).
- कुलाँच kulā:ch -- (nf) a leap; bound; somersault; hence कुलाँचना (v).
- कुलाँचभरना -- to take a leap/jump, tohop.
- कुलाँट kulā:ṭ -- (nf) see कुलाँच.
- कुलाधिपति kula:dhipati -- (nm) Chancellor (of a University).
- कुलाध्यक्ष kula:dhyakksh -- (nm) Visitor (of a University).
- कुला/बा kula:ba: -- (nm) a hinge; hook.
- कुलाबे मिलाना, ज़मीन-आसमाम के -- to tryto bring heaven and earth together; to build castles in the air, toindulge in fantastic planning.
- कुलिया kulia: -- (nf) a small earthen crucible.
- कुलिया में गुड़ फोड़ना -- to performa task very secretly, not to letothers have even an inkling ofone's doings.
- क़ुली quli: -- (nm) a coolie.
- क़ुली कबाड़ी -- a rag-tag, person commanding norespect; low-born (person).
- कुलीन kuli:n -- (a) belonging to higher castes, aristocratic, noble, of nobledescent.
- कुलीन तंत्र -- (caste) aristocracy.
- कुलीनता -- nobility, noble descent, castearistocracy.
- कुल्ला kulla: -- (nm) gargle, rinsing the mouth; sprout; also कुल्ली (nf).
- कुल्हड़ kulhaṛ -- (nm) a small earthen bowl.
- कुल्हा/ड़ा kulha:ṛa: -- (nm) a large axe.
- कुल्हाड़ी -- a small axe.
- कुवचन kuvachān -- (nm) filthy/unpleasant words; abusive language.
- कुवासना kuva:snā: -- (nf) sinful/immoral desire; evil mental impression.
- कुविचा/र kuvicha:r -- (nm) a bad/evil idea, an indiscreet idea.
- कुविचारी -- indiscreet, imprudent.
- कुव्यवहार kuvvyavaha:r -- (nm) bad behaviour, misbehaviour.
- क़ुव्वत quvvat -- (nf) strength, power, energy, vitality.
- कुश kush -- (nm) a sort of sacrificial grass—Doa cynosuroides.
- कुशल kushal -- (a) skilful, skilled, deft, proficient, dexterous; (nf) well-being, happiness.
- कुशल क्षेम -- well-being, happiness.
- कुशल प्रश्न -- inquiry after thehealth and welfare (of a person).
- कुशल मंगल -- welfare, well-being.
- कुशलता kushalta: -- (nf) dexterity, skill, deftness; well-being.
- कुशाग्र kusha:ggr -- (a) sharp; pointed.
- कुशाग्रता -- perspicacity; sharpness.
- कुशाग्रबुद्धि -- sharp, of keen intelligenceperspicacious.
- कुशासन kusha:san -- (nm) bad government, maladministration.
- कुश्क kushk -- (nm) a kiosk.
- कुश्तमकुश्ता kushtāmkushta: -- (nm) juxtaposed wrestling, interlocking encounter.
- कुश्ता kushta: -- (nm) nutritive and retentive calx prepared by chemical.
- कुश्ती kushti: -- (nf) wrestling.
- कुश्ती खाना -- to lose a wrestling bout.
- कुश्ती मारना -- to win a wrestling bout.
- कुश्ती लड़ना -- towrestle, to have a wrestling bout.
- कुष्ट kushṭ -- (nm) leprosy.
- कुष्ट निवारण -- eradication of leprosy.
- कुष्ट पीड़ित -- suffering from leprosy, leprous.
- कुसंग, कुसंगति kusāṅg -- (nm), कुसंग{ti} (nf) bad company, evil association.
- कुसंस्का/र kusānska:r -- (nm) unwholesome or evil mental impression/ways; hence कुसंस्कारी (a).
- कुसमंजन kusamaṇjan -- (nm) maladjustment.
- कुसमय kusamay -- (nm) inopportune time; period of adversity.
- कुसुम kusum -- (nm) a flower.
- क़ुसूर qusu:r -- (nm) fault, omission; default.
- क़ुसूरमंद/वार -- defaulter; at fault.
- कुहक kuhak -- (nf) cooing, twittering (of a cuckoo); warbling; melodiousnotes.
- कुहकना kuhaknā: -- (v) to coo; to twitter, to warble.
- कुहनी kuhnī: -- (nf) an elbow; a hanger.
- कुहर kuhr -- (nm) a meatus, a channel or passage (in the body).
- कुहरा kuhra: -- (nm) fog, mist.
- कुहराम kuhrā:m -- (nm) uproar, havoc, tumult; loud lamentation, bewailing.
- कुहराम मचना -- an uproar/tumult to beraised, havoc to be created/caused.
- कुहासा kuha:sa: -- (nm) mist, fog.
- कुहासिया kuha:siya: -- (nm) fogman.
- कुहुक kuhuk -- (nf) cooing; twittering, warbling.
- कूँचा kū:cha: -- (nm) a broom.
- कूँची kū:chi: -- (nf) a brush, a small broom.
- कूँची फेरना -- to undo, to reduceto naught.
- कूँड़ kū:ṛ: -- (nf) a furrow.
- कूँड़दार -- furrowed.
- कूँ/ड़ा kū:ṛa: -- (nm) a large shallow earthen bowl; basin; hence कूँड़ीfem. (diminutive).
- कूक ku:k -- (nf) cooing; warbling.
- कूकना ku:knā: -- (v) to coo; to warble; to wind (a watch etc.).
- कूच ku:ch -- (nm) march, departure.
- कूच करना -- to march, to depart. कूच का डंका बजाना to commence a march.
- कूच बोलना -- to (order a) march.
- कूचा ku:cha: -- (nm) a lane, bylane.
- कूज, कूजन ku:j -- (nf), कूज{an} (nm) warbling.
- कूजना ku:jnā: -- (v) to warble.
- कूट ku:ṭ -- (nm) a hill-top; enigmatical verse; (a) counterfeit; forged; false; pseudo.
- कूटकर्म -- deceptive act; forgery.
- कूटकार -- a fraudulent person, forger; codifier.
- कूट काव्य -- enigmatical poetry.
- कूटनीति -- diplomacy; underhand manoeuvring.
- कूटनीतिज्ञ -- adiplomat, diplomatist; manoeuvrer; hence कूटनीतिज्ञता.
- कूट योजना -- aplot, an intrigue.
- कूट युद्ध -- deceptivewarfare.
- कूट लिपि -- code-script.
- कूट लेख -- code-writing; forged document.
- कूट साक्षी -- perjury, false witness.
- कूट साक्ष्य -- false evidence, forged testimony.
- कूटना ku:ṭnā: -- (v) to pound, to pestle; to crush; to beat; to thrash.
- कूट-कूटकर भरा होना -- to be full of; to beimbued with.
- कूड़ा ku:ṛa: -- (nm) rubbish; sweepings, refuge; trash.
- कूड़ा करकट -- scourings, waste materials, rubbish, midden.
- कूड़ाख़ाना -- rubbish dump.
- कूड़ेदान -- adust-bin.
- कूड़ा करना -- to spoil, to mar.
- कूड़े के भी दिन फिरते हैं -- every dog hashis day.
- कूढ़ ku:ṛḥ -- (a) stupid, dull-headed.
- कूढ़मग्ज़ -- a dullard, nincompoop.
- कूत ku:t -- (nf) estimate, assessment.
- कूतना ku:tnā: -- (v) to appraise; to assess, to estimate.
- कूद ku:d -- (nf) a leap, jump.
- कूद फाँद -- gambols.
- कूदना ku:dnā: -- (v) to jump; to skip.
- कूप ku:p -- (nm) a well; a deep pit.
- कूप मंडूक -- lit. frog of a well—a know-little, one confined within narrow limits of experience and knowledge.
- कूपन ku:pān -- (nm) a coupon.
- कूबड़ ku:baṛ -- (nm) a hump, hunch.
- कूल ku:l -- (nm) a bank.
- कूल्हा ku:lha: -- (nm) haunch, hip.
- कूल्हे मटकाना -- to make a flirtatiousswinging of the hips.
- क़ूवत qu:vat -- (nf) see 'क़ुव्वत'.
- कृतकार्य kritaka:ryy -- (a) successful; fulfilled; one who has accomplished his assignment; hence कृतकार्यता (nf).
- कृतकृत्य kritkritty -- (a) fulfilled, gratified; hence कृतकृत्यता (nf).
- कृतघ्न kritaghn -- (a) ungrateful, thankless.
- कृतघ्नता -- ungratefulness, thanklessness.
- कृतज्ञ kritaggy -- (a) grateful, indebted, obliged.
- कृतज्ञता -- gratefulness, indebtedness, thankfulness.
- कृताकृत krita:krit -- (a) complete as well as incomplete; partially complete; acts of commission andomission.
- कृतार्थ krita:rth -- (a) gratified; obliged; hence कृतार्थता (nf).
- कृति kriti -- (nf) a work (esp. of art or literature), composition, performance; deed.
- कृतिकार -- the author, the creator.
- कृतित्व kritittv -- (nm) accomplishment, achievement; creation.
- कृती kriti: -- (a and nm) creative; one who has laudable achievements tohis credit, accomplished.
- कृत्य kritty -- (nm) performance; duty; function.
- कृत्रिम krittṛim -- (a) artificial; synthetical; pseudo; spurious; fictitious; sham; affected; laboured.
- कृत्रिम गर्भाधान -- artificial insemination.
- कृत्रिमता -- artificiality, sham, affectedness.
- कुदं/त kridānt -- (nm) participle.
- कुदंतज -- derived or created from a participle.
- कुदंती -- pertaining to, or relatedwith, a participle.
- कृपण kripāṉ -- (a) miser, stingy, parsimonious, niggardly.
- कृपणता -- stinginess, niggardliness, parsimoniousness.
- कृपया kripaya: -- (ind) kindly, please.
- कृपा kripa: -- (nf) kindness; favour; grace; kindly disposition; favourable attitude.
- कृपा कटाक्ष -- kindly/favourable look or disposition.
- कृपाकांक्षी -- seeking favour.
- कृपा-दृष्टि -- see कृपा कटाक्ष.
- कृपा पात्र -- deserving favour; favourite.
- कृपामूर्ति -- His/Your Grace.
- कृपा सिंधु -- lit.ocean of kindness—an epithet ofGod.
- कृपाण kripā:ṉ -- (nm) a dagger, sword.
- कृपालु kripa:lu -- (a) kind, compassionate, benign.
- कृपालुता -- kindness, compassion, benignity.
- कृमि krimī -- (nm) a worm, an insect.
- कृमिनाशक -- an insecticide.
- कृमि रोग -- helminthiasis.
- कृमिविज्ञान -- helminthology.
- कृश krish -- (a) lean, thin; feeble, emaciated.
- कृशकाय -- lean and thin.
- कृशता -- leanness, thinness, slenderness.
- कृशांग -- lean and thin, feeble; hence कृशांगी (nf and a).
- कृषक krishak -- (nm) a farmer, peasant; cultivator.
- कृषक दास -- a serf.
- कृषक प्रथा -- serfdom.
- कृषि krishi -- (nf) agriculture; farming, cultivation.
- कृषि कर्म -- farming, cultivation.
- कृषिकार -- farmer, cultivator.
- कृषिजीवी -- a professional farmer, onewho earns his livelihood throughfarming.
- कृषि विज्ञान/शास्त्र -- (science of) Agriculture.
- कृष्ण krishṉ -- (a) black; dark; (nm) Lord Krishṉā.
- कृष्ण पक्ष -- the dark halfof the month, the fortnight of thewaning moon.
- केंचुआ kēchua: -- (nm) an earthworm.
- केंचुली kēchuli: -- (nf) the slough (of a snake).
- केंचुली छोड़ना -- to cast off theslough; to assume one's true colours.
- केंचुली बदलना -- to take on a newslough; to metamorphose, to assume new colours.
- केंद्र kendr -- (nm) (the) centre.
- केंद्रगामी -- centripetal, directed towards thecentre.
- केंद्रस्थ -- centrally located, central.
- केंद्रापसारी -- centrifugal.
- केंद्राभिमुख/केंद्राभिसारी -- centripetal.
- केंद्र/क kendrak -- (nm) a nucleus; centroid.
- केंद्रकीय -- nuclear.
- केंद्रित kendrit -- (a) concentrated; centred; hence केंद्रितता (nf).
- केंन्द्री/करण kendri:karāṉ -- (nm) centralisation; concentration.
- केंन्द्रीकृत -- centralised; concentrated.
- केंद्रीभूत kendri:bhu:t -- (a) centralised; concentrated.
- केंद्रीय kendri:y -- (a) central.
- के ke -- plural and oblique form of का (see).
- के अनुरुप -- as per, accordingto.
- के अनुसार -- according to.
- के लिए -- for, for the sake of.
- केकड़ा kekṛa: -- (nm) a crab.
- केतकी ketki: -- (nf) pandanus, screw pine.
- केतली ketli: -- (nf) a kettle.
- केतु ketu -- (nm) the descending node of moon, comet; a mythologicaldemon whose head (Ra:hu) wassevered by Lord Vishṇu and thetorso was later known as केतु; a banner.
- केर/ल keral -- (nm) Kerala —a southern state of the Indian Union.
- केरली -- Keralite.
- केला kela: -- (nm) a banana, a plantain tree.
- केलि keli -- (nf) amorous sport, amorous dalliance; fun and frolic; sexual intercourse.
- केवट kevaṭ -- (nm) a boatman.
- केवड़ा kevaṛa: -- (nm) pandanus, screw-pine; fragrant pandanus water.
- केवड़ा जल -- fragrant pandanus water.
- केवल keval -- (a and ind) only, mere; merely; simply.
- केश kesh -- (nm) the hair.
- केशकलाप -- hair-do.
- केशपाश -- the ringlets of the hair.
- केशबंध -- the hair-ribbon.
- केश रचना/विन्यास -- hair-do.
- केशिका keshika: -- (nf) capillary.
- केशिकात्व -- capillarity.
- केस/र kesar -- (nf) saffron.
- केसरिया -- saffron (coloured).
- केसरिया बाना -- donningof saffron robes (for sacrifice).
- केसरी kesri: -- (nm) a lion.
- क़ैंची qāīchi: -- (nf) scissors; shears; a trick applied in wrestling.
- क़ैंची करना -- to cut or clip with scissors.
- क़ैंची बाँधना -- to apply the trick called क़ैंची.
- क़ैंची-सी ज़बान चलना -- to talk nineteen tothe dozen.
- कैंटीन kāīṉṭi:n: -- (nf) a canteen.
- कैं/ड़ा kāīṛa: -- (nm) established standard or size; norm; scale.
- कैंड़े का आदमी -- a man of certain standard.
- कैंड़ेबाज़ -- cunning.
- कैंप kaimp -- (nm) a camp.
- कैंसर kainsar -- (nm) cancer.
- कैंसिल kainsil -- (a) cancelled.
- कैंसिल करना -- to cancel.
- क़ै qai -- (nf) vomit, vomitting.
- क़ै करना -- to vomit.
- कै kai -- (pro.) colloquial variant of कितने (see).
- कैथ kaith -- (nm) the wood apple कैथ Feronia elephantum.
- कैथी kaithi: -- (nf) an earlier offshoot of the Devna:gri: alphabet.
- क़ैद qaid -- (nf) imprisonment, confinement, incarceration; bondage.
- क़ैदखाना -- a prison, jail.
- क़ैद , सख्त -- rigorous imprisonment.
- क़ैद , सादा -- simple imprisonment.
- क़ैद काटना/भोगना -- to suffer imprisonment, to be in jail.
- क़ैदी qaidi: -- (nm) a prisoner.
- कैफ़ियत kaifiyat -- (nf) description: account; remarks.
- कैफ़ियत का खाना -- theremarks column.
- कैफ़ियत तलब करना -- to callfor an explanation.
- कैफ़ियत देना -- to explain; to give/submit an explanation.
- कैमरा kaimra: -- (nm) a camera.
- कैमरामैन -- a cameraman.
- कैरट kairaṭ -- (nm) carat.
- कैवल्य kaivally -- (nm) the Ultimate Realisation, Eternal Emancipation, Perfect Liberation.
- कैसा kaisa: -- (a) of what condition or kind; what sort of; (adv) how.
- कैसे kaise -- (adv) how, in what way; what type of.
- कोंक/ण koṅkāṉ -- (nm) in the Indian Union, the region lying west ofSahya:dri, administratively a partof Maha:ra:shṭra.
- कोंकणी -- the language spoken in Koṅkāṉ; a personbelonging to कोंकण.
- कोंचना kōchnā: -- (v) to prod; to goad; to coax.
- कोंचा-काँची -- prodding, goading; coaxing.
- कोंपल kōpal -- (nf) a new and tender leaf (just sprouting).
- को ko -- a postposition denoting accusitive and dative case; to; for; on the point of; towards.
- कोई koi: -- (pro) any, anybody; a few; some one.
- कोई कोई -- some.
- कोई न कोई -- someone or the other.
- कोई कसर उठा न रखना -- to ring the changes; toleave no stone unturned.
- कोई सूरत नज़र नहीं आती -- bad is the best.
- कोक kok -- (nm) see चकवा.
- कोकशास्त्र koksha:str -- (nm) a treatise on sex by an ancient Indian sexologist Koka:; the science of sex.
- कोकि/ल, कोकिला kokil -- (nm), kokila: (nf) see कोयल.
- कोकिकंठ/कोकिकंठी -- sweet-spokenas a cuckoo.
- कोकिबैनी -- same is कोकिकंठी.
- कोकीन koki:n -- (nf) cocaine.
- कोकीनबाज़ -- a cocaine addict.
- कोख kokh -- (nf) womb.
- कोखजली -- a barren woman.
- कोख उजड़ना -- a woman's only child to die.
- कोख बंद होना, कोख मारी जाना -- to become barren.
- कोचवान kochva:n -- (nm) a buggy-driver.
- कोचीन kochi:n -- (nm) a former princely state in South India.
- कोट koṭ -- (nm) a coat; citadel, castle.
- कोटपाल -- the governor of acitadel.
- कोटर koṭar -- (nm) a cavitation, cavity, hollow of a tree; cinus.
- कोटा koṭa: -- (nm) quota.
- कोटि koṭi -- (nf) degree, rank; quality; category; ten million; the end of abow.
- कोटिक -- same as कोटि.
- कोटिशः -- tenmillion times.
- कोटिशः धन्यवाद -- manymany thanks.
- कोठरी koṭḥri: -- (nf) a cabin; closet; cell; small room.
- कोठा koṭḥa: -- (nm) a big room (esp. in the upper storey); an extensivechamber; a warehouse; the stomach; square (of a chess-boardetc.).
- कोठा बिगड़ना -- to suffer from indigestion.
- कोठा साफ़ होना -- to have clearance of the bowels.
- कोठे पर बैठना -- to turn into a prostitute.
- कोठेवाली -- a prostitute.
- कोठा/र koṭḥa:r -- (nm) a store-house; warehouse; barn.
- कोठारी -- the keeperof a store-house.
- कोठी koṭḥi: -- (nf) a bungalow, mansion; a banking firm.
- कोड़ा koṛa: -- (nm) a whip lash, scourge.
- कोड़ी koṛi: -- (nf) a score, an aggregate of twenty.
- कोढ़ koṛḥ -- (nm) leprosy, leprosis; (fig.) heinous evil.
- कोढ़ में खाज -- aggravation of a calamity (by theonslaught of another).
- कोढ़ चूना/टपकना -- oozing out of leprous matter.
- कोढ़ी koṛḥi: -- (nm) a leper; thoroughly indolent man.
- कोढ़ी मरे संगाती चाहे -- a drowning man seeks a companion.
- को/ण kōṉ -- (nm) an angle; a corner.
- कोणिक/ कोणीय -- angular.
- कोतल kotal -- (nm) a majestic horse; (a) spare and saddled (horse).
- कोतवाल kotwa:l -- (nm) the police officer-in-charge of a कोतवाली.
- कोतवाली kotwa:li: -- (nf) city's main police-station.
- कोताही kota:hi: -- (nf) deficiency, dearth, want; decrease.
- कोदों kodō -- (nm) a kind of cheap coarse grain.
- कोदों देकर पढ़ना -- to havefree and (by implication) unavailing education; to remain illiterate.
- कोना konā: -- (nf) a corner, nook.
- कोना अँतरा -- corners and recesses.
- कोना कोना छान मारना -- to search high and low, to see every nook and corner.
- कोने-कोने से -- from every nook andcorner, from all the length andbreadth of.
- कोने झाँकना -- to feelabashed.
- कोप kop -- (nm) fury, anger, wrath.
- कोप-पात्र/भाजन -- target of anger, victimof wrath.
- कोफ़्त koft -- (nf) ennui, tedium.
- कोफ़्ता kofta: -- (nm) pounded meat or grated and boiled vegetablemade into balls and cooked insoup.
- कोमल komal -- (a) soft; tender; delicate; slender; a flat note in music.
- कोमलता -- softness; tenderness, delicacy.
- कोयल koyal -- (nf) a cuckoo.
- कोय/ला koyla: -- (nm) coal, charcoal.
- कोयले की दलाली में हाथ काले -- evil association must leave its impress.
- कोया koya: -- (nm) the eye-ball or its corner; cocoon; ripe pulp of ajackfruit.
- कोर kor -- (nf) edge; flange; border.
- कोर कसर -- deficiency; defect, draw-back, flaw.
- कोरदार -- flanged.
- कोर दबना -- to be under the pressure of.
- कोरक korak -- (nm) a bud.
- कोरनिश kornish -- (nf) salutation with the head and body bowing down.
- कोरनिश बजाना -- to make deferential salutation.
- कोरम korām -- (nm) quorum.
- कोरस koras -- (nm) chorus.
- कोरा kora: -- (a) blank; unused, untouched; unwashed; brand new; fresh; unlettered.
- कोरापन -- freshness; newness; virginity.
- कोरा-आदर्शवादी -- adon Quixote.
- कोरा जवाब -- flat refusal.
- कोरा मूर्ख -- thoroughly stupid.
- कोरा लौटना -- toreturn empty-handed.
- कोरी कल्पना -- cock and bull story.
- कोरी बातें -- empty talks.
- कोरी kori: -- (nm) a Hindu weaver; (a) feminine form of कोरा (see).
- कोर्ट मार्शल korṭ ma:rshal -- (nm) court martial.
- कोर्स kors -- (nm) course.
- कोलाहल kola:hal -- (nm) noise, uproar, clamour, tumult.
- कोल्हू kolhu: -- (nm) a crusher.
- कोल्हू काटकर मुँगली (री) बनाना -- to suffer a greater loss for smaller gain.
- कोल्हू का बैल -- agalley slave, drudge.
- कोश kosh -- (nm) a dictionary; lexicon; a sheath; covering; shell; ball; testicles.
- कोश कला -- the art of lexicography.
- कोशकार -- a lexicographer.
- कोशविज्ञान -- lexicology, the scienceof lexicography.
- कोश वृद्धि -- hydrocele.
- कोशिका koshika: -- (nf) (in Biology) a cell.
- कोशिश koshish -- (nf) effort, endeavour.
- को/ष kosh -- (nm) a treasure, fund.
- कोषागार -- treasury.
- कोषाध्यक्ष -- treasurer.
- कोष्ठ koshṭḥ -- (nm) an apartment, a chamber; stomach; bracket.
- कोष्ठबद्धता -- constipation.
- कोष्ठशुद्धि -- purgation.
- कोष्ठक koshṭḥak -- (nm) a bracket.
- को/स kos -- (nm) a measurement of distance equivalent to two miles.
- कोसों -- miles away.
- कोसों, काले -- very far.
- कोसना kosnā: -- (v) to curse, to impricate.
- कोसना , पानी पी-पीकर -- to indulge in utter damnation, to shower cursesupon.
- कोहनी kohni: -- (nf) an elbow.
- कोहनी मारना -- to elbow.
