"इस मॉड्यूल हेतु प्रलेख मॉड्यूल:category tree/topic cat/data/लोग/doc पर बनाया जा सकता है"

local labels = {}

labels["लोग"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"मानव"},

labels["आर्मीनियाई वासीनाम"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} शब्द जो आर्मीनियाई [[वासीनाम|वासीनामों]] से संबंधित हैं, जैसे कि, [[वासीनाम]] जो [[आर्मीनिया]] में स्थानों से, साथ ही विदेश में बसे आर्मीनियाई प्रवासी समुदायों से संबंधित हैं।",
	parents = {"वासीनाम", "आर्मीनिया"},

labels["कलाकार"] = {
	description = "[[कलाकार|कलाकारों]] के लिए {{{langname}}} शब्द।",
	parents = {"उपजीविकाएँ", "कला", "list of sets"},

labels["athletes"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} शब्द जो [[athlete]]s से संबंधित हैं।",
	parents = {"उपजीविकाएँ", "athletics"},

labels["लेखक"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"लोग", "साहित्य"},

labels["बराक ओबामा"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} शब्द जो [[w:बराक ओबामा|बराक ओबामा]], २००९ से २०१६ तक [[संयुक्त राज्य]] के [[राष्ट्रपति]], से संबंधित हैं।",
	parents = {"राजनीति", "संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका"},

labels["शिशु"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} शब्द जो [[शिशु]]ओं से संबंधित हैं।",
	parents = {"बच्चे"},

labels["बच्चे"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} शब्द जो [[बच्चा|बच्चों]] से संबंधित हैं।",
	parents = {"लोग"},

labels["वासीनाम"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} [[वासीनाम]], किसी विशेष स्थान के एक निवासी के नाम।",
	parents = {"लोग", "नाम", "list of sets"},

labels["डॉनल्ड ट्रम्प"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} शब्द जो [[w:डॉनल्ड ट्रम्प|डॉनल्ड ट्रम्प]], २००९ से वर्तमान तक [[संयुक्त राज्य]] के [[राष्ट्रपति]], से संबंधित हैं।",
	parents = {"राजनीति", "संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका"},

labels["E. E. Smith"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms and phrases coined by [[w:E. E. Smith|E. E. Smith]], or otherwise derived from or related to his works.",
	parents = {"लेखक", "अमेरिकी कपोलकल्पना", "वैज्ञानिक कपोलकल्पना", "साहित्य"},

labels["ethnicity"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"लोग"},

labels["ethnonyms"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} [[ethnonym]]s, names for ethnic groups.",
	parents = {"लोग", "नाम", "list of sets"},

labels["परिवार"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"मानव"},

labels["परिवार सदस्य"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} शब्द [[परिवार]] के सदस्यों के लिए, जैसे [[संबंधी]], [[in-law]]s, [[stepfamily]] इत्यादि।",
	parents = {"लोग", "परिवार", "list of sets"},

labels["प्रशंसक"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[fan]]s of specific things, such as books, television series, movies, musical artists, etc.",
	parents = {"लोग", "fandom"},

labels["George W. Bush"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms related to [[w:George W. Bush|George W. Bush]], [[president]] of the [[United States]] from 2001 to 2009.",
	parents = {"politics", "United States of America"},

labels["heads of state"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[head of state|heads of state]].",
	parents = {"occupations", "government", "list of sets"},

labels["healthcare occupations"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[healthcare]] [[occupation]]s.",
	parents = {"occupations", "healthcare", "list of sets"},

labels["individuals"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} names of [[individual]]s.",
	parents = {"people", "list of sets"},

labels["Isaac Asimov"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms and phrases coined by [[w:Isaac Asimov|Isaac Asimov]], or otherwise derived from or related to his works.",
	parents = {"authors", "American fiction", "science fiction", "literature"},

labels["J. R. R. Tolkien"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms related to author [[w:J. R. R. Tolkien|J. R. R. Tolkien]] and his works.",
	parents = {"authors", "British fiction", "fantasy", "literature"},

labels["Latvian demonyms"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms related to Latvian [[demonym]]s, i.e., [[demonym]]s relating to places in [[Latvia]].",
	parents = {"demonyms", "Latvia"},

labels["Lewis Carroll"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms and phrases coined by [[w:Lewis Carroll|Lewis Carroll]], or otherwise derived from his works.",
	parents = {"authors", "British fiction", "fantasy", "literature"},

labels["military ranks"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[rank]]s of the [[military]].",
	parents = {"occupations", "military", "list of sets"},

labels["musicians"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms for various kinds of [[musician]]s.",
	parents = {"occupations", "music", "list of sets"},

labels["nationalities"] = {
	description = "default-set",
	parents = {"demonyms", "people", "list of sets"},

labels["nobility"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"people"},

labels["occupations"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[occupation]]s, in the sense of \"a job\".",
	parents = {"people", "list of sets"},

labels["parents"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"परिवार"},

labels["scientists"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} शब्द [[वैज्ञानिक|वैज्ञानिकों]] के लिए",
	parents = {"occupations", "विज्ञान", "list of sets"},

labels["titles"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} शब्द जो [[title]]s से संबंधित हैं।",
	parents = {"लोग"},

labels["tribes"] = {
	description = "default",
	parents = {"demonyms", "लोग"},

labels["William Shakespeare"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} शब्द जो ब्रिटिश लेखक विलियम शेक्सपियर या उनकी कृतियों से संबंधित हैं",
	parents = {"लेखक"},

return labels