- कोहेनूर kohenu:r -- (nm) lit. mountain of light—world famous historicaldiamond which was cut into two; still adorning the crown of theBritish kings and queens.
- कौंध kāūdh -- (nf) a flash; sudden trail of brilliant light.
- कौंधना kāūdhnā: -- (v) to flash; to glitter.
- कौंधा kāūndha: -- (nm) a flash; momentary glitter.
- कौआ kau:a: -- (nm) a crow; harsh-spoken or cunning fellow; jet black man; uvula.
- कौआ जब बोले तब काँव -- lit. a crow would always be harsh-spoken—a harsh spoken manwould always utter harsh words.
- कौआ चला हंस की चाल -- every ass thinkshimself worthy to stand with theking's horses.
- कौआ धोने से बगला नहींहोता -- a crow is never the whiterfor washing herself often.
- कौटुंबिक kauṭumbik -- (a) familial, pertaining to the household.
- कौड़ी kauṛi: -- (nf) a cowrie, —small shell.
- कौड़ी कफ़न को न होना -- to be tooindigent, to be penniless.
- कौड़ी का, दो -- not worth a farthing, utterly unworthy.
- कौड़ी , कानी/फूटी -- a bad cowrie, a disfigured cowrie.
- कौड़ी भी न होना -- not to have even a farthing, tohave no money whatever.
- कौड़ी कामका नहीं -- of absolutely no avail; utterly insignificant.
- कौड़ी के तीन-तीन -- dirt/damn cheap.
- कौड़ी के मोल -- dirt/damn cheap, almost free.
- कौड़ी केमोल न पूछना -- to consider as worthless/as of no avail.
- कौड़ी के मोल बिकना -- to go very cheap; to lose all respect.
- कौड़ी कौड़ी को मुहताज -- utterly indigent.
- कौड़ी ग़लत पड़ना -- to misfire, to hitoff the mark.
- कौड़ी कौड़ी चुकाना -- to payoff every farthing.
- कौड़ी कौड़ी जोड़ना -- to save up every farthing; to bevery miserly.
- कौड़ी कौड़ी दाँत से पकड़ना -- to be a stickler for every penny, to look twice at a penny.
- कौड़ी कौड़ी भरना -- to repay to the last farthing.
- कौड़ी कौड़ी से माया जुड़ती है -- pennyand penny laid up will be many.
- कौड़ी भर -- very little, very meagre inquantity.
- कौतु/क kautuk -- (nm) curiosity; amazement; fun, fun and frolic; spectacle.
- कौतुकी -- frolicsome.
- कौतूहल kautu:hal -- (nm) see कुतूहल.
- कौन kāūn -- (pr.) who.
- कौन सा -- what, which.
- कौन मुँह दिखाना -- not to be in aposition to show up throughshame, to keep away for shame.
- कौन-सा मुँह लेकर -- (how) to mustercourage to.
- कौपीन kaupi:n -- (nm) a privity cover, piece of cloth worn by asceticsover the privities.
- क़ौम quam -- (nf) a nation; community; caste.
- क़ौमपरस्त -- national, nationalistic.
- क़ौमपरस्ती -- nationalism.
- क़ौमियत -- nationality; nationalism.
- क़ौमी qaumi: -- (a) national.
- क़ौमी तराना -- national song.
- कौमार्य kauma:ry -- (nm) virginity; bachelorhood.
- कौमार्य भंग करना -- to break the virginity, to have first sexualintercourse.
- कौमार्य व्रत -- vow to everremain a bachelor/virgin, celibacy.
- कौमार्यव्रती -- committed to be acelibate.
- कौर kaur -- (nm) morsel.
- कौर छीनना, मुँह का -- to rob somebody of his share.
- कौरव kaurav -- (nm) the descendants of king Kuru, representing thevanquished party amongst thebelligerents in the great Indianwar —Maha:bha:rat.
- क़ौल qual -- (nm) promise; agreement; contract; statement, dictum.
- क़ौल करार -- mutual promise.
- क़ौल का पक्का -- true to one's word.
- क़ौल देना -- to makea firm promise.
- क़ौल हारना -- to pledge(one's) word (to).
- कौशल kaushal -- (nm) skill, dexterity, adroitness.
- कौशेय kaushey -- (a) silky; silken.
- क्या kya: -- (pro) what.
- क्या कहने/खूब -- excellent! well-done! Bravo!.
- क्या खाकर/मुँह लेकर -- how dare ! how can (you) muster courage to.
- क्यारी kya:ri: -- (nf) bed (of a garden or field).
- क्यों kyō -- (ind) why.
- क्योंकर -- how.
- क्यों कि -- because; since.
- क्यों न हो! -- whynot; excellent ! it's but natural!.
- क्रंदन krāndān -- (nm) lamentation, weeping and wailing, bewailing.
- क्रम kram -- (nm) order; system; method; rank; sequence.
- क्रमगुणित -- factorial.
- क्रमबंधन -- marshalling; putting into order.
- क्रमबद्ध -- orderly; systematic; hence क्रमबद्धता.
- क्रम भंग -- disarrangement, disarray, disorder.
- क्रमविकास -- evolution, steady growth.
- क्रम सूची -- a catalogue.
- क्रम से -- respectively.
- क्रमहीन -- irregular; unsystematic; disorderly.
- क्रमशः kramshah -- (adv) respectively; in order; by degrees.
- क्रमांक kramā:ṅk -- (nm) roll number.
- क्रमानुसार kramā:nusa:r -- (adv) respectively, in order, turn by turn.
- क्रमिक kramīk: -- (a) serial, successive, turn by turn; hence क्रमिकता (nf).
- क्रय kray -- (nm) purchase, buying.
- क्रय विक्रय -- purchase and sale, buyingand selling.
- क्रांत/दर्शी krā:ntdarshi: -- (a) a seer, visionary, gifted with preternatural vision; hence क्रांतदर्शिता( nf).
- क्रांति krā:nti -- (nf) a revolution.
- क्रांतिकारी -- revolutionary.
- क्रांतिदूत -- (one) heralding a revolution.
- क्रिकेट krikeṭ -- (nf) (the game of) cricket.
- क्रियमाण kriyamā:ṉ -- (a) being performed/done, in progress.
- क्रिया kriya: -- (nf) action, act; function; a religious performance; verb; last rites.
- क्रिया , अकर्मक -- intransitiveverb.
- क्रिया कर्म -- last rites, funeral rites.
- क्रियाकलाप -- activity.
- क्रियाकल्प -- technique.
- क्रिया कौशल -- manipulation.
- क्रियात्मक -- functional, operative, practical; verbal.
- क्रियापद -- a verb.
- क्रियावाची -- verbal.
- क्रियावाद -- activism.
- क्रियाविशेषण -- adverb.
- क्रिया सकर्मक -- transitive verb.
- क्रिया , करना -- to perform the last rites.
- क्रियात्मक kriya:tmāk -- (a) functional, active; verbal; hence क्रियात्मकता (nf).
- क्रियान्वि/ति kriya:nviti -- (nf) implementation, translation into action.
- क्रियान्वित -- implemented.
- क्रियाविधि kriya:vidhi -- (nf) procedure, methodology.
- क्रियाशील kriya:shi:l -- (a) active, functional; hence क्रियाशीलता (nf).
- क्रिस्ता/न kristā:n -- (nm) a christian.
- क्रिस्तानी -- christian.
- क्रीड़ा kri:ṛa: -- (nf) play, game, sport, dalliance; fun.
- क्रीड़ा कौतुक -- funand frolic.
- क्रीत kri:t -- (a) bought, purchased.
- क्रीत दास -- a paid-for slave.
- क्रुद्ध kruddh -- (a) angry, infuriated, enraged, wrathful.
- क्रूर kru:r -- (a) cruel, unkind, merciless, ruthless.
- क्रूरकर्मा -- cruel, ruthless.
- क्रूरता kru:rta: -- (nf) cruelty, ruthlessness.
- क्रेय -- .
- क्रोध -- (nm) anger, wrath, fury, rage.
- क्रोधवश -- out of anger, possessed by fury.
- क्रोध पी जाना -- to subdue(one's) anger.
- क्रोधित krodhit -- (a) angry, rageful, wrathful, enraged.
- क्रोधी krodhi: -- (a) short-tempered, hot-tempered; irascible.
- क्रौंच krāūnch -- (nm) a kind of curlew.
- क्लब klab -- (nm) a club.
- क्ल/र्क klark -- (nm) a clerk.
- क्लर्की -- a clerical job; position of a clerk.
- क्लांत klā:nt -- (a) weary, tired; exhausted; languid.
- क्लांति klā:nti -- (nf) weariness, tiredness; exhaustion; languor.
- क्लास kla:s -- (nf) a class (of students).
- क्लिष्ट klishṭ -- (a) difficult, incomprehensible; far-fetched.
- क्लिष्ट कल्पना -- far-fetched imagination; hence क्लिष्टता (nf).
- क्लीव kli:v -- (a) impotent, unmanly; timid.
- क्लीवता -- impotency, unmanliness; timidness.
- क्लेश klesh -- (nm) anguish; affliction; pain; misery.
- क्लेशकर -- painful, irk-some.
- क्लेशदायक/दायी -- painful, troublesome, imparting misery.
- क्लैव्य -- (ind) rare, rarely.
- क्वथ/न kvathan -- (nm) boiling.
- क्वथनांक -- boiling point.
- क्वार kva:r -- (nm) the seventh month of the Hindu calendar (आश्विन).
- क्वार्टर kva:rṭar -- (nm) a quarter.
- क्षण kshāṉ -- (nm) a moment, an instant.
- क्षण क्षण -- each and every moment.
- क्षणजीवी -- evanescent, transient.
- क्षणभंगुर -- momentary, transitory; hence क्षणभंगुरता (nf).
- क्षणिक kshāṉik -- (a) momentary, transient, fleeting, transitory.
- क्षणिकजीवी -- ephemeral.
- क्षणिकवाद -- momentaryism, the Buddhist philosophywhich lays down that things die, i.e. change, every moment.
- क्षत kshat -- (a) injured, wounded, hurt.
- क्षत विक्षत -- wounded/torn all over.
- क्षति kshati -- (nf) loss; harm; injury, detriment; wastage, damage.
- क्षतिग्रस्त -- put to loss/harm; injured.
- क्षतिपूरक -- compensatory.
- क्षतिपूर्ति kshatipu:rti -- (nf) compensasation; reparation; indemnity.
- क्षतिपूर्ति बंध -- indemnity bond.
- क्षत्रप kshattrap -- (nm) a satrap.
- क्षत्राणी kshattrā:ṉī: -- (nf) a woman of the kshattriy caste; brave woman.
- क्षत्रिय kshattriy -- (nm) the second i.e. the warrior or the regalcaste in the traditional Hinducaste-hierarchy.
- क्षत्रियत्व -- the attributeof the kshattriy caste, heroism.
- क्षमता kshamta: -- (nf) efficiency, competence, capacity; power.
- क्षमा kshamā: -- (nf) condonation; remission; forgiveness, pardon.
- क्षमा याचना -- begging pardon, seekingforgiveness.
- क्षमाशील -- tolerant, readily forgiving; hence क्षमाशीलता (nf).
- क्षम्य kshammy -- (a) pardonable, forgiveable.
- क्षय kshay -- (nm) decay, decadence, loss; waste; tuberculosis.
- क्षय रोग -- tuberculosis.
- क्षयशील -- decadentprone to wane away, dwindling.
- क्षयी kshayi: -- (a) decadent, waning, dwindling.
- क्षात्र ksha:ttr -- (a) pertaining to or typical of a kshattriy (see).
- क्षात्र तेज -- the brilliance or heroism typicalof a kshattriy, martialling acumen.
- क्षात्र धर्म -- the duty or function ofa kshattriy; martialling duty.
- क्षार ksha:r -- (nm) an alkali.
- क्षार गुण -- alkaline property.
- क्षार भूमि -- barrenland.
- क्षा/लन ksha:lān -- (nm) washing, cleaning.
- क्षालित -- washed, cleaned.
- क्षिति kshiti -- (nf) the earth; land.
- क्षितिज kshitij -- (nm) the horizon.
- क्षि/प्त kshipt -- (a) thrown, projected; interpolated.
- क्षिप्तांश -- interpolation, interpolated text.
- क्षिप्र kshippr -- (a) quick, nimble.
- क्षिप्रता -- quickness, nimbleness.
- क्षीण kshī:ṉ -- (a) feeble, weak, slender; delicate; languid; impaired; emaciated.
- क्षीणकाय -- lean and thin, attenuated, emaciated, languid.
- क्षीणता -- impairment; emaciation; leanness, thinness; langour.
- क्षीणरक्त -- anaemic.
- क्षीणवीर्य -- enfeebled, impaired, exhausted, dissipated.
- क्षीयमाण kshi:yma:ṉ -- (a) waning, dwindling, declining.
- क्षुद्र kshuddr -- (a) small; mean, base, petty; wicked; contemptible.
- क्षुद्रता kshuddrata: -- (nf) smallness; meanness, baseness, pettiness, wickedness; contemptibility.
- क्षुधा kshudha: -- (nf) appetite, hunger.
- क्षुधार्त/क्षुधा पीड़ित -- hungry, famished.
- क्षुब्ध kshubdh -- (a) agitated; excited, unquiet.
- क्षेत्र kshettr -- (nm) field, ground, range; region, area.
- क्षेत्रमिति -- mensuration.
- क्षेत्रफल kshettrphal -- (nm) area.
- क्षेत्राधिकार kshettra:dhika:r -- (nm) jurisdiction.
- क्षेत्रिक kshettrik -- (a) territorial, zonal, regional.
- क्षेत्रीय kshettri:y -- (a) territorial, zonal, regional.
- क्षेप/क kshepak -- (nm) interpolation.
- क्षेपकांश -- interpolation, interpolated passages.
- क्षेपण kshepāṉ -- (nm) interpolation; projection.
- क्षेम kshēm -- (nf) welfare, well-being.
- क्षैतिज kshaitij -- (a) horizontal.
- क्षैतिजतः -- horizontally.
- क्षोभ kshobh -- (nm) agitation; excitement, commotion; fret.
- क्षौर kshaur -- (nm) hair-cutting, shaving.
- क्षौर कर्म -- hair-cutting, shaving.
- ख kha -- the second consonant and the second member of the first pentad (i.e. कवर्ग) of the Devna:gri: alphabet; (nm) used in Sanskrit compound words to meanthe sky (as खग, खगोल, etc).
- खँखार khākha:r -- (nm) expectoration, hawking.
- खँखारना khākha:rnā: -- (v) to expectorate, to hawk.
- खँगाলনা khāga:lnā: -- (v) to rinse, to clean out; to probe (as पुरी किताब खँगालने पर दो चार नए शब्द मिलेंगे).
- खँजड़ी, खंजड़ी khājṛi:, khaṇjṛi: -- (nf) a timbrel.
- खंजन khaṇjan -- (nm) a wagtail खंजन Motacilla alba; in literature, it isfrequently used as an उपमान forplayful gay eyes (खंजन-नयन).
- ख़ंजर ḳḥaṇjar -- (nm) a dagger, poniard.
- खंड khaṉḍ -- (nm) a portion, part, fragment, piece, bit; scrap; lump.
- खंडन khaṉḍān -- (nm) refutation, rebuttal, repudiation; denial.
- खंडन मंडन -- repudiation and vindication; discussion for and against.
- खंडनात्मक -- repudiative, causing or embodying refutation/rebuttal/denial.
- खंडशः khaṉḍshah -- (adv) sectionwise; clausewise; portion-wise; division-wise; piecemeal.
- खँडड़सारी khāḍṛsa:ri: -- (nf) an indigenous form of sugar, unprocessed sugar.
- खँडहर khāḍhar -- (nm) ruins; a dilapidated building.
- खँडहर कर/बना देना -- to cause ruin/devasation, to dilapidate.
- खंडीत khaṉḍit -- (a) broken; fragmented; split; repudiated.
- खंडीत व्यक्तित्व -- split personality.
- खंडीता -- a womanwhose husband or lover has lether down/been guilty of infidelity; also खंडीता नायिका.
- खंदक khandak -- (nm) a moat, ditch, trench.
- खंबा khamba: -- (nm) see खंभा.
- खंभा khambha: -- (nm) a pillar, column; post, pole.
- खखार khakha:r -- (nm) see खँखार.
- खखारना khakha:rna -- (v) see खँखारना.
- खग khag -- (nm) a bird.
- खगो/ल khagol -- (nm) Astronomy.
- खगोलखगो विज्ञान -- Astronomy; astronomical science.
- खगोलीय -- astronomical; celestial.
- खग्रास khaggra:s -- (nm) complete/whole eclipse.
- खचाखच khacha:khach -- (a and adv) overcrowded, packed to full; absolutely (full).
- खचाखच भरा होना -- to bepacked to full.
- खचित khachit -- (a) studded; inlaid, engraved.
- ख़च्चर ḳḥacchar -- (nm) a mule.
- ख़च्चरी ḳḥachchari: -- (nf) a janet.
- ख़ज़ांची ḳḥaza:ṇchi: -- (nm) a treasurer, cashier.
- ख़ज़ाना ḳḥaza:nā: -- (nm) treasure; treasury; repository.
- ख़ज़ाना अफ़सर -- treasury officer.
- खजूर khaju:r -- (nf) date, date-palm; a kind of sweetmeat.
- खट khaṭ -- (nf) sound produced by the impact of one object on another, sound of knocking, rap.
- खट खट -- rapping, rap-trap; knocking; broil, quarrel.
- खटक khaṭak -- (nf) an apprehension, misgiving; a lurking hitch (in themind); pinch.
- खटकना khaṭaknā: -- (v) to click; to pinch, to offend; to raise apprehensions or misgivings; to be aneye-sore (to); to have a wrangling, to become estranged (with).
- खटका khaṭkā: -- (nm) an apprehension, doubt; click; catch.
- खटकाना khaṭka:nā: -- (v) to knock, to rap; to cause to wrangle, to causeestrangement.
- खटखटाना khaṭkhaṭa:nā: -- (v) to tap; to keep on reminding.
- खटना khaṭnā: -- (v) to toil, to labour hard.
- खटपट khaṭpaṭ -- (nf) wrangling, squabbling, estrangement.
- खटपाटी khaṭpa:ṭi: -- (nf) one side of a bedstead.
- खटपाटी लेना -- to become sulky, to lie repining in bed.
- खटमल khaṭmal -- (nm) a bed-bug.
- खटमिट्ठा, खटमीठा khaṭmiṭṭḥa:, khaṭmi:ṭḥa: -- (a) having a mixed taste.
- खटराग khaṭra:g -- (nm) mess, ado; entanglement; botheration.
- खटाई khaṭa:i: -- (nf) a powder prepared from dried up (raw) mango parings [used as spice]; sourness, tartness.
- खटाई में डालना -- to throw coldwater on; to keep in a state ofsuspense, to shilly-shally.
- खटाई मेंपड़ना -- to be kept in abeyance; tokeep on dragging (some job orassignment).
- खटाखट khaṭa:khaṭ -- (nf) rap, constant clicking; tapping noise; (adv) quickly, briskly.
- खटाना khaṭa:nā: -- (v) to get sour.
- खटास khaṭa:s -- (nf) a touch of sourness/tartness, rancidity.
- खटीक khaṭi:k -- (nm) a low caste in the Hindu caste-hierarchy (whose mainoccupation is fruit-selling, pig-keeping and poultry farming etc.).
- खटोला khaṭola: -- (nm) a small cot (meant for children).
- खट्टा khaṭṭa: -- (a) sour, tart.
- खट्टा चूक -- very sour.
- खट्टा मिट्ठा -- sorrel.
- खट्टिक khaṭṭik -- (nm) see खटीक.
- खड़कना khaṛaknā: -- (v) to rattle; to clatter; to click; to tingle.
- खड़खड़ाना khaṛkhaṛa:nā: -- (v) to rustle; to clatter, to rattle.
- खड़खड़ाहट khaṛkhaṛa:haṭ -- (nf) rustling; clattering, rattling, cluttering.
- खड़ा khaṛa: -- (a) standing, erect; upright, straight; vertical; steep, high; stationary; unreaped (as खड़ा खेत); whole, entire.
- खड़े-खड़े -- atonce, there and then, instantly; standing a long while.
- खड़ा होना -- tostand (for election etc.).
- खड़ाऊँ khaṛa:ū: -- (nf) a wooden sandal.
- ख़ड़िया khaṛiya: -- (nf) chalk, gypsum.
- खड़ी khaṛi: -- (a) feminine form of खड़ा.
- खड़ी चढ़ाई -- steep ascent.
- खड़ी तैराकी -- upright swimming.
- खड़ी पाई -- sign offull stop; a small vertical straightline which forms a part of a number of Devna:gri: characters (e.g.प, त, श, स).
- खड़ी बोली -- standardmodern form of Hindi which hasbeen adopted as the official language of the Indian Union and whichhas become synonymous withHindi.
- खड़ी हुंडी -- an outstanding bill ofexchange.
- खड्ग khaḍg -- (nm) a sword.
- खड्ग कोश -- a sheath.
- खड्गहस्त -- with a sword inhand, ready to strike.
- खड्ड khaḍḍ -- (nm) a deep pit, gorge.
- ख़त ḳḥat -- (nm) a letter; line; hand-writing.
- ख़तो-किताबत -- correspondence.
- ख़त खींचना -- to draw a line.
- ख़त करना -- a line to be drawn.
- ख़त होना -- a breach/ crack to develop.
- खतना ḳḥatnā: -- (nm) circumcision (of the foreskin of male organ).
- खतना करना -- to circumcise (the foreskinof the male organ); to convert toIslam.
- ख़तरनाक ḳḥatarnā:k -- (a) dangerous, hazardous, risky.
- ख़त/रा ḳḥatra: -- (nm) danger, hazard, risk.
- ख़तरे की घंटी -- a danger signal.
- ख़तरे से खेलना -- to play with fire, torisk hazards.
- ख़ता ḳḥata: -- (nf) fault; guilt; error.
- ख़तावार -- guilty.
- ख़ता करना -- to commit amistake/fault.
- खतियाना khatiya:na: -- (v) to enter into the ledger, to make an entry, to post; to draw a line of demarcation.
- खतौनी khataunī: -- (nf) a patwari's register containing details of tenants' holdings.
- खत्ता khatta: -- (nm) a barn; ditch, pit.
- खत्ती khatti: -- (nf) a barn, subterranean grain store.
- ख़त्म ḳḥatm -- (a) ended; completed; concluded.
- ख़त्म करना -- to do away with.
- खत्री khattri: -- (nm) a caste among the Hindus.
- खदान khada:n -- (nf) a quarry; mine; deep ditch formed by mining operations.
- खदीर khadir -- (nm) catechu; cutch.
- खदेड़/ना khadeṛnā: -- (v) to rout; to drive away, to chase out.
- खदेड़ देना -- toput to flight.
- खद्दर khaddar -- (nm) hand-spun coarse cloth.
- खद्दरधारी -- one who donsclothes made of खद्दर.
- खन khān -- (nm) a storey; moment; jingling sound (as produced by acoin by its impact on hard surface).
- खनक khanāk -- (nf) a jingle/clink, jingling or clinking sound.
- खनकना khanaknā: -- (v) to jingle/clink, to produce a jingling/clinking sound.
- खनकार khanka:r -- (nf) a jingle/clink, jingling/clinking sound; hence खनकारना (v).
- खनखनाना khankhanā:nā: -- (v) see खनकना.
- खनन khanān -- (nm) mining, digging.
- खनन कार्य -- mining/digging operations.
- खनिक khanik -- (nm) a miner, mine worker.
- खनिकर्म khanikarm -- (nm) mining (work or operation).
- खनिज khanij -- (a) mineral.
- खनिज पदार्थ -- minerals.
- खनिज विज्ञान -- Mineralogy.
- खपच्ची khapachchi: -- (nf) a bamboo-sliver, splinter, vertically rent piece of bamboo.
- खपत khapat -- (nf) consumption; sale.
- खपना knapnā: -- (v) to be consumed; to be sold; to be destroyed/ruined.
- खपरा khapra: -- (nm) a cupel; round broken earthenware piece; anearthen roofing tile.
- खपरैल khaprail -- (nf) a tiled shed.
- खप्पर khappar -- (nm) a cupel; begging bowl, cranial bowl.
- ख़फ़गी ḳḥafgi: -- (nf) displeasure, anger.
- ख़फ़ा ḳḥafa: -- (a) displeased, angry.
- ख़फ़ीफ ḳḥafi:f -- (a) petty, small, trivial; undignified.
- ख़फ़ीफा ḳḥafi:fa: -- (nm) a court of small causes.
- ख़बर ḳḥabar -- (nf) news, information.
- ख़बर उड़ना -- news to be in the air/afloat.
- ख़बर गर्म होना -- news to go allround.
- ख़बर लेना -- to call/haul overthe coals, to give it hot, to taketo task, to settle accounts (with); to enquire (about).
- ख़बर/दार ḳḥabarda:r -- (a) cautious, watchful.
- ख़बरदारी -- cautiousness, watchfulness.
- ख़बीस ḳḥabi:s -- (a) stingy; filthy (fellow).
- ख़ब्त ḳḥabt -- (nm) craze, mania, fad, eccentricity.
- ख़ब्त सवार होना -- to be crazy (about).
- ख़ब्ती ḳḥabti: -- (nf) a maniac, an eccentric; (a) crazy, faddish.
- ख़ब्तुलबवास ḳḥabtulhava:s -- (a) absent-minded, eccentric (person).
- ख़म ḳḥam -- (nm) a kink; bend; curl; curve.
- ख़मदार -- curved; curly.
- ख़म ख़ाना -- to get curved; to be vanquished.
- ख़म ठोकना -- lit. to slap the arms—toassume a challenging posture, tochallenge to a dual.
- ख़म देना -- tojoggle, to impart a curve.
- ख़मियाज़ा ḳḥamiya:za: -- (nm) retribution, punishment; loss.
- ख़मियाज़ा उठाना -- to reap the fruit (of), to suffer retribution.
- ख़मीर ḳḥami:r -- (nm) yeast, leaven.
- ख़मीर उठाना -- to leaven, to ferment.
- ख़यानत ḳḥaya:nat -- (nf) defalcation, perfidy, breach of trust.
- ख़रगोश ḳḥargosh -- (nm) a rabbit, hare.
- ख़रगोश का दिल -- a timid heart.
- ख़रदिमा/ग़ ḳḥardima:g̣ -- (a) hot-headed, ill-tempered.
- ख़रदिमाग़ी -- hot-headedness.
- खरपतवार kharpatwa:r -- (nm) weed.
- खरपात kharpa:t -- (nm) see खरपतवार.
- ख़रबू/ज़ा ḳḥarbu:za: -- (nm) a musk melon.
- ख़रबूज़े को देखकर ख़रबूज़ा रंगबदलता है -- association inevitablybreeds affinity.
- खरल kharal -- (nm) a mortar.
- खरल करना -- to pestle.
- खरहरा kharehra: -- (nm) a currycomb.
- खरहा kharha: -- (nm) a hare, rabbit.
- खरा khara: -- (a) pure, genuine; straightforward; upright; honest; plain-speaking; overhot (e. g. खरातवा, खरी आँच); crisp.
- खरा आसामी -- agood paymaster; a straightforwardperson.
- खरा उतरना -- to hold water, tobear examination.
- खरा कहैया -- a plain-speaking man.
- खरा खेल -- genuine straightforward dealings.
- खरा खेल फ़र्रूख़ाबादी -- straightforward undaunteddealings/conduct, calling a spadea spade.
- खरा खोटा -- good and bad, genuine and spurious.
- खरा दाम अच्छा काम -- good wages good work.
- खरा परखना -- to distinguish good frombad, to discriminate between goodand bad.
- खरा सिक्का -- a good coin.
- ख़रा/द ḳḥara:d -- (nm) a lathe.
- ख़रादिया -- a turner.
- ख़रा पर चढ़ाना -- to turn on alathe; to reform.
- ख़रादना ḳḥara:dṅā: -- (v) to turn on a lathe.
- ख़राब ḳḥara:b -- (a) bad; spoiled; wicked; defective, faulty; depraved, miserable.
- ख़राब करना -- to cause thefall of, to deprave; to spoil.
- ख़राबी ḳḥara:bi: -- (nf) badness, wickedness; defect, fault; demerit.
- ख़रामा-ख़रामा ḳḥara:ma:ख़रामा-ख़रामा-ḳḥara:ma: -- (adv) slowly, with (graceful) ease.
- खराश ḳḥara:sh -- (nm) scratch; irritation (esp. in the throat).
- खरी khari: -- (a) feminine form of खरा (see); chalk; oil cake.
- खरी खोटी -- harsh and unpalatable, relentless(words).
- खरी खरी सुनाना -- to call aspade a spade, to tell one somehome-truths, to speak out unpalatable truths.
- खरी खोटी सूनाना -- tosend one away with a flea in one'sear, to give a bit of one's mind, to take to tasks.
- खरी मजूरी, चोखा काम -- good wages, good work.
- ख़रीता ḳḥari:ta: -- (nm) a pouch, small silk bag (in which lettersfor important men were enclosed).
- ख़रीद ḳḥari:d -- (nf) purchase, buying.
- ख़रीद फ़रोख़्त -- purchase and sale, buying and selling.
- ख़रीद करना -- to purchase, to make purchases.
- ख़रीदना ḳḥari:dnā: -- (v) to buy, to purchase.
- ख़रीदा/र ḳḥari:da:r -- (nm) a buyer, vendee.
- ख़रीदारी -- buying, purchasing.
- ख़रीफ़ ḳḥari:f -- (nf) the kharif crop.
- खरोंच kharōch -- (nf) scratch, bruise.
- खरोंचना kharōchnā: -- (v) to scratch, to bruise.
- ख़रोष्ठी kharoshṭḥi: -- (nf) an ancient script which was prevalent innorth-west frontier of Indiaroughly between 4th century B.C.and 3rd century A.D.
- ख़र्च ḳḥarch -- (nm) expenditure, expense; cost.
- ख़र्च उठाना -- to bear the expenses.
- ख़र्च तोड़ना -- to reduce expenditure (on).
- ख़र्च निकलना -- expenditure to be (re) covered.
- ख़र्चा ḳḥarcha: -- (nm) expenditure, expense; cost, outlay.
- ख़र्चा पड़ना -- tocost; to have to spend.
- ख़र्चा बाँधना -- tocause recurring expeniture.
- ख़र्चीला ḳḥarchi:la: -- (a) spendthrift, extravagant; expensive, costly; uneconomdical.
- खर्रा kharra: -- (nm) a long sheet, roll (of paper); lengthy account.
- खर्रा/टा kharra:ṭa: -- (nm) snore.
- खर्राटे भरना/मारना/लेना -- to drive pigs to.
- खल khal -- (a) wicked, vile, mischievous; (nm) a mortar; villain.
- खलनायक -- a villian.
- खलनायिका -- a vamp.
- खलना khalnā: -- (v) to feel offended/bad, to take ill, to be displeasing.
- खलबली khalbali: -- (nf) agitation, commotion.
- खलबली पैदा होना/मचना -- acommotion to be caused.
- ख़लल ḳḥalal -- (nm) interruption, disturbance, obstruction.
- ख़लास ḳḥala:s -- (a) discharged; emptied; released.
- ख़लासी ḳḥala:si: -- (nm) a seaman, khallasi, porter.
- खलिहान khaliha:n -- (nm) a barn; threshing floor.
- खली khali: -- (nf) oil cake.
- ख़लीफ़ा ḳḥali:fa: -- (nm) a caliph; veteran wrestler.
- ख़लीफ़ाओं के कान काटना -- to prove more than a match toveterans, to outdo the veterans.
- ख़ल्क ḳḥalq -- (nm) creation, world.
- खल्वाट khalva:ṭ -- (a) bald.
- खल्वाटता -- baldness.
- ख/वा khava: -- (nm) the end of the shoulder (farther from the neck), the root of the arm.
- खवे से खवाछ?िलना -- to have a jumbling andjostling crowd, to have shouldersrubbing with one another, to beovercrowded.
- ख़स ḳḥas -- (nm) fragrant root of a typical grass used for cooling purposes; its essence.
- ख़स की टट्टी -- ascreen made of the fragrantroots of ख़स and used for coolingpurposes during the summers.
- ख़सम ḳḥasam -- (nm) husband; master.
- ख़समखानी/पीटी -- widowed, a malediction meaning may you bewidowed.
- ख़सम करना -- to take a husband.
- खसरा khasra: -- (nm) measles.
- ख़सरा ḳḥasra: -- (nm) a patwari's survey-book (containing an account of the number, area etc.of each field or plot of land).
- ख़सख़स ḳḥasḳḥas -- (nm) poppy seed.
- ख़सलत ḳḥaslat -- (nf) nature, disposition.
- ख़सी खस्सी ḳḥasi: khassi: -- (a) castrated, rendered impotent; (nm) a (castrated) he-goat.
- ख़सी करना -- to castrate.
- खसोट khasoṭ -- (nf) snatching, seizing quickly or unexpectedly.
- खसोटना khasoṭnā: -- (v) to snatch, to seize quickly or unexpectedly.
- ख़स्ता ḳḥasta: -- (a) crisp; brittle.
- ख़स्ताहाल -- afflicted, in distress, ragged; brittle, fragile, worn out; hence ख़स्ताहाली (nf).
- ख़स्ता कचौड़ी -- a kindof crisp कचौड़ी.
- ख़स्ता हो जाना/ख़स्ताहाल होजाना -- to go to grass; to becomebrittle.
- खाँ/च, खाँचा khā:ch -- (nf), ~a: (nm) a groove, recess, slit, vallecula; abig basket; coop.
- खाँचेदार khā:cheda:r -- (a) vallecular; slitting, having slit(s).
- खाँड़ khā:ṛ -- (nf) unrefined sugar.
- खाँडा/ड़ा khā:ḍṛa: -- (nm) a big broad sword.
- खाँडा बजना -- fighting toensue/commence.
- खाँप khā:p -- (nf) a slice (of some fruits).
- खाँसना khāsnā: -- (v) to cough.
- खाँसी khā:si: -- (nf) cough.
- खाई kha:i: -- (nf) ditch, trench, moat; entrenchment.
- खाई पाटना -- to bridge agulf (between two or moreparties).
- खाई होना -- to have a gulf/distance between.
- खाऊ kha:u: -- (a) voracious, gluttonous; bribee.
- खाऊ उड़ाऊ -- extravagant, wasteful, squanderer.
- खाऊ मीत/यार -- selfish, self-serving.
- खाऊ वीर -- gluttonous.
- ख़ाक ḳḥa:k -- (nf) ashes; dirt and dust; anything trivial, precious.
- ख़ाका ḳḥa:ka: -- (nm) sketch, outline; map, layout.
- ख़ाका खींचना -- to make afun (of) to pull one's leg.
- ख़ाकी ḳḥa:ki: -- (a) dull yellow-coloured, dust-coloured.
- खाज kha:j -- (nf) scabbies, mange.
- खाट kha:ṭ -- (nf) a cot, bedstead.
- खाट खटोला -- household effects.
- खाट तोड़ना -- to keep on lying idle.
- खाट पर पड़ना -- to be bed-ridden.
- खाट से उतारा जाना -- to be on the verge of death.
- खाट सेना -- to be confined to bed throughprolonged illness.
- खाट से लगना -- to bereduced to skeleton, to be emaciated.
- खाड़ी kha:ṛi: -- (nf) a bay.
- खात kha:t -- (nm) fovea, fossa.
- खाता kha:ta: -- (nm) ledger; account.
- खाता खोलना -- to open an account.
- खाता डालना -- to commence dealings (with).
- खाते में डालना -- to debit tothe account (of).
- ख़ातिर ḳḥa:tir -- (nf) hospitality; (ind) for, for, the sake of.
- ख़ातिरजमा -- assurance.
- ख़ातिर रखना -- to rest assured.
- ख़ातिरदार -- hospitable, one who extends hospitality.
- ख़ातिरदारी -- hospitality, warmreception.
- ख़ातिरी ḳḥa:tiri: -- (nf) hospitality.
- ख़ातून ḳḥā:tu:n -- (nf) a lady.
- खाद kha:d -- (nf) manure, fertilizer.
- खादर kha:dar -- (nm) alluvial land, moor.
- खादी kha:di: -- (nf) see खादीखद्दर.
- खादीधारी -- see खद्दरधारी.
- खाद्य kha:ddy -- (nm) food; (a) eatable.
- खाद्य अखाद्य -- eatable and non-eatable, edible and inedible; good and/orbad food.
- खान kha:n -- (nf) mine; quarry; receptacle, store-house; an abridged form of खाना used as the first member in compound words (खान-पान).
- ख़ान ḳḥa:n -- (nm) a chieftain muslim chief; an honorific used withAfghan Muslim names; also a formof address to them.
- ख़ान/दान ḳḥa:ndā:n -- (nm) family, kinsfolk.
- ख़ानदानी -- familial; traditional; belonging to a high ornoble family.
- ख़ानदानी आदमी -- descendantof a noble family.
- खान-पान kha:n-pā:n -- (nm) (mode and manner of) eating and drinking; living; social relationship.
- ख़ानसामा ḳḥa:nsa:mā: -- (nm) a house-steward; head of the kitchen and pantry.
- खाना kha:na -- (v) to eat; to live on (e.g. साँप हवा खाता है); to corrode; to misappropriate (e.g. पैसा खाना); to sting (as by a venomous insect); to destroy; to squander, totake a bribe; (nm) food, meal.
- खाओ तो ठेंगे से न खाओ तो ठेंगे से -- Hobson's choice.
- खा जाना -- todevour; to ruin; to squander; tomisappropriate.
- खाता-पीता -- well-to-do, fairly prosperous.
- खाना कमाना -- toexert to earn one's livelihood.
- खाना पीना -- to enjoy; to take bribe.
- खाते-खाते पेट फट जाना -- to burst buttons with food.
- खाने के लाले पड़ना -- .
- ख़ाना ḳḥa:nā: -- (nm) a shelf; column; compartment; abode; chest or case.
- ख़ाना आबाद(रहो) -- may you prosper; prosperous.
- ख़ाना आबादी -- prosperity, flourishing as a householder.
- ख़ानाख़राब -- ruined; without home and hearth, wandering.
- ख़ानाख़राबी -- ruination; stateof being homeless.
- ख़ानातलाशी -- search, house-search.
- ख़ानाबर्बाद -- squandered, one who ruins one's own home.
- ख़ानाबर्बादी -- ruination.
- ख़ानापूरी ḳḥa:nā:pu:ri: -- (nf) to complete the formalities.
- ख़ानाबदो/श ḳḥa:na:badosh -- (nm) a nomad, an idle wanderer.
- ख़ानाबदोशी -- nomadism.
- ख़ामी ḳḥa:mī: -- (nf) defect, draw-back, flaw.
- ख़ामोश ḳḥa:mosh -- (a) silent.
- ख़ामोशी ḳḥa:moshi: -- (nf) silence.
- खार kha:r -- (nm) a rainy rivulet.
- ख़ार ḳḥa:r -- (nm) a thorn; animosity, rancour.
- ख़ार खाना -- to nurse a spiritof rancour (against), to have asense of animosity; to be in readiness to take revenge.
- खारा kha:ra: -- (a) brackish; saline, salty.
- खारापन -- salinity; brakishness; hence खारी.
- ख़ारिज ḳḥa:rij -- (a) dismissed; rejected.
- ख़ारिज करना -- to dismiss, to reject; to strike off (a name).
- ख़ारिश ḳḥa:rish -- (nm) scabbies, itch, mange.
- खाल kha:l -- (nf) skin; hide.
- खाल उड़ाना -- to flay bare; to give a goodthrashing.
- खाल उतारना -- to desquamate, to skin; to flay.
- खाल उधेड़ना -- to beatblack and blue, to give one gyp.
- खाल खींचकर भूसा भर देना -- to inflictsevere physical punishment.
- खाल खींचना -- to peel off the skin, to flay.
- ख़ालसा ḳḥa:lsa: -- (nm) the sikh community; a sikh.
- ख़ालसा दीवान -- a religious assembly of the sikhs.
- ख़ाला ḳḥa:la: -- (nf) mother's sister.
- ख़ाला का घर -- an easy undertaking, a simple job; also ख़ालाजी का घर.
- ख़ालिक़ ḳḥa:liq -- (nm) the creator.
- ख़ालिस ḳḥa:lis -- (a) pure; unmixed, unadulterated; hence ख़ालिसपन (nm).
- ख़ाली ḳḥa:li: -- (a) empty, vacant; unoccupied; blank; unemployed; unaccented beat (in music); ineffective (e.g. वारख़ाली जाना) fallow; only; mere (e.g. ख़ाली बात); only.
- ख़ाली करना -- to vacate, to empty; to evacuate.
- ख़ाली जगह -- vacancy.
- ख़ाली जाना (वार) -- tomiss the mark.
- ख़ाली जेब -- empty pocket, penniless.
- ख़ाली पेट -- empty stomach.
- ख़ाली बैठना -- to be idle, to be unemployed.
- ख़ाली हाथ -- empty-handed; unarmed.
- ख़ाली हाथ लौटना -- to draw a blank, to return empty-handed, to failin one's mission.
- ख़ाविंद ḳḥa:vind -- (nm) husband, man.
- ख़ाविंद बीवी -- man and wife.
- ख़ास ḳḥa:s -- (a) special; particular; peculiar; proper (e.g. ख़ास दिल्ली कारहने वाला); important; chief: own(e.g. मेरा ख़ास आदमी).
- ख़ासकर -- particularly.
- ख़ास ख़ास -- selected (few).
- ख़ासगी -- private.
- ख़ासमख़ास -- very special; very intimate.
- ख़ासियत -- speciality, characteristic.
- ख़ासुलख़ास -- veryintimate; very dear one.
- ख़ासोआम -- all people, the big and the small.
- ख़ासा ḳḥa:sa: -- (a) fairly good, ample.
- ख़ासियत ḳha:siyat -- (nf) characteristic; peculiarity; speciality; distinctive quality; natural disposition.
- खिंचना khīchnā: -- (v) to be pulled; to be tightened; to be expanded; tobe attracted towards (खिंचना , की ओर).
- खिंचाई khicha:i: -- (nf) the act or process of pulling/drawing/tightening/expanding/extracting/removing; leg-pulling.
- खिंचाव khīcha:v -- (nm) strain; stretch; draught; attraction.
- खिंडना khīḍnā: -- (v) to spill; to be spilled.
- खिचड़ी khichṛi: -- (nf) a preparation of rice and pulse boiled together; a mixture, medley; hotch-potch; the festival known as मकर संक्रांति; (a) mixed.
- खिचड़ी अलग पकाना, अपनी -- toblow one's own trumpet, to goone's own queer way.
- खिचड़ी भाषा -- ahotch-potch language.
- खिचड़ी खाते पहुँचाउतरना -- to be incredibly delicate.
- खिचड़ी पकाना -- to hatch a plot, to conspire.
- खिचड़ी होना, (बालों का) -- to have a sprinkling of grey hair amongst black.
- ख़िज़ाँ ḳḥizā: -- (nf) the autumn, fall; (fig.) period of decay, adversity.
- ख़िज़ाब ḳḥiza:b -- (nm) a hair-dye.
- खिझाना khijha:na: -- (v) to tease, to vex; to assail playfully or maliciously.
- खिड़की khiṛki: -- (nf) a window.
- खिड़कीदार -- having window(s), ventilated.
- खिड़की खोलना (दिमाग़ की) -- lit. to open thewindow—to let in fresh air (ofideas etc.).
- ख़िताब ḳḥita:b -- (nm) a title.
- ख़िताब देना -- to confer a title (on).
- ख़ित्ता ḳḥi:tta: -- (nm) a tract of land.
- ख़िदमत ḳḥidmat -- (nf) service; lackeying.
- ख़िदमतगार -- a servant; lackey.
- ख़िदमतगारी -- service, lackeying.
- ख़िदमत बजाना -- to serve, to be at the service of.
- खिन्न khinn -- (a) gloomy, glum, depressed; sad.
- खिन्नता -- glumness, sadness, depression.
- ख़िराज ḳḥira:j -- (nm) a tribute.
- खिलंदरा khilandra: -- (a) playful, buoyant.
- खिलखिलाना khilkhila:nā: -- (v) to burst into laughter; to laughheartily.
- खिलखिलाहट khilkhila:haṭ -- (nf) a guffaw, burst of laughter.
- खिलना khilnā: -- (v) to blossom, to bloom; to blow; to be delighted; to split up, to be rent asunder; to befit.
- खिलवाड़ khilwa:ṛ -- (nm) frolic, fun and frolic, pastime.
- खिलवाड़ करना -- to playwith, to treat lightly.
- खिलाड़ी khila:ṛi: -- (nm) a player, sportsman; (a) playful, frolicsome.
- खिलाड़ी , कच्चा -- inexperienced player.
- खिलाड़ी , पक्का/सधा हुआ -- experienced/balanced player.
- खिलाड़ीपन -- sportsmanship, playfulness.
- खिलाना khila:nā: -- (v) to feed; to entertain to a meal; to administer(as medicine etc.); made to blossom/bloom/blow up/play.
- ख़िलाफ़ ḳḥila:f -- (a) against, opposed; adversely disposed.
- ख़िलाफ़वर्जी -- defiance; violation, transgression.
- ख़िलाफ़ होना -- to be opposed (to), to be adversely disposed.
- ख़िलाफ़त ḳḥila:fat -- (nf) pertaining to a calif; opposition (a wronglycoined equivalent for मुखालिफ़त see).
- खिलौना khilaunā: -- (nm) a toy, plaything.
- खिलौना बनाना -- to make a plaything of.
- खिलौना होना -- to be a plaything in the hands of.
- खिल्ली khilli: -- (nf) derision, making fun, ridiculing.
- खिल्लीबाज़ -- a wag, derider, one who holds others to ridicule.
- खिल्ली उड़ाना -- to make fun/gameof, to poke fun at, to deride, to ridicule.
- खिसकना khisaḳnā: -- (v) to move slowly; to move farther, to slip away.
- खिसिया/ना khisiya:nā: -- (v) to feel piqued/disparaged/embarrassed; tobe in an impotent rage.
- खिसियानी बिल्ली खंभा नोचे -- a thrashed army resorts to rampage.
- खिसियाहट khisiya:haṭ -- (nf) a sense or feeling of pique; impotent rage.
- खींचना khī:chnā: -- (v) to pull; to pull one's leg; to draw; to tighten; toexpand; to extract; to attract; todrag.
- खींच-तान -- tussel; tugging; twisting (e.g. meaning of a wordor statement).
- खींचा-तानी -- manipulation, tussel and tugging; twisting and distorting, far-fetching.
- खीझ खीज khi:jh khi:j -- (nf) grouch, vexation, fret.
- खीझजना khi:jh jnā: -- (v) to grouch to fret, to be irritated/vexed.
- खीर khi:r -- (nf) a sweetened preparation of rice and milk boiled together; a typical sweet Indian dish.
- खीरा khi:ra: -- (nm) a cucumber.
- खील khi:l -- (nm) parched paddy.
- खील खील होना -- to be shattered (to pieces); to split up.
- खी/स khi:s -- (nf) grinning.
- खीसें काढ़ना/निकालना/निपोरना -- to wear agrin; to sing.
- खुंदक khundak -- (nf) a feeling of rancour/ill-will; offence.
- खुंदक खाना -- totake offence; to nurse a feeling ofill-will/rancour.
- खुंभी khumbhi: -- (nf) mushroom.
- खुजलाना khujla:nā: -- (v) to experience an itching sensation, to itch; toscratch.
- खुजलाहट khujla:haṭ -- (nf) itch; itchiness, itching sensation.
- खुजली khujli: -- (nf) itch, itchiness, itching sensation; scabbies.
- खुजाना khuja:nā: -- (v) to itch; to scratch.
- खुटकना -- (nf) severance of mutual cordial terms (amongstchildren); cutting off the bond offriendship.
- खुटकना करना -- to severe speaking terms, abandon friendly relation.
- खुड्डी khuḍḍi: -- (nf) an improvised structure (of bricks etc.) to sit onfor the discharge of faeces; hollowspace or the foot-rest improvisedfor the purpose; hollow betweentwo teeth.
- ख़ुद ḳḥud -- (pro) self; (adv.) of one's own accord, voluntarily.
- ख़ुदइख़्तियार -- independent.
- ख़ुदइख़्तियारी -- independence.
- ख़ुदकाश्त -- direct cultivation.
- ख़ुदकुशी -- suicide.
- ख़ुदपरस्त -- self-centred, self-aggrandising.
- ख़ुदपरस्ती -- self-aggrandisement.
- ख़ुद ब-ख़ुद -- on one'sown, self, by itself.
- ख़ुदमुख़्तार -- autonomous.
- ख़ुदमुख़्तारी -- autonomy.
- ख़ुदग़र/ज़ ḳḥudgaraz -- (a) selfish, self-seeking.
- ख़ुदग़रज़ी -- selfishness, self-seeking temperament.
- खुदरा khudra: -- (a) retail (goods); small coins.
- ख़ुदा ḳḥuda: -- (nm) God; the Lord.
- ख़ुदाई -- Providence; Godhood; Creation.
- ख़ुदापरस्त -- devout, God-worshipping.
- ख़ुदापरस्ती -- devoutness.
- ख़ुदावंद, ख़ुदावंदा -- God Almighty; OLord, O Master.
- ख़ुदा का ग़ज़ब -- Divinewrath.
- ख़ुदा की मार -- Divine vangeance.
- ख़ुदा की राह में -- in the name of God.
- ख़ुदा कोप्यारा होना -- to kick the bucket toexpire.
- ख़ुदा ख़ुदा करके -- at longlast, with immense difficulty.
- ख़ुदा खैर करे ! -- May God secure !.
- ख़ुदा गंजे कोनाख़ून नहीं देता -- those who woulddestroy, find themselves disarmed.
- ख़ुदा न करे! -- God forbid!.
- ख़ुदाया -- OhGod.
- ख़ुदा हाफ़िज़! -- good-bye ! adieu; so long!.
- ख़ुदाई khuda:i: -- (nf) engraving.
- ख़ुदी ḳḥudi: -- (nf) ego, vanity.
- ख़ुद्दा/र ḳḥudda:r -- (a) self-respecting.
- ख़ुद्दारी -- self-respect.
- ख़ुनकी ḳḥunki -- (nf) a touch of cold, slight cold.
- खुन/स khuna:s -- (nf) rancour, spite.
- खुनसी -- rancorous, spiteful.
- ख़ुफ़िया ḳḥufiya: -- (a) detective, secret; (nm) a detective spy.
- ख़ुफ़िया पुलिस -- secret police.
- ख़ुबामानी ḳḥubma:nī: -- (nf) an apricot.
- ख़ुमा/र ḳḥuma:r -- (nm) hang-over (of a drink); slight intoxication; drowsiness (resulting from inadequatesleep etc.); also ख़ुमारी (nf).
- ख़ुमार उतरना -- hang-over to be on the decline.
- खुरंट khuraṉṭ -- (nm) scale, dry incrustation formed over a healing wound.
- खुरंट पड़ना -- a scale to be formed, drying up of a wound.
- खुर khur -- (nm) hoof.
- खुरचन khurchan -- (nf) scrape, scrapings; a kind of sweetened milk-product.
- खुरचना khurachnā: -- (v) to scrape, to erase.
- खुरजी khurji: -- (nf) a long double haversack.
- खुरदरा khurdara: -- (a) rough, coarse; scabrous; hence खुरदरापन (nm).
- खुरपा khurpa: -- (nm) a big scraping instrument.
- खुरपी khurpi: -- (nf) a kind of small scraping instrument.
- ख़ुरमा ḳḥurma: -- (nm) a date-fruit; a kind of sweetmeat.
- ख़ुराक ḳḥura:q -- (nf) dose; diet; nutritive diet; ration.
- ख़ुराफ़ा/त ḳḥurā:fa:t -- (nf) smut, indecent act or smutty speech; mischief; disgraceful deed.
- ख़ुराफ़ाती -- mischievous; evildoer; one who indulges in smutty talk.
- ख़ुर्द ḳḥurd -- (a) mirco ख़ुर्द ; small (in size, extent, etc.).
- ख़ुर्दबीन ḳḥurdbi:n -- (nf) a microscope.
- खुर्रांट khurrā:ṭ -- (a) cunning, clever.
- खुलना khulnā: -- (v) to be untied; to be uncovered; to be unravelled, to beexposed; to be unfolded (as भेद); to be dispersed (as बादल); to belaid aside (as पाबंदी etc.); to start(as गाड़ी etc.); to be set up (as दुकान etc.); to be restored (as भूख खुलना); to become favourable(as भाग्य खुलना); to acquire fullnessor depth (as रंग खुलना).
- खुलकर -- openly, frankly.
- खुलकर खेलना -- toindulge in misdeeds openly.
- खुलतारंग -- light appealing colour.
- खुला khula: -- (a) open; lose; untied; uncovered; exposed; unrestricted; frank, hearty; spacious; fair (as मौसम); overt.
- खुला हाथ -- bounteous, spending profusely/liberally.
- खुला हुआ -- exposed; open.
- खुली छूट देना -- to givea free hand.
- खुली तबियत -- hearty.
- खुली मुट्ठी होना -- to be open-handed, to be generous.
- खुलेआम/ख़ज़ाने/बाज़ार/मैदान -- openly, publicly; unhesitatingly.
- खुले दरवाज़े नशर्माना -- open door invites a saint.
- खुले दिल का -- open-hearted, hearty.
- खुले दिल से -- heartily, liberally.
- खुलाव khula:v -- (nm) exposure; expanse; openness.
- ख़ुलासा ḳḥula:sa: -- (nm) summary, gist; abstract; essence; (a) clear, brief.
- खुल्लमखुल्ला khullām:khulla: -- (adv) publicly, openly, unreservedly.
- ख़ुश ḳḥush -- (a) happy, pleased; good.
- ख़ुशख़त -- good hand-writing; onewho possesses a good handwriting.
- ख़ुशगप्पी -- (exchange of) pleasantries, pleasant chat.
- ख़ुशगवार -- pleasant.
- ख़ुशज़ायका -- tasty; delicious.
- ख़ुशदिल -- jovial, merṛy, cheerful.
- ख़ुशकिस्म/त ḳḥushkismat -- (a) fortunate; lucky.
- ख़ुशकिस्मती -- good fortune, good luck.
- ख़ुशख़बरी ḳḥushḳḥabri: -- (nf) good news.
- ख़ुशनसी/ब ḳḥushnasi:b -- (a) fortunate, lucky.
- ख़ुशनसीबी -- good fortune, goodluck.
- ख़ुशबू ḳḥushbu: -- (nf) fragrance, aroma; perfume, scent.
- ख़ुशबूदार -- fragrant, aromatic, perfumed, scented.
- ख़ुशमिज़ाज ḳḥushmiza:j -- (a) cheerful, gay, good-tempered; hence ख़ुशमिज़ाजमिज़ाजी (nf).
- खुशहा/ल ḳḥushha:l -- (a) prosperous. well-to-do, flourishing.
- खुशहाली -- prosperity, well-being.
- ख़ुशाम/द ḳḥusha:mad -- (nf) flattery.
- ख़ुशामदी -- flattering; (nm) a flatterer, sycophant.
- ख़ुशामदी टट्टू -- a professionalflatterer/sycophant.
- ख़ुशी ḳḥushi: -- (nf) joy, delight, happiness.
- ख़ुशियाँ -- rejoicing, gaiety.
- ख़ुशी का सौदा -- a matter of choice, a matter of free will.
- ख़ुशी ख़ुशी -- happily, cheerfully.
- ख़ुशी-से नाच उठना/ख़ुशी-से पाँवज़मीन पर न पड़ना -- to tread on air; to dance with joy, to be over-whelmed with joy.
- ख़ुशी से फूल उठना/ख़ुशी से फूले न समाना -- to exult, to bein exultation, to tread on air.
- ख़ुश्क ḳḥushk -- (a) dry; withered.
- ख़ुश्की ḳḥushki: -- (nf) dryness; drought; (dry) land; dandruff.
- ख़ुश्की की राह/से -- by land.
- खुसुर-फुसुर khusur-phusur -- (nf) whispering; (adv) in whispers, in very low tones.
- ख़ुसूसियत ḳḥusu:siyat -- (nf) plural form of ख़ासियत (see).
- ख़ूँख़्वा/र ḳḥū:ḳḥa:r -- (a) ferocious, murderous; hence ख़ूँख़्वारी (nf).
- खूँट khū:ṭ -- (nm) a corner; corner-stone; direction.
- खूँटा khū:ṭa: -- (nm) a stake; peg.
- खूँटा गाड़ना -- to establish oneself; to fix one's tether.
- ख़ूँटे के बल कूदना/खूँटा केबल बंदर नाचे -- to venture beyondone's tether on extraneousstrength.
- खूँटी khū:ṭi: -- (nf) a small peg; spike; stump (of a tree, etc.); root of thehair; ear of a stringed musicalinstrument.
- खूँदना khū:dnā: -- (v) to trample (over).
- ख़ूँरेज़ी ḳḥū:rezi: -- (nf) bloodshed.
- ख़ून ḳḥu:n -- (nm) blood; murder.
- ख़ून-खच्चर/ख़राबा -- bloodshed; massacre.
- ख़ून उतरना, आँखों में -- to be filled withfury.
- ख़ून उबलना/खौलना -- the blood toboil, to be in a bloody rage.
- ख़ून करना -- to murder, to kill; to squanderlavishly.
- ख़ून का जोश -- blood-affection.
- ख़ून का दौरा -- blood-circulation.
- ख़ून काप्यासा -- blood-thirsty, sworn enemy.
- ख़ून का बदला -- blood for blood, revenge for blood.
- ख़ून की नदी बहाना -- toshed a stream of blood.
- ख़ून की होली -- a carnival of bloodshed.
- ख़ून के आँसूबहाना/रोना -- to be in a terriblethroe.
- ख़ून के घूँट पीना -- to suppressone's fury.
- ख़ून खौलना -- the blood toboil, to be in a bloody rage.
- ख़ून गर्दन पर होना -- to be blood-guilty/blood-stained.
- ख़ून चूसना -- to suck theblood of; to exploit.
- ख़ून जमना -- one'sblood to freeze.
- ख़ून ठंडा होना -- theblood to freeze; to be lost to thesense of self-respect; to be bereftof passion.
- ख़ून पसीना एक करना -- to toilin the sweat of one's brow.
- ख़ून पसीनेकी कमाई -- hard-earned money.
- ख़ून पानी होना -- to lose all sense of self-respect.
- ख़ून पीना -- to cause non-stop.
- ख़ूनी ḳḥu:nī: -- (nm) a murderer, an assassin; (a) blood-thirsty, ferocious; involving bloodshed.
- ख़ूब ḳḥu:b -- (a) very much, in plenty/abundance; good, beautiful; (adv) very (as ख़ूब अच्छा); (inter) excellent!very good !.
- ख़ूबसूरत ḳḥu:bsu:rat -- (a) beautiful, pretty; handsome; comely.
- ख़ूबसूरती ḳḥu:bsu:rti: -- (nf) beauty, prettiness; handsomeness.
- ख़ूबी ḳḥu:bi: -- (nf) merit; characteristic quality; speciality.
- खूसट khu:saṭ -- (a) decrepit, haggard.
- खेड़ा kheṛa: -- (nm) a hamlet, small village.
- ख़ेत khet -- (nm) a field, farm.
- ख़ेत-आना -- see ख़ेत खेत रहना.
- ख़ेत पर चढ़े किसानी -- itis the harvest that proves the farmer.
- ख़ेत बदना -- to fix a bout, to have itout.
- ख़ेत रहना -- to be killed in action, to bite the dust.
- खेतिहर khetihar -- (nm) a farmer, cultivator.
- खेती kheti: -- (nf) farming, cultivation; agriculture.
- खेती बारी(ड़ी) -- agriculture, agricultural undertaking.
- खेद khed -- (nm) regret; sorrow.
- खेदजनक -- regrettable.
- खेदप्रकाश -- apology, expression of regret.
- खेना khenā: -- (v) to row.
- खेप khep -- (nf) a trip; quantity or number transported in one lot.
- खेमा ḳḥemā: -- (nm) a tent, camp.
- खेमा डालना -- to encamp.
- खेमे में होना, किसी के -- to be in the camp of.
- खेल khel -- (nm) play, game, sport; show.
- खेल-कूद -- sports; fun and frolic.
- खेल करना -- to frolic.
- खेल के दिन -- age ofmerriment; boyhood.
- खेल खिलाना -- togive a long rope.
- खेल ख़त्म होना -- the game to be up.
- खेल खेलना -- tomake a crafty move.
- खेल खेल में -- in atrice, without any effort.
- खेल बनाना -- tohave a business accomplished.
- खेल , बना बनाया -- near-accomplished job.
- खेल बिगड़ना -- a person's apple-cart tobe upset; to have a game or business spoilt.
- खेल बिगाड़ना -- to upset aperson's apple-cart.
- खेल समझना -- toconsider damn easy; to lookthrough one's game.
- खेलना khelnā: -- (v) to play; to stage (e.g. नाटक).
- खेलना खाना -- to eat, drinkand be merry.
- खेलने-खाने के दिन -- theage to eat, drink and be merry.
- खेला-खाया -- well-versed in the waysof life.
- खेली-खाई -- having diverseexperiences of life; well-up insexual experiences.
- खेवट khevaṭ -- (nm) the register of mutations, land-record of shares; a rower, boatman.
- खेवनहार khevanha:r -- (nm) a rower, boatman.
- खेवा kheva: -- (nm) ferry-toll; ferry-trip.
- खेवाई kheva:i: -- (nf) ferry-toll; ferrying.
- खेवाई भी देना और बह भी जाना -- to foot the bill and get nil.
- खेस khes -- (nm) a thick cotton sheet.
- खेह kheh -- (nf) ash, dirt and dust.
- खेह खाना -- to be in a miserable plight; to knock about from pole to post.
- खैर khair -- (nm) catechu.
- खैर ḳḥair -- (nf) well-being; welfare; (ind) well, all-right.
- खैरख़्वाह -- awell-wisher; well-wishing.
- खैरख़्वाही -- well-wishing, benevolence.
- खैरसल्ला -- does not matter (e.g. काम हो जायेतो ठीक नही तो ख़ैरसल्ला).
- ख़ैरात ḳḥaira:t -- (nf) charity, alms.
- ख़ैरातखाना -- alms-house.
- ख़ैराती -- charitable.
- ख़ैराती अस्पताल/दवाख़ाना -- charitablehospital/dispensary.
- खैरियत ḳḥairiyat -- (nf) welfare; safety.
- खोंचा khoṇcha: -- (nm) see खोमचा.
- खोंसना khōsnā: -- (v) to tuck in; to insert; to thrust (into).
- खोखला khokhla: -- (a) hollow.
- खोखलापन -- hollowness.
- खोखा khokha: -- (nm) a stall, kiosk.
- खोज khoj -- (nf) search, quest, investigation; discovery; exploration.
- खोज ख़बर लेना -- to enquire about one's welfare.
- खोज मिटाना -- to wipe out alltraces (of); to efface the foot-prints (of).
- खोजना khojnā: -- (v) to seek, to search; to explore; to investigate; to discover.
- ख़ोजा ḳḥoja: -- (nm) a eunuch (esp. one employed to be in attendancein a royal harem); a tradingMuslim community.
- खोट khoṭ -- (nf) a defect, flaw, blemish; alloy.
- खोटा khoṭa: -- (a) defective, faulty; false, counterfeit; spurious; adulterated, malicious.
- खोटा-खरा -- good andbad; inferior and superior; genuineand spurious.
- खोटा माल -- inferiorgoods.
- खोटा सिक्का -- a counterfeit coin.
- खोटा चलाना -- to chant horses.
- खोटी-खरीसुनाना -- to heap reproaches on, tochide.
- ख़ोदना khodnā: -- (v) to dig; to engrave; to excavate.
- खोद-खोदकर पूछना -- to make a searching enquiry.
- खोना khonā: -- (v) to lose; to squander.
- खो जाना -- to be lost (lit. as well as fig.—e.g. lost in thinking etc.).
- खोया-खोया रहना या खोया-खोया-सारहना -- to be in the dumps, to looklost, to be absent-minded.
- खोपड़ा khopṛa: -- (nm) the skull; a cocoanut kernel.
- खोपड़ा खोलना -- to break the skull open.
- खोपड़ी khopṛi: -- (nf) the skull.
- खोपड़ी खुजलाना -- to be bent on getting a thrashing.
- खोपड़ी चाटना -- see भेजा खाना/चाटना.
- खोपड़ी पर सवार होना -- to hang on.
- खोपड़ी फोड़ना -- to break the skull (of).
- खोपड़ी रँगना/लाल करना -- to strikeone's skull, to cause blood toooze; to break one's skull.
- खोमचा ḳḥōmcha: -- (nm) a vendor's or pedlar's selling basket.
- खोया khoya: -- (nm) a typical milk-product thickened and dehydrated by boiling; (v) past participle ofthe verb 'खोना'.
- खोल khol -- (nm) a cover; sheath; shell (casting); holster.
- खोलना kholnā: -- (v) to open; to unfold; to untie; to detach; to unravel; to unroll; to unfasten.
- खोलकर -- frankly, without mincing words.
- खोसना khosnā: -- (v) to snatch.
- खोह khoh -- (nf) a cave, cavern; an abyss.
- ख़ौफ़ ḳḥauf -- (nm) fear, dread.
- ख़ौफ़ज़दा -- terrorized, scared, fear-stricken.
- ख़ौफ़नाक -- dreadful, terrible.
- ख़ौफ़ खाना -- to be scared of, to fear.
- खौलना khaulnā: -- (v) to boil: to effervesce.
- ख्यात khya:t -- (a) reputed, celebrated, famous; historical.
- ख्यातगर्हित -- notorious; infamous.
- ख्याति khya:ti -- (nf) fame, reputation.
- ख़्याल ḳḥya:l -- (nm) an idea, thought; view; opinion; one of the principalforms of modern Hindustani classical vocal music.
- ख़्याल में न लाना -- notto take into account.
- ख़्याल में समाना -- tobe ever present in memory.
- ख़्याल रखना -- to attend to, to look after.
- ख़्याल से उतरना -- to slip out of memory/mind; toforget; to become indifferent (to).
- ख़्याली ḳḥya:li: -- (a) imaginary, fancied; assumed.
- ख़्याली पुलाव पकाना -- to build castles in the air, to indulgein absurd fancies.
- ख़्रीष्ट khri:shṭ -- (nm) (Jesus) Christ.
- ख़्रीष्टाब्द khri:shṭa:bd -- (nm) the Christian era.
- ख़्रीष्टीय khri:shṭi:y -- (a) Christian, pertaining to Christ.
- ख़्वा/ब ḳḥa:b -- (nm) a dream.
- ख़्वाबी -- pertaining to or existing in dreams; imaginary.
- ख़्वाबों की -- or ख़्वाबी दुनियाworld of dreams, imaginary world.
- ख़्वारी ḳḥwa:ri: -- (nf) insult; embarassment.
- ख़्वाहमख़्वाह ḳḥā:mḳḥā -- (ind.) uselessly, for no rhyme or reason, without any purpose.
- ख़्वाहिश ḳḥa:hish -- (nf) wish, strong desire.
- ख़्वाहिशमंद -- desirous, solicitous.
- ग ga -- —the third consonant and the third member of the first pentad (i.e.कवर्ग) of the Devna:gri: alphabet; a Sanskirt suffix denoting a mover (as खग).
- गंगा gaṅga: -- (nm) the Ganges (considered to be the most sacred river by the Hindus).
- गंगा जमुनी -- made upof two colours or two metals (likegold and silver).
- गंगाजल -- sacredwater of the Ganges.
- गंगाजली -- ametal goblet to preserve the holywater of the Ganges.
- गंगाजली उठाना -- toswear by the water of the Ganges.
- गंगा नहाना -- to accomplish a difficulttask; to achieve a destination.
- गंज gaṇj -- (nf) baldness; (nm) a market place.
- गंजफ़ा gaṇjfa: -- (nm) see गंजीफ़ा.
- गंजा gaṇja: -- (a) bald, baldheaded; hence गंजापन (nm).
- गंजी gaṇji: -- (nf) a male under-garment for the upper part.
- गंजीफ़ा gaṇji:fa: -- (nm) a pack or game of cards.
- गँजेड़ी gājeṛi: -- (a) a gā:ja:गँजेड़ी- addict.
- गँठ gāṭḥ -- an allomorph of गाँठ used as the first member of anumber of compound words.
- गँठकटा -- a pickpocket.
- गँठजोड़ -- alliance; line-up.
- गँठबंधन -- wedding; intimate relationship, alliance.
- गँड़त/रा gāṛtara: -- (nm).
- गँड़तरी -- (nf) a thick baby diaper.
- गंडा gāṉḍa: -- (nm) a knotted black string (tied round the neck as acharm); a coloured ring on theneck of certain birds like parrot.
- गंडा तावीज -- conjuring.
- गंडा करना -- securing against evil spirits or charms.
- गँड़ाडासा gāṛa:da:sa: -- (nm) a chopper (with a broad blade).
- गँडेरी gāḍeri: -- (nf) a small horizontally cut segment/piece of a peeled sugarcane.
- गंतव्य gāntavvy -- (nm) the destination.
- गंद gānd -- (nf) filth; morbidity.
- गंदगी gāndgi: -- (nf) dirtiness, filthiness, filth; morbidity.
- गँदला gādla: -- (a) muddy (as water).
- गंदा gānda: -- (a) dirty, filthy; morbid.
- गंदु/म gāndum -- (nm) wheat.
- गंदुमी -- wheatish (colour).
- गंध gandh -- (nf) smell, odour.
- गंधवह/गंधवाह -- air.
- गंधहर -- deodorant.
- गंधहीन -- odourless.
- गंधयुक्त -- odoriferous/odorous.
- गंध/क gandhak -- (nm) sulphur.
- गंधक का तेज़ाब/गंधकाम्ल -- sulphuric acid.
- गंधकी -- sulphury, sulphurous.
- गंधर्व gandharv -- (nm) mythological community of celestial musicians; a caste of singers.
- गंधर्व-विद्या -- music.
- गंधर्व विवाह -- one of the eight recognized types of marriages prescribedby the Hindu law-giver मनु, entailing mutual pledge between thelover and the beloved in thepresence of respectable people.
- गंधी gāndhi: -- (nm) a perfumer, perfume-manufacturer.
- गंभीर gambhi:r -- (a) serious, grave; sober; grim; reserved; deep; profound.
- गंभीरता gambhi:rta: -- (nf) seriousness; gravity; sobriety; reservedness; depth; profundity.
- गँवाऊ gāva:u: -- (a) squandering, wasteful.
- गँवा/ना gāva:nā: -- (v) to lose; to waste; to squander.
- गँवा बैठना -- to letslip through one's fingers, tosuffer a (total) loss.
- गँवार gāva:r -- (a) uncivilised; rustic, stupid.
- गँवारपन/गँवारपना -- uncivilisedmanners; rusticity; rudeness; stupidity; vulgarity.
- गँवार को अतर सुँघाना -- pearls before the swine.
- गँवार गन्ना न दे भेली दे -- penny wise pound foolish, to give away the finished productin a bid to save the raw material.
- गँवारू gāva:ru: -- (a) rustic; rude; vulgar; slang (language, etc.).
- गऊ gau: -- (nf) a cow; (a) meek, gentle.
- गगन gagan -- (nm) the sky, firmament.
- गगनचर -- sky-going; moving in thesky, a bird.
- गगनचुंबी/स्पर्शी -- sky-high, skyscraping.
- गगरी gagri: -- (nf) a small earthen pot.
- गच gach -- (nf) mortar, plaster, stucco; heaviness (in the stomach).
- गचकारी -- stucco.
- गच बैठना -- the stomach to beheavy and constipative.
- गच्चा gachcha: -- (nm) a pitfall; hazard.
- गच्चा खाना -- to be hoodwinked/defrauded; to be subjected to a pit-fall.
- गच्चा देना -- or गच्चे में डालना todeceive, to hoodwink, to defraud.
- गज gaj -- (nm) an elephant.
- गजगति -- a graceful carefree gait (like that ofan elephant).
- गजगामिनी -- (a woman) blessed with a graceful carefreegait (like that of an elephant).
- गज-निमीलिका -- looking through one'sfingers, connivance; feigned ignorance.
- गजस्नान -- unavailing activity.
- गज़ gaz -- (nm) a yard; yardstick.
- गज़क gazak -- (nm) a sweetmeat prepared from sesame seed and sugar.
- गज़ट gazaṭ -- (nm) a gazette.
- ग़ज़ब g̣azab -- (nf) a calamity; fury, wrath; tyranny, outrage.
- ग़ज़ब का -- extremely amazing, wonderful.
- ग़ज़ब , ख़ुदा का -- divine wrath/fury.
- ग़ज़ब टूटना -- to be shattered by a calamity, tobe in deep distress.
- ग़ज़ब ढाना -- to commit an outrage/atrocity, to be outrageous/atrocious.
- ग़ज़बनाक -- amazing, wonderful.
- गजर gajar -- (nm) the chimes (generally.
- गजरा gajra: -- (nm) a thick flower-garland; bracelet.
- ग़ज़ल g̣azal -- (nf) a popular poetic form of Urdu.
- ग़ज़लगो -- a composedof gazals; hence ग़ज़लगोई (nf).
- गज़ेटियर g̣azeṭiar -- (nm) a gazetteer.
- गट gaṭ -- (nf) the sound produced while swallowing or gulping aliquid.
- गटगट -- same as गट; quikly, allat once.
- गट-से -- quickly, all at once.
- गटकना gaṭaknā: -- (v) to swallow, to gulp.
- गटागट gaṭa:gaṭ -- adv.) see गटगट.
- गटापारचा gaṭa:pa:rcha: -- (nm) guttapercha.
- गट्टा gaṭṭa: -- (nm) plug; sprag; wrist-joint; ankle; a joint or knot.
- गट्ठर gaṭṭḥar -- (nm) a large bundle, bale; package.
- गट्ठा gaṭṭḥa: -- (nm) a bundle, package; bulb (of onion or garlic etc.).
- गठजोड़ gaṭḥjoṛ -- (nm) see गँठ (गठजोड़जोड़).
- गठज़ gaṭḥan -- (nf) build, structure, construction; composition.
- गठना gaṭḥnā: -- (v) to be tied/closed together; to be compact in texture; to be intimate.
- गठा बदन -- well-built/muscular body.
- गठबंधन gaṭḥbandhan -- nm) see गँठ (गठबंधनबंधन).
- गठरी gaṭḥri: -- (nf) a bundle, package.
- गठिया gaṭḥiya: -- (nf) gout, rheumatism.
- गठीला gaṭḥi:la: -- (a) compact; well-built; muscular (body); knotty; nodose.
- गठीलापन -- knottiness, compactness; nodosity.
- गड़गड़ाना gaṛgaṛa:nā: -- (v) to gurgle; to rumble, to produce a thunderingsound.
- गड़गड़ाहट gaṛgaṛa:haṭ -- (nf) gurgling, rumbling or thundering sound.
- गड़ना gaṛnā: -- (v) to be buried; to penetrate; to be fixed, to stick into; to be pierced.
- गड़ जाना, शर्म से -- to bethoroughly ashamed.
- गड़ा धन -- buried/underground treasure.
- गड़े मुर्देउख़ाड़ना -- to dig up things buried deep, to rake up the long lost past.
- गड़प gaṛap -- (nf) a plashing sound; swallowing.
- गड़प करना -- to swallow.
- गड़प से -- all at once; with a splashing sound.
- गड़प होना -- to be drowned, to be swallowed by the waves.
- गड़पना gaṛapnā: -- (v) to swallow; to usurp.
- गड़बड़ gaṛbaṛ -- (nf) muddle, mess; confusion, disorder, disquiet.
- गड़बड़झाला -- a pretty kettle of fish, medley, confusion, disorder.
- गड़बड़ाना gaṛbaṛa:nā: -- (v) to be confused/confounded; to be spoilt; to confuse, to spoil; to stumble.
- गड़बड़ी gaṛbaṛi: -- (nf) see गड़बड़.
- गडमड gaḍmaḍ -- (nf) confusion, medley; jumble, a jumbled mass; scramble.
- गड़रिया gaṛariya: -- (nm) a shepherd.
- गड़ारी gaṛa:ri: -- (nf) a pulley; spool, reel.
- गड़ारीदार -- having circlets or rings.
- गड्ड gaḍḍ -- (nm) a heap, mass; medley.
- गड्डमड्ड -- see गडमड.
- गड्डी gaḍḍi: -- (nf) a pack; bundle.
- गड्ढा gaḍḍḥa: -- (nm) a pit, ditch; hollow; loss.
- गड्ढा खोदना -- to createpitfalls.
- गड्ढा भरना -- to make up (theloss).
- गड्ढे में गिरना -- to be in distress, to suffer a grievous loss.
- गढ़ंत gaṛḥānt -- (a) imaginary, fancied; (nf) forging.
- गढ़ gaṛḥ -- (nm) a fort, castle, citadel; stronghold.
- गढ़पति -- a fort-commander.
- गढ़ जोतना/तोड़ना -- to achieve aresounding victory, to accomplisha difficult job.
- गढ़त gaṛḥat -- (nf) structure, figure and features, build; mould.
- गढ़ना gaṛḥnā: -- (v) to forge; to fabricate; to mould, to form, to fashion; to carve (as a statue).
- गढ़ा gaṛḥa: -- (nm) see गड्ढा.
- गढ़ाई gaṛḥa:i: -- (nf) moulding, fashioning; malleating; dressing; malleating/dressing charges.
- गढ़ी gaṛḥi: -- (nf) a keep, fortress.
- गण gāṉ -- (nm) a community, union, group; a body (signifiying collectivity, as सदस्यगण); an attendant, agent; totem.
- गणपति -- chief of a गण( community); see गणेश.
- गणक gāṉak -- (nm) a scorer, reckoner.
- गण-चिन्ह gāṉchinh -- (nm) a totem.
- गणतंत्र gāṉtāntr -- (nm) a Republic; republican system of government.
- गणतंत्र दिवस -- republic day.
- गणतंत्रात्मक gāṉtāntra:tmak -- (a) republican; pertaining or belonging to गणतंत्र.
- गणतंत्रीय gāṉta:ntri:y -- (a) Republican, pertaining or belonging to गणतंन्त्र.
- गणतांत्रिक gāṉta:ntrik -- (a) republican; pertaining or belonging to गणतंत्र.
- गणना gāṉnā: -- (nf) counting; calculation, reckoning.
- गणनाकार -- an enumerator, a reckoner.
- गणनीय gāṉanī:y -- (a) worth reckoning/counting.
- गणपूर्ति gāṉpu:rti -- (nf) quorum.
- गणराज्य gāṉra:jjy -- (nm) a republic, republican state.
- गणिका gāṉika: -- (nf) a prostitute, harlot.
- गणित gāṉit -- (nm) Mathematics.
- गणितज्ञ -- a mathematician.
- गणित विद्या -- mathematical science.
- गणितीय -- mathematical.
- गणितीय सांख्यिकी -- mathematical Statistics.
- गणेश gāṉesh -- (nm) a popular Hindu deity believed to be the god of wisdom symbolising auspiciousness.
- गण्य gāṉṉy -- (a) see गणनीय.
- गण्यमान्य -- distinguished, of outstanding merit.
- गत gat -- (a) past, gone; dead; devoid of; pertaining to, in respect of; condition, plight; appearance; amusical time or measure; an air, atune.
- गत का -- worthwhile, conforming to a standard.
- गतकाल -- past.
- गतप्राण -- dead; lifeless.
- गतप्राय -- almostpast.
- गत मास -- ultimo.
- गत बजाना -- to playan air/a musical tune.
- गत बनाना -- toreduce to a miserable plight; togive a thorough beating.
- गतांक gata:ṅk -- (nm) the last issue (of a paper, magazine, etc.).
- गतानुगत gata:nugat -- (nm) an adherent to a custom or tradition; unquestioning follower.
- गतानुगतिक gata:nugatik -- (a) tradition-bound, traditional.
- गतानुगतिकता -- traditionality, unquestioning adherence to tradition.
- गति gati -- (nf) motion, movement; speed; state, condition, plight; shape, appearance; access, approach, pass; destiny, salvation.
- गतिज -- kinetic.
- गतिज ऊर्जा -- kinetic energy.
- गतिबोधक -- kinesthetic.
- गतिभंग -- beingout of tune/rhythm; ataxia.
- गतिभ्रंश -- abasia.
- गतिमात्रा -- momentum.
- गतिमूलक -- kinetic.
- गतिविज्ञान -- dynamics.
- गतिविधि -- activity, goings; developments.
- गतिविभ्रम -- ataxia.
- गतिसंवेदना -- kinesthesis.
- गतिशील -- dynamic.
- गतिशीलता -- dynamism; kinesis; activity.
- गतिहीन -- inert, inactive, static.
- गतिहीनता -- inertness; inactivity, statism.
- गति होना -- to have a go, to have knowledgeof, to have been initiated into.
- गति/मान gatimā:n -- (a) active, dynamic, moving.
- गतिमत्ता -- dynamism; activity.
- गत्ता gatta: -- (nm) strawboard; card-board.
- ग़दर g̣adar -- (nm) a rebellion, mutiny.
- गतिशील gatishi:l -- (a) dynamic, active.
- गतिशीलता -- dynamism, activity; kinesis.
- गत्यात्मक gattya:tmāk -- (a) dynamic, pertaining to activity or movement; hence गत्यात्मकता (nf).
- गदराना gadra:nā: -- (v) to be half-ripe; to attain the state of youthfulbloom.
- गदहा gadaha: -- (nm) see गधा.
- गदा gada: -- (nf) a club.
- गदाधारी -- one who wields a गदा (club).
- गदागद gada:gad -- (ind) in quick succession, one quickly after theother.
- गदेला gadela: -- (nm) a thick cushion; pad.
- गदेली gadeli: -- (nm) the palm (of the hand).
- गद्गद gadgad -- (a) overwhelmed (by ecstatic emotion), in ecstasy.
- गद्गदकंठ -- (emotionally) choked throat.
- गद्गद-स्वर -- (emotionally) chocked voice.
- गद्दर gaddar -- (a) half-ripe; hence गद्दरपन (nf).
- गद्दा gadda: -- (nm) a bed-cushion; cushion; pack saddle.
- गद्दा/र g̣adda:r -- (nm and a) (a) traitor; traitorous; treacherous.
- गद्दारी -- traitorousness, treachery.
- गद्दी gaddi: -- (nf) a cushion; throne; seat; pack-saddle; pad, lay.
- गद्दीनशीन -- installed on the throne, coronated.
- गद्दीनशीनी -- coronation.
- गद्दी पर बैठना -- to ascend the throne, tobe enthroned.
- गद्दी से उतारना -- to bedethroned/deposed.
- गद्य gaddy -- (nm) prose.
- गद्य काव्य -- prose-poetry.
- गद्यात्मक -- prosaic.
- ग़धा gadha: -- (nm) an ass, a donkey; a damn fool, stupid fellow.
- ग़धापन -- folly, stupidity.
- ग़धापन करना -- to makean ass of oneself; to commitfollies.
- ग़धा पीटने से घोड़ा नहीं होता -- theEtheopian never changes his skin.
- गधे को अंगूरी बाग -- honey is not fordonkey's mouth.
- गधे को खिलाया, नपाप न पुण्य -- kindness is lost uponan ungrateful man.
- गधे को बापबनाना -- flatter a fool for expediency.
- गधे पर चढ़ाना -- to humiliate, toinsult.
- गधे पर बस न चला कुभ्हारी केकान उमेठ दिये -- to bark up a wrong-tree.
- गधे से हल चलवाना -- to causecomplete ruination (of); to razeto the ground.
- ग़नीमत g̣ani:māt -- (nf) a redeeming feature, consoling factor.
- गन्ना gannā: -- (nm) a sugarcane.
- गप gap -- (nf) a gossip, hearsay.
- गपशप -- gossip, tittle-tattle; chit-chat.
- गप उड़ाना -- to rumour; to set afloat a rumour.
- गप मारना -- to indulge in boastful gossip; to brag and boast.
- गपकना gapaknā: -- (v) to swallow hastily, to gulp, to gobble; to catch (as a ball).
- गपड़चौथ gapaṛchauth -- (nf) mess and medley, confusion and disorder, confoundedness.
- गपागप gapa:gap -- (ind) (eating) hastily, quickly.
- गपोड़ gapoṛ -- (nm) a gossiper; chatterer.
- गपोड़बाज़ -- a gossiper, tall-talker.
- गपोड़बाज़ी -- gossiping; chattering.
- गप्प gapp -- (nf) see गप.
- गप्पी gappi: -- (nm) a gossiper, chatterer; (a) boastful, indulging in gossips.
- गफ़ g̣af -- (a) compact, dense, densely woven.
- गफ़लत g̣aflat -- (nf) negligence, carelessness; swoon, unconscious state.
- गफ़लतज़दा -- unconscious; negligent, careless.
- गफ़लत की नींद -- deep/sound sleep, carefree sleep; caused by unconsciousness.
- ग़बन g̣abān -- (nm) embezzlement.
- ग़बन करना -- to embezzle.
- गबरू gabru: -- (a) youthful, young.
- गबरून gabrū:n -- (nf) a kind of coarse chequered cloth.
- ग़म g̣am -- (nm) grief, woe; tolerance.
- ग़मख़ोर -- tolerant, enduring.
- ग़मख़ोरी -- tolerance, endurance.
- ग़मगीन -- gloomy, full of sorrow.
- ग़मज़दा -- grieved; sorrow-stricken, afflicted.
- ग़मनाक -- sorrowful, woeful.
- ग़म खाना -- to be tolerant, to endure.
- ग़म ग़लत करना -- to comfort/solace oneself; to drown (one's) sorrows in an intoxicant.
- गमक gamāk -- (nf) fragrance; a kind of musical ornamentation; the sound of a drum.
- गमकना gamaknā: -- (v) to emit fragrance; to resound.
- गमतख़ाना gamatḳḥa:nā: -- (nm) a bilge.
- गमतरी gamtari: -- (nf) a bilge.
- गमन gamān -- (nm) the act of going; locomotion; sexual intercourse.
- गमनागमन gamna:gamān -- (nm) coming and going, traffic.
- गमला gamla: -- (nm) a flower-pot.
- ग़मी g̣amī: -- (nf) death; mourning, the period of mourning.
- गम्य gammy -- (a) accessible, approachable, attainable; hence गम्यता (nf).
- गम्या gammyā: -- (a) fit for coition; cohabitable (woman).
- गया gaya: -- (v) went—past participle form of the verb 'जाना'.
- गया गुज़रा बीता -- good for nothing, inferior, insignificant.
- ग़रक़ g̣araq -- (a) immersed, submerged.
- गरगज gargaj -- (nm) battlement.
- गरचे garche -- though, even though.
- गरज garaj -- (nf) thunder; roar; fulmination.
- ग़रज़ g̣araz -- (nf) concern; interestedness, interested motive; need; (adv) in short, briefly speaking.
- ग़रज़मंद -- needy; desirous (of); havingan interested motive (in).
- ग़रज़मंदी -- interestedness, the state of beingneedy/concerned.
- ग़रज़ का आशना -- a selfseeker.
- ग़रज़ का बावला -- a slave to one'spurpose, purpose-server.
- ग़रज़ बावली होती है -- a self-seeker has no moralcode.
- गरजी यार किसके, दम लगाईखिसके -- the dinner over, away gothe guests.
- ग़रज़े कि -- in brief, in anut-shell.
- गरजना garajnā: -- (v) to thunder, to roar, to fulminate, to speak loudly.
- गरदन gardān -- (nf) the neck.
- गरदन उड़ाना/काटना -- to behead, to chop off one's head; to decollate, to cut thethroat; to put to tremendous harm.
- गरदन झुकाना -- to yield; to be ashamed.
- गरदन न उठाना -- not to utter a word inprotest; to endure everything.
- गरदन नापना -- to catch hold of one'sneck; to insult.
- गरदन नीची होना -- thehead to hang down through shame.
- गरदन पकड़ना -- to catch hold of the neck, to hold by the neck; to insult.
- गरदन पर छुरी चलाना/फेरना -- to submit(somebody) to grave injustice, tocut the throat (of).
- गरदन पर जुआ रखना -- to assign a difficult job.
- गरदन पर सवार होना -- to have complete sway; to subjugate (somebody), tokeep on pestering.
- गरदन फँसना -- tobe embroiled in a mess; tobe involved in a difficulty, tobe in somebody's grip.
- गरदन मरोड़ना -- to throttle; to twist or wring theneck (of).
- गरदन मारना -- to behead.
- गरदन मेंहाथ देना -- to hold by the neck, to humiliate.
- गरदनियाँ gardanivā: -- (nf) a hold by the neck to push out.
- गरदनियाँ देना -- to hold the neck for forcing out, to push by the neck.
- गरदान gardā:n -- (nf) declension and conjugation.
- गरम garām -- (a) hot; warm; burning.
- गरमागरम garmā:garām -- (a) hot, heated; fresh (as news).
- गरमागरमी garmā:garmī: -- (nf) excitement, heated exchange.
- गरमाना garma:nā: -- (v) to warm up; to be excited, to fly into a rage.
- गरमाहट garma:haṭ -- (nf) warmth, heat; also गर्माव.
- गरमी garmī: -- (nf) heat, warmth; summer; passion; anger, violence; ardour; syphilis.
- गरमी निकलना -- to berelieved of one's passion; to haveone's vanity struck out; to be knocked down.
- गरांडील garā:ṉḍi:l -- (a) robust, huge and hefty, of imposing stature.
- ग़रारा g̣ara:ra: -- (nm) gargle; loose female pyjamas.
- गरारी gara:ri: -- (nf) a pulley.
- गरिमा garimā: -- (nf) dignity, grace; gravity; hence गरिमामंडित, गरिमामय (a).
- गरिष्ठ garishṭḥ -- (a) heavy (esp. food), indigestible; hence गरिष्ठता (nf).
- ग़रीब g̣ari:b -- (a) poor; meek; humble.
- ग़रीबख़ाना -- humble dwelling (i.e. myhumble home—said out of modesty).
- ग़रीब ग़ुरबा -- the poor, the poverty-stricken (class).
- ग़रीबनिवाज़ -- kind tothe poor, supporting the poor.
- ग़रीबपरवर -- sustaining the poor, merciful to the poor; your exalted self !.
- ग़रीब की जोरू सब की भाभी -- a poor beautyfinds more lovers than husbands.
- ग़रीब की हाय -- a poor man's curses.
- ग़रीबाना g̣ari:ba:nā: -- (a) befitting a poor man, in a humble/meekfashion.
- ग़रीबी g̣ari:bi: -- (nf) poverty, penury.
- गरूड़ garuṛ -- (nm) aquila, a large mythological eagle-like bird believed to be the vehicle of Lord Vishṉū.
- ग़रूर g̣aru:r -- (nm) vanity, pride, haughtiness.
- गरेबान garebā:n -- (nm) part of the garment resting on the fore-parof the neck.
- गरेबान चाक करना -- to gocrazy, to tear one's collar topieces (out of craziness).
- गरेबान में मुँहडालना -- to introspect, to have arealisation of one's sins/deeds.
- गरेरी gareri: -- (nf) a pulley.
- गर्जन garjān -- (nm) a roar, bellowing; thunderous sound; a loud rebuke.
- गर्जन तर्जन -- a loud rebuke, fretting andfuming.
- गर्जना garjanā: -- (nf) a roar, bellowing; thunderous sound.
- गर्जित garjit -- (a) roared, roaring.
- गर्त gart -- (nm) a pit; recess.
- गर्तिका gartika: -- (nf) a fovea.
- गर्द gard -- (nf) dirt, dust.
- गर्दख़ोर -- dust-absorbing.
- गर्द ग़ुबार -- dust and dirt.
- गर्द बैठ जाना -- the dust to be settled.
- गर्दन gardān -- (nf) the neck.
- गर्दनतोड़ बुख़ार -- cerebrospinal fever.
- गर्दभ gardabh -- (nm) see गधा.
- गर्दिश gardish -- (nf) distress, trouble; vicissitudes (of fortune); circulation; revolution.
- गर्भ garbh -- (nm) the womb; pregnancy; foetus; the interior.
- गर्भ-कोश -- the womb.
- गर्भक्षय -- abortion.
- गर्भगृह -- naos.
- गर्भ-धारण -- conception.
- गर्भ-निरोधक -- acontraceptive.
- गर्भपात -- miscarriage.
- गर्भपातक -- abortifacient.
- गर्भवती -- pregnant.
- गर्भस्थ -- inside the womb.
- गर्भस्राव -- abortion.
- गर्भस्रावक -- abortifacient.
- गर्भाधान garbha:dhā:n -- (nm) impregnation; insemination.
- गर्भाशय garbha:shay -- (nm) the womb.
- गर्भिणी garbhiṉī: -- (a) pregnant.
- गर्भित garbhit -- (a) impregnated; involved (as a sentence).
- गर्म garm -- (a) see गरम.
- गर्मजोशी garmjoshi: -- (nf) warmth, cordiality.
- गर्मजोशी से मिलना -- to greet withcordiality, to receive warmly.
- गर्माना garma:nā: -- (v) see गरमाना.
- गर्मी garmī: -- (nf) see गरमी.
- गर्व garv -- (nm) pride; elation.
- गर्वि/त garvit -- (a) elated; conceited, proud; hence गर्विता feminine form.
- गर्वीला garvi:la: -- (a) see गर्वित.
- गर्हणा garhaṉā: -- (nf) censure, reproach, condemnation.
- गर्हणीय garhāṉi:y -- (a) censurable, condemnable.
- गर्हित garhit -- (a) wicked, vile, contemptible.
- गल gal -- an allomorph of 'गला' and 'गाल' used as the firstmember in compound words.
- गलगंड -- a disease resulting in the inflammation of throat-glands.
- गलबहियाँ -- embracement with armsthrown around each other's neck.
- गलमुच्छ -- hooked moustache, longcurled whiskers.
- गलसुआ -- a diseaseresulting in the inflammation ofjaw-gums and consequest fever.
- गलगाजना galga:jnā: -- (v) to vociferate; to be ebulliently loud; to be noisily boastful.
- गलतंस galtans -- (nm) childless deceased.
- गलतंस हो जाना -- to have no descendant.
- ग़लत g̣alat -- (a) wrong: incorrect, untrue; erroneous; improper.
- ग़लत जगह पर -- in the wrong box; in an awkward position.
- ग़लत मोहरे पर हाथ रखना -- to back the wrong horse.
- ग़लतफ़हमी g̣alatfehmī: -- (nf) misunderstanding, misgiving.
- ग़लतबयानी g̣alatbaya:nī: -- (nf) misstatement, false statement.
- ग़लती g̣alati: -- (nf) mistake, error; fault.
- ग़लती किससे नहीं होती -- Homer sometimes nods.
- ग़लतुल-आम g̣alatul-a:m -- (nm) a wrong usage adopted in a language by virtue of its wide currency; also ग़लतुल-आमफ़हम.
- गलना galnā: -- (v) to melt; to decay; to rot; to be boiled or cooked till softened; to be frost-bitten.
- गला gala: -- (nm) neck; throat; gullet; voice; collar (of a garment); neckof a pot.
- गलेबाज़ -- one gifted with asweet voice, one who exploitsone's vocal gifts (poet etc.).
- गलेबाज़ी -- exploitation of one's vocalgifts; indulgence in vocal feats.
- गला कटना -- to be beheaded; to suffer aheavy loss; to be deprived of one'sdue.
- गला खुलना -- to re-attain normalcyof voice.
- गला घोटना -- to throttle, tostrangle.
- गला छुड़ाना -- to liberate orto be liberated; to (get) rid of.
- गला तर करना -- to moisten the throat(by a few drops of cold water, etc.).
- गला दबाना -- to throttle; to choke; to exercise undue pressure.
- गला पकड़ना -- to catch hold by the neck; toharass, (some eatable) to produceirritation in the throat.
- गला पड़ना/बैठना -- to develop a sore throat/hoarsevoice.
- गला फँसना -- to get entangled orembroiled (in an untoward affair); to get into a mess.
- गला फाड़ना -- tovociferate, to bellow.
- गला भर आना -- tohave the throat choked throughemotion.
- गला भर्राना -- see गला भर आना.
- गला रूँधना -- see गला भर आना.
- गला रेतना -- toslaughter; to torture to slowdeath.
- गले तक डूबना -- to be submerged chin deep.
- गला गले का हार -- extremely dear and intimate; one whoconstantly hangs upon, a constantcompanion.
- गले के नीचे उतरना -- to be.
- गलित galit -- (a) melted; decayed; over-ripened; oozing; worne out.
- गलित कुष्ट -- oozing leprosy.
- गलित यौवना -- awoman whose youth has decayed.
- गलियारा galiya:ra: -- (nm) a gallery; corridor.
- गली gali: -- (nf) a lane, alley, alley-ways.
- गली कूचा -- lanes and bylanes.
- ग़लीचा g̣ali:cha: -- (nm) a carpet.
- ग़लीज़ g̣ali:z -- (a) dirty, filthy.
- गल्प galp -- (nf) a tale; story.
- ग़ल्ला g̣alla: -- (nm) grain, corn; a shopkeeper's sale proceeds forthe day the cash box; herd, flock.
- गवरमेंट gavarmeṉṭ -- (nf) the government.
- गवर्न/र gavarnar -- (nm) governor.
- गवर्नरी -- the office or function of agovernor; gubernatorial.
- गवाँना gavā:nā: -- (v) to lose; to waste; to suffer detriment.
- गवाक्ष gava:ksh -- (nm) an oriel, spy-hole, bull's eye.
- गवारा gava:ra: -- (a) agreeable, acceptable, tolerable.
- गवारा करना -- to tolerate, to stand.
- गवाह gava:h -- (nm) a witness; deponent.
- गवाही gava:hi: -- (nf) evidence, testimony.
- गवेषणा gaveshṉā: -- (nf) research, investigation.
- गवैया gavaiya: -- (nm) a singer.
- ग़श g̣ash -- (nm) swoon, fainting fit.
- ग़श आना/खाना -- to faint, to swoon.
- गश्त gasht -- (nf) patrol, beat.
- गश्त लगाना -- to patrol.
- गश्ती gashti: -- (a) patrol, patrolling; circular.
- गश्ती चिट्ठी -- circular letter.
- गस्सा gassa: -- (nm) a morsel.
- गहकना geheknā: -- (v) to be exhilarated, to be buoyant.
- महगड्ड gehgaḍḍ -- (a) very strong (intoxicating beverage, as भाँग).
- गहगहाना gehgaha:nā: -- (v) to be exultant, to be buoyant.
- गहन gahan -- (a) deep; intricate; impregnable; obscure; mysterious, dense; inaccesible.
- गहनता -- depth; intricacy; impregnability; obscurity; mysteriousness; density; inaccessiblity.
- गहना gehnā: -- (nm) ornament; (v) to catch.
- गहने -- jewellery.
- गहने रखना -- topawn, to mortgage.
- गहमागहमी gehmā:gehmī: -- (nf) hustle and bustle, fanfare, intense activity.
- गहरा gehra: -- (a) deep; profound; intimate, close (as गहरी देस्ती); bold(as गहरा रंग) secretive; grave (as गहरा संकट); sound (as गहरी नींद) intricate, unintelligible (as गहरी चाल); strong(as गहरी भाँग).
- गहरा अ(ा)सामी -- a well-to-do guy; a rich prey.
- गहरा पेट -- undivulging nature/disposition, secretivetemperament.
- गहरा हाथ मारना -- to reapa rich harvest; to inflict a severestroke.
- गहरी चाल चलना -- to play adeep game.
- गहरी छनना -- to take astrong dose of bhā:g; to be.
- गहराई gehra:i: -- (nf) depth; profundity.
- गहराई नापना -- to sound; to fathom, to assess the depth.
- गहराना gehra:nā: -- (v) to deepen; to become more dense; to be over-cast (with).
- गहाई gaha:i: -- (nf) threshing.
- गह्वर gahvar -- (nm) a recess; cave; chasm.
- गाँजा gā:jā: -- (nm) the hemp plant or its leaves.
- गाँठ gā:ṭḥ -- (nf) a knot; tie; node; knob; bale; bundle; joint; hardened or enlarged gland; bulb; complex; rancour.
- गाँठकट -- a pick-pocket.
- गाँठदार -- knotty.
- गाँठ कटना -- to have one's pocket picked.
- गाँठ कतरना/काटना -- to pick pocket.
- गाँठ करना -- to pocket, to misappropriate.
- गाँठ का -- belonging to oneself, being exclusively one's own.
- गाँठ पूरा -- beforehand with the world, having a full purse.
- गाँठ का पूरा आँखका अंधा -- having a full purse andan empty head, a nitwit with afat purse.
- गाँठ खोलना -- to remove misunderstanding or prejudice; toopen one's purse.
- गाँठ जोड़ना -- to tiethe nuptial knot; to splice.
- गाँठ पड़ना -- to create bad blood, to harbourill feeling towards; to have estranged relation.
- गाँठ बाँधना -- to make anote of, to keep in mind.
- गाँठ से जाना -- to be lost, to suffer loss or detriment.
- गाँठना gāṭḥanā: -- (v) to cobble; to stitch; to interlock; to bring (somebody) to one's side, to win over; to have complete sway.
- गाँ/ड gā:ḍ -- (nf) the anus.
- गाँडू -- catamite, passive partner in sodomy; timid, cowardly.
- गांधर्व gā:ndharv -- (a) pertaining to or related with the gandharvcommunity or country.
- गांधी gā:ndhi: -- (nm) the great Indian leader Mohanda:s KaramchandGa:ndhi:, father of the IndianNation, popularly so known because of his membership of theGujarati Vaishya communitycalled Ga:ndhi:).
- गांधी टोपी -- a typicalkhaddar boat-shaped cap.
- गांधी दर्शन -- the Gandhian philosophy.
- गांधीवाद -- Gandhism.
- गांधीवादी -- a Gandhite, afollower of Gandhian ideology; Gandhian.
- गांभीर्य gā:mbhi:ry -- (nm) depth, profundity, gravity; solemnity.
- गाँव gā:v -- (nm) a village.
- गाँस gā:s -- (nf) a loop; an obstruction.
- गाँसना gā:snā: -- (v) to chinse; to inter-twine.
- गाँसी gā:si: -- (nf) an intertwined knot; the head of an arrow or anyother pointed weapon.
- गाइड ga:iḍ -- (nm) a guide.
- गाउन ga:ūn -- (nm) a gown.
- गागर ga:gar -- (nf) an earthen pitcher.
- गागर में सागर भरना -- to express too much in too few words, frugal inwords fathomless in meaning.
- गाज ga:j -- (nf) a thunder-bolt, lightning.
- गाज गिरना/पड़ना -- to be thunder-struck, to be afflicted by a calamity.
- गाजर ga:jar -- (nf) carrot.
- गाजर मूली -- petty things.
- ग़ाज़ी g̣a:zi: -- (nm) a crusader (amongst the Muslims).
- गाटर ga:ṭar -- (nm) a girder.
- गाड़ना gaṛ:na: -- (v) to bury; to lay; to implant; to fix; to sink; to drive(as कीलगाड़ना-); to pitch (as तंबूगाड़ना-); tocover.
- गाड़ी ga:ṛi: -- (nf) a cart, coach, cab; vehicle, carriage; train.
- गाड़ीवान -- acart/coach-driver, cabman.
- गा/ढ़ा ga:ṛha: -- (a) thick; dense; close as (गाढ़ी दोस्ती); deep; concentrated(as गा द्रव); strong (as गाढ़ी चाय); (nm) a thick coarse cloth.
- गाढ़ा वक्त -- times of crisis, trying times.
- गाढ़ी कमाई -- hard-earned money.
- गाढ़ी छनना -- to be very thick; to take astrong intoxicant (as भाँग).
- गाढ़े दिन -- times of crisis, difficult days.
- गाढ़े पसीने की कमाई -- hard-earnedmoney गाढ़े करना to earn an honestpenny.
- गाढ़े में -- in a crisis.
- गात ga:t -- (nm) body, person.
- गात्र ga:ttr -- (nm) body, person.
- गाथा ga:tha: -- (nf) a tale; narrative; ballad.
- गाथाकार -- author of a narrative tale.
- गाद ga:d -- (nf) sediment, dregs, lees.
- गाध ga:dh -- (a) shallow, fathomable.
- गान gā:n -- (nm) a song; singing.
- गान वाद्य -- music —vocal and instrumental.
- गानविद्या -- music.
- गाना gā:nā: -- (v) to sing, to chant; (nm) a song.
- गाना बजाना -- singing andplaying of musical instruments; celebration, festivity.
- ग़ाफ़िल g̣a:fil -- (a) negligent, unaware; unconscious.
- गाभिन ga:bhin -- (a) pregnant (used for animals).
- गाय ga:y -- (nf) a cow; (a) meek and humble, harmless.
- गाय मरी खर कौनेकाम -- a day after the fair, to kissthe hare's foot.
- गाय/क ga:yak -- (nm) a singer; musician; vocalist.
- गायकी -- singing, vocal music; traditional style (in music).
- गायक गाय-वृंद -- chorus.
- गायन ga:yan -- (nm) singing; vocal music.
- ग़ायब g̣a:yab -- (a) vanished, disappeared; lost.
- ग़ायब करना -- to make off (with); to cause to disappear.
- ग़ायब होना -- to disappear, to vanish.
- ग़ार g̣:ar -- (nm) ditch, pit; cave.
- ग़ारत g̣a:rat -- (a) devastated, destroyed.
- गारद ga:rad -- (nf) a guard (of soldiers); watch.
- गारद बिठाना -- to deploy a guard.
- गारा ga:ra: -- (nm) mud, mortar.
- गार्हस्थ्य ga:rhasthy -- (nm) the phase of the householder in life.
- गार्हस्थ्य धर्म -- the duties enjoined upon a householder.
- गाल ga:l -- (nm) cheek.
- गाल पिचकाना -- to become emaciated.
- गाल फुलाना -- tosulk; to get into a sullky mood.
- गाल बजाना -- to boast, to brag.
- गाला ga:la: -- (nm) a ball of carded cotton.
- ग़ालिब g̣a:lib -- (a) predominant, overpowering, overwhelming.
- ग़ालिब करना, रौब -- to dominate, prevail over, overwhelm.
- ग़ालिबन g̣a:libān -- (ind.) perhaps, probably.
- गाली ga:li: -- (nf) an abuse, invective; abusive songs sung by women aspart of (marriage) celebrations.
- गाली गलौज/गुफ़तार -- billingsgate, violentinvectives; (exchange of) abusiveterms.
- गाली खाना -- to endure abusive/foul language.
- गाली देना -- to abuse, tocall names.
- गाली गालियों पर उतरना -- tostoop to the use of abusivelanguage.
- गावतकिया ga:vtakiya: -- (nm) a bolster, large stuffed pillow.
- गावदी ga:vdi: -- (a) stupid, doltish, blockheaded; (nm) a nitwit, dolt.
- गावदुम ga:vdum -- (a) tapering, conical.
- गाह/क ga:hak -- (nm) a customer, purchaser; client.
- गाहकी -- buying.
- गाहना ga:hnā: -- (v) to thresh; to chinse.
- गिचपिच gichpich -- (a) clumsy.
- गिटपिट giṭpiṭ -- (nf) unintelligible chattering.
- गिटपिट बोली/भाषा -- the English language.
- गिटपिट करना -- to speak inEnglish/unintelligible language.
- गिटार giṭa:r -- (nm) guitar (a musical instrument).
- गिट्टक giṭṭak -- (nf) a wedge.
- गिट्टी giṭṭi: -- (nf) grit, roadstone.
- गिड़गिड़ाना giṛgiṛa:nā: -- (v) to entreat, to beseech, to implore humbly, to grovel in the dust.
- गिड़गिड़ाहट giṛgiṛa:haṭ -- (nf) humble entreaty, beseeching.
- गिद्ध giddh: -- (nm) a vulture.
- गिद्ध दृष्टि -- long-sighted, capability to viewfrom a great distance.
- गिनती ginti: -- (nf) counting; calculation; reckoning; number.
- गिनती के -- counted few.
- गिनती में आना -- to be ofsome significance or worth.
- गिनती मेंहोना -- to be recognised, to be reckoned with, to be significant.
- गिनती होना -- to be reckoned.
- गिनना ginnā: -- (v) to count, to enumerate.
- गिन-गिनकर -- making a through count.
- गिन-गिनकर क़दम रखना -- toproceed very cautiously; to walkgracefully.
- गिन-गिनकर गालियाँ देना -- to let loose a volley of abuses.
- गिने-गिनाये -- exact(ly); in a limitednumber.
- गिने-चुने -- a few; selectedfew.
- गिनाना ginā:nā: -- (v) to enumerate, to count over, to count (so as tosatisfy somebody).
- गिन्नी ginnī -- (nf) a guinea (a British gold coin).
- गिरगिट girgiṭ: -- (nm) chameleon; a turn-coat.
- गिरगिट की तरह रंग बदलना -- toturn cat in pan, to change colours, to make frequent somersaults.
- गिरजाघर girja:ghar -- (nm) a church, cathedral.
- गिरदावर ġirda:var -- (nm) a petty land revenue official (also called( ग़िरदावर क़ानूनगो).
- गिरना girnā: -- (v) to fall, to come down, to collapse; to drop; tostumble, to tumble; to decrease(e.g. भावगिरना ); to be degraded; to bespilt; to be afflicted by a disease.
- गिरकर सौदा करना -- to strike abargain at a discount.
- गिरता-पड़ता -- in a tottering manner.
- गिरती हालत -- worsening condition.
- गिरफ़्तार girafta:r -- (a) arrested, captured, apprehended.
- गिरफ़्तारी girafta:ri: -- (nf) arrest, capture, apprehension.
- गिरमिटिया girmiṭiya: -- (nm) contracted native labour (during the British regime).
- गिरवी girvi: -- (nf and a) mortgage(d), pawn(ed); pledge(d).
- गिरवीदार -- mortgagee.
- गिरवीनामा -- a deed of mortage.
- गिरवी रखना -- to pawn/pledge/mortgage.
- गिरस्ती girasti: -- (nf) see गृहस्थी.
- गिरह girah -- (nf) a knot; joint; fold in the loin-cloth used for safekeeping of money; somersault; ameasure —one sixteenth part ofa yard.
- गिरहकट -- a pick-pocket.
- गिरहदार -- knotted, knotty.
- गिरहबाज़ (कबूतर) -- asomersault pigeon.
- गिरह काटना -- to pickpocket.
- [ -- for other usages andidioms.
- गिरह -- is synonymous with गाँठ (which please see)].
- गिराना gira:nā: -- (v) to fell, to cause to fall, to pull down; to spill; todrop; to demolish; to abuse; tolower; to decrease; to degrade.
- गिरे हुए को उठाना -- to set a man onhis feet.
- गिराव gira:v -- (nm) see गिरावट.
- गिरावट gira:vaṭ -- (nf) fall, downfall, degradation; slump; decrease.
- गिरि giri -- (nm) a mountain, hill.
- गिरिराज -- the Himalayas.
- गिरिपीठ giripi:ṭḥ -- (nm) foothill.
- गिरी giri: -- (nf) kernel.
- गिरोह giroh -- (nm) a gang, group, band.
- गिरोह बनाना/बाँधना -- to form a band/group.
- गिर्द gird -- (ind) around, all round.
- गिलट gilaṭ -- (nf) nickel; nickel-coat.
- गिलहरी gilehri: -- (nf) a squirrel.
- गिला gila: -- (nm) complaint; reproach.
- गिला शिकवा -- informal complaint and reproach.
- गिलाफ़ gila:f -- (nm) cover, pillow-cover; case.
- गिलास gila:s -- (nm) a tumbler.
- गिलोय giloy -- (nf) a medicinal creeper (very bitter in taste).
- गिलौरी gilauri: -- (nf) a stuffed and folded betel-leaf.
- गिल्टी gilṭi: -- (nf) gland, hard grandular swelling.
- गिल्ली gilli: -- (nf) a toggle.
- गिल्ली डंडा -- the game of tip-cat.
- गिल्ली खेलना -- to playthe game of tip-cat; to play awayone's time.
- गीत gi:t -- (nm) a song, a lyrical poem.
- गीतकाव्य -- lyrical poetry.
- गीत गाना -- to sing a song; to shower praisesupon, to eulogize.
- गीता gi:ta: -- (nf) the Bhagwadgi:ta: which contains the celebrateddiscourse of Lord Krishṉā directed to Arjun, the stupefied hero ofthe Maha:bha:rat.
- गीति gi:ti -- (nf) a lyric.
- गीतिकाव्य -- lyrical poetry.
- गीतितत्त्व -- lyrical element.
- गीतिनाट्य/रूपक -- a lyrical play.
- गीदड़ gi:daṛ -- (nm) a jackal; (fig.) a timid man; hence गीदड़पन timidness, cowardice.
- गीदड़ भभकी -- a mere/falsethreat, bluff(ing).
- गीधना gi:dhnā: -- (v) to acquire a predatory habit; to become habituated or used to undue advantages.
- गीला gi:la: -- (a) moist, wet.
- गीलापन -- wetness.
- गुंजक gūṇjak -- (nm) a buzzer.
- गुंजन gūṇjan -- (nm) buzzing, humming (sound).
- गुंजाइश gūṇja:ish -- (nf) scope, capacity; accommodation.
- गुंजायमान gūṇja:ymā:n -- (a) humming, buzzing.
- गुंजार gūṇja:r -- (nm) humming, buzzing as of a blck bee).
- गुंजारना gūṇja:rnā: -- (v) to buzz, to hum.
- गुंठन gūṉṭḥan -- (nm) a veil.
- गुंड/ई gūṉḍai: -- (nf) scoundrelism, rascality, roguery, hooliganism; also गुंडपन (nm).
- गुंडा gūṉḍa: -- (nm and a) (a) rogue, scoundrel, hoodlum, hooligan.
- गुंडागर्दी -- hooliganism, rowdyism; hence गुंडापन (nm).
- गुँथना gūthnā: -- (v) to be threaded; to be stitched; to be plaited; to beinterlocked.
- गुँधना gūdhnā: -- (v) to be kneaded.
- गुंफ gūmph -- (nm) a string (of words); cluster.
- गुंफन gūmphān -- (nm) stringing.
- गुंबद gūmbad -- (nm) a dome, vault.
- गुइयाँ guīyā: -- (nm) a chum, close friend; partner (in a game).
- गु/च्छा guchchha: -- (nm) a bunch, cluster; tuft.
- गुच्छेदार -- tufty.
- गुज़र guzar -- (nf) maintenance; living; passing of time.
- गुज़र बसर -- maintenance; livelihood.
- गुज़र करना/बसर करना -- to subsist; to maintain (oneself).
- गुज़र जाना -- to pass away; tocross.
- गुज़र होना -- to subsist, to sustain.
- गुज़रना guzarnā: -- (v) to pass; to pass away; to cross over.
- गुज़ारना guza:rnā: -- (v) to pass time.
- गुज़ारा guza:ra: -- (nm) subsistence; livelihood.
- गुज़ारा करना -- to keep the potboiling, to make both ends meet.
- गुज़ारिश guza:rish -- (nf) submission, supplication.
- गुज्जी gujji: -- (nf) a dowel.
- गुट guṭ -- (nm) a block, faction, clique; group.
- गुटबंदी -- groupism, factionalism.
- गुटबाज़ -- a factionalist, onewho forms a clique.
- गुटबाज़ी -- see गुटबंदी.
- गुटका guṭka: -- (nm) a manual, hand-book; puncheon; skid, scotch.
- गुटरगूँ guṭargū: -- (nf) cooing of (a pigeon).
- गुटिका guṭika: -- (nf) a tablet; pill.
- गुट्ट guṭṭ -- (nm) see गुट.
- गुट्ठल guṭṭḥal -- (a) (a fruit, etc.) having a stone within, stony; blunt.
- गुट्ठी guṭṭḥi: -- (nf) the stone (of a fruit, etc.).
- गुठली guṭḥli: -- (nf) the stone (of a fruit etc.).
- गुठलीदार -- stony.
- गुड़ guṛ -- (nm) jaggery.
- गुड़ खाना गुलगुले से परहेज़ करना/बैर -- to swallow acamel, to strain at a gnat.
- गुड़ गोबर करना -- to make a hash of, to mara happy occasion; to undo allthat has been done.
- गुड़ दिखाकर ढेला मारना -- to commence with a caressand conclude with a stab.
- गुड़ न दे गुड़ जैसी बात करे/कह दे -- a good wordcosts nothing.
- गुड़ भरा हँसिया -- asugar-coated quinine pill.
- गुड़ से मरे तो ज़हर क्यों दे ? -- why administerquinine, should sweet stuff servethe purpose ?.
- गुड़गुड़ guṛguṛ -- (nm) a bubbling noise (such as produced whilesmoking a hooqah or by movementof air through the intestines).
- गुड़गुड़ाना guṛguṛā:nā: -- (v) to produce bubbling nose.
- गुड़गुड़ाहट guṛguṛa:haṭ -- (nf) a bubbling noise.
- गुड़गुड़ी guṛguṛi: -- (nf) a hubble-bubble.
- गुड़हल guṛhal -- (nm) the plant Bassia catifolia and its flower.
- गुड़ाई guṛa:i: -- (nf) hoeing; thrashing; beating; charges therefor.
- गुड़ि/या guṛiya: -- (nf) a doll.
- गुड़ियों का खेल -- a childish/non-serious affair.
- गुड्डा guḍḍa: -- (nm) a big doll (in male attire); a large kite.
- गुड्डे-गुडियों का खेल -- a childish affair.
- गुड्डी guḍḍi: -- (nf) a kite; a female child.
- गुण gūṉ -- (nm) quality; attribute, property; virtue; merit; chief quality of all existing beings (viz. सत्त्व, रजस्, तमस्); a cord.
- गुणक -- a multiplier.
- गुणकारक/कारी -- effective (as ओषधि); beneficial.
- गुणगान -- a panegyric, encomium.
- गुणगान करना/गाना -- tochant the praises of, to eulogize, to extol, to narrate the virtues of.
- गुणग्राहक -- a connoisseur.
- गुणग्राहक ता -- appreciation; quality of a connoisseur.
- गुणज्ञ -- a connoisseur; appreciator ofmerit.
- गुण त्रय -- the three guṉas (सत्त्व, रजस् and तमस्).
- गुण दोष -- merits anddemerits; merits.
- गुणधर्म -- property.
- गुणभेदक -- qualitative.
- गुणवाचक/वाची -- attributive.
- गुणवान -- meritorious; possessing good qualities.
- गुणहीन -- devoid of merit or quality; hence गुणहीनता (nf).
- गुणन guṉān -- (nm) multiplication.
- गुणन चिन्ह -- sign of multiplication.
- गुणनफल -- product of multiplication.
- गुणा guṉā: -- (nm) multiplication.
- गुणा करना -- to multiply.
- गुणाढ्य guṉa:ḍḍḥy -- (a) gifted, of many gifts, possessing manyvirtues.
- गुणातीत guṉa:ti:t -- (a) transcendental, freed from or beyond all properties.
- गुणात्मक guṉā:tmāk -- (a) qualitative.
- गुणानुवाद guṉā:nuva:d -- (nm) encomium, eulogy, singing praises (of).
- गुणान्वित guṉā:nvit -- (a) meritorious, virtuous.
- गुणावस्था guṉa:vastha: -- (nf) quality.
- गुणित guṉit -- (nm) multiple; (a) multiplied by, times.
- गुणी guṉi: -- (a) meritorious, possessing merits; adept in (some) art.
- गुण्य guṉṉy -- (nm) multiplicand.
- गुत्थमगुत्था gutthamguttha: -- (nf) a scuffle, brawl, close combat.
- गुत्थी gutthi: -- (nf) a knot, entanglement; riddle, enigma.
- गुत्थी सुलझाना -- to cut the gordian knot.
- गुथना guthnā: -- (v) to interweave, to entwine; to interlock; to braid, toplait.
- गुदकार gudka:r -- (a) fleshy, plump, pulpy.
- गुदगुदा gudguda: -- (a) soft; plump, fleshy; hence गुदगुदापन (nm).
- गुदगुदाना gudguda:nā: -- (v) to tickle, to titillate.
- गुदगुदाहट gudguda:haṭ -- (nf) titillation, tickling (sensation).
- गुदगुदी gudgudi: -- (nf) see गुदगुदाहट.
- गुदड़ी gudṛi: -- (nf) pallet, rags, tattered garment.
- गुदड़ी का लाल -- a diamond in rags (a precious thing in mostshabby quarters).
- गुदना gudnā: -- (nm) tattoo; (v) to be tattooed.
- गुदा guda: -- (nf) the anus.
- गुदाभंजन/मैथुन -- act of sodomy; (fig.) undoing.
- गुनगुना gūngūnā: -- (a) lukewarm, tepid; hence गुनगुनापन (nm).
- गुनगुनाना gūngūnā:nā: -- (v) to hum; to sing to oneself in subdued tones.
- गुनना gunnā: -- (v) to ponder (over); to assimilate.
- गुनहगार gunehga:r -- (a) guilty, sinful; (nm) sinner.
- गुना gunā: -- a suffix denoting times or fold (as तिगुना—three times orthreefold).
- गुनाह gunā:h -- (nm) sin; fault, guilt.
- गुनाहगार -- see गुनहगार.
- गुनाह और बेलज़्ज़त -- game not worth the candle.
- गुनिया guniyā: -- (nf) a try-square.
- गुप्त gupt -- (a) hidden, secret, latent; confidential.
- गुप्तघात -- assassination.
- गुप्तघाती -- an assassin.
- गुप्तता -- secrecy.
- गुप्त दान -- anonymous donation.
- गुप्त धन -- hidden treasure.
- गुप्त/चर guptachar -- (nm) detective, spy.
- गुप्तचर्या -- espionage.
- गुप्ती gupti: -- (nf) a sword-stick.
- गुफा gupha: -- (nf) a cave, cavern.
- गुफावासी -- cave-dwelling; caveman.
- गुफ़्तगू guftgu: -- (nf) talk, conversation, chit-chat.
- गुबरैला g̣ubraila: -- (nm) a beetle, scarab.
- ग़ुबार g̣uba:r -- (nm) dirt, dust; affliction; spite.
- ग़ुबार निकालना -- to blow off steam, to give vent to one's senseof affliction/wrath.
- ग़ुब्बारा g̣ubba:ra: -- (nm) a balloon.
- गुम gum -- (a) lost; missing.
- गुम चोट -- inner injury.
- गुमनाम -- anonymous.
- गुमराह -- misled, (led) astray.
- गुमशुदा -- missing.
- गुमसुम -- quiet, mute, taciturn.
- गुमटी gumṭi: -- (nf) a watch tower; monkey island.
- गुमड़ीदार gumṛi:da:r -- (a) muricate.
- गुमान gumā:n -- (nm) pride, vanity; surmise, guess.
- गुमाश्ता gumā:shta: -- (nm) an agent, representative, manager.
- गुमाश्तागीरी -- office or function of an agent/representative.
- गुर gur -- (nm) formula; device.
- गुर समझ लेना -- to get the hang/knack of.
- गुरगा gurga: -- (nm) see गुर्गा.
- गुरदा gurda: -- (nm) kidney; courage.
- गुरिया guriya: -- (nf) a small bead (of a rosary).
- गुरिल्ला gurilla: -- (nm) guerilla.
- गुरिल्ला दस्ता -- a guerilla squad.
- गुरिल्ला युद्ध -- guerillawarfare.
- गुरू guru -- (nm) a teacher; mentor; preceptor, spiritual guide; jupiter, (ironically) a knave fellow; (a).
- गुरूआई gurua:i: -- (nf) the profession or function of a guru (preceptor); heaviness.
- गुरूआनी gurua:nī: -- (nf) guru's wife.
- गुरूडम guruḍām -- (nf) gurudom—effort to create an intellectual dominionby self-aggrandisement.
- गुरूता guruta: -- (nf) the office or position of a guru; eminence; gravity; heaviness.
- गुरूत्व guruttv -- (nm) see गुरूता.
- गुरूत्व केंद्र -- the centre of gravity.
- गुरूत्वाकर्षण guruttva:karshāṉ -- (nm) gravitation.
- गुरूत्वाकर्षण नियम -- law of gravitation.
- गुरूद्वारा gurudva:ra: -- (nm) a sikh temple.
- गुरूमुखी gurumukhi: -- (nf) a differently developed form of ancient Devna:gri: script, which is now usedfor writing Punja:bi:.
- गुरूवार guruva:r -- (nm) Thursday.
- गुरूघंटाल guru:ghaṉṭa:l -- (a and nm) knave, astute, crafty (fellow).
- गुर्गा gurga: -- (nm) a henchman; an agent; hence गुर्गापन (nm).
- गुर्ज़ gurz -- (nm) a mace, club.
- गुर्दा gurda: -- (nm) see गुरदा.
- गुर्राना gurra:nā: -- (v) to growl, to snarl, to gnarl.
- गुर्राहट gurra:haṭ -- (nf) a snarl, gnarl.
- गुल gul -- (nm) a flower; snuff (of a candle etc.); the ashy substanceon the front of a lighted cigaretteetc; print.
- गुलकारी -- embroidery.
- गुलज़ार -- a garden; gay, bustling withlife.
- गुलदस्ता -- a bouquet.
- गुलदान -- aflower vase.
- गुलबदन -- soft and delicate (like a flower).
- गुलशन -- asmall garden.
- गुल करना -- to snuff out; to put out.
- गुल खिलना -- to have strange or funny things to happen orcome to light; hence causative गुल खिलाना.
- गुल होना -- to be snuffed out; to be put out.
- गुलकंद gulkand -- (nm) a conserve prepared from rose-leaves.
- गुलखैरा gulkhaira: -- (nm) a hollyhock.
- गुलगपाड़ा gulgapa:ṛa: -- (nm) an uproar, tumult, din.
- गुलगुला gulgula: -- (a) soft; hence गुलगुलापन (nm); (nm) a kind of sweetpreparation.
- गुलगुलाना gulgula:nā: -- (v) see गुदगुदाना.
- गुलगुली gulguli: -- (nf) see गुदगुदी.
- गुलचा gulcha: -- (nm) a light stroke of the fist (on the cheek).
- गुलछरे gulchharre -- (nm) merry-making, revelry.
- गुलछरे उड़ाना -- to live like fighing cocks, to enjoy freely, toindulge in riotous merry-making, to revel with abandon.
- गुलज़ार gulza:r -- (nm and a) see गुल (गुलज़ारज़ार).
- गुलमेंहदी gulmēhdi: -- (nf) touch-me-not, the balsam plant and its flower.
- गुलाब gula:b -- (nm) rose.
- गुलाबजल -- rose water.
- गुलाबजामुन -- a delicious sweetmeat preparation.
- गुलाबपाश -- a vasefor sprinkling rose-water.
- गुलाबी gula:bi: -- (a) rosy; mild (as जाड़ा).
- ग़ुला/म g̣ulā:m -- (nm) a slave.
- ग़ुलामी -- slavery, servility, bondage.
- ग़ुला होना -- to eat out of one's hand.
- गुलूबंद gulu:band -- (nm) a muffler; an ornament worn around the neck.
- गुलेल gulel: -- (nf) a stone bow pellet bow.
- गुलेलची -- a pellet bowman, stonebowman.
- गुल्फ gulph -- (nm) an ankle.
- गुल्म gulm -- (nm) a cluster of plants; a kind of shrub; (in olden times) division of an army.
- गुल्लक gullak -- (nm) a till, an earthen cash-box.
- गुल्ली gulli: -- (nf) see गिल्ली.
- गुल्ली डंडा -- see गिल्ली-डंडा.
- गुल्ली खेलना -- see गिल्ली-डंडा खेलना.
- ग़ुसल g̣usal -- (nm) a bath.
- ग़ुसलख़ाना g̣usalḳḥa:nā: -- (nm) a bath, bath-room.
- गुस्ताख़ gusta:ḳḥ -- (a) impertinent, impudent.
- गुस्ताख़ी gusta:ḳḥi: -- (a) impertinence, impudence.
- ग़ुस्सा g̣ussa: -- (nm) anger, rage, fury.
- ग़ुस्सेबाज़ -- irascible, choleric.
- ग़ुस्सा उतारना/निकालना -- to give vent to one'srage.
- ग़ुस्सा करना -- to put a person'sback up.
- ग़ुस्सा ठंडा होना -- one's angerto subside.
- ग़ुस्सा थूक देना -- to be pacified, to forgive and forget.
- ग़ुस्सा दिलाना -- toset a person's back up.
- ग़ुस्सा पी जाना -- to restrain oneself.
- ग़ुस्सा भड़क उठना -- toblaze up, to burst out in anger.
- ग़ुस्सा हवा हो जाना -- one's anger to evaporate/disappear.
- ग़ुस्सैल g̣ussail -- (a) irascible, choleric, hot-headed.
- गुहना guhnā: -- (v) to thread, to string; to weave; to braid, to plait.
- गुहा guha: -- (nf) cave; cavity; cavitation.
- गुहामानव -- the caveman.
- गुहार guha:r -- (nf) an humble appeal (for justice protection, etc.).
- गुह्य guhy -- (a) occult; secret.
- गुँ/गा gū:ga: -- (a) dumb, mute; (nm) a dumb person.
- गुँगे का गुड़ -- an experience that defies expression.
- गूँज gū:j -- (nf) an echo, a reverberation.
- गूँजना gū:jnā: -- (v) to echo, to resound.
- गूँथना gū:thnā: -- (v) to braid, to plait.
- गूँधना gū:dhnā: -- (v) to knead.
- गू gu: -- (nm) faeces.
- गू का चोथ (चोंत) -- an ugly inert man.
- गू मूत -- humanexcreta.
- गू में घसीटना -- to subject(somebody) to grave humiliationand embarrassment.
- गू में ढेला फेंकना -- to provoke a wily tongue.
- गुगल gu:gal -- (nm) Indian bdellium, a fragrant gum resin used as a perfume and medicament.
- गूढ़ gu:ṛḥ -- (a) occult, mysterious; abstruse; obscure.
- गूढ़ता gu:ṛḥta: -- (nf) occultation, mysteriousness; abstruseness; obscurity.
- गूढ़ोक्ति gu:ṛḥokti -- (nf) equivocation; a subtle remark.
- गूदड़ gu:daṛ -- (nm) rags, tattered clothes.
- गू/दा gu:da: -- (nm) flesh (of fruits and vegetables, etc.) pulp.
- गूदेदार -- fleshy; pulpy.
- गूलर gu:lar -- (nm) a kind of wild fig tree.
- गूलर का फूल -- a non-existent object, rare find.
- गृध्र griddhr -- (nm) a vulture; (a) greedy.
- गृध्र दृष्टि -- long-sighted; onegifted with a capability to seeremote things.
- गृह grih -- (nm) a residence.
- गृह उद्योग -- cottage industry.
- गृह कलह -- internecinequarrels.
- गृह प्रबंध -- household management.
- गृह प्रवेश -- house-warmingceremony.
- गृहयुद्ध -- civil war.
- गृहलक्ष्मी -- (a deferential term for) a housewife.
- गृहस्वामिनी -- mistress of thehousehold.
- गृहस्वामी -- master of.
- गृहस्थ grihasth -- (nm) a householder.
- गृहस्थाश्रम grihastha:shshram -- (nm) the position or phase of the householder (the second of the fourphases of life viz. Brahmachary, grihasth, va:nprasth and Sannya:sprescribed by the ancient Hindusavants).
- गृहस्थी grihasthi: -- (nf) household; family.
- गृहिणी grihiṉī: -- (nf) wife, housewife.
- गृहीत grihi:t -- (nm) postulate; (a) assumed; accepted.
- गेंडली genḍli: -- (nf) coil, things arranged in concentric circles; coiled rope, cloth, etc. for carrying heavy utensils on the head.
- गेंद gēd -- (nf) a ball.
- गेंद बल्ला -- ball and bat.
- गेंदा gēda: -- (nm) marigold (plant and its flower).
- गेटिस geṭis -- (nf) garter.
- गेरुआ gerua: -- (a) ochrous, of the colour of red ochre, russet.
- गेरुआ बाना -- ochre-coloured dress, the dressof a Hindu Sannyā:si:.
- गेरु geru: -- (nm) red ochre, ochre, ruddle.
- गेहुँअन gehūān -- (nm) see गोहुअन.
- गेहुँआ gehūā: -- (a) wheat-coloured, wheatish.
- गेहूँ gēhū: -- (nm) wheat.
- गेहूँ के साथ घुन भी पिस जाता है -- when bulls fight, crops suffer.
- गैंडा gāīḍa: -- (nm) a rhinoceros.
- ग़ैंती g̣āīti: -- (nf) a pick, pick-axe.
- ग़ैबी g̣aibi: -- (a) divine, other-worldly; unknown.
- ग़ैर g̣air -- (nm and a) stranger, other; (prefix) non ग़ैर-, un ग़ैर-, in ग़ैर-.
- ग़ैर- अदायगी -- non-payment.
- ग़ैर-इंसाफ़ी -- inequity, injustice.
- ग़ैर-क़ानूनी -- illegal, unlawful.
- ग़ैर-ज़रुरी -- unnecessary; unimportant.
- ग़ैर-ज़िम्मेदार -- irresponsible.
- ग़ैर-मनक़ूला -- immovable(property).
- ग़ैर-मामूली -- extraordinary.
- ग़ैर-मुनासिब -- unfair; unreasonable.
- ग़ैर-मुमकिन -- impossible.
- ग़ैर-मौरुसी -- non-inherited; acquired.
- ग़ैर-वाजिब -- unreasonable, improper.
- ग़ैर-सरकारी -- non-governmental; unofficial; private.
- ग़ैर-हाज़िर -- absent.
- ग़ैर-हाज़िरी -- absence.
- ग़ैरत g̣airat -- (nf) sense of honour, self-respect.
- ग़ैरतमंद -- having a senseof honour, self-respecting.
- ग़ैरत मरना -- to lose all sense of self-respect.
- गैरिक gairik -- (a) ochrous, russet, of the colour of red ochre.
- गैलन gailan -- (nm) gallon (a measure).
- गैलरी gailari: -- (nf) a gallery.
- गैस gais -- (nf) a gas.
- गोंठ gōṭḥ: -- (nm) everted rim.
- गोंठना gōṭḥnā: -- (v) to stitch in a rather crude manner; to skirt theedges; to encircle.
- गोंडा gōṛa: -- (nm) a cattle pen (an enclosure meant for domestic animals).
- गोंद gōd -- (nm) gum, wood gum.
- गोंददानी -- a gum bottle.
- गोंदीला -- gummy.
- गोंदा gōda: -- (nm) pise.
- गो go -- (nf) a cow; a sense (of perception etc.).
- गोघात -- cow-slaughter.
- गोघाती -- a butcher; killer of thecow.
- गोचारण -- tending the cows (ata pasture).
- गोचारण काव्य -- pastoral poetry.
- गोदान -- the gifting away of a cow.
- गोधन -- cattle wealth.
- गोधूलि -- dusk, evening.
- गोधूलि वेला -- dusk, evening.
- गोप -- a cowherd.
- गोपद -- hoof of a cow; the imprint of a cow-hoof.
- गोपालन -- tending the cows.
- गोपुच्छ -- cow'stail; any tapering structure.
- गोमांस -- beef.
- गोरक्षा -- cow-protection.
- गोरस -- cow-milk, buttermilk, etc.
- गोवध -- cow-slaughter.
- गोसंवर्धन -- cow-breeding.
- गोहत्या -- cow-slaughter.
- गो go -- (ind) although, though.
- गोकि -- .
- गोखरु gokhru: -- (nm) a medicinal plant and its thorny fruit; corn(on one's feet); caltrop.
- गोचर gochar -- (a) perceptible, experienced through the senses; hence गोचरता (nf).
- गोट goṭ -- (nm) gold or silver lace, brocade; a piece (in games likechaupar, etc.); a picnic party.
- गोट जमना/बैठना -- to achieve successin (one's) manipulation.
- गो/टा goṭa: -- (nm) gold or silver lace, edging.
- गोटेदार -- brocaded; fittedwith gold or silver lace.
- गोटी goṭi: -- (nf) a piece (in games like chaupaṛ etc.) —see गोट; smallround stone or pebble.
- गोटी जमना/बैठना -- see गोट (जमना/बैठना).
- गोड़ goṛ -- (nm) a leg.
- गोड़ना goṛnā: -- (v) to hoe; to dig; to upturn (the soil).
- गोड़ाई goṛa:i: -- (nf) see गुड़ाई.
- गोत got -- (nm) see गोत्र.
- ग़ोता g̣ota: -- (nm) dive; dip.
- ग़ोताख़ोर -- a diver.
- ग़ोतामार -- diver; submarine.
- ग़ोता खाना -- to suffer a dip; to be deceived; to suffer at somebody's hand.
- ग़ोता देना -- to enforce a dip, to cause adip; to deceive.
- ग़ोता मारना -- to dip, todive, to have a plunge; to give aslip.
- ग़ोता लगाना -- to have a dip (in ariver).
- गोत्र gottr -- (nm) lineage.
- गोद god -- (nf) lap.
- गोद का -- in the lap; very young.
- गोद देना -- to giveaway for adoption.
- गोद भरना -- to beblessed with motherhood; to fillthe lap of a woman with auspicious articles (like cocoanut, etc.).
- गोद लेना -- to adopt (a child).
- गोद सूनी होना -- to lose the only child.
- गोदना godnā: -- (v) to tattoo, to pick; to prick; to puncture; to goad; (nm) a tattoo-mark.
- गोदाम godā:m -- (nm) a godown, ware-house.
- गोदी godi: -- (nf) lap; a dock, dockyard.
- गोपन gopān -- (nm) concealment, hiding.
- गोपनशील -- secretive, of undivulging nature.
- गोपनशीलता -- secretiveness.
- गोपनीय -- secret; confidential.
- गोपनीय ता -- secrecy.
- गोपिका gopika: -- (nf) see गोपी.
- गोपी gopi: -- (nf) a cowherd's wife.
- गोबर gobar -- (nm) cow-dung; dung.
- गोबर गणेश -- a beetle-brain; a plump fool, nitwit, an inert blockhead.
- गोबर का चोथ (चोंत) -- a good-for-nothingfellow; an indolent fool; an utterly ineffective man.
- गोभी gobhi: -- (nf) cauliflower.
- गोभी , बंद -- cabbage.
- गोया goya: -- (ind) as if.
- गोया कि -- as if.
- गोरखधंधा gorakhdhandha: -- (nm) a labyrinth; labyrinthine affair, complicated riddle.
- गोरखा gorkha: -- (nm) an inhabitant of Nepal, a Gorkha.
- गोरखाली gorkha:li: -- (nf) Gorkhali गोरखाली the language of Nepal.
- गोरा gora: -- (a) white, fair-skinned; (nm) a whiteman; an European; hence गोरापन (nm).
- गोरिल्ला gorilla: -- (nm) a gorilla.
- गोरी gori: -- (a) fair-comple (nf) a beautiful damsel.
- गोलंदा/ज़ golānda:z -- (nm) a gunner, marksman.
- गोलंदाज़ी -- gunnery, marksmanship; cannonading.
- गोलंबर golāmbar -- (nm) a dome-like structure, cupola.
- गोल gol -- (a) round; circular; globular; (nm) a goal (in games); misappropriation; mess, confusion; gang.
- गोलगप्पा -- a small cake-likeIndian preparation taken withspiced water; corpulent, chubby.
- गोल गोल -- equivocal; fat; round.
- गोलमटोल -- .
- गोलक golak -- (nm) see गुल्लक; ball (as eye-ball नेत्रगोलक).
- गोला gola: -- (nm) a ball; cannon-ball; a bomb shell; kernel of a cocoanut; sphere; globe; a large roundbeam (of wood); colic.
- गोलाई -- roundness, rotundity, sphericity; curvature.
- गोलाबारी -- shelling, bombardment.
- गोला बारुद -- ammunition.
- गोलाकार gola:ka:r -- (a) round; globular; circular.
- गोलार्ध gola:rdh -- (nm) hemisphere.
- गोली goli: -- (nf) a bullet; pill; tablet, ball; (nm) goalkeeper.
- गोली खाना -- tobe hit by a bullet.
- गोली चलना -- firingto take place.
- गोली मारना -- to shoot; toignore, to damn, to let go.
- गोलीय goli:y -- (a) spherical; rotund.
- गोल्फ़ golf -- (nm) golf.
- गोशाला gosha:la: -- (nf) a cow-shed, cow-tending centre.
- गोश्त gosht -- (nm) flesh, meat.
- गोश्तख़ोर -- a meat-eater.
- गोश्त , गाय का -- beef.
- गोश्त , भेड़/बकरी का -- mutton.
- गोश्त , सुअर का -- pork.
- गोश्त , हिरन का -- venison.
- गोष्ठी goshṭḥi: -- (nf) a seminar; discussion.
- गोह goh -- (nf) iguana.
- गोहअन gohuān -- (nm) a (wheatish complexioned) deadly snake.
- गौ gau -- (nf) see गो.
- गौण gāūṉ -- (a) secondary, subsidiary; auxiliary; minor; hence गौणता (nf).
- गौना gāūnā: -- (nm) the ceremony of the bride's going to her husband'shome after a post-marriageinterval.
- गौर gaur -- (a) fair-skinned, fair, white.
- गौरवर्ण -- fair-complexioned.
- ग़ौर g̣aur -- (nm) reflection, deliberation, consideration, close attention.
- ग़ौरतलब -- worth considering/reflecting on, requiring close attention.
- ग़ौर करना -- to take note of; toponder, to deliberate, to thinkattentively.
- ग़ौर होना -- to be thought ofattentively, to be pondered over.
- गौरव gaurav -- (nm) pride, glory, honour; heaviness.
- गौरव ग्रंथ -- a classic(work).
- गौरवमय -- glorious; hence गौरवमयी feminine form of गौरवमय.
- गौरवशाली -- glorious, dignified.
- गौरवान्वित gaurava:nvit -- (a) filled/crowned with glory, glorified.
- गौरी gauri: -- (nf) the goddess Pa:rvati:—Shiv's spouse.
- गौरीशंकर -- the Mount Everest.
- गौरैया gauraiya: -- (nf) a sparrow, hen-sparrow.
- गौशाला gausha:la: -- (nf) a cowshed, habitat for cows; cow-tending centre.
- ग्यारह gya:rah -- (a) eleven; (nm) the number eleven.
- ग्रांडील gra:nḍi:l -- (a) see गरांडील.
- ग्रंथ grānth -- (nm) a book; voluminous book.
- ग्रंथकार -- a writer, author (of a book).
- ग्रंथमाला -- a series of books.
- ग्रंथ रचना -- writing of a book.
- ग्रंथविज्ञान -- (the science of) bibliography.
- ग्रंथविज्ञानी -- a bibliographer.
- ग्रंथ विमोचन -- formal releasing of a book.
- ग्रंथसूची -- bibliography; a list of books.
- ग्रंथसूची कार -- a bibliographer.
- ग्रंथि granthi -- (nf) a knot; complex.
- ग्रंथिल -- knotty, complicated.
- ग्रंथिका granthika: -- (nf) a booklet.
- ग्रसना grasnā: -- (v) to swallow, to make a morsel of, to seize, to capture.
- ग्रस्त grast -- (a) caught (into), possessed.
- ग्र/ह grah -- (nm) a planet.
- ग्रह-ग्रस्त -- planet-stricken.
- ग्रह-शांति -- countering of evil planetary effects.
- ग्रहीय -- planetary.
- ग्रहण grahāṉ -- (nm) eclipse; taking, catching, seizing; hence ग्रहणणीय (a).
- ग्रा/म gra:m -- (nm) a village; gamut; gramme (a weight); as a suffix itmeans multitude, collection.
- ग्रामीण -- rural, uncivil.
- ग्राम्य -- rural, uncivil; hence ग्रामीणता, ग्राम्यता.
- ग्राम्यत्व -- vulgarity.
- ग्रास gra:s -- (nm) a morsel; victim; eclipsed part (of Sun or Moon).
- ग्राह gra:h -- (nm) a crocodile.
- ग्राहक gra:hak -- (nm) a customer, client.
- ग्राहक-वर्ग -- clientele.
- ग्राहक टूटना -- acustomer to be veered away/to be alienated.
- ग्राही gra:hi: -- —a suffix denoting one who catches/takes/seizes.
- ग्राह्य gra:hy -- (a) worth taking, acceptable; hence ग्राह्यता (nf).
- ग्रीक gri:k -- (nf) Greek (language).
- ग्रीवा gri:va: -- (nf) the neck.
- ग्रीष्म gri:shm -- (nm) the summer.
- ग्रीष्म काल -- summer season.
- ग्रीष्मकालीन -- pertaining to or of the summer season, summer.
- ग्रेजुएट grejueṭ -- (nm) a graduate.
- ग्लानि gla:nī -- (nf) remorse, repentance.
- ग्वाला gwa:la: -- (nm) a milkman, cow-keeper.
- ग्वालिन -- a milkwoman.
- घ gha -- the fourth consonant and the fourth member of the first pentad (i.e. कवर्ग) of the Devna:gri: alphabet.
- घँघोलना ghāgholnā: -- (v) to mash; to mix by stirring; to make turbid (by mixing).
- घंटा ghaṉṭa: -- (nm) a bell; gong; clock; an hour.
- घंटाघर -- a clock-tower.
- घंटी ghaṉṭi: -- (nf) a small bell, tintinnabulum; the ringing of a bell; ovula.
- घट ghaṭ -- (nm) a pitcher; the physical frame/body; nominal form of the verb घटना used as the firstmember of the compound घटबढ़ fluctuation, variation.
- घटबढ़ होना -- tofluctuate; to vary; to be slightlymore or less.
- घट घट में समाना -- topermeate each and every body/through all and sundry.
- घटक ghaṭak -- (nm) a factor, component/constituent/ingredient.
- घटती ghaṭti: -- (nf) decline; decrease; descent; diminution.
- घटना ghaṭnā: -- (nf) an incident, event; incidence, occurrence; phenomenon; (v) to happen; to be subtracted; to decrease, to lessen.
- घटना क्रम -- series of events.
- घटना चक्र -- march ofevents.
- घटना बढ़ना -- to fluctuate, tovary.
- घटनास्थल -- the site/scene of an incident/occurrence.
- घटनावली ghaṭnā:vāli: -- (nf) a series of incidents.
- घटवार ghaṭva:r -- (nm) a wharf-owner.
- घटा ghaṭa: -- (nf) a dark cloud; mass of dark clouds.
- घटा उठना -- emergenceof thick dark clouds.
- घटा धिरना/छाना -- gathering of thick dark clouds.
- घटाटोप ghaṭa:ṭop -- (nm) gathering of dense clouds in the sky; a covering used for carriage etc.
- घटाना ghaṭa:nā: -- (v) to reduce; to subtract; to deduct; to diminish; to lessen/decrease; to apply.
- घटाव ghata:w -- (nm) reduction, decrease; diminution.
- घटिका ghaṭika: -- (nf) a time-interval of 24 minutes; also called घड़ी.
- घटित ghaṭit -- (a) happened; applied.
- घटिया ghaṭiya: -- (a) inferior, of low quality or standard; cheap; shoddy; hence घटियापन (nm).
- घ/ट्ठा घटठा ghaṭṭa:, ~a: -- (nm) corn, callosity; cork, plug.
- घड़घड़ा/ना ghaṛghaṛa:nā: -- (v) to rattle; to rumble; to thunder.
- घड़घड़ाहट -- rattle; rumble; thunder.
- घ/ड़ा ghaṛa: -- (nm) a pitcher, pot.
- घड़ों पानी पड़ना -- to be flushed withshame, to suffer extreme humiliation.
- घड़ीया ghaṛiya: -- (nf) a crucible.
- घड़ीयाल ghaṛiya:l -- (nm) an alligator; a crocodile.
- घड़ी ghaṛi: -- (nf) a watch, time-piece; moment; a time interval of 24minutes.
- घड़ी घड़ी -- every moment; repeatedly, time and again.
- घड़ी भर को -- for a while.
- घड़ी में -- in a trice.
- घड़ीसाज़ -- a horologist, watch-maker.
- घड़ीसाज़ी -- horology, watch maker'swork/profession.
- घड़ीयाँ गिनना -- tocount every passing momentrestlessly; to await keenly.
- घड़ी टलना -- the appointed time to pass away; to miss the opportune moment.
- घड़ौची ghaṛāūchi: -- (nf) a pitcher-stand.
- घन ghān -- (nm) a hammer, sledge-hammer; cube; cloud; (a) dense; solid.
- घनघोर -- very dense; terrible, profound.
- घनचक्कर -- a blockhead; dolt.
- घनफल -- cube.
- घनमूल -- cube-root.
- घन की चोट -- a heavy shattering stroke, hammer stroke.
- घनघना/ना ghānghanā:nā: -- (v) to produce a deep ringing sound (as of a gong); hence घनघनाहट (nf).
- घनता ghanata: -- (nf) density; solidity; compactness.
- घनत्व ghanatv -- (nm) see घनता.
- घना ghanā: -- (a) dense, thick; intensive (as cultivation); compact.
- घनापन -- denseness; compactness.
- घनाभ ghanā:bh -- (nm) a cuboid.
- घनिष्ठ ghanishṭḥ -- (a) close; closest, most intimate.
- घनिष्ठता -- closeness; intimacy; rapport.
- घनीभूत ghanī:bhu:t -- (a) condensed; concentrated; solidified; profound.
- घप/ला ghapla: -- (nm) bungling; mess; confusion; disorder, pretty kettleof fish.
- घपलेबाज़ -- a bungler, onewho creates a mess; hence घपलेबाज़ी.
- / घपला करना -- to make hay of.
- घबड़ारा/ना ghabṛa:ra:nā: -- (v) to be nervous, to lose nerve; to benon-plussed; to get panicky.
- घबड़ारा जाना -- to be in flap; to be panicky/nervous.
- घबड़ाराहट ghabṛa:ra:haṭ -- (nf) nervousness; restlessness; panic.
- घमंड ghamāṉḍ -- (nm) conceit; vanity.
- घमंडी ghamāṉḍi: -- (a) conceited; vain.
- घमंडी का सिर नीचा -- pride goethbefore a fall.
- घमासान ghamā:sā:n -- (a) fierce.
- घमासान युद्ध/लड़ाई -- fierce fight or battle.
- घमौरी ghamāūri: -- (nf) prickly heat.
- घर ghar -- (nm) home; house, residence; apartment, room; compartment; native place, homeland; office (as तारघर, डाकघर); square or.
- घरघरा/ना gharghara:nā: -- (v) to produce a whirring sound; to snort; hence घरघराहट (nf).
- घराती ghara:ti: -- (nm) member of.
- घराना ghara:nā: -- (nm) a family, clan.
- घरु gharu: -- (a) domestic; familial; private.
- घरेलू gharelu: -- (a) domestic; private.
- घरौंदा gharāūda: -- (nm) a toy-house.
- घर्घर gharghar -- (nf) rumble; gurgle; snorting sound.
- घ/र्षण gharshāṉ -- (nm) friction; clash.
- घर्षित -- clashed; in clash, in friction.
- घलुआ ghalua: -- (nm) that which a buyer gets over and above thequantity paid for; a tip in kind toa buyer.
- घसखोदा ghaskhoda: -- (nm) a grass-cutter; petty person; ignoramus.
- घसियारा ghasiya:ra: -- (nm) a grass-cutter; hay-trusser; a inadept.
- घसीट ghasi:ṭ -- (nf) scribble; scrawl.
- घसीटना ghasi:ṭnā: -- (v) to drag; to trail; to scribble; to scrawl.
- घहराना ghehra:nā: -- (v) to thicken (as clouds); to thunder; to gurgle.
- घाई gha:i: -- (nf) the intervening space in between two fingers.
- घाघ gha:gh -- (nm and a) cunning, shrewd (person).
- घाघरा gha:ghra: -- (nm) a petticoat; skirt from waist to ankle.
- घाट gha:ṭ -- (nm) wharf, quay; berth; ferry, bank.
- घाटबंदी -- embargo.
- घाट शुल्क -- ferriage.
- घाट का पत्थर -- a publicproperty.
- घाट घाट का पानी पीना -- towander from pillar to post; togather varied experience.
- घाट लगना -- toreach ashore; to find a foothold.
- घाटा gha:ṭa: -- (nm) loss; deficit.
- घाटा-खाना -- to suffer a loss.
- घाटे का सौदा -- alosing proposition.
- घाटे का बजट -- adeficit budget.
- घाटिया gha:ṭiya: -- (nm) a Bra:hmaṉ on a bathing bank who applies sandalwood paste on bathers' foreheads.
- घाटी gha:ṭi: -- (nf) a valley; mountain pass.
- घात gha:t -- (nf) ambush, ambuscade; killing; slaughter; stroke; powerdegree.
- घात पर चढ़ना, घात में आना -- to fallinto one's clutches.
- घात मेँ फिरना -- tomark time for an ambuscade.
- घात में बैठना -- to wait for an ambuscade.
- घात में रहना -- to be upon the catch, to ambuscade; to look for atactical opportunity to strike.
- घात लगाना -- to lie in ambush.
- घातें बताना -- to play tricks; to impart lessons intrickery.
- घातक gha:tak -- (a) lethal; fatal; ruinous; (nm) a killer; murderer.
- घातांक gha:tā:ṅk -- (nm) index.
- घा/ता gha:ta: -- (nm).
- घाते में -- over and above what is paid for, free; without effort or spending; bytrickery.
- घाती gha:ti: -- (nm) a killer, assassin; slaughterer; trickster; (a) cunningand crafty.
- घान ghā:n -- (nm) a lot; quantity of oilseed, wheat, etc. ground or pressed in one lot; things cooked orfried in one lot.
- घाम ghā:m -- (nm) sunshine; heat of the sun.
- घामड़ ghā:maṛ -- (nm) an idiot, a blockhead, dullard; (a) idiotic, dull.
- घायल gha:yal -- (a) wounded, injured; hurt.
- घायल की गति घायल जाने -- its thesufferer alone who knows the pain.
- घालना gha:lnā: -- (v) to strike; to thrust; to destroy; to place; to pour(into).
- घाव gha:w -- (nm) a wound; an injury.
- घाव खाना -- to be wounded/injured, to receive an injury.
- घाव पर नमक छिड़कना -- to add insult to injury.
- घाव पुरना/भरना -- a wound to heal up.
- घाव हराहोना -- a wound to revive.
- घास gha:s -- (nf) grass.
- घास पात -- rubbish; weed and straw: worthless food.
- घासले/ट gha:sleṭ -- (nm) vegetable oil; inferior stuff; (a) trash.
- घासलेटी -- worthless; inferior, trash; cheap.
- घासलेटी साहित्य -- gutter/trash literature, cheap literature.
- घिग्घी ghigghi: -- (nf).
- घिग्घी बँधना -- to have the throat choked (out of fear oremotional upsurge); to be so stunned as to become tongue-tied.
- घिघियाना ghighiya:nā: -- (v) to grovel in the dust, to show up the teeth, to beg for mercy; to supplicate; to falter in speech (due to fearor emotional upsurge).
- घिचपिच ghichpich -- (a) crowded; clumsy; illegible; (nf) congestion:clumsiness.
- घिन ghīn -- (nf) abhorrence, odiousness; nausea.
- घिन आना -- one's gorge to rise at.
- घिनौना ghināūnā: -- (a) abominable; loathsome; odious; nauseating; hence घिनौनापन (nm).
- घिया ghiya: -- (nf) bottle gourd.
- घियाकश -- a grater.
- घिरनी ghirnī: -- (nf) a pulley.
- घिराई ghira:i: -- (nf) the act of surrounding or encircling, the act of keeping a watch on grazing cattle; the fee or charge for so doing.
- घिराव ghira:v -- (nm) gherao—the act of surrouding a person or personsin authority to press acceptance ofcertain demands.
- घिर्री ghirri: -- (nf) a sheave; pulley.
- घिसटना ghisaṭnā: -- (v) intrasitive form of the verb घसीटना (see).
- घिसट-घिसट कर मरना -- to die by inches.
- घिसघिस ghisghis -- (nf) higgling; drudgery; dull routine work; dilatoriness; dilly-dallying.
- घिसना ghisnā: -- (v) to rub; to be worn out/to wear out; to be impaired/toimpair.
- घिसा-पिटा -- hackneyed; wornout.
- घिसाई ghisa:i: -- (nf) the work of or charges paid for rubbing or smoothening; hard labour; abrasion; wear.
- घिस्सा ghissa: -- (nm) friction; a powerful hard rub (on the body); attrition; dodge.
- घी ghi: -- (nm) ghee.
- घी के चिराग़/दिए जलाना -- lit. to light up ghee lamps-to celebrate (the fulfilment ofsome cherished desire) by fanfare/merry-making/festivity.
- घी खिचड़ि/शक्कर होना -- to be hand in glovewith; to be in intimate association; to become inseparablyunited.
- घी दूध की नदी बहना -- to bevery prosperous and affluent.
- घुँघची ghūghchi: -- (nf) a small red and black seed of Abrus precatorius.
- घुँघराले ghūghra:le -- (a) curly (plural form of घुँघराला—the singularfrom is seldom used).
- घुँघरु ghūghru: -- (nm) a set of small jingling bells (worn around theankles, esp. during a dance performance).
- घुँघरु बाँधना -- to take to a dancing career; to take lessons in dancing (from a guru).
- घुंडी ghūṉḍi: -- (nf) a knob; nipple; switch; ball-shaped button of cloth.
- घुंडीदार -- knobby.
- घुइयाँ ghuīyā: -- (nf) arum—a kind of Indian vegetable.
- घुग्घू ghugghu: -- (nm) an owl; a fool, stupid fellow.
- घुटना ghuṭnā: -- (v) to be suffocated; to experience suffocation; to beclean-shaven; (nm) a knee.
- घुट-घुटकर जान देना -- to fret out one's life.
- घुटन्ना ghuṭannā: -- (nm) knickers, half-pants.
- घुटाई ghuṭa:i: -- (nf) levigation and its charges; work of and charges forlevigation; surfacing; cramming.
- घुट्टी ghuṭṭi: -- (nf) digestive medicine or tonic given, to infants.
- घुट्टी में पड़ना -- to become habituated (to) fromthe very infancy; something tobecome a part of one's nature.
- घुड़ ghuṛ -- an allomorph of घोड़ा used as the first member in compoundwords.
- घुड़चढ़ी -- a ceremonial horse-riding of the bridegroom (to thebride's house) forming a part ofthe marriage celebrations; a ceremonial horse-riding.
- घुड़दौड़ -- horse-race.
- घुड़मुहाँ -- horse-faced, one having a horse-like oblong face.
- घुड़सवार -- a horse-rider; a cavalier.
- घुड़साल -- a horse-stable.
- घुड़कना ghuṛaknā: -- (v) to brow-beat, to (administer a short and sharp) reprimand.
- घुड़की ghuṛki: -- (nf) a hollow threat; brow-beating, a sharp reprimand/rebuff; bluff.
- घुणाक्षर न्याय ghuṉā:ksharnya:y -- (nm) fortuitous and unexpected manner, happy chance.
- घुन ghūn -- (nm) a weevil, wood-worm.
- घुन लगना -- to be in the grip of canker; to suffer internal decay.
- घुनना ghunnā: -- (v) to be eaten by wood-worm, to be weevilled; to rot.
- घुन्ना ghūnnā: -- (a) perversely reticent; rancorously secretive.
- घुप्प ghupp -- (a).
- घुप्प अँधेरा -- pitch dark, total black-out.
- घुमक्कड़ ghumākkaṛ -- (a) fond of/in the habit of wandering about, roving; (nm) a rover; wanderer.
- घुमड़ना ghumaṛnā: -- (v) to gather up (as clouds or sentiments); to converge and concentrate.
- घुमरी ghumri: -- (nf) see घुमेरी.
- घुमाना ghumā:nā: -- (v) to revolve; to roll; to swirl round; to circulate; to spin; to turn; to brandish (as asword); to take round; to beguile; to give a twist.
- घुमा-फिरा कर बातकरना -- to beat about the bush.
- घुमेरी ghumēri: -- (nf) giddiness, vertigo.
- घुमेरी आना -- to feel giddy.
- घुमाव ghuma:v -- (nm) a turning; curvature; twist.
- घुमावदार -- winding, circuitous; curved.
- घुरघुराना ghurghura:nā: -- (v) to produce a snorting sound; hence घुरघुर and घुरघुराहट (nf).
- घुलनशील ghulānshi:l -- (a) soluble.
- घुलनशीलता -- solubility.
- घुल/ना ghulnā: -- (v) to be dissolved; to be liquefied; to be mixed; to languish; to suffer decadence or towaste away; to become lean andthin.
- घुल घुलकर काँटा होना -- to be reduced to a skeleton.
- घुल-घुलकर जान देना/मरना -- to fret out one'slife, to eat one's heart out; towaste oneself away to death.
- घुल-घुलकर बातें करना -- to have a tete-tete, to have a flow of soul.
- घुसना ghusnā: -- (v) to enter; to pierce; to penetrate; to thrust into; tointrude.
- घुसपैठ ghuspaiṭḥ -- (nf) intrusion; infiltration; access.
- घुसपैठिया -- an intruder; infiltrator.
- घुसपैठ करना -- to intrude; to infiltrate.
- घुसेड़ना ghuseṛnā: -- (v) to thrust into; to pierce; to penetrate.
- घूँघट ghū:ghaṭ -- (nm) face-veil; veil.
- घूँघट उलटना -- to unveil; to remove the veil.
- घूँघट करना/काढ़ना/निकालना -- to veil, to have a veil on.
- घूँघर ghū:ghar -- (nm) curl (of hair).
- घूँघरवाले -- curly.
- घूँट ghū:ṭ -- (nm) a draught, gulp, sip.
- घूमना ghu:mnā: -- (v) to take a walk, to stroll; to wander; to gyrate; torevolve; to whirl; to turn; toreturn; to roll; to spin; to waggle; to swim (as head).
- घूम-फिर कर वहीं पहुँचना -- to come full circle.
- घूरना ghu:rnā: -- (v) to stare (at); to gloat; to frown (at).
- घूरा ghu:ra: -- (nm) midden, heap of refuse/sweepings.
- घूरे के भी दिनफिरते हैं -- every dog has his day.
- घूर्ण ghu:rṉ -- (nm) moments; rotation.
- घूर्णन ghu:rṉān -- (nm) rotation.
- घुर्णित -- rotated.
- घूस ghu:s -- (nf) bribe, illegal gratification; a bandicoot rat.
- घूसख़ोर -- bribee.
- घूसख़ोरी -- bribery.
- घूस खाना -- toaccept bribe.
- घूस देना -- to bribe.
- घृणा ghriṉā: -- (nf) hatred, scorn, abhorrence; loathing.
- घृणास्पद ghriṉā:spad -- (a) hateful, abhorrent; loathsome, despicable.
- घृणित ghriṉit -- (a) abominable; abhorred, heinous.
- घृण्य ghriṉṉy -- (a) see घृणास्पद.
- घृत ghrit -- (nm) ghee.
- घेंटी ghēṭi: -- (nf) an unripe pod (of grain etc.).
- घेर gher -- (nm) circumference.
- घेर घार -- hemming in; encirclement.
- घेरदार -- skirted; loose; having a widecircumference.
- घेरना ghernā: -- (v) to besiege; to encircle; to hem in; to blockade; to confine.
- घेरा ghera: -- (nm) a siege; an encirclement, enclosure, cordon; fence; skirt; girth; circumference; rim.
- घेरा डालना -- to besiege, to surround.
- घेराबंदी -- encirclement; siege; blockade.
- घोंघा ghōgha: -- (nm) shell; snail; couch; oyster.
- घोंघाबसंत -- an idiot, anincompoop.
- घोंटना ghōṭnā: -- (v) see घोटना.
- घोंपना ghōpnā: -- (v) to pierce, to penetrate.
- घोंसला ghōsla: -- (nm) a nest.
- घोखना ghokhnā: -- (v) to cram up, to commit to memory.
- घोटना ghoṭnā: -- (v) to cram up, to commit to memory; to levigate; tochoke; to strangle (e.g. गला घोटना); to smoothen; to shave.
- घोटा ghoṭa: -- (nm).
- घोटा लगाना -- to cram up; to levigate thoroughly.
- घोटाला ghoṭa:la -- (nm) bungling; confusion, mess; disorder.
- घोटू ghoṭu: -- (nm) a crammer, an adept in the art of cramming up.
- घोड़ा ghoṛa: -- (nm) a horse; hammer of a gun.
- घोड़ागाड़ी -- a horse-carriage.
- घोड़ा कसना -- to saddle a horse.
- घोड़ा चढ़ाना -- to cock a gun.
- घोड़ा पालूँ और पैदल चलूँ -- what! keep a dog and bark myself.
- घोड़ा फेरना/सधाना -- to break a horse(to the rein).
- घोड़ा बेचकर सोना -- to gointo a deep carefree sleep.
- घोड़ी ghoṛi: -- (nf) a mare; high wooden stand.
- घोड़ी चढ़ना -- see घुड़(घोड़ीचड़ी).
- घोर ghor -- (a) awful; formidable; terrible; dense, thick; deep; sharp.
- घोल ghol -- (nm) a solution; myrrh.
- घोलना gholnā: -- (v) to dissolve; to mix.
- घोलना घोलकर भी जाना -- to assimilate.
- घोष ghosh -- (v) voiced; (nm) sound; voiced sound; a habitation.
- घोषणा ghoshṉa: -- (nf) a declaration, proclamation.
- घोषित ghoshit -- (a) declared, proclaimed.
- घोसी ghosi: -- (nm) a milkman.
- ङ ṅa -- the fifth (and nasal) consonant and the ultimate member of the first pentad (i.e. कवर्ग) of theDevna:gri alphabet. No word inuse in Sanskrit or Hindi beginswith this letter. It is usually foundas a first member of a conjunctconsonant preceded by a vowelbut in reformed Devana:gri: script, it has been replaced by a doteven in such cases (as गंगा, and not गन्ङा, is the correct accepted form